Tuning WebLogic JRockit JVM is accomplished by using non-standard-or -X-command line options that you enter at startup. -X options are exclusive to WebLogic JRockit JVM.1. Setting Heap Size Parameters -Xms sets the initial size of the heap . For this, we recommend that you set it to the same size as the maximum heap size-Xmx sets the maximum size of the heap. On IA32 the maximum possible heap size is about 1.8 GB (which is the largest contiguous address space the O / S will give a process) Usually set maximum heap size no more than 75% of the available physical memoryNote:. to avoid fragmentation or paging, you should override the default and manually set -Xmx to 75% of the available physical memory, up to 1.8 GB.-Xns sets the size of the young generation (nursery) in generational concurrent and generational copying garbage collectors (these are the only collectors that use nurseries) .Note: The maximum size of a nursery may not exceed 25% of the Total Heap Size if you're using gencon and . 15% of the total heap size if you're using gencopy 2. Defining When a Memory Space will be Cleared -Xcleartype defines when the memory space occupied by an object that has been garbage collected will be cleared.-Xcleartype: