Linux system command (system settings)

zhaozj2021-02-16  127

Linux System Manager Configure

Linux system command (system settings)

Time: 2004/07/30 Source: Unknown

Linux System Command (System Settings) APMD (Advanced Power Management Bios Daemon) Function Description: Advanced Power Management Server. Method: APMD [-U vw] [- P ] [- W ] Supplementary description: APMD is responsible for BIOS Advanced Power Management (APM) Related Record, Warning and Management Work. Parameters: -p Or --percentage When the power change is exceeded the percent change amount, that is, the preset value of the percentage of the record event is 5. If the setting value exceeds 100, Turn this feature. -U or --UTC Set the BIOS clock to UTC to turn the -u parameter to the Clock or HWClock program when recovering from the suspension mode. -V or --verbose records all APM events. -V or --Version displays version information. -W or --WARN When the battery is not charged, the battery level is lower than the percentage value of the set, the warning information is recorded at Syslog (2). The predetermined predetermined value is 10. If set to 0, turn off this feature. -W or --wall issues a warning message to everyone. ---------------------------------------- Alias ​​function description: Set the alias of the instruction. Syndrome: Alias ​​[Alias] = [Instruction Name] Supplementary Description: Users can take advantage of Alias ​​and custom instructions. If you only enter Alias, you can list all the alias settings. The effectiveness of Alias ​​is only the operation of the login. To automate alias each time you log in, you can set an alias of the instruction in .profile or .cshrc. Parameters: If you do not add any parameters, list all the alias settings. ------------------------------------ AUMIX (Audio Mixer) Function Description: Set the sound device. Solution: AUMIX [-123bcilmoprstvwwx] [( /-) intensity] [PQR] [- DFHILQS] Supplementary Description: Set the signal strength of each sound device and specify the device that is played and recorded. Parameters: [-123bcilmoprstvwwx] is a channel parameter, used to specify the channel of the device; [PQR] can be used to specify the play or recording device; [- DFHILQS] is an instruction parameter. If you do not add any parameters, Aumix displays a simple graphical interface for adjustment setting channel parameters: -1 input signal line 1. -2 Input signal line 2. -3 Enter the signal line 3. -B bass. -C CD. -I input signal strength. -M microphone. -O output signal strength. -P pc speaker. -R recording. -S synthesizer. -T treble. -V main volume. -W pcm. -W pcm2. -X Mixer. ( /-) When the strength occurs ( /-), the representative addresses the specified value in the original intensity. If it is not used ( /-), the intensity is directly set to the specified value. Specifies the sound device P to specify the playback device. Q Display channel settings. R Specify the recording device. The command parameter -D specifies the name of the sound device. -F Specifies the file stored or loaded. -H Displays information when used. -I performs AUMIX in a graphical interface. -L Load settings from $ HOME / .AUMIXRC or / ETC / AUMIXRC. -Q Displays the settings of all channels. -S Save the setting value to /Home/.aumixrc.

-------------------------------------------- CRONTAB function description: Set the timer. Syntax: crontab [-u ] [configuration file] or crontab [-U ] [- ELR] Supplementary description: cron is a resident service that provides a timer's function, allowing users to be specific Time to perform preset instructions or procedures. You can use the timer's functionality as long as the user edits the timer's configuration file. Its configuration file format is as follows: Minute Hour Day Month Dayofweek Command parameter: -e Edits the user's timer settings. -L lists the timer settings of the user. -R Delete the user's timer settings. -U Specifies the user name to set the timer. -------------------------------------------- CLOCK function description: Adjust RTC time. Syntax: Clock [--Adjust] [- Debug] [- Directisa] [- getepoch] [- hctosys] [- set --date = ""] [- STEPOCH --EPOCH = <>] [- show] [- SYSTOHC] [- TEST] [- UTC] [- Version] Supplementary Description: RTC is the hardware time built in the computer, and the execution of this instruction can display the current moment, Adjust the hardware clock time, set the system time to the hardware clock, or return the system time to the hardware clock. Measure: --Adjust first uses the "--set" or "--systohc" parameter to set the hardware clock, which will generate a file namedjtime in the / etc directory. When the hardware clock is used again, this file will record the difference between two adjustments. When the CLOCK instruction is executed, the program will automatically calculate the average according to the numerical differences in the record file. Value, automatically adjust the time of the hardware clock. --Debug details the instruction execution process, which is easy to troubleshoot or understand the case execution. --Directisa tells the CLOCK instruction to access the hardware clock directly through the / dev / RTC device file. This parameter applies to an old-fashioned computer with only ISA bus structure. --GtePoch presented the new time of the hardware clock in the system in the core to the standard output device. --HCTOSYS Hardware Clock To System Time, consistent with the system time and hardware clock. Since this action will cause the system to update the access time of the file, it is best to execute it when the system is started. --Set - Date Sets the date and time of the hardware clock. - SETEPOCH - EPOCH = Part> Set the new era value of the hardware clock of the system, indicated by four tree characters. - SHOW reads the time of the hardware clock and presents it to the standard output device. - Systohc System Time To Hardware Clock stores the system time back to the hardware clock. --Test only tests, does not really write time to hardware clock or system time. - repel the time of the hardware clock, sometimes referred to as UTC or UCT. --Version displays version information. ----------------------------------------------- Chroot (CHANGE ROOT) Function Description: Change the root directory.

Syndrome: chroot [--help] [- version] [Directory] [Execution Directory]] Supplementary Description: Replace the root directory to the specified destination directory. Parameters: - Help online help. --Version displays version information. ----------------------------------------- CHKCONFIG (Check config) function description : Check the various services of the system. Syntax: chkconfig [--add] [- del] [- list] [system service] or chkconfig [--level ] [system service] [on / off / reset] supplementary description: This is Red HAT follows the procedures developed by the GPL rule, which can query which system services that the operating system will perform in each execution level, including all kinds of resident services. The parameter: --Add adds the specified system service, allowing the ChkConfig instruction to manage it and add relevant data at the same time within the narrative file launched in the system. --Del deletes the specified system service, no longer manages the CHKCONFIG instruction, and deletes related data in the system started. --Level Specifies which execution level of the read system service is on or off ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Bind function description: Display or set the keyboard button with its related features. Syntax: bind [-dlv] [- f


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