
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  89

ABC (based on the cost accounting)

ABM (based on activity management)

Abstract Class (Abstract class)

Abstract Operation (Abstract Operation)

Abstract (Abstract)

Access modifier (access permission)

Accessor Methods (Accessor Method)

Acceptance (Acceptance)

ACL Access Control List

Action Action

Specifications for the executable statements constituting the calculation process abstraction. Action usually results in a system state change, which is achieved by sending a message or changing a link or attribute value to an object.

Action Sequence (Action Sequence)

Analysis is an expression of a series of actions that have occurred.

Action State (action status)

Indicates that the execution state of the unbreakable action is usually referred to as calling one operation.


The execution of the action.

Active Class (Active class)

Indicates the class that controls the thread in the system.

In fact, an example is the class of active objects. See the active object.


Require the role of the working unit.

Activity-based Costing (Based on the cost of activity, ABC)

A set of methods for evaluating the cost and benefits of activities, resources and cost objects. Resources are allocated to the activities, then assign activities according to the use of cost objects. Cancellation between the cost-based cost accounting, considering the causal relationship between the cost factors and activities.

Activity-based management (based on active management, ABM)

A comprehensive discipline, focusing on activities to achieve customer value and company profits through activity management. It uses activity-based cost accounting as the main source of information.

Active Object (active object)

Have a thread and initiate an object of control activity. Active instance.

Activity graph (activity map)

The special case of the state machine is used to model the process involving one or more classifiers. Comparison: StateChart Diagram. Synonym: Activity Diagram.

Actor (role)

Some of someone or something interacting with the system outside the system.

Actor Class (Role)

Define a set of role instances, each of which is the same role relative to the system.

A set of tightly associated roles of these use cases when interacting with an example. The role is prepared for each of the use cases to communicate with its communication.

Actor-generalization (role gellation relationship)

From a role class (descendum) to another role (ancestral) role (ancestor), it means that the proceeds will inherit the role that the ancestors can be in use.

Actual Parameter (Introduction)

Synonyms: argument.

Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (Advanced Program Communication, APPC)

The communication protocol mainly used in the IBM environment.

Aggregate [class] (polymeric [class])

The "overall" class is represented in the relationship between aggregation (overall and part). See the polymerization relationship.

Aggregation (polymerization relationship)

An association with a whole and partial relationship is established between aggregation (overall) and parts thereof. A special form of association, which determines the overall relationship between the polymerization (overall) and components. See assembly.


In the software development process, the main task is the process part of the model of the problem area. What is the focus on what to do, while the design focuses on how to do it. See the design.

Analysis class (analysis class)

The abstraction of the roles of design elements in the system is usually under the environment implemented by the example. The analysis class can provide abstraction of several roles, indicating a common behavior of these roles. Analysts usually evolve into one or more design elements, such as design classes and / or packages, or design subsystems.

Analysis & Design (Analysis Design)

The core workflow in Unified Process is to display how to implement system use cases; (general) activities, it is necessary to develop strategies and strategies to meet the needs of the system in functionality and quality dimensions. For the results of analyzing design activities, see the design model.

Analysis Mechanism (Analytical Mechanism)

At the beginning of the design process, a structural mechanism used during the discovery and determination of critical classes and subsystems. Usually, the analysis mechanism records the main aspects of the solution, which is not considered. The analysis mechanism is generally independent of the problem area, it is a "computer science" concept. They provide specific behaviors for class or components associated with the domain, or corresponding to cooperation between class and / or components. They can also be implemented as a framework. For example, the mechanism of processing permanent, inter-process communication, error or troubleshooting, notification, and messaging, etc., other examples have fallen.

Analysis Pattern (Analysis Mode)

[FOW97A] Interpretation of the analysis mode as "a set of concepts representing a common architecture in business modeling. It may only be related to one area, or may span multiple fields." So, in this reference vocabulary, this The interpretation of the word is indeed a description of the mode. Thus, there is no reason to extend this definition in [Fow97a] to other fields other than business modeling. On the other hand, the analysis mode is an abstract conceptualization template for analysis of the modification of the model (by binding with any mode), and the analysis model will then be continuously improved in the design. The range of the analysis mode can be large, although the analytical modes illustrated in [FOW97A] are medium range, and thus can constitute an analysis model of the entire application.

Analysis Time

Some transactions appearing in the analysis phase of the software development process. See the design period and modeling.

Analyst (analyst)

The project team member is responsible for obtaining and explaining the needs of the people and conveys these needs to the entire team.


