Example of an iptables

zhaozj2021-02-16  118

#DOP ICMP Echo-Request Messages Sent to Broadcast Or Multicast Addresses

Echo 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts


#Drop Source Routed Packets

Echo 0> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / conf / all / accept_source_route


# Enable TCP SYN Cookie Protection from Syn Floods

Echo 1> / Proc / Sys / Net / IPv4 / TCP_Syncookies


# Don't accept ICMP Redirect Messages

Echo 0> / Proc / Sys / Net / IPv4 / Conf / All / Accept_Redirects


# Don't send ICMP Redirect Messages

Echo 0> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / conf / all / send_redirects


# Enable Source Address Spoofing Protection

ECHO 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / conf / all / rp_filter


# Log Packets with Impossible Source Addresses

Echo 1> / Proc / Sys / Net / IPv4 / Conf / All / Log_martians


# Flush all chains

/ sbin / iptables - Flush


# Allow unlimited traffic on the loopback interface

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i lo -j acceptpt

/ sbin / iptables -a output -o lo -j acid


# Set default policies

/ sbin / iptables -p input drop

/ sbin / iptables -P Output Drop

/ sbin / iptables -p forward Drop


# Previously initiated and accountted Exchanges Bypass Rule Checking

# Allow unlimited Outbound Traffic

/ sbin / iptables -ainput -m state --state established, Related -j Accept

/ sbin / iptables -a output -m state --state new, established, related -j accept


#Enable ssh port 22

/ sbin / iptables -a input -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state new -j acceptpt


# Drop All other traffic

/ sbin / iptables -a input -j drop


The above instance is to establish a firewall, turn on the SSH port to the outside, and turn off the ICMP package.


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