Differences between OWC9.0 and OWC10.0 (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  124

Output to the XLS file in OWC9.0, use sheet.export. The OWC10.0 is used in spreadsheet.export. Also parameters of the different OWC9.0 Worksheet = interface (IDispatch) [ '{2D3BEF00-2C50-11D1-B1CE-00A0C9056619}'] procedure Export (const FileName: WideString; ExportAction: SheetExportActionEnum); safecall;

Owc10.0 tspreadsheet = Class (ToleControl) Procedure Export (const filename: wideString; action: shetexportactionenum; format: shetexportFormat);

And: 1. OWC10.0 cannot output a real XLS file, all the files outputted in the XML format. 2, OWC10.0 Support Spreadsheet contains multiple worksheets, OWC9.0 only supports one, so there will be variations in programming mode. Why does Microsoft do not hold the consistency of an interface. It's a headache.


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