Advanced program communication

Architectural Baseline (architecture baseline)

Architectural Mechanism (architecture mechanism)

Architectural Pattern (architecture mode)

Architectural View (architectural view)

Architecture (architecture)

Architecture, Executable (architecture, executable)

Argument (Introduction)

Analyze the binding portion of the parameters of the runtime instance. Synonyms: Actual Parameter. Comparison: Parameter.

Data elements or values, as parameters are included in method calls. Additional information for providing the call to the call to perform the operation of the request. Artifact (workpiece)

A message (1) is generated, modified or used by the process; (2) Defines the scope of responsibility; (3) is controlled by the version. The workpiece can be a model, model element or document. A document can contain other documents.

A information generated or used by the software development process. The workpiece can be a model, a description or software. Synonym: Products (PRODUCT).

Artifact Guidelines (Workpiece Guide)

For instructions on how to use specific workpieces, including how to create and revise the description of the workpiece.

Artifact Set (workpiece)

Reflect a group of workpieces in one aspect of the system. Some artifacts are used in several core workflows, such as risk lists, software architectures, and iterative plans, and workpiece sets will affect core workflows.

Association (related relationship)

The relationship between the two-way semantic connection between multiple instances is modeled.

Semantic relationship between two or more classifiers (specifying connections between its real instances).

Association class (associated class)

At the same time, there is a model element with associated relationships and class features. Associated classes can be considered as an association relationship with a feature, or a class that also has an associated relationship feature.

Association End (association)

The endpoint of the associated relationship, it is connected to the association relationship and the classifier.

Asynchronous Action (asynchronous action)

The send object is not paused to wait for a request. Contrast: Synchronous action.

Attribute (attribute)

The specified feature of the class or its object is represented by the characteristics defined by the class. The attribute has a type for defining the type of its instance.

One of the characteristics of the classifier is used to describe the range of values ​​that can have a classifier instance.

Base Class (base class)

Other classes or beans are derived from them. The base class itself can also be derived from other base classes. See the abstraction class.


The workpiece released by review and approval, thereby constitute a recognized basis for further evolution or development, and can only be changed by formal programs, such as change management and configuration control.


A small component that can be used to build applications. See JavaBean.


BEAN's associated class, determine accessible method sets, which can retrieve features, events, and methods about Beans.

BEHAVIOR (behavior)

The visible effect of operation or event (including its results).

Behavioral Feature (Behavioral Features)

The dynamic characteristics of the model elements such as operation or method.

BehaviORAL Model Aspect (Model behavior side weeks)

Emphasize the model side of the unstrial model in the system, including its method, collaboration, and status history.

Beta Testing (beta test)

Pre-released tests are purposed for a part of the target users who choose to select.

Binary Association (binary relationship)

Association relationship between two classes. It is a special case of multi-correlation relationship.

Binding (bind)

Create a model element from the template for the template parameters.

Boundary Class (Border Class)

A class for establishing a communication model between the system environment and its internal operations.

Break Point (breakpoint)

The point in which the interrupt is executed in the computer program.

Build (Work Version) The work version can be an operational version of the system or a partial system that shows some features to be provided in the final product.

Business actor (business role: instance)

Someone or something in business interaction outside the business.

Business Actor Class (Business Role)

Define a business role instance set, where each business role instance is the same role relative to the business.

Business Creation (Business Creation)

Its goal is to create a new business process, new business or new organization business project.

Business Engineering (Business Engineering)

The company is used to design a group of methods for its business in accordance with a particular goal. Business engineering methods can be used for business reconstruction, business improvements, can also be used for business creation.

Business Entity (Business Entity)

A business entity that represents a business role handling or use.

Business IMPROVEMENT (Business Improvement)

Execute business projects, but the changes are limited to local and do not wave the entire business. It involves cutting costs, shortening delivery cycles, and supervising services and quality.

Business Object Model (Business Object Model)

Describe the object model implemented by business use.

Business Modeling (Business Modeling)

Contains all modeling methods you can use to visualize your business. These are subsets that you can use to perform business engineering.

Business Process (Business Process)

A set of logical related activities, the purpose is to use organizational resources to provide a specified result for support organizational goals. In Rational Unified Process, we use business use cases (display business expected behavior) and business use case implementation (how to display behavior through business roles and business entities) to define business processes. See also the process.

Business Process Engineering (Business Process Engineering)

See Business Engineering.

Business Rengineering (Business Reconstruction)

Execute business reconstruction, where changes involve the entire existing business in a comprehensive point of view, and thoroughly think so. You will have all existing business processes and strive to find a new method for improving reasonable improvements. Other names of the same meaning also have business process reconstruction (BPR) and process innovation.

Business Rule (Business Rule)

Strategies for strategies or conditions that must be met in business.

