Cognitive science and general evolution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

Cognitive Science and Generalized evolution of: Zhao Nan Yuan 2002-9-15 19:32:42 About 40 years ago, coincided with the dawn of computer science, computer experts promised three promises: After 10 years of computer chess can win world champion. Most psychological theories will use computer programs. This is actually artificial intelligence in computer science. Artificial intelligence research should involve cognitive science, and cognitive issues are such a problem: what is the principle of human brain (or heart)? But traditional artificial intelligence is clearly not capable of achieving satisfactory results. This is not an errors in artificial intelligence, but the mistakes at the philosophical level. The deep spiritual structure of the East and Western culture is different, so this kind of ontology-based epistemology is difficult to achieve breakthroughs. Early artificial intelligence starts from playing games and proof, I hope to find out the general way to solve all problems, that is, developing the "General Solitaire" program. But the complexity of the game is very different. The simplest game is a game with a scenario. As long as both parties have mastered this law, and completely, then from the beginning of the game, it is destined to go to the winning battle or after walking. Winning. Chess and checkers can't find a victory method, one of the difficulties of the index explosion during the calculation, and the other hand makes people feel the habit of human thinking. When people play chess, they will not consider hundreds of millions of possible chess games, can only choose to use knowledge in less hopeful ways. For such awareness, the artificial intelligence started to turn to "knowledge" in the late 1960s, hoping to find a general method of expressing knowledge and utilizing knowledge in a computer, and has made an expert system, putting an expert The knowledge is placed in the computer's knowledge base, and uses these knowledge to solve some of the expertise in the field. This research direction also encounters some common difficulties. The first is that experts' rich knowledge is not all, and another difficulty is that these knowledge methods are not learning, that is, the machine cannot learn new knowledge. And trying to cope with practical expert system, the need for knowledge is very huge. As early as 190s von. Nogan put forward the basic structure of the computer, the difference between the computer and the human brain of the computer, proposed the idea of ​​neuronal network computers, with in-depth research, neural network also learning Time as the complexity of the problem is difficult to grow. Computers can handle problems with logical depth, and people can only handle problems with small logical depth. Mode identifies an important area of ​​artificial intelligence, its goal is to convert mode information into symbol information that is easy to process. The process of pattern recognition is to discriminate which type of pattern is a pattern, and the premise of identification is classification. Before I identify, there must be a category system. If you know what principles to choose the character to create a category system, we can find the way to automatically decide how to extract the characteristics, and don't have to rely on the skills of the matter to design the pattern identification system. The enlightenment here is that identification is a process of re-recognition, including how people build a category system in the brain. Now there is a reason to oppose evolution theory that the index explosion, the gene of the biological gene contains great information, such as human gene information, can resist a large-scale library, to generate such a large orderly manner by random approach The time required for information clearly exceeds the life of the universe. However, after all, this shows that the evolutionary mechanism contains an algorithm of avoiding an explosion explosion. The West is God's confession, God is the end of all, the West is a title. The Oriental is the spirit of pan the god. God has its own origin. It is a kind of human god, heavens, and Yu Emperor, but the eclipse of the human society, the East allows various perspectives and systems coexisting. Modern science originated from the title, the paradigm used was the gerbera of European miles, and there was a starting point for the top school.

