RSTP protocol

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55

.781 Statsmask: 3.781 Describe RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB RTSP / 1.0.781 CSEQ: 2.781 Accept: Application / SDP.781 Session: 28676-1.781 Bandwidth: 10485800

: 16.015 Set_Parameter * RTSP / 1.0: 16.015 CSEQ: 1: 16.015 Alert: 0; Server Has Reached Its Capacity and Can Serve No more streams. Please try.

: 16.015 Waiting for 5 seconds after retry: 21.031 is connected connected

: 23.359 OPTIONS rtsp: // 554 RTSP / 1.0: 23.359 CSeq: 1: 23.359 User-Agent: RealMedia Player (HelixDNAClient) / (win32): 23.359 ClientChallenge: e5024d95abfd0681ff302508d23d89c6: 23.359 PlayerStarttime: [05 / 10/2004: 10: 31: 23 08:00]: 23.359 CompanyID: Q1VOHMCTDRC6AN4JBJDEKW ==: 23.359 Pragma: Initiate-session

: 23.812 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 23.812 CSEQ: 1: 23.812 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:41 Gmt: 23.812 Session: 28839-1: 23.812 Server: RealServer Version (Win32): 23.812 public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE, PLAY, SETUP, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER, TEARDOWN: 23.812 RealChallenge1: 8b7bffa3d9b8ebc0bcc94b3032a098bb: 23.812 StatsMask: 3: 23.812 DESCRIBE rtsp: // 554 / datang42.rmvb RTSP / 1.0: 23.812 CSeq: 2: 23.812 ACCEPT: Application / SDP: 23.812 Session: 28839-1: 23.812 Bandwidth: 10485800

: 25.093 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 25.093 CSeq: 2: 25.093 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:42 GMT: 25.093 vsrc: Last-Modified: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 02:23:00 Gmt: 25.093 Content-Base: RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB /: 25.093 ETAG: 28839-1: 25.093 Session: 28839-1: 25.093 Content-Type: Application / SDP: 25.093 Content-Length: 2225

: 25.453 Media Time 00: 39: 14.305; Bitrate 1200000; Average Bit Rate 427741: 25.453 Setup RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / StreamID = 0 rtsp / 1.0: 25.453 CSeq: 3: 25.453 RealChallenge2: 7a9a8442a7afb08cb30b544d0bf7097801d0a8e3, sd = 78abb500: 25.453 RDTFeatureLevel: 3: 25.453 Transport: x-pn-tng / tcp; mode = play: 25.453 If-Match: 28839-1: 25.796 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 25.796 CSeq: 3: 25.796 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:43 GMT: 25.796 Session: 28839-1: 25.796 Reconnect: true: 25.796 RealChallenge3: 9f17d00e7489e870c1f8273d3c02b01d4f213d09, sdr = 9d7ec23b: 25.796 RDTFeatureLevel: 2: 25.796 Transport: x- PN-TNG / TCP; INTERLEVED = 0: 25.796 This site supports breakpoints: 25.796 setup RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 1 RTSP / 1.0: 25.796 CSEQ: 4: 25.796 RDTFeaRevel: 3: 25.796 Transport: X-PN-TNG / TCP; MODE = Play: 25.796 Session: 28839-1

: 26.046 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 26.046 CSEQ: 4: 26.046 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:43 Gmt: 26.046 Session: 28839-1: 26.046 RdtfeatureLevel: 2: 26.046 Transport: X-PN-TNG / TCP INTERLEVED = 1: 26.046 Set_Parameter RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB RTSP / 1.0: 26.046 CSEQ: 5: 26.046 Subscribe: stream = 0; rule = 0, stream = 0; rule = 1, stream = 1; rule = 0, stream = 1; rule = 1: 26.046 session: 28839-1: 26.046 Play RTSP: //// 554 / datang42.rmvb RTSP / 1.0: 26.046 CSEQ: 6: 26.046 session: 28839- 1: 26.046 Range: NPT = 1629.139-2354.305

: 26.375 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 26.375 CSEQ: 5: 26.375 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:44 GMT: 26.375 Session: 28839-1: 26.375 Beginning: 26.765 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 26.765 CSEQ: 6: 26.765 date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:33:44 GMT: 26.765 RTP-INFO: URL = RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 0; SEQ = 0; RTPTIME = 0, URL = RTSP: /// 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 1; SEQ = 0; RTPTIME = 0: 48.765 set_Parameter * RTSP / 1.0: 48.765 CSEQ: 1: 48.765 PING: PONG: 48.765 Set_Parameter * RTSP / 1.0: 48.765 CSEQ: 1: 48.765 PING: PONG: 49.078 RTSP / 1.0 451 Parameter Not Understood: 49.078 CSEQ: 1: 49.078 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:06 GMT

: 33: 07.062 Finish AT 00: 28: 17: 33: 07.062 is connected

: 33: 11.156 connected: 33: 11.156 options RTSP: // 554 RTSP / 1.0: 33: 11.156 CSEQ: 1: 33: 11.156 User-agent: realmedia player (helixdnaclient) / (Win32) : 33: 11.156 ClientChallenge: 899d56e18ac1c7064e24c7ae7cc9ab44: 33: 11.156 PlayerStarttime: [05/10/2004: 10: 33: 11 08:00]: 33: 11.156 CompanyID: eioSGfMLb7X5xtvVWH397g ==: 33: 11.156 Pragma: initiate-session