Business use case (business case: class)

Define a business use case for a set of business case instances, where each instance is a sequence of operations executing, which will generate "valuable results" for a particular service role. The business use case class contains all the main workflows and alternate workflows related to generating "valuable visible results".

Business use-case instance (business case example)

The action sequence performed by the business that generates valuable results for specific objects.

Business Use-Case Model (Business Model)

Business of the model. The business use case model is used as a basic input for determining the various roles of the organization and the deliverable workpiece.

Business use-case package (business case package)

Business use cases are a collection of business use cases, business roles, relationships, graphs, and other packages, and establish a business case model by dividing it into several smaller portions.

Business use-case realization (business use case implementation)

Business use examples Implement how the workflow in the business object model is described in the business object model. Business worker (business role)

The business role represents one or a set of roles in the business. When participating in business use case implementation, a business role and other business roles interact and control the business entity.

Call (call)

Activate the operating state of the classifier operation.

Call Level Interface (Calling Layer Interface, CLI)

An optional API for database access is an alternative to embedded SQL application programming interfaces. Compared to embedded SQL, the CLI does not require pre-compile or user binding, which provides a standard function for processing SQL statements and related services at runtime.

CAPSULE (package)

A specific design pattern represents the controlled threads packaged in the system. The package is a class that has been imparted, which has a specific set of associations and features that are specific and necessary and qualitative.

Cardinality (base)

The number of elements in the elements. Contrast: Multiplicity.


Component-based development


Change Control Committee


Key design review

Change Control Board (Change Control Board, CCB)

The role of the CCB is to provide a centralized control mechanism to ensure properly considering, approve and coordinate each change request.

Child (child)

In the generalization relationship, the specialization of the parent element. See the subclass, subtype. Contrast: Parent.

Change Management (Change Management)

Control and track workpiece changes. See also scale management.

Change request (Change Request, CR)

Any request for any request to change the workpiece or process of the relevant public. The information recorded in the change request is information about the current problem, the proposed solution and the origin of the cost, and its cost. See also extended requests, defects.

Checkpoints (Checkpoint)

A set of conditions for a good workpiece should have. You can also use the Q & A form that you should have to answer.


Call layer interface

Class (class)

A description of a set of objects with common properties, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics. The class can use a set of interfaces to specify the set of operations it provides to their environment. See the interface.

Class Diagram (class)

A set of illustrative (static) model elements, such as classes, types, and their contents and relationships.

Class hierarchy (class layered structure)

Sharing a relationship between a single inheritance class. All Java classes are inherited from the Object class.

Class Library

Collection of classes.

Class Method (class method)

See the method.

Classifier (classifier)

Describe the mechanism of behavior and structural characteristics. The classifier includes interfaces, classes, data types, and components.

Client (client)

A classifier requesting a service to other classifier. Contrast: Supply (Supplier).

Client / Server (client / server)

The interactive model in distributed data processing, that is, a bit of a program issues a request to another location and waits for a response. The program that issues a request is called a client program, and the answering program is called a service program.


Business-oriented general language


(1) For the description of the object set interacting to implement a certain behavior in an environment. It illustrates a combination of a group of cooperation objects together to achieve a certain purpose. (2) It acquires a more comprehensive view to the behavior of the message exchange of the network object. (3) Collaboration reflects the unity of the three main infrastructure of the calculation: the data structure, control flow, and data stream. (4) Collaboration has a dynamic and static part. The static part of the static segment describes the roles that the objects and links taken in collaboration instantiation. The dynamic part consists of one or more dynamic interactions, which is used to display the message flow transmitted during the entire process of cooperating with the calculation. Collaboration can have a set of messages that describe their dynamic behavior. (5) Collaboration with messages is interacting. How to perform a description of how to perform a specific role in a particular way in a particular manner, or a classifier (such as an example). Collaboration identified interaction. See interacting.

Collaboration Diagram (Collaboration)

(1) Collaborative diagram illustrates the mode of interacting between the objects, which shows the objects involved in interaction through the link between the objects and their mutually transmitted messages. (2) It is a class diagram that contains a classifier role and associated relationship role rather than a classifier and associated relationship. (3) Collaborative drawings and sequence diagrams have shown interactions, but they have a focus. The sequence diagram explicitly shows the time series, but does not explicitly display the object relationship. Collaborative diagrams explicitly show the object relationship, but must get a time series from the serial number.

Use the classifier and association relationship, or use the instance and the displayed architecture to interact around the model structure. Unlike the sequence diagram, the collaborative diagram shows the relationship between examples. Sequence diagrams and collaborative figures are similar information, but use different ways. See the sequence diagram.


