PHP gives upload picture plus watermark

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

/ ************************************************** **********

********* Watermark start ********************************************* ****

****** 冲星 200 in 2004/10/04 *** Cold Spring *****************************

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**** Add the watermark function to the upload picture, ********************************

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$ uPtypes = array ('image / jpg', 'image / jpeg', 'image / pjpeg', 'image / gif'); // Upload Image File Type List

$ wfile = "a.jpg"; // get the file path

$ WaterImg = "HQ.gif"; // Watermark Image Path

IF (In_Array ($ WFILE ['Type'], $ UPTYPES))

{// Check file type, if the uploaded file is a JPG or GIF picture, add watermark

IF (STRSTR ($ wfile ['type'], "jp")) {// If the upload picture type is JPG, PJPEG, JPEG, read the target file with ImageCreateFromJPEG

$ IM = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($ wfile);

$ wfilew = Imagesx ($ IM); // get the width of the picture

$ wfileh = imagesy ($ IM); // Get the highlight

} else {/ / Otherwise, if the image type is GIF, read the target file with ImageCreateFromGIF

$ IM = ImageCreateFromGIF ($ wfile);

$ wfilew = Imagesx ($ IM); // get the width of the picture

$ wfileh = imagesy ($ IM); // Get the highlight


/ / Set a mixed mode

ImageAlphablending ($ IM, TRUE);

// read watermark files

$ IM2 = ImageCreateFromgif ($ WaterIMG); // If the watermark picture is JPG, you can change it to $ IM2 = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($ WaterIMG)

$ Waterw = Imagesx ($ IM2); // Get the width of the watermark picture

$ Waterh = imagesy ($ IM2); // Get the high watermark picture

// randomly put water in the picture

$ randval = rand (0, 9); // Generate random number between 0-9

IF ($ randval == 0 || $ randval == 3 || $ randval == 2 || $ randval == 8 || $ randval == 7) {// This is also possible to improve more

$ WIMGX = 5; $ WIMGY = 5; // Put the upper corner

} else {

$ WIMGX = $ WFILEW-5- $ Waterw; $ WIMGY = $ WFILEH-5- $ Waterh; // Put the upper right corner


/ / Copy watermark to the target file

ImageCopy ($ IM, $ IM2, $ WIMGX, $ WIMGY, 0, 0, $ Waterw, $ Waterh);

// Output picture

IF (STRSTR ($ wfile ['type'], "jp")) {//

ImageJpeg ($ IM, $ WFILE);

} else {

Imagegif ($ IM, $ WFILE);


Imagedestroy ($ IM); ImageDestroy ($ IM2);


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********* Watermark end ********************************************* *****

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