Western knowledge systems have been launched a logical rigorous knowledge system from some non-certified premise assumptions. "Big fish model" is not only a universe model, but also explains the construction of Western knowledge system. The most important feature of this structure in the "big fish model" is clear direction, irreversible, there is absolute upper and lower relationships, can only be a big bowl of seawater, can't be a big bowl of sea, can only The big fish floating on the sea, can't be sea water floating on the big fish, up and down, the whole system collapsed. China's knowledge system is a small asterite system. Many theories are like small planets floating in the universe. There is no obvious support relationship or consistency between each other. Even if there is a logically contradiction between theory, there is a logically contradiction between theory. It will not lead to the collapse of this system, because this "asteroid model" does not mean there is no contradictory theoretical system. In order to reject any scientific analysis, argumentation and research, the cognition of our needs is both awareness of cognitive science, as an epistemology of the performance of a cognitive scientific philosophy. Compared with the "big fish model" and the "large fish model" of the monetism, modern science in which the episode, is equivalent to the "Earth Model", and the "big fish model" is "Earth model" There is no need to do not exist, the support of the upper school, only partially, relatively up and down concepts, there is no whole, absolute up and down concept, the direction of the earth, the direction referred to, and below. There is no absolute starting point and the relationship between the various parts of the scientific earth, and the theoretical support, which is consistent, and there is no contradiction between each other. The method of establishing a universal statement based on the collection of special examples, observing the phenomenon is usually called induction and is seen as a scientific sign. In other words, the use of the summary method is regarded as the demarcation standard between science and non-science. For this method, Hume put forward a question. He pointed out that a single observation statement regardless of the number, they are logically impossible to imply unrestricted universal statements. The problem is called "Hume Question", known as the philosophy "home ugly", from Hume era, this problem has been trapped to philosophers. Incident is an independent logical principle, which is pushed from experience or other logical principles. Without this principle, there will be no science. Popoor provides an acceptable solution for the summary problem. He first pointed out the logic asymmetry of confirming and deaving. Seeing a hundred swans is white, and it has been universal statement "all the swans are white", but observed that there is a black swan, you can logically "not all swans is white" A statement. Experience is summarized although it cannot be confirmed, you can deal with. This means that although scientific laws cannot be proven, they can be tested: by refiting a series of attempts, they can be tested. A significant contribution to Popoor is that he clearly indicates that "true" is not the only standard of judging the quality of scientific theory. As a scientific theory, it must have a provenial fake. If we take the pursuit of truth as a scientific goal, we will pursue the peers as aware of the goals of understanding, then it will inevitably fall into the theoretical difficulties caused by a large number of absoluteities and cannot be self-extricted. As long as we can abandon the concept of truth as rejecting other forms of learning, the scientific and understanding of the target is changed to pursuit of better theoretical jujube, then the doubiz is not generated at all. Based on the "good reason" is an open system, never closes the gates for the future theory. As the starting point of the physical theory system, I put forward the three basic principles of goodness: existence principles; economic principles; prediction principles. Principle: The existence of the existence here is the existence of the meaning of the understanding, not the existence of the ontology, nor is the existence of the absolute spirit of idealism.

The existence in the sense of epistemology is "I think so I am", "I" is in "I think" as the "I think" as the subject. The basic principle of existence is stable, or "there is stable", the existence may also be referred to as "stability principle". Economic Principles: Economic principles can be used in the presence of biological principles. For creatures, survival is the presence as a biological, and the organism is always to obtain energy from the outside by various life activities to overcome the tendency of the energy of the thermodynamics to maintain a low entropy state, thereby producing economic principles. . If a creature is "uneconomical", that is, the total expenditure of energy is greater than the total income is due to loss, then the organism does not maintain its presence as a biology. Biological organisms in the evolution process will be eliminated. Economic principles can express this: all creatures, as a creative person, people's cognitive process, people use the natural process, and all the existence of cognitive ability has the economic tendency, economic is an important indicator, Economic can be specifically converted to efficiency. Prediction Principles: The prediction principles originate from economic principles and human importance characteristics, an important part of people and animals is to have a purposeful activity. Improve survival probability and increase economy is the fundamental goal of human cognition and animal action mode. For humans, a more direct goal of cognitive and scientific activities is to improve foresee. This is the principle of prediction and is an important principle for evaluating cognitive activities and scientific theories. Popper raised a rainy example. There is a theory that it will rain in the future, even if there is no rain in 100 years in the world, this theory is still not wrong, because it may rain in 101. But the weather forecast said that the Haidian District will rain will rain, may not be accurate, but useful. Therefore, the true and bad and false theory of theory is not related, not looking for truth, but looking for useful things. Theory is a invention, the invention is good, and the objective practice, the actual thing is not directly connected, and a metaphor: if the nature is a cattle, the scientific theory is a cowhide? Is it a cow? Not, it is the iron ring of the morning, it is made to clamp it on the sows, not the cattle itself. Under this view, there is no longer there is a problem. Cattle is a good thing, but only I need to understand what I need to understand. Here is a concept that is a Cartesi. Cartesian has thought of it. It is not really an illusion. Here is a philosophical significance: if a person is born, I put him in the virtual reality (UIRTUAL REALITY), just like a movie Matrix, then this person will only feel the think is true, and we From the outside, everything happens in a box. In fact, the world we recognize is an internal model made in the world. From a section, we have gone and the output is just some signals. So, this world is really true Existence, it is not known from the principle. Therefore, although the world in the eyes of frog is completely different from our world, we can't say that the frog is a fallacy. We are the truth, maybe in the more advanced creatures, we are similar to the frog. As another example, the human eye is three original colors. If a person has evolved a four-primary eye, then in his view, we are all color blind. From this issue in the understanding of theory, we will talk about the anti-mirror model, we see the phenomenon, find the theory behind, so this has found the so-called truth.