Component Object Model (Microsoft)

Comment (note)

Annotation description attached to an element or a set of elements. The comment does not have semantics. Comparison: constraint.

Commit (submit)

End a working unit, which will make it permanently changed to resource (transaction or data).

Common Gateway Interface (Public Gateway Interface, CGI)

A standard protocol, the web server can perform programs running on the server computer through this protocol. The CGI program is performed in response to requests from a web client browser.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Public Object Request Agent Architecture, CORBA)

Determine the software bus that provides an infrastructure, ie the object request agent (ORB) of the object request agent (ORB).

Communicate-Association (Communication Association)

The relationship between the role class and the use case class, indicating that there is an interaction between its exhibition. The direction of the relationship can indicate the initiator of the communication (UNIFIED Process Convention).

Communication Association (Communication Association)

In the deployment diagram, the association relationship between the nodes of the communication is indicated. See the deployment diagram.

Compile Time (compile)

That is, the transaction that occurs during the compilation process of the software module. See Modeling period and running.


It is important in the system, which is almost independent alternative to implement exact functions in a clearly defined architecture environment. Compliance with the physical implementation of a set of interfaces.

The replaceable portion actually exists in the system contains implementations, conformity and provides an implementation of a set of interfaces. Components represent part of physical implementation, including software code (source code, binary code, or executable code) or its equivalents (such as scripting or command files).

Component Diagram (Component)

A diagram of the organization and dependencies between components.

Component Model Architecture and API allows developers to determine a reusable code segment that can be combined to create a program. Visualage for Java uses the JavaBean component model.

Component-Based Development (Component Development, CBD)

Create and deployment of software-intensive systems assembled by components, as well as the development and collection of such components.

Composite aggregation (assembly relationship)

Synonym: Composition.

Composite bean

BEAN consisting of other beans. The combination bean can contain visible beans, and beans or both are included. See also bean, not visible bean and visible beans.

Composite [class] (assembly [class])

By assembling the relationship with one or more class related classes. See assembly.

Composite State

Contains a state of a parallel (orthogonal) sub-state or a serial (mutual exclusive) sub-state. See the status.

Composite Substate (Composite Status)

A sub-state that can be coexisting with other sub-states contained in the same component state. Synonyms: Region. See the combination status.


A polymerization relationship relationship, which has a strong home relationship, and partially is the same as the survival of the polymerization relationship. Multiple parts with unfixed components can be created after assembly itself, but then they are dying with assembly of them, that is, they will have the same life cycle. Such components can also be explicitly deleted before assembly die. Assembly can be recursive. Synonyms: Composite Aggation.

Concrete (specific)

The entity in the configuration meets the final use requirements, and for a particular reference, it can be unique. (ISO)

Concrete Class (Specific class)

You can instantiate the class directly. Contrast: Abstract class.

Concurrency (parallel)

At the same time, two or more activities occurring at the same time interval. Parallel can be implemented by alternating or performing two or more threads. See threads.

Concurrent Substate (parallel status)

A sub-state that can be coexisting with other sub-states included in the same combined state. See the composition status. Contrast: Mutual Substate.


(1) General: The system or network of the nature, number of functional units, the number, the main characteristics, can be applied to hardware or software configuration.

(2) Demand, design, and implementation of specific versions used to determine system or system components. See Configuration Management.

Configuration Item

The entity in the configuration meets the final use requirements, and for a particular reference, it can be unique. (ISO)

Configuration Management (Configuration Management)

A support process, its purpose is to identify, determine projects and establish project baselines; control changes and release of these items; report and record the status of these projects and changes to the request; ensure the integrity, consistency and correctness of the project; control storage; Process and deliver these items. (ISO)


Semantic conditions or limitations. Specific constraints are predefined in UML, others can be defined by the user. Constraint is one of the three scalability mechanisms in UML. See the labeling value, constructor. Construction

In the third phase of UNIFIED Process, in this stage, the software advances from the executable architecture baseline to this point that is ready to transition to the user group.

Constructor (constructor)

Specialty methods with the same name as the class, used to build and may initialize the objects of one class.


(1) An example is used to include other instances and provide operations for access content or content iteration. (For example: arrays, lists, and sets). (2) Used to include components of other components.

Containment Hierarchy (container hierarchical structure)

The namespace hierarchical structure containing the relationship between the model element and the relationship therebetween. The container hierarchical structure forms a non-circular map.

CONTEXT (environment)

A view of a set of related modeling elements for specific purposes (such as specified operations).

Control Class (Control Class)

A class for modeling for behavior of one or more use cases.

Conversational (session)

One communication model, two distributed applications exchange information in session form. Usually one application starts (or assigned) sessions, sending