Russian VB implementation, partial code!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

Option Explicitdim i as integerim time_HOUR, TIME_MINUTE, TIME_SECOND AS INTEGER

Private Sub Form_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer) Select Case KeyAscii Case 105 Call turn (next_block_kind) Case 106 Call move_left (next_block_kind) Case 108 Call move_right (next_block_kind) Case 107 Call down_block (next_block_kind) End SelectEnd Sub

Public Sub Form_Load () Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call image_position 'block arrangement Call face' provided form properties bx = 3 by = 0 Label_hour.Caption = 0 Label_minute.Caption = 0 'Call next_block next_block_kind = 7 Timer_speed.Enabled = True Me KeyPreview = truend sub

Private sub menu_about_click () load about it isout.visible = trueEnd Sub

Private Sub timer_now_Timer () 'timing time_second = time_second 1 If time_second = 60 Then time_minute = time_minute 1 time_second = 0 Label_minute.Caption = time_minute End If If time_minute = 60 Then time_hour = time_hour 1 time_minute = 0 Label_hour.Caption = time_hour End If Label_second.Caption = time_secondEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer_speed_Timer () Call down_block (next_block_kind) End subOption ExplicitPublic bx, by As IntegerPublic next_block_kind As IntegerPublic p As IntegerPublic q As IntegerPublic a As IntegerPublic n As IntegerPublic m As Integer

'Public turn_kind as integer

Sub show1 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10 ) .Visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = truend subsub show2 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 12) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = truend subsub show3 (x, y as integer ) FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (Y * 10 X 2) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main .Image_block (Y * 10 x 11) .visible = trueend subsub show4 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 12) .visible = True Form_main.image_block (y * 10 X 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = truend subsub show5 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main. Image_block (y * 10 x 12) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = trueend subsub show6 (X , Y as integer) Form_main.image_block (Y * 10 X 2) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x

12) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = trueend subsub show7 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 2) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 X 3) .visible = truend subsub show8 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = TRUE FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (Y * 10 X 11) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 20) .visible = trueend subsub show9 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x ) .Visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 21). Visible = trueend subsub show10 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .Visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = true form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x 21) .visible = TrueEnd Subsub Show11 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = True Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 20) .visible =

Trueend Subsub Show12 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 2) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = truend subsub show13 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 20) .visible = TrueEnd Subsub Show14 (x, y as Integer_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x 2) .visible = true form_main. Image_block (y * 10 x 12) .visible = truend subsub show15 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (Y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11 ) .Visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 21) .visible = true form_main.image_block Y * 10 x 20) .visible = truend subsub show16 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = True form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 11) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 21) .visible = trueend subsub show17 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 X) .visible = True Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 1) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 2) .visible =

True form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = trueend subsub show18 (x, y as integer) Form_main.image_block (y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .Visible = True Form_main.Image_block (Y * 10 X 20) .Visible = True Form_main.Image_block (Y * 10 X 21) .Visible = TrueEnd SubSub show19 (X, Y As Integer) Form_main.Image_block (Y * 10 x) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 10) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 x 20) .visible = true form_main.image_block (y * 10 X 30) .Visible = TrueEnd SubSub next_block () 'generates a next block (random) Randomize next_block_kind = Int ((19 * Rnd) 1) Call is_full (next_block_kind) End SubSub down_block (block_k As Integer)' falling block , Slow call fall_buttom (block_k) select case_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false by = by 1 Call Show1 (bx, by) case 2 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .Visible = false by = by 1 Call show2 (bx, by) case 3 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 10) .visible =

False by = by 1 Call show3 (bx, by) case 4 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false by = by 1 call show4 (bx, by) case 5 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show5 (bx, by) case 6 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2). Visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show6 (bx, by) case 7 form_main .Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show7 (bx, by) Case 8 Form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show8 (bx, by) case 9 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10

BX 11) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show9 (bx, by) case 10 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = false by = by 1 Call show10 (bx, by) case 11 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false by = BY 1 Call show11 (bx, by) case 12 Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 2) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show12 (bx, by) case 13 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = False by = by 1 Call show13 (bx, by) case 14 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show14 (BX, BY) CASE 15 FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show15 (bx, by) case 16 FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx) .visible =