However, there is a contradiction in this model, how to know, the theory behind the theory and phenomenon is consistent, whether there is this theory worthy of doubt, the same phenomenon, we have endless explanations, so there is one here It is obviously difficult. We can turn the anti-mirror model, this is a lot of explanations in the book, that is, the model of internal construction in my heart is the world in my heart, but I can only imagine the world is like this, although it may be wrong , But as long as this model can maintain me survival, this is a good model. The frog model is wrong, it can't see still things, but it can live in this model, this is enough. The basic meaning of the anti-mirror model is this, which is a statement of the reflection of the objective theory of object. The reason why this is to say, because this is related to culture, and the foreigners can't think of this. There are two big models, one is the founding model of God, God created people after creating all things in Tiandi, and then people began to know the world. However, China is not like this, the ancient world, the chaos is cleared, the light gas rises to the sky, the turbidity is falling as the ground, and the heavens and the earth have created. This idea of ​​China is actually a matter of collections, first defined light, heavy, upper, and under, and the world is defined. A fetal brain nerve contact is very irregular. It is said that the color seen when I saw it is a single block. I can't understand it. I don't have a concept from the distance. I don't understand far things will be small. So I think that the ancient opening of the world is fundamentally a problem of understanding. Let's talk about the third issue and evolution of evolution. I like the problem of game theory, but this is not what I said, there are many in the textbook, which is no longer detailed. What I created is a soft and hard structure model, which is simple. Later, I saw a book "complex". What is complicated, a definition is to say: Complex is on the edge of chaos and order. But what to do on the edge, why didn't say it on the edge, a book, and my soft and hard structure model just solved this problem. The hard structure is support for soft structures, and the soft structure changes to hard structure, such a structure can be self-developed. Here, there is an example, such as a tree, a growing point on the tree buds, growing cells constantly dividing, the tree can grow up hard, become a wooden trunk, the side of the trunk is live. This is a construction process, we look at a sociology example, such as law, a relatively complete law has a chart of this law, which has a process of building itself. The law is a social foundation. It is a hard thing, but the society allows remarks, freedom of publication, and thinkers feel that there is problems in the law, and can make changes to the legislature, and the hard law will change. This is also an example of a soft structure to change the hard structure, but the hard structure also supports the soft structure. In the case where the freedom of speech is allowed, the thinker can spread the speech to cause the impact, resulting in changes. All things created by inventions, we can allocate such a soft and hard structure model. The ancient age has the statement of "benevolent Leshan, wise," "benevolent" is the bureaucrat of society, is a hard part, to do things according to the regulations, guarantee high efficiency, and "soft", those wise people will create inventions It will lead to the development of society. The fourth part explains cognition and thinking.

