Pure and warm "with you"

zhaozj2021-02-16  119

Chinese diagram: Gao Fei is also known as: return home 100,000 miles "FLY AWAY HOME Yes: 1992 Video Length: 1 hour 45 minutes release company: Colombia

Amy was died in a car accident and was taken back by his father Tom to Canada. After sudden change, I came to a strange environment and facing an almost strange father, so that Emmeli felt uncomfortable. There is a beautiful swamp near Amy's residential place, often perched there. Amy was accidentally discovered some unmatched geese eggs while walking, so she brought them home and enjoys them. After the birth, the young geese took Amy as a mother, so that Emmemi had long been happy for the first time, Tom is also very happy. However, troubles come. According to regulations, artificially raised geese must cut wings to prevent them to fly in the residential area, and Tom also understand that when the geese is long, the geese will inevitably fly. But the problem is that these geese are artificial, never learned to fly, and I don't know where to fly. So Tom came up with a bold plan, trained the geese group through the glider and took them Nanfei. But the Yanshan did not want to leave Amy. So, Tom had to reconstitute a glider, teach the technology of Amy flight to guide the geese Nanfei. Animal administrator took a beautiful family that was not stolen. Amy and others rescued the geese and guided them in Nanfei. On the way, they were forced to land in an Air Force base, causing beauty, plus two countries. And Amy and his father have received many difficulties in this group of unrequently experienced geese flying. They are going to deal with the muzzle of the hunter, but also flew over the street in the fog. Amy's behavior aroused the enthusiastic response of environmental protection. They worked together to protect the habitat of the geese group, so as to avoid the destruction of the developer. When near the destination, Tom's aircraft was unfortunately crashed, and he was also injured. Under the encouragement of Tom, Amy guided the geese to the destination with the power of oneself. According to the law, if there is no geese in front of a limited date, the reservation is to be developed. At this time, the last day of dusk, the environmental protector prevents the developers from destroying the forest with their own body, and Emei finally rushed to the geese in front of the sunset to retain the habitat of the geese group. In the process of training the geese and the leader of the geese, III has gradually eliminated the partner between her father and established an intimate father.


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