False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show16 (bx, by) case 17 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show17 (bx, by) case 18 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx ) .Visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show18 (bx, by) case 19 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false by = BY 1 Call show19 (bx, by) end selectend subsub clear (b_kinds as integer, now_y as integer) After full line, the DIM I AS INTEGER 'DIM Q AS Integer Select Case B_kinds Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 17 p = 1 case 7 p = 0 case 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 15, 18 P = 2 case 19 p = 3 end select for = 0 to p if can Cancear (now_y q) THEN CALL CLEARONELINE (now_y q) end if nextend subfunction CANCLEAR (L AS Integer) AS Boolean 'Dim A AS Integer for A = (L * 10 0) to (l * 10 9) if Form_main.image_block (a) .visible = false throck = false = false end if next canpen = truend functionSub Clearoneline (LINENUM AS INTEGER) 'DIM N AS Integer 'DIM M AS INTEGER for n =

Linenum to 1 step -1 for m = 0 to 9 form_main.image_block (n * 10 m) .visible = form_main.image_block ((n - 1) * 10 m) .visible Next Nextend Sub

Sub is_full (block_end as integer) is the game end SELECT CASE block_end case 1 'field type if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true or form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game over! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.timer_speed = True End If Case 2 'Z Dictionary if Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = True or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true or form_main .Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 15) .Visible = end True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game! ^ _ ^ "Else form_main.timer_speed = true END IF CASE 3 'Anti-Z-Dictionary if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = True or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true ortholism_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "game end! ^ _ ^ "Else form_main.timer_speed = true endiff code 4 '

Soil pattern if form_main.image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = True or Form_main .Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "gAME OVER! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True end If Case 5 'L word type If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (BY * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "End! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.timer_speed = True End If Case 6 'anti-^ If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = True or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "game! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.timer_speed = True End If Case 7 'One-character IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 3) .visible = True or Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10

4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False msgbox "End! ^ _ ^" Else form_main.timer_speed = true end if case 8 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true ortholism_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game over! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 9 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "game end! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 10 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = True or Form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible =

True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "Game over! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 11 'a If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True or Form_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN. Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game over! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True end If Case 12 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (BY * 10 4) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEE D.enabled = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox game end! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 13 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.EnABLED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled =

False msgbox "game! ^ _ ^" Else form_main.timer_speed = true end if case 14 if form_main.image_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game over! ^ _ ^ "Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 15 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = True or Form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "game end! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True End If Case 16 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13 ) .Visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = true kilobox "The game is over! ^ _ ^ "Else form_main.timer_speed =

True End if case_block (by * 10 3) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 4) .visible = true orthol form_main.image_block (by * 10 13) .visible = true Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .Visible = True Then Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Form_main.timer_now.Enabled = False MsgBox "game over! ^ _ ^" Else Form_main.Timer_speed = True end If Case 18 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 14) .visible = TRUE THEN FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox "game end! ^ _ ^" Else form_main.timer_speed = true end if case 19 If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 3) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 4) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 13) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block ( BY * 10 14) .visible = True Then Form_main.timer_speed.enabled = false form_main.timer_now.enabled = false msgbox end! ^ _ ^ "Else form_main.timer_speed = True Endness Subsub Fall_Buttom (block_l as integer)" Does the bottom SELECT CASE BLOCK_L CASE 1 '

Square If by = 15 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block ( BY * 10 BX 21) .visible killicle (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 2 'Z Glyry IF BY = 15 THEN CALL CLOAR (Block_L , by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .Visible = True or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) BX = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block Else End If Case 3 'inverse Z-shaped If by = 15 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (BY * 10 BX 12) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible =

True dam, by bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 4 'Soil IF BY = 15 THEN CALL CLOAR (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 5 'L Dictionary IF BY = 15 THEN CALL CLEAR (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = FALSE Call next_block elseif form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (BY * 10 BX 22). Visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 6 'Anti-L-Dictionary if by = 15 Then Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by =

0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 7 'One-character IF by = 16 THEN CALL CLEAR (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .Visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = True Then Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block Else End If Case 8 If by = 14 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) BX =

3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block Else End If Case 9 If by = 14 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block ( BY * 10 BX 20) .visible = True or Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = FALSE Call next_block Else End If Case 10 If by = 14 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = True or Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 11 if by = 14 Then Call Clear (Block_L, BY ) Bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = false call next_block elseif form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = True or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible =

