xiaoxiao2021-03-06  58

l Polymorphism

Class a {

2. INT x = 1;

3. INT Y = 2;

4. INT f () {returnx x;}

5. static char sf () {return 'a';}


7. Class B Extend A {

8. INT x = 3; // shadowing

9. INT Z = 4;

10. INT f () {Return X;} // Overriding

11. static char sf () {Return 'b';} // shadowing

12. INT g () {INT x = 1; return (x this.x);}


14. Class z extend a {}

15. Public class scjp {

16. Pubilc Static void Main (String [] args) {

17. a a = new b ();

18. B b = new b ();

19. B bb = new z (); // error

20. System.out.println (A.F ()); // 3

21. System.out.Println (A.G ()); // Error

22. System.out.println (A.Z); // error

23. System.out.println (A.X); // 1

24. System.out.println (a.y); // 2

25. System.out.println (A.SF ()); // 'a'

26. System.out.Println (B.X); // 3

27. System.out.println (b.sf ()); // 'b' 28.}}


● Means SuperClass's Reference Var can refer to all Subclass's Instance. (Refers to Reference Variable is not Object, as long as it is subtype)

● As 17th line. The 19th journey will generate Compile Error, because Class Z is not Class B's SUBCLASS

Method Invocation

● Virtual Mehhod Invocation is built on Method Overriding and Polymorphic Assignment.

● As 20 lines. Chapter 17 declares a Reference Var "A" of Class A and REFER TO SUBCLASS B.

Compile-Time and Run-Time Type

● Compile-time Type is the Type of Reference Var, and run-time Type is the type of object.

● Chapter 17, compile-time, A is a type, and the Runt-Time is a B Type.

● Chapter 21 Compile Err Since A is A TYPE, it is necessary to transform ((b) a) .g () can be executed.

Overriding and shadowing

● Instance Method can only be overridden, while Class Method and Field can only be shadowed.

● Overriding Instance Method has a so-called Compile Time Type and Run Time Type.

● Shadowing Class Method / Field will always have a type of Type, which is the reference var of Type. ● Chapter 23 lines X and 25 rows sf () are shadowing. Want to see the Reference Var Type (a).

● It is best to change the standard call mode B.SF ().

From: [Garfield's SCJP Read Note]


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