2.4.7 Nuclear upgrade 2.4.18 Nuclear compilation required by the bridge! !

zhaozj2021-02-16  120

Date: 2004/07/30 Author: zcatlinux Source: zclinux

2.4.7 Core Upgrade 2.4.18 Needle Nuclear Compile Required by Bridge:

1. Download 2.4.18 kernel source code and decompress to / usr / src2. CD /USR/SRC/Linux-2.4.183. Make mrproperty; make clean4. Make menuConfig

1) Processor Type and Features Select the corresponding CPU type Remove SMP Support Symmetric Multi-Precessing Support

2) Networking Options Bridge support: 802.1D Ethernet Bridging

Netfilter Support: First selection: Network packet filtering (replace ipchains) rearrangement Netfilter Configuration Connection tracking IP tables support may be selected on the part of all the Configuration Netfilter 3) Network device support Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) 10M or 100M to select the appropriate card type


Ethernet (1000Mbit) 1000M NIC Select the corresponding model

4) File Systems Ext3 Jounalling File Systems Support Quota Support

If the Bridge and NetFilter part are compiled into a module, the virtual virtual can load the module used by the ACSTAR after these modules and execute the setbr.sh command. Because the existing ACSTAR is started in the init launch script, so it is best to bring Bridge and The Netfilter section compiles the kernel or modify the ACSTAR INIT startup script section, manually load Bridge and Netfilter related modules in front.

Other use default options

5. make DEP; Make Bzimage; Make MODULES; Make Modules_Install6. CP Arch / I386 / Boot / Bzimage /Boot/2.4.18-kernel7. Vi /etc/grub.conf

Title 2.4.18-kernel root (HDA0, 0) kernel = / boot / 2.4.18-kernel Ro root = / dev / hda1


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