True dam, by bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 12 IF BY = 15 Then Call Clear (Block_L, BY) BX = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED .Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 13 IF BY = 14 THEN CALL CLLAR (Block_L, BY) BX = 3 By = 0 form_main.timer_speed.enabled = false Call next_block elseif form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) BX = 3 by = 0 Form_main.timer_speed.enabled = false call next_block else end if case 14 if by = 15 TEN CALL CLEAR (Block_L, by) bx = 3 by = 0 form_main.timer_speed.enabled =

False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .Visible = true kiln CLL (Block_L, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 15 if by = 14 Then Call Clear (Block_L, BY) BX = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .Visible = True Then Call clear (block_l, by ) Bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 16 If by = 14 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED = FALSE CALL NEXT_BLOCK ELSE END IF CASE 17 if By =

15 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = True Or Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 BX 11) .visible = true or form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MIN.TIMER_SPEED.Enabled = false call next_block else end IF case 18 if by = 14 THEN CALL CLOAR (Block_L, by) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABLED = false call next_block elseif form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = True or Form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .visible = true kil = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block Else End If Case 19 If by = 13 Then Call clear (block_l, by) bx = 3 by = 0 Form_main.Timer_speed.Enabled = False Call next_block ElseIf Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 BX 40) .visible = True Ten Call Clear (Block_L, BY) bx = 3 by = 0 FORM_MAIN.TIMER_SPEED.ENABED =

False Call Next_Block Else End If End Select End Subsub Add_score () End Subsub Add_LEVEL ()

End subsis block_play (block_kind as integer) Square display in Play_field Select Case Block_kind Case 2 Call show2 (bx, by) 'z-shaped Case 3 Call show3 (bx, by)' anti-z-shaped Case 4 Call show4 (BX , BY) 'Sketch Case 5 Call show5 (bx, by)' L Dictionary Case 6 Call show6 (bx, by) 'anti-l 字型 Case 7 Call show7 (bx, by)' word type Case 1 CALL SHOW1 (BX, BY) 'Square Case 8 Call show8 (bx, by) Case 9 CASE 10 CALL SHOW10 (BX, BY) Case 11 Call show11 (bx, by) case 12 call show12 (BX , Case 13 Call show13 (bx, by) Case 14 Call show14 (bx, by) Case 16 Call show16 (bx, by) Case 17 Call show17 (bx, by) Case 18 Call show18 (bx, by) Case 19 Call show19 (bx, by) End Selectnd SubSub move_left (move_left_kind) Select Case move_left_kind Case 1 'ok If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .Visible = False And Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .Visible = False Then If bx> = 1 Then Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show1 (bx, by) end if End IF case 2 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx

10) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show2 (bx, by) end if End if case 3 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false kilniff bx > = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show3 (bx, by) endiff End if case 4 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visib Le = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show4 (bx, by) end if End if case 5 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible =

False BX = BX - 1 Call show5 (bx, by) end if End if case 6 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9). Visible = false thein if bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show6 ( BX, by) end if end if case 7 'ok if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false thein if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = False bx = bx - 1 Call show7 (bx, by) end if end if case 8 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visib Le = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 THEN FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show8 (bx, by) end if End if case 9 'ok if form_main.image_block BY * 10 BX - 1) .visible =

False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false then if bx> = 1 Then form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show9 (bx, by) END if end if case 10 'ok if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false then if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block BY * 10 BX 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show10 (bx, by) end if End if case 11 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false then if bx> = 1 Then form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11). Visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx

20) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show11 (bx, by) end if end if case 12 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false theen.iMage_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false bx = BX - 1 Call show12 (bx, by) end if end if case 13 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9). Visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 THEN FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 10) .visible = false form_ma IN.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show13 (bx, by) end if End if case_block (by * 10 bx - 1). Visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 12) .visible = false bx =

BX - 1 Call show14 (bx, by) end if End if case 15 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false And Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show15 (bx, by) end if End if case 16 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 THEN FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show16 (bx, by) end if Endiff code 17 'ok if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false thein if bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible =

False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show17 (bx, by) end if End if case 18 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .Visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show18 (BX , by) end if end if case 19 if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (b Y * 10 bx 29) .visible = false theen if bx> = 1 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main .Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = false bx =

bx - 1 Call show19 (bx, by) End If End If End SelectEnd SubSub move_right (move_right_kind As Integer) Select Case move_right_kind Case 1 'ok If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .Visible = False And Form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false theen if bx <8 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false BX = BX 1 Call show1 (bx, by) end if endiff 2 2 (by * 10 bx 22) <169 Then if Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false And Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false theen if bx <7 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11). Visi BLE = false bx = bx 1 Call show2 (bx, by) end if end if end if case 3 'ok if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false theen if bx <711 = 5) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false bx = bx

1 Call show3 (bx, by) end if End if case 4 IF (by * 10 bx 22) <169 Then if Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false theen if bx <7 What form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false bx = BX 1 Call show4 (bx, by) end if end if end if case 5 IF (by * 10 bx 22) <169 THEN IFM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false theen if bx <711 Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = FAL SE bx = bx 1 Call show5 (bx, by) end if end if End if case 6 IF (BY * 10 BX 22) <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false theen if bx <7 fact_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible =

False BX = BX 1 Call show6 (bx, by) end if end if end if case 7 IF (by * 10 bx 22) <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 4) .visible = False Then IF BX <6 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show7 (bx, by) end if end if End if case 8 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false theen if bx <8 Then Form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = False BX = BX 1 Call show8 (bx, by) end if Endiff code 9 if (by * 10 bx 22) <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false theen if bx <8 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx). Visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx

10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show9 (bx, by) end if end if end if case 10 f (by * 10 bx 22) <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (BY * 10 BX 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false Then IF BX <8 THEN FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (BY * 10 BX 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show10 (bx, by) end if end if end if case 11 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false the IF bx <8 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx ) .Visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx

1 Call show11 (bx, by) end if End if case 12 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false BX <7 THEN FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show12 (bx, by) end if endiff Case 13 if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21). Visible = false dam.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20 ) .Visible = false BX = bx 1 Call show13 (bx, by) end if end if case 14 IF (by * 10 bx 22) <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = false and form_main .Image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false kiln ife_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = FALSE BX = BX

1 Call show14 (bx, by) end if end if End if case 15 IF (by * 10 bx 22) <169 Then if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (BY * 10 BX 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false thein if bx <8 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show15 (bx, by) end if Endiff END IF CASE 16 IF (BY * 10 BX 22) <169 Then if Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = False and AGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false theen if bx <8 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show16 (bx, by) end if end if End if case 17 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3). Visible =

False and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false theen if bx <711 = false a. .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .Visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show17 (bx, by) end if end if case 18 IF (BY * 10 BX 22) <169 Then if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false the IF bx <8 Then Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show18 (bx, by) END IF END if end if case 19 if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 31) .visible = false theen if bx <9 form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx

20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show19 (bx, by) end if end if end select 'form_main.timer_speed.enabled = trueEnd Subsub Turn (TURN_KIND AS INTEGER) SELECT CASE TURN_KIND CASE 1 Case 2 IF BY * 10 BX 21 <169 Then IF Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false throck (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show8 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 8 end if End if case 3 if by * 10 bx 22 <169 THEN IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (BY * 10 BX 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_bloc K (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show9 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 9 end if end if case 4 if by * 10 bx 21 <169 Then IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false1 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx

12) .visible = false Call show10 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 10 end if End if case 5 if by * 10 bx 21 <169 Then if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false And Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false1 Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main .Image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false call show15 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 15 end if end if case 6 if by * 10 BX 21 <169 Then if Form_Main.Image_Block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 22) .visible = false1 Form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 10) .visi BLE = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false bx = bx 1 Call show16 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 16 end if End if case 7 if by * 10 bx 21 <169 Then if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx - 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible =

False kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 3) .visible = false bx = BX 1 by = by - 1 Call show19 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 19 end if End if case 8 if by * 10 bx 20 <169 and bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false kiln form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20 ) .Visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show2 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 2 end if else if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_mai N.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false call show2 ( BX, by) Next_block_kind = 2 end if End if case 9 if by * 10 bx 20 <169 and bx> = 1 Then if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (BY * 10 BX 9) .visible =

False kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show3 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 3 End IF else if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false1 Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false call show3 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 3 end if end if case 10 if by * 10 bx 21 <169 and bx <= 7 Then IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show12 (B x, by) next_block_kind = 12 End If Else If Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .Visible = False And Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .Visible = False Then Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false by = by 1 bx = bx - 1 Call show12 (bx, by) next_block_kind =

12 END IF END IF CASE 11 IF BY * 10 BX 20 <169 and BX> = 1 Then if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false1 Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show4 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 4 end if else if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false call show4 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 4 END if end if case 12 if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 9) .visible = false kilob_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false by = by - 1 bx = bx 1 Call show11 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 11 end if case 13 if By * 10 BX 21 <169 and bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 1). Visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false1 Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible =

False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show5 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 5 end if else if Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = False and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = False call show5 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 5 end if End if case 14 if by * 10 bx 12 <169 Then if Form_Main.Image_block (by * 10 bx - 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (BY * 10 BX - 8) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image _block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false by = by - 1 bx = bx 1 Call show13 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 13 END IF END IF CASE 15 IF BY * 10 BX 22 <169 and BX <= 7 Then IF Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10

BX 22) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show14 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 14 end if else if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 9) .visible = false kilob_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false by = by 1 bx = bx - 1 Call show14 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 14 end if End if case 16 if by * 10 bx 19 <169 and bx> = 1 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 19) .visible = false kiln form_main.image_block (by * 10 BX 1) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false by = by 1 bx = bx - 1 call show17 (bx, by) next_block_kind =

17 end if else if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 10) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12 ) .Visible = false kilock (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = False by = by 1 Call show17 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 17 end if End if case 17 if by * 10 bx 11 <169 Then IF Form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx - 10) .visible = False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false kiloble.Image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = False By = by - 1 Call show18 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 18 end if End if case 18 if by * 10 bx 21 <169 and bx <= 7 dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 2) .visible = false and FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false1 form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible =

False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false call show6 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 6 end if else if form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 1) .visible = false and form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 21) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 Call show6 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 6 end if End if case 19 if by * 10 bx 30 <169 and bx> = 1 And BX < = 7 dam_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 11) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .Visible = false kil FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = false bx = bx - 1 by = by 1 Call show7 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 7 end if elseif by * 10 bx 30 <169 and bx <1 Then IF FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 11) .visible =

False and form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 12) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 13) .visible = false dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = False form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false by = by 1 Call show7 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 7 End if elseif BY * 10 BX 30 <169 and bx = 8 Then if Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 7) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 8) .visible = false and form_main .Image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false dam_main.image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx 20) .visible = false form_main.image_block BY * 10 BX 30) .visible = false by = by 1 BX = BX - 2 Call show7 (bx, by) next_block_kind = 7 end if elseif by * 10 bx 30 <169 and bx = 9 dam =5 @ 10 bx 7) .visible = false and FORM_MAIN.IMAGE_BLOCK (by * 10 bx 8) .visible = false and form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 9) .visible = false1 Form_main.Image_block (by * 10 bx) .visible = false form_main. Image_block (by * 10 bx

20) .visible = false form_main.image_block (by * 10 bx 30) .visible = false by = by 1 bx = bx - 3 Call show7 (bx, by) Next_block_kind = 7 end if End if End SelectenD Suboption Explicitdim Block_i, block_j as integerdim next_i, next_j as integer


Form_main.Height = 8420 'of the form to the size Form_main.Width = 8000 Form_main.Picture_play_field.Left = 0' position of the container is provided Form_main.Picture_play_field.Top = -480 Form_main.Picture_play_field.Height = 8200 'disposed container size Form_main.Picture_play_field. Width = 4850

End SubSub image_position () For block_i = 0 To 16 For block_j = 0 To 9 Form_main.Image_block (block_i * 10 block_j) .Left = block_j * 480 Form_main.Image_block (block_i * 10 block_j) .Top = block_i * 480 Form_main .Image_block (block_i * 10 block_j) .Visible = False Next Next For next_i = 0 To 3 For next_j = 0 To 3 Form_main.Image_next (next_i * 4 next_j) .Left = next_j * 480 Form_main.Image_next (next_i * 4 Next_J) .top = next_i * 480 form_main.image_next (next_i * 4 next_j) .visible = false Next Next Next

End sub 'seventeen squares


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