(ReprintedPickingSave) Win2003 apache2.050 + php5 + mysql4.0.20 + phpMyAdmin 2.57's simple installation configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  89

Author: luck_m Source: Chinese PHP club

Recently, I bored my PHP environment, and I wrote the process, I hope there is no mistake.

First, from Official websites, apache2.050, php5, mysql4.0.20, phpmyadmin2.57





Operating system Win2003 system disk is: D disk

Step 1: Install Apache and configure support for PHP

Click the installation file Apache_2.0.50-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

Install Apache in D: / Apache2 directory (with yourself)

----------------------------------- ----

| Note: Apache service is automatically installed and started after installation, as shown here:

| "(OS 10048) Usually each socket address (protocol / network address / port) is only allowed once:

| make_sock: could not bind to address ... "General IIS occupied 80 ports

| Two solutions:

| 1. Open the Control Panel -> Services find IIS Admin Service Close and Disable


| 2, if you don't want to close the IIS service, change the port used by Apache to other ports.

| Apache2 / conf / httpd.conf

| Listen 80 Change to Listen (the port you want to use) such as Listen 8080

At this time, at this time you visit the Web service under your apache, add the port number after the domain name.


http: // localhost: 8080


| Then use CMD to enter the command line mode to enter you install Apache's directory / Apache2 / bin

| Enter

| Apache -k Install

| Apache -k Start


If you succeed, then do it below!

----------------------------------- -------------

Unzip the contents of php-5.0.0-win32.zip to D: / PHP

Find the php.ini-dist of the php.ini-dist of the php.ini and copy it to the Windows directory (Win2k is WinNT)

As my php.ini is copy to D: / windows directory

Then, the php5ts.dll in the HP directory is copied to the system directory (System / System32), if you are d: / windows / system

Configure httpd.conf in Apache

Open d: /apache2/conf/httpd.conf this file

Find AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 to change it to AddDefaultCharset GB2312 (let the default language to encode Simplified Chinese)

Find DocumentRoot "D: / Apache2 / HTDOCS" to change it to your web directory (can not change) as my DocumentRoot "D: / Website"

Find DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var Add index.htm index.php

Select Installation Mode: Modular mode installation or CGI mode installation (optionally)

-------------- Modular installation configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Find #LoadModule SSL_Module Modules / MOD_SSL.SO this line, add a line after this trip


Where d: / php/php5apache2.dll is the location of php5apache2.dll in your php directory

Locate AddType Application / X-gzip .gz .tgz, join a line after this line

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------

-------------- CGI installation configuration -------------------------------- ------------

Locate AddType Application / X-gzip .gz .tgz, join as follows

Scriptalias / PHP / "D: / PHP /"

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

Action Application / X-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------

At this point, the PHP environment is basically configured.

Built a file content called Test.php in the web root directory (such as my D: / Website) as follows

Restart Apache Service

Use a browser to open


If you can see the PHP configuration output information is OK.

The second step is installed in Mysql (first-click, the configuration of this article does not apply to mysql4.1 and mysql5.0 version)

Install MySQL to the specified directory. If you are D: / mysql, if you download is a non-installed MySQL compression package, you can decompressed to the specified directory

Then click D: /Mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe in which D: / MySQL is your MySQL installation directory

Enter the initial user and password of Winmysqladmin (Note: This is not the user, password in MySQL, no need to pay

After confirming, the startup bar of your lower right corner will appear, the red light icon, the red light is on the service stop, the green light is on behalf of the service is normal.

If it is not a green light, the execution is as follows:

Left click this icon -> Winnt-> Install the service Install this service

Click this icon again -> Winnt-> Start The Service Launches MySQL Service

Modify the root password of the mysql database

Enter the life with CMD to enter the following command: (Note: D: / mysql is mysql installation directory)

CD D: / mysql / bin

mysqladmin -u root -p password 123456

Enter the cargo

ENTER Password: (Note: This is called you to enter the original password. The password is empty when you just install it.

At this time, the password of the account root in mysql is changed to 123456 installation.

Third, configure php.ini and test mysql (php.ini is pHP.ini under Windows)

Find extension_dir = "./" changed to extension_dir = "d: / php / ext"

turn up

EXTENSION = php_mysql.dll

Will ';' go to change

EXTENSION = php_mysql.dll

; session.save_path = "/ tmp"

Will ';' Remove Settings You Save Session Directory, such as

Session.save_path = "d: / php / session_temp";

Restart Apache Services

Establishing TestDb.php files in the web root directory (such as D: / Website) as follows:

$ link = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '123456');

IF (! $ link) echo "fail";

Else Echo "Success";

MySQL_Close ();


Use a browser to open

Http://localhost/testdb.php If the output SUCCESS is OK

Fourth, PHPMYADMIN installation configuration

Unzip phpMyadmin-2.5.7.zip to the web root directory, rename the folder to phpmyadmin or other

Open config.inc.php in the phpMyadmin directory

turn up

$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['User'] = 'root';

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Password'] = '123456';

Fill in your MySQL user and password, you can

If it is not used locally, it is best to add verification

I don't know if I write is right! However, I am basically worthy! It should be almost the same as learning.

What is wrong or missing, I hope everyone pointed out criticism! ---- BY LUCK_MLC


Just looking for [Hangzhou] PHP program development work ..... Which brother has a similar vacancy help introduction ....

