Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Super Management Manual (7)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  82

7. Install Microsoft SQL Server

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Old upgrade

User installation

Summary of this chapter

In Chapter 4th and 5, we have learned the installation pre-homework, and the sixth chapters to correctly plan system space. Now we will officially install Microsoft SQL Server 2000. This chapter will teach you how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the old version upgrade and install the user.

There are three ways to install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to install Microsoft SQL Server, and you can perform local (local), remote-only, or automatic installation. Local installation will install SQL Server on the machine you are using. The remote installation is installed in another computer on the Internet. Automatic installation is to respond to all prompts to install SQL Server in advance, and automatically read back in the process during the installation process. This chapter will detail the installer of three options. If this is the first time you install SQL Server, it is recommended that you are familiar with the installer through the local installation. Confmission of the following steps for the following steps to install your SQL server on the host:

Put the SQL Server CD into the disc machine. If the system is set to start the disc, the dialog box as shown in Figure 7-1 will be displayed. If your computer does not automatically start the installation setting, you need to manually execute the autorun.exe (located in the root directory of the disc).

Figure 7-1 SQL Server installation dialog

Now there are two options on the left of the dialogue, you can select the installation of SQL Server 2000 to continue installation. Or the necessary installation of SQL Server 2000, please refer to the software version or device that needs to be installed in advance before installation. If you choose to continue installation, skip to step 4. If you choose to install SQL Server 2000, select the job system option you want to refer during this dialogue, then select the software you want to install. If your computer already loads all applicable software, jump directly to step 3.

Note If you need to install Microsoft Internet Explorer, Service Pack, or Microsoft Windows NT 4, you may be asked to reboot and perform autorun.exe to continue to install SQL Server. When you install all the required software, choose the previous step to return to the main installation screen to continue the installation step.

Select the installation element of SQL Server 2000 to continue installation. You will see the dialog box as shown in Figure 7-2 after you continue to install. Select the installation library server to install the main components of SQL Sever. Now you will see the SQL Server 2000 installation wizard's dialogue. If your computer is now in implementing other programs, you must need to close these programs. Continue the installation step by step. It will now see the computer name conversation block. After selecting the computer, press step to continue the installation step. Now you will see the dialog box for the SQL Server 2000 installation. Select Select a newly executed individual or install the user-end tool after installing the user-end tool to press the step.

Figure 7-2 "Installation Selection" dialog

Now you will see the user information dialogue. Confirm your name and company name. Continue the installation step by step. It will now see the software license contract dialogue. The choice is to accept the authorization consent. Continue the installation step. You will see a dialog that requires a product identification code. Enter the product identification code of 25 yuan (yellow label on the disc cartridge). Continue the installation step by step. It is now seen that the installation definition dialog is now. After selecting the server and the client tool, press step to continue the installation step. It is now a dialog that executes the individual name. You can enter the name you want, or use the SQL Server preset name. Continue the installation step by step. Now you will see a dialog box as shown in Figure 7-3. You can choose typical installation, minimum installation, or self-order installation. Typical installations Select the two options that do not install the development tools and the full text. Self-order installation allows you to choose the option to install. The minimum installation does not install the three options for upgrade tools, online support and management tools. Both the general user choose a typical installation, so we choose a typical installation as our installation exercise. Here you can select the location where you want to place the SQL Server and the data file. In the destination folder, you can select the browse to specify the order, and then press the step to continue the installation step. Figure 7-3 "Installation Type" dialogue block

Now you see the dialogue of the service account (Figure 7-4). You can choose the user account of Windows NT or Windows 2000, or an administrator account. Regardless of which account needs to have the LOG ON AS A Service permission. If you are not sure how to set these user accounts, ask your system administrator or refer to the description of Windows NT, Windows 2000. Enter your SQL Server account name and password correctly. If you are installing your SQL Server in a standalone workstation, choose to use the native system account. Then press the next step to continue the installation step.

Figure 7-4 "Service Account" dialogue block

Then it is the authentication mode dialog (as shown in Figure 7-5). This step determines the level of SQL Server security. You can choose Windows authentication mode or hybrid mode. If you select a Windows authentication mode, all users' permissions will follow the security settings of Windows users. If you choose a mixed mode, you can separate the security level of the administrator database. In the mixed mode, you must set a password for the SA (SQL Server System Administrator Account). This password can be set to blank, but such settings reduce the security of SQL Server. Please select Windows Authentication Mode first, then press step to continue the installation step.