I have just speaking some difficulties encountered in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. How can we overcome these difficulties? As early as the 1960s, American Japanese scholars Fate Border proved a famous pioneering date ugly duckling. The main content of this theorem is that the difference between ugly ducklings and swans is as big as two swans, and the degree of similarity between all things in the world is the same. One of the inferences that can be obtained from this theorem is that there is no "pure objective" classification standard. All criteria for classification are subjective. If you choose what criterion, it is purely subjective evaluation, it is a involvement Values ​​problem. In order to explain this look that the aimation of common sense, we will give an example: according to biology classification guidelines, the whale is a category of mammics and the objection to the other, and the fish is different; according to the classification of the industry, the whaling industry is The aquatic product is not in animal husbandry, whales and fish in a class and different categories. Pattern recognition is actually a classification problem, and the classification needs to be consciously involved. I propose such a question, why do you need a conscious, people have a real thing? I can explain with a soft and hard structure model. Most of the information in the human brain, the processing of the signal is an unconscious, which is found by Fred. Before he, people think that I think I know all, but actually I don't know, but I know some, where the part knows is a conscious part. The awareness is clearly related to memory, and people who dream of tourism are watching their eyes, but everything is seen, but they didn't remember. Dreaming is an unconscious process. Relationship between consciousness and memory and attention. Is there a real thing? Consciousness has a role in learning. The index explosion of knowledge is mentioned earlier. You can't learn the same very complicated things, but you can learn from your child. For example, learn bikes, learn to ride before riding, and then learn to turn, there is a skilled process during this period. Some people can't ride a bicycle, there will happen, see a trash can, think of don't hit it, don't hit it, but I still hit it straight. This is because when you study cycles, you will learn to ride in a direction. When you are nervous, you will call the base procedure for previous studies, so I hit it. So the role of consciousness is to conduct a small thing in front of the command, and then the command will accumulate small. The so-called consciousness is uninterested, and consciousness will slowly add some of some to the foundation, and the consciousness is in the study of the role of command accumulation. What is the use of feelings? Only people will laugh. What is the benefit of laughing? Laughing is a learning process, laughing in the computer, called "Interrupt". When we heard a previous, we will laugh, in fact, the role of laughing is to deepen the impression, so that you don't know what you do, you will not laugh next time, actually A novelty test. People's feelings are a review process, and the evaluation thing is useful for ourselves, and the evaluation itself is also evaluated, and the evaluation is validated by the post-experience. The most basic thing in the evaluation is survival, but it will also be born out of other evaluation guidelines, including forecasting, just like movies, the results know, there is nothing to do, and the results cannot predict, no. Another problem in two Hume issues is that Hume discovery: From "What is", "should be" should be ".

If you want to unify the natural science and social science, you must do a small transformation. It is not to study "What is", or natural science is not pursuing truth, so natural science and social science can be unified . Free will, or the freedom of will is an important concept that is closely related to consciousness. For Western cultural contexts, the freedom of will is extremely important, and it is necessary for the establishment of a variety of theories. Pengros said that it can use quantum mechanics to explain the issue of free will, this is wrong. Free will is not a random problem, not a random process, not solved by the arrest. Minski has already realized the contradiction between the mechanical theory of the brain or spiritual world to explain the contradiction between rain free will. With Mingsky's words: "The goddess of the opportunity is as ruthless," Turn, because all moralities, the basic structure of ethics is based on the basis of freedom, you have done something wrong, you will be willing to punish, because you decide to go to the 佬, if you decide you by God It should not be punished. However, if people look into a learning machine, the machine's learning can also rely on the reward and punishment. This will avoid the problem of freedom will, and the morality of society still exists, and will not collapse due to free will. The free will is equivalent to the combustion in "agglomeration", and the "free will" is a religious concept. It comes from God, the Bible, and people have a wisdom. Will, it is necessary to accept the reward. I got an inspiration from Wang Hao's book. He accused Northern University student, saying that their brain is full of concepts, and everyday things can be seen. The concept of learning is be sure, but why does the concept become a bad thing? There are many bad concepts in social sciences, which are hidden, hidden things, concepts come from philosophy, philosophy from theology, theology is originally for Mongolia, like truth, essence, this is unable to prove. Like an apple, Newton finds it as the moon, because the essence is quality; and the inheritance is different, but it is different. How to distinguish between bad concepts? The concept, image, quality, etc. in natural science is difficult, but there is a definition of manipulationism, the strength of the kuku, spring scale, quality - the quality of the balance is the quality. In other words, the concept is to contact a practical thing. If there is no such connection, it is bad concept. It can be cleaned with the concept of social sciences. I think Confucius is the most fascinating, his great place is not what he said, but he doesn't say anything, the son is not "monster". It's not to say, because he doesn't understand. China's shape is so small, it is a very advantageous tradition, I don't know if it is not messy. Why do I study ethics? Because of the problem of cognitive, it is necessary to study what to do, what should not do, this is closely related to ethics. The development of science has caused ethics issues, and "clone" has caused ethics. wrong! I think it should be said: It is a scientific development to expose a big problem in ethics. Ethics is not learning, can't persuade people, can't stand in science, I think ethics needs to be rebuilt. What kind of ethics do we need? First, you should use it, you can answer ethical issues, should you like "artificial abortion"? Ethics should not be interfered by any religion, otherwise it is blind, belief, it is to go to school.