QQ: 65712936 email: letian.10@163.com

This post was edited by Luck_mlc at 11:54 PM on September 25.

Recently, I bored my PHP environment, and I wrote the process, I hope there is no mistake.

First, from Official websites, apache2.050, php5, mysql4.0.20, phpmyadmin2.57





Operating system Win2003 system disk is: D disk

Step 1: Install Apache and configure support for PHP

Click the installation file Apache_2.0.50-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

Install Apache in D: / Apache2 directory (with yourself)

----------------------------------- ----

| Note: Apache service is automatically installed and started after installation, as shown here:

| "(OS 10048) Usually each socket address (protocol / network address / port) is only allowed once:

| make_sock: could not bind to address ... "General IIS occupied 80 ports

| Two solutions:

| 1. Open the Control Panel -> Services find IIS Admin Service Close and Disable


| 2, if you don't want to close the IIS service, change the port used by Apache to other ports.

| Apache2 / conf / httpd.conf

| Listen 80 Change to Listen (the port you want to use) such as Listen 8080

At this time, at this time you visit the Web service under your apache, add the port number after the domain name |

http: // localhost: 8080


| Then use CMD to enter the command line mode to enter you install Apache's directory / Apache2 / bin

| Enter

| Apache -k Install

| Apache -k Start


If you succeed, then do it below!

----------------------------------- -------------

Unzip the contents of php-5.0.0-win32.zip to D: / PHP

Find the php.ini-dist of the php.ini-dist of the php.ini and copy it to the Windows directory (Win2k is WinNT)

As my php.ini is copy to D: / windows directory

Then, the php5ts.dll in the HP directory is copied to the system directory (System / System32), if you are d: / windows / system

Configure httpd.conf in Apache

Open d: /apache2/conf/httpd.conf this file

Find AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 to change it to AddDefaultCharset GB2312 (let the default language to encode Simplified Chinese)

Find DocumentRoot "D: / Apache2 / HTDOCS" to change it to your web directory (can not change) as my DocumentRoot "D: / Website"

Find DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var Add index.htm index.php

Select Installation Mode: Modular mode installation or CGI mode installation (optionally)

-------------- Modular installation configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Find #LoadModule SSL_Module Modules / Mod_ssl.so, join the line after this line


Where d: / php/php5apache2.dll is the location of php5apache2.dll in your php directory

Locate AddType Application / X-gzip .gz .tgz, join a line after this line

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------

-------------- CGI installation configuration -------------------------------- ------------

Locate AddType Application / X-gzip .gz .tgz, join as follows

Scriptalias / PHP / "D: / PHP /"

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

Action Application / X-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------

At this point, the PHP environment is basically configured.

Built a file content called Test.php in the web root directory (such as my D: / Website) as follows

Restart Apache Service

Use a browser to open


If you can see the PHP configuration output information, the second step is installed in the second step to install MySQL (first name, this article does not apply to Mysql4.1 and mysql5.0 version)

Install MySQL to the specified directory. If you are D: / mysql, if you download is a non-installed MySQL compression package, you can decompressed to the specified directory

Then click D: /Mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe in which D: / MySQL is your MySQL installation directory

Enter the initial user and password of Winmysqladmin (Note: This is not the user, password in MySQL, no need to pay

After confirming, the startup bar of your lower right corner will appear, the red light icon, the red light is on the service stop, the green light is on behalf of the service is normal.

If it is not a green light, the execution is as follows:

Left click this icon -> Winnt-> Install the service Install this service

Click this icon again -> Winnt-> Start The Service Launches MySQL Service

Modify the root password of the mysql database

Enter the life with CMD to enter the following command: (Note: D: / mysql is mysql installation directory)

CD D: / mysql / bin

mysqladmin -u root -p password 123456

Enter the cargo

ENTER Password: (Note: This is called you to enter the original password. The password is empty when you just install it.

At this time, the password of the account root in mysql is changed to 123456 installation.

Third, configure php.ini and test mysql (php.ini is pHP.ini under Windows)

Find extension_dir = "./" changed to extension_dir = "d: / php / ext"

turn up

EXTENSION = php_mysql.dll

Will ';' go to change

EXTENSION = php_mysql.dll

turn up

; session.save_path = "/ tmp"

Will ';' Remove Settings You Save Session Directory, such as

Session.save_path = "d: / php / session_temp";

Restart Apache Services

Establishing TestDb.php files in the web root directory (such as D: / Website) as follows:

$ link = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '123456');

IF (! $ link) echo "fail";

Else Echo "Success";

MySQL_Close ();


Use a browser to open

Http://localhost/testdb.php If the output SUCCESS is OK

Fourth, PHPMYADMIN installation configuration

Unzip phpMyadmin-2.5.7.zip to the web root directory, rename the folder to phpmyadmin or other

Open config.inc.php in the phpMyadmin directory

turn up

$ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['User'] = 'root';

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Password'] = '123456';

Fill in your MySQL user and password, you can

If it is not used locally, it is best to add verification

I don't know if I write is right! However, I am basically worthy! It should be almost the same as learning.

What is wrong or missing, I hope everyone pointed out criticism! ---- BY LUCK_MLC

_________________ is looking for [Hangzhou] PHP program development work ..... Which brother has a similar vacancy help introduce ....

QQ: 65712936 email: letian.10@163.com

This post was edited by Luck_mlc at 11:54 PM on September 25.