Figure 7-5 "Certification Mode" dialogue block

It is now seen that the copy data clip dialog is started. Continue the installation step after pressing step. It is now an authorization mode dialog box. You have two authorization options - user authorization or processor authorization. Each connection to the server access information requires a user authorization, and the authorized user-end computer can use SQL Server on the Internet without adding other fees. The processor authorization is authorized to give each processor that performs SQL Server. For example, if you need to execute SQL Server on a set of four-processors, you will need to purchase four processors authorized consent. When you purchase a sufficient amount of authorized consent, let your user (unlimited number) connect the processor. Select Continue to continue installing the SQL Server application and data files. SQL Server automatically installs related files and components to your system. It takes a few minutes to completely installed. please wait patiently! When you install ready, you will see the installed dialog box. Select Complete all installation steps.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed SQL Server to the servers! Remote Installation If you want to install SQL Server on your computer through your computer, you must install it through the remote end. The way the installation method and the mode of the host turbule are different, the following is the detail step of the remote installation. Perform the installation steps of the host ends 1 to 5. Enter the name of your remote system after selecting a remote computer in the computer name dialog box. Continue the installation step by step. Now you will see the SQL Server 2000 settings selected dialog box. Select the newly executed individual or install the user-end tool after installing the user-end tool to continue the installation step. Next, it will be the dialogue of the user information. Confirm that the user name and the company name are correct. Continue the installation step by step. It is now seen that the software authorization contract dialog is now. The choice is to accept the license agreement and continue the installation step. You will now type the product password. Enter the product password of 25 fifth (yellow label attached to the disc cartridge). Continue the installation step by step. It is now seen that the remote setting information dialog (as shown in Figure 7-6). Enter the account name, password, and domain name of this computer to install SQL Server. Confirm that this account name is an account with software usage. You must enter the mounting path into the target path in the remote computer. The path name must be the format of the UNC (Universal Naming Convention). Such as: // RemoteServer / C $ / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server like this path. Continue the installation step by step. It is now seen that the installation definition dialog is now. Select the server and the user terminal and press the next step.

Figure 7-6 "Remote Setting Information" dialogue

Enter the execution individual name dialog box. Enter the name you want, or use the SQL Server preset name. Continue the installation step by step. The setting type dialog now appears. Like the mode of installation, you can choose typical, minimal, or self-order installation. Typical will choose not to install the development tools and full-text retrieval. Custom allows you to choose the option to install. The minimum installation does not install the three options for upgrade tools, online support and management tools. The general user chooses a typical installation, so we also choose to be typical as our installation exercises. Here you can choose to place the SQL Serve R and the data file at the specified location. You can select the location in the destination data clip. Continue the installation step after completion. Now you see the service account dialog (Figure 7-4). Enter the name and password you want to set in the text block. (If you do not set an account name, you can use the Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 administrator's account name and password). Continue the installation step by step. Then it is the authentication mode dialogue. This step determines the level of SQL Server security. You can choose Windows authentication mode or mixed mode. If you select a Windows authentication mode, all users' permissions will follow the security settings of the Windows user. If you select a mix, you can separate the security level of the administrator database. In mixed mode, you must have a password for the SA (SQL Server System Administrator Account). This password can be set to blank, but such settings reduce the security of SQL Server. Please select Windows Authentication Mode first, then press step to continue the installation step. It is now a dialogue of the authorization mode. You have two authorization options - user authorization or processor authorization. For instructions on two authorization options, please refer to the 16th step of the host installation. When SQL Server successfully connects the remote computer, after the connection confirmation, the subsequent installation steps of the remote computer are both exactly the same. Subsequent all options can be done with reference to the host's installation method. During setting the remote installation of the SQL Server, SQL Server generates a file called SQLSTP.LOG. This file is placed in the% SystemRoot% file of Windows NT or Windows 2000. % SystemRoot% The folder is a typical C: / WinNT. This file lists all the procedures that have been performed, and an error occurred during installation. If you missed an error when you are installed on the far end, this file can help you find the wrong spider mart. Automatically install SQL Server options for automatic installation features. This installation option is very helpful when you have a lot of computers to install SQL Server. The following is the steps:

Change the CD-ROM disk in the command dialog box. Perform any of the following batch files (.bat) to perform automatic installation:

If you want to install the typical options for SQL Server in Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, perform SQLins.bat file. These tools will be installed using initialization file sqlins.iss. SQLCST.BAT, if you want to install SQL Server's own self-order options in Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, perform SQLCST.BAT files. These tools will be installed using initialization file sqlcli.iss. User-end function is installed in a C: / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server / 80 / file. SQLREM.BAT This file is used to delete all SQL Server components in the system. You must specify the path to the SQL Server installation directory as a parameter. Before performing a batch file, you must first develop .iss files. For example, you may want to change the authorization mode preset processor authorization mode into a user authorization. To do this, you have to find the license (license) section in the correct .iss file, change the licensemode = personver to licensemode = perth. Old Edition Upgrade If your computer has an old version of Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 or Microsoft SQL Server 7 information, you can easily upgrade to SQL Server 2000. To upgrade SQL Server 6.5, you must use the version upgrade wizard. As for the upgrade SQL Server 7, the upgrade step is automatically incorporated while you install SQL Server 2000. SQL Server 7 Data Upgrade When you install SQL Server 2000, the installation step will automatically use the SQL Server 7 data upgrade into the installation step. When the installation step is completed, SQL Server 2000 will make a series of data upgrade steps. The length of the upgrade time should look at the data library and the form of information. While the upgrade step is performed, the system displays the upgrade status message (Figure 7-7).

Figure 7-7 SQL Server 7 Upgrade Status

SQL Server 6.5 Data Upgrade Before upgrading your SQL Sever 6.5 data to SQL Server 2000 format, make sure your SQL Server 6.5 has the following: Confirm that the user is connected to the user's parameters at least 25 . Because the new version of the online program can be used to exceed the preset value (15) to perform the upgrade. First, you will back up your data files in SQL Server 6.5, including the Master Database. Test with DBCC to determine the consistency of the database. Tempdb sets at least 10 megabytes (MB), although 10 MB is sufficient, but we recommend setting 25 MB. Turn off all previous automatic startup settings. Stop all replication services to determine that there is no replication record in the copy record file.

Determine the version where SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 3 or more is installed. After the above confirmation, after the SQL Server 2000 is installed, the SQL Server 6.5 data can be converted to SQL Server 2000 format according to the following steps:

In the start menu, point to the program set, then point to Microsoft SQL Server - Switch, press the SQL Server Upgrade Spirit, then press Next.

Now you will see the information and object transfer screens of Figure 7-9. The SQL Server Upgrade Elf will convert all old version of the database objects and information into a new version of the format according to the preset. If you want to confirm that the format conversion is successful, you can check the Validate Successful Object Data Transfer, although the procedure has to spend a lot of time, but still suggest confirmation. If you want to determine the consistency of the converted data, check the Exmaust Data Integrity Verification. Although this option will be longer than the time required for conversion, the integrity of data conversion can be highly ensured. If you have not performed SQL Server 6.x DBCC recently, this option should be performed to ensure that the data conversion program is not affected when the database is corrupted. If your system uses a tape drive, there will be an option to use a tape without using a list of tubes. Continue the installation step by step. Figure 7-8 SQL Server Upgrade Welcome Screen

Figure 7-9 Data and object transfer screens

You will now see the login screen of the SQL Server upgrade wizard (Figure 7-10). You must select the server name in the drop-down menu and enter your password in the SQL Server 6.5 system administrator. You must also enter a system administrator's password for this SQL Server 2000. If you want to set the parameters for one of the servo, enter the parameters in the text block corresponding to Optional Startup Arguments. These options can include tracking tags. If you don't have to set the startup parameters, keep this text box blank. (For more information on this, you can see the Books Online index and look for Startup Options. Continue the installation step by step.

Figure 7-10 SQL SERVE R Upgrade Elf Login Screen

Now there is a SQL Server upgrade wizard dialog, and displays a warning message. The message warnings SQL Server upgrade wizards need to stop and restart SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 2000 databases, as well as doing any users are not allowed to log in to both servers during conversion. Select OK to continue installed.

Note The system will now perform format conversion of the two database systems.

Now there is a Code Page Selection screen. This dialogue allows you to specify the word code record page used in the conversion (to determine the character set). It is recommended to accept presets unless the special font you need is different from the previous system settings. Select Next Continue to Install Step The SQL Server Upgrade Spirit will communicate with the SQL Server 6.5 repository to determine how much to be converted, and list a list in the Upgrade Databases To SQL Server 2000 screen (Figure 7- 11).

Figure 7-11 UPGRADE DATABASES TO SQL Server 2000 Screen

The database that will be converted will be displayed in the clear order of the right side. If any database is not to convert, click the name of this database and press Exclude. The database that does not want to convert will appear in the clear order of the left. All databases should be converted unless you will not use this database. Continue the installation step by step. Next, it sees the picture of the Database Creation (Figure 7-12). This dialogue allows you to specify how to build a database, generally, as long as you accept the preset installed information. If you want to specify a new hard drive location for the file, change this setting. Continue the installation step by step.