: 33: 11.500 RTSP / 1.0 200 CSEQ: 1: 33: 11.500 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:29 GMT: 33: 11.500 Session: 31019-1: 33: 11.500 Server: RealserVer Version (win32): 33: 11.500 Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE, PLAY, SETUP, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER, TEARDOWN: 33: 11.500 RealChallenge1: 4034a0206d654e196fa27c71e31a54c2: 33: 11.500 StatsMask: 3: 33: 11.500 DESCRIBE rtsp: // RTSP / 1.0: 33: 11.500 CSEQ: 2: 33: 11.500 ACCEPT: Application / SDP: 33: 11.500 Session: 31019-1: 33: 11.500 Bandwidth: 10485800

: 33: 11.828 Set_Parameter * RTSP / 1.0: 33: 11.828 CSEQ: 1: 33: 11.828 Alert: 0; Server Has Reached Its Capacity and Can Serve No more streams. Please try latter .: 33:11.828 Waiting for 5 seconds after weight Test: 33: 16.843 is connected

: 33: 26.734 connected: 33: 26.734 Options RTSP: // 554 RTSP / 1.0: 33: 26.734 CSEQ: 1: 33: 26.734 User-agent: realmedia player (helixdnaclient) / (Win32) : 33: 26.734 ClientChallenge: dcf135d4c802034c36dd845678a55437: 33: 26.734 PlayerStarttime: [05/10/2004: 10: 33: 26 08:00]: 33: 26.734 CompanyID: 86O506vtYeiah3iS9CnwHQ ==: 33: 26.734 Pragma: initiate-session

: 33: 26.937 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 33: 26.937 CSEQ: 1: 33: 26.937 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:44 Gmt: 33: 26.937 Session: 31389-1: 33: 26.937 Server: RealServer Version (win32): 33: 26.937 Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, ANNOUNCE, PLAY, SETUP, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER, TEARDOWN: 33: 26.937 RealChallenge1: b56c085d26526a68ab72e236ab09e6c7: 33: 26.937 StatsMask: 3: 33: 26.937 DESCRIBE rtsp: // RTSP / 1.0: 33: 26.937 CSEQ: 2: 33: 26.937 Accept: Application / SDP: 33: 26.937 Session: 31389-1: 33: 26.937 Bandwidth: 10485800

: 33: 27.359 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 33: 27.359 CSEQ: 2: 33: 27.359 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:45 gmt: 33: 27.359 vsrc: /template.html?nuyhtguykfz6mifj4e7rkCa73emz5h000000auxy7e000000000000acf00077ghEf000000:33:27.359 Last-Modified: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 02:23:00 GMT: 33: 27.359 Content-base: rtsp: // 554 / datang42.rmvb /: 33: 27.359 ETAG: 31389-1: 33: 27.359 Session: 31389-1: 33: 27.359 Content-Type: Application / SDP: 33: 27.359 Content-Length: 2212

: 33: 27.609 Media Time 00: 39: 14.305; Maximum Bitrate 1200000; Average Bit Rate 427741: 33: 27.609 Setup RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 0 RTSP /1.0:33:27.609 CSeq: 3: 33: 27.609 RealChallenge2: c57069ab740f09d2ce3acb44000868ee01d0a8e3, sd = c670cc06: 33: 27.609 RDTFeatureLevel: 3: 33: 27.609 Transport: x-pn-tng / tcp; mode = play: 33: 27.609 If- Match: 31389-1: 33: 27.718 RTSP / 1.0 200 ok: 33: 27.718 CSEQ: 3: 33: 27.718 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:45 Gmt: 33: 27.718 Session: 31389-1: 33: 27.718 Reconnect: true: 33: 27.718 RealChallenge3: c3e8de79984226ee43d2bb6bbcaef51e4f213d09, sdr = cd924bbf: 33: 27.718 RDTFeatureLevel: 2: 33: 27.718 Transport: x-pn-tng / tcp; interleaved = 0: 33: 27.718 that support HTTP site : 33: 27.718 Setup RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 1 RTSP / 1.0: 33: 27.718 CSEQ: 4: 33: 27.718 RdtfeatureLevel: 3: 33: 27.718 Transport: X-PN-TNG /TCP;mode=play:33:27.718 session: 31389-1

: 33: 27.875 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 33: 27.875 CSEQ: 4: 33: 27.875 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:45 SESSION: 33: 27.875 Session: 31389-1: 33: 27.875 RDTFeaRevel: 2: 33: 27.875 Transport: X-PN-TNG / TCP; INTERLEVED = 1: 33: 27.875 Set_Parameter RTSP: // 554 / DATANG42.RMVB RTSP / 1.0: 33: 27.875 CSEQ: 5: 33: 27.875 Subscribe: Stream = 0; rule = 0, stream = 0; rule = 1, stream = 1; rule = 0, stream = 1; rule = 1: 33: 27.875 Session: 31389-1: 33: 27.875 Play RTSP: ///211.158 . 17.59: 554 / DATANG42.RMVB RTSP / 1.0: 33: 27.875 CSEQ: 6: 33: 27.875 Session: 31389-1: 33: 27.875 Range: NPT = 1731.696-2354.305

: 33: 28.062 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 33: 28.062 CSEQ: 5: 33: 28.062 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:45 Gmt: 33: 28.062 Session: 31389-1: 33: 28.062 Receive data

: 33: 28.281 RTSP / 1.0 200 OK: 33: 28.281 CSeq: 6: 33: 28.281 Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 02:35:45 GMT: 33: 28.281 RTP-Info: url = rtsp: // : 554 / datang42.rmvb / streamid = 0; SEQ = 0; RTPTIME = 0, URL = RTSP: ///// 554 / DATANG42.RMVB / streamid = 1; SEQ = 0; RTPTIME = 0: 30.781 Finish At 00: 29: 25: 30.781 Close


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