Walking horse lamp web parts
Yesterday afternoon, I used a afternoon to write a WebPart that walked the horse. This WebPart can customize font size, color, width, rolling speed, and so on.
There is no special thing in this walk, the main date is compared.
May be due to the C # language is not a very familiar relationship, I don't know if there is a function to convert the string into a DateTime type, anyway, I didn't find it, so I used the following block to complete this conversion task.
// Get expiration date
String strdate = item ["Expired Time"] .tostring ();
// Get the year
String stry = strdate.substring (0, 4);
// The string of the merits and days to a temporary variable, such as "8-20 0:00:00"
String strat = strdate.substring (5, strdate.length-5);
// Now there is only one "-" in front of the date left, get his location
/ / Take out the "-", you will take the month
String strm = strt.substring (0, intIndex);
// Remove the date because there is still time, so you have to take a space from "-".
String strd = strt.substring (intIndex 1, strt.indexof (") -intIndex-1);
/ / Create a DateTime type, convert the removed strings into places, put it in the position of the corresponding parameters
DateTime DT1 = New DateTime (int.Parse (stry), int.Parse (STRM), INT.PARSE (STRD), 0, 0, 0, 0);
/ / There is no expiration display, you can use it to compare
IF (dt1> = datetime.now)
J ;
Str = STR " TEM [" hyperlink "] .tostring () " / "style = /" color: " _strfontcolor "; font-size: " _strfontsize " / ">" j.toString () "" Item ["Title"] .tostring () "";