Figure 7-12 Database CREATION screen

Note The first option for the establishment of the database is to use the preset installation. During SQL Server 6.5 conversion, SQL Server builds a large enough file to save the data and objects of the conversion, but it does not establish any free space for these files. It also creates a log file for each converted database. Through the EDIT button, you can change the log file name and file path, the initialization of the file, and the growth of growth. The second option for the establishment of the library is Use Databases Already CREATED IN SQL Server 2000. Through this option, you can use SQL Server 2000 to establish data and log files before starting the upgrade wizard. SQL Server will use these databases to convert them after conversion. The third option of establishing a database is to use the SQL instruction file (Script). The instruction file should include the Create Database statement required to establish a data and log files. Select the Browse button to specify the position of the instruction file. Here we do not recommend using the second and third options because you are the same as the original SQL Server 6.5 in SQL Server 2000, but in fact, SQL Server 2000 files may take up more than the original SQL Server 6.5. Map space. If you use a preset installation, SQL Server will automatically help you estimate the growth after the data conversion. The screen now appears is the system setting dialog (as shown in Figure 7-13). This dialogue allows you to specify which system items and settings are transferred to a new database. If you select the Server Configuration Nuclear Note, all login accounts and remote login account registration will be converted. If you select SQL EXECUTIVE SETTINGS, all scheduled tasks will be converted. If you choose the replication settings to check square, support replication will also be converted. (In this book example, we don't allow the use of Replication Settings, because the SQL Server 6.5 database does not have this feature, so there is no information that can be converted here. About the content of the database replication will be discussed in 26 chapters.)

Figure 7-13 "System Settings" screen

In the advancement setting of the upgrade, you can choose an ANSI NULLS option or reference recognition option. ANSI NULLS will affect the settings of the NULL value. If this option is set to ON, as long as one of the operating parameters is NULL, the comparison operation (= and <>) will always return null. If this option is set in OFF, when the two operating parameters are NULL, True will be returned; but if one is null and the other is not null, these operations will return FALSE. The reference identification option determines how SQL Server 2000 handles dual quotes. If this option is set to ON, the dual quotation is considered to identify the symbol, such as the identification field name. If it is set, the double quotes will be considered as identifier string, and the function is the same. If you select Mixed, SQL Server 2000 will follow the set of Quoted Identifiers in SQL Server 6.5 for the specified object. If you don't understand this option, it is best to choose Mixed, then follow the steps to continue the installation step. After a brief waiting, the SQL Server upgrade wizard dialog box will appear (as shown in Figure 7-14). This dialogue allows you to view all selected conversion options. If you need to modify it, select the last step to change the settings. If you do not need to modify, press to complete, continue to conversion.

Figure 7-14 Completing the SQL Server Upgrade Spirit screen now appears as the SQL Server Upgrade Script Interpreter dialog (as shown in Figure 7-15). This dialogue constantly displays updated projects to let the administrator understand the progress of the upgrade.

Figure 7-15 SQL Server Upgrade Script Interpreter dialog

Note that the length of the conversion process and the size of the conversion database, and whether there is a great relationship if the verification is selected. Sometimes the process of conversion can be as long as hours.

When the upgrade process is over, the dialog box that is upgraded is displayed. Press OK to close the dialog. Then select Close the SQL Server Upgrade Script Interpreter dialog box. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the upgrade of SQL Server 2000! The step of installing the user-end installation is also very simple, please refer to the following steps:

Before you do Steps 1 to 9. When you see the SQL Server 2000 installation defined dialogue. Select Client Tools ONLY. Continue the installation step by step. There is a selection installation component dialog box. Select the required options and press the next step. You can select a management tool, Client Connectivity, a combination of the development tools, Code Samples, or any of the above options. The preset option contains administrative tools, Client Connectivity, online series and development tools. When the screen appears to start a dialog box, press step until the installation step is completed.

This chapter summarizes the installation of the pre-planning to help SQL Server 2000 installation. The tools provided by SQL Server 2000 makes you successfully complete the version upgrade. After SQL Server 2000 is installed, the next step will begin to learn how to establish and manage the database. And this will start from learning SQL Server Enterprise Manager. In Chapter 8, you will learn how to manage and set SQL Server, familiar with the server program, and learn how to start, terminate, and suspend SQL Server services.


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