The second must have universal, different cultures have different morals, but they can only have one to explain it. Ethics has moral risks, if ethics is wrong, the harm caused by society is very huge, so I propose moral minimization principles to analyze the risk gain analysis of each moral economics, analyze one by one. The existence of morality is a constraint to people, is an anti-free, opposite to people's natural trends and instincts. Only the existence of morality is only useful in the case of prisoner's dilemma. Morality can be produced spontaneously. I will talk about it first, I will talk about it, everyone is interested in any questions, let's discuss it. Sheng Hong: I am very grateful to Professor Zhao. He tells a very difficult problem. It is an ancient philosophical question to think about thinking. It is a reflection and modern call. Cognitive science. Professor Zhao Ji said the problem of human beings, the difference between the East and Western thinking methods, and the issue of ethics and science, which provided us with a good problem to discuss. Let's ask Mr. Li Ming to make a comment. Li Ming: I am very interested in this topic today, because my recent study is also from this angle. Recently, I also read a book in the world's famous system expert Ladzolo written on generalized evolution. Professor Zhao said with me, I have seen many common things. My professor, Professor Zhao, is learning physician. There are many common things in thinking. Professor Zhao from the expert system, artificial intelligence to talk about humans, cognitive issues, there is a unique place, I will no longer repeat Professor Zhao said. I told a little different place, I think Professor Zhao is still not enough to talk about people from the perspective of natural science. As he started to mention the abortion, "Yes" and "should be" problem, all said the problem of understanding and intelligence, how to give people a clear understanding of the definition of open significance, Very difficult thing. From the perspective of the machine, the witness is unclear. This requires theoretical breakthrough. Razlow proposed that Darwin's evolution is difficult in modern seemingly, because natural choices as the theoretical basis are no intelligence, there is no pure random process in which there is no will, is disorderly, casual collision and choice, so It is impossible to evolve. There is an astronomer Waro ran out such an example, let a blind person, go to twisted the deceity, one second, one second, can be used for one thousand or two hundred or nonted Twisted a colorful face. Even if the big explosion from the universe is now only a $ 15 billion, there is a life like humanity. If you follow a certain rule, even a child, you can use a colorful face with 120 seconds. In this sense, it is not reason to explain the evolution only with a random process. Only in the absence of will, if there is a learning process, it is possible. Darwin's evolution is no longer explained here. The evolution of the entire universe is a common law. Nowadays, generalized evolution, including Razlo wants to find this law, but Westerners can't find it, it is impossible to find. I think the major breakthrough in the 21st century may only be in the east, not in the West. It should be looking for from the ancient culture of the Oriental, like Laozi: "Tao life, a life of the second, two students three, three births", "people sent the land, the land, the day, the road natural", it contains Simple philosophical truth. Artificial intelligence should develop, need theoretical breakthrough, Mr. Zhao's research is very good, but it is just a beginning, it is necessary to find out.

I have recently studied the history of philosophy, I found that the Chinese did not understand logic at all, but in fact, China is still in ancient China, and Xuekao Jiazao in the hundreds of Qin. But the Han Dynasty was alone, and the hundreds of people were all destroyed. So now I need to advocate hundreds of homing. In the system, speech is allowed to speech, and China has hope. After the cultural revision, the development of Western science and society is because there is a series of great thinkers, which promotes the progress of theory. Ding Li: Listening to Professor Zhao, I am very happy, because I also believe in the unity of the world, academic, scientific unity, I feel that my heart has a similar idea, this is the so-called way. Different disciplines, professional people need to communicate like today. But if you are excited, I also want to ask Professor Zhao asked several questions. First, from the unification of natural science and social science, Professor Zhao believes that the natural science is not studying "Yes", and it is also the study of "should be", and the two can be unified, and it is some awkward. If scientific can see a kind of activity of human beings, in fact, humans are a symbolic animal, people describe the world through symbolic build models. A physicist Varik, a physicist of the quantum dynamics, said a word: the world in front of the person, in front of the physics. He actually said that we have studied the world through a conscious structure model to see the world "what", and what the problem should be "should be", it should be based on the previous problem. For example, the law is to say that the world should be ", but the basis of the law is still a world" what ". If you don't understand what the world is, but to change the world, it is actually reversed at the end. In this sense, it is true that natural science does not study "Yes" is actually a misunderstanding. Professor Zhao proposed that people were a learning machine to explain the will. Gotel Theorem said: Any complex mathematics system, if its theorem is recursive, and this mathematical system is complex enough, it is possible to launch a natural numerical theory, then any such mathematical system is incomplete. Because there is a true proposition in this system, this proposition is that this system cannot be proven. This can be launched the second Gödler theorem: A system cannot prove its logic consistency. Convert Gö der to the physical language, you can say this: There is inevitable that it is true, not fake, you can see some things that exist are not explained by strict decisions. That is to say, randomness is a characteristic of this world. This world is a non-strict argument, which is a necessary condition for free will. Let me talk about a problem related to my professional game theory, and economics is now bound to a discipline for the behavior choice of researchers. It is in social science, in fact, in the natural science of physics is the same. The development of modern game theory and the things that Zhao said it is also the same. The framework and ideas of game theory are like this: the game theory explains how to be rational, how he chooses. The core of game theory is Nash, but the development of two different research in the past 20 years, one is the direction of expertise, one is the direction of evolution, knowledge is that the degree of rationality of participating games is very reasonable. High, all the things that mathematically can reasonabate, people can, they also have a common universal knowledge, we all know, and we all know that everyone knows. Balance under the framework of the knowledge is high. Another simultaneous research framework is an evolutionary framework, and it is only necessary to have the ability to learn evolution, and can adjust its actions with the past experience. This can be seen that learning and evolution can be guided equal, but this process is to introduce complexity, solve it with some knowledge of the power system.

Li Xiaoning: I first said, now everyone sees confidment of deterministic science, and begins not pay attention to complexity, this is a progress. I said a few principles. Western science basic things originate from the form of logistics in Aristotle, the definition of the concept originates from the difference in the concept of the concept of the concept, but this does not speak things in the essence of things, so only to help There is also difficulties in the concept of the concept. I think that Teacher Zhao uses "big fish model" to clear the Western knowledge system, can. The Chinese knowledge system will be used in China, which also explains the lack of thinking research on China. It should be started from the language. Westerners start from the letters, so pay attention to logic, and the Chinese are square characters. It is the language limits thinking. Studying information theory must learn Chinese, to understand Chinese, ancient Chinese. The second is "self-authentic", it is not exactly, it is now an illusion. The third is that the truth, the scientific process is a way of error correction. There is also a key issue in the evolution of evolution just mentioned: not to choose on average degree of freedom, but at a certain, very rigid, stable system key lock point on the key lock point, is relatively closed Stable, not fully open, some paths are locked. I just said so. Cai Dezheng: I think human beings have a natural science of the natural science, "Yes" is a core issue. Of course, what model is used to know, what theory is used to prove, it is necessary to study. Science is truth, this is a misunderstanding, in fact, science is an endless control process, every generation of human beings, everyone, with its own limited subjective understanding, to meet the external infinity and objective existence, and forever It is impossible to achieve, can only be relatively close, and the future generations discover the wrong mistake, and overthrow, correct. So science is developing in the process of seeking "Yes". Outside of science is that it has no authority. Without conclusions, there is no absolute truth, natural science and social science are essentially scientific, and it should be an endless understanding process. It is only the objective existence of natural science research. The universe, social science has studied the relationship between human society, people and people, which is the difference. Natural science can be dealt, and social science is difficult to have a frame frame, and there is thoughtful limit, it is difficult to deal with. I think the essence of science can be expressed as six elements: objective basis, rational suspicion, diverse thinking, flat argument, empirical inspection, tolerance. Natural Science and Social Sciences should be unified in the most rational essentials. Zhang Xiangping: In your soft and hard structure, it is said that the growth point of the tree is a soft structure, which is wrong. The tree is the hardware, the surrounding environment, water, air, and minerals should be soft structure, which is a process from disordered to ordered. Just now Li Xiaon's lock point is a popular statement, which is called "strange attractive", and it doesn't seem to mention it in your lecture. Zhao: I deliberately take it. Zhang: But there is no "strange attractive", it will not be unordered to order. Zhao: Yes Yes, this will be discussed later. I think in understanding and society, like Ding Li just explained, getting into the "Gotel issue", and harmful. Sheng Hong: Time is limited, the topic is very fun, I have been very inspirated. Teacher Zhao's theory of soft and hard structure, and dissipative structure theory, chaos, etc. have a lot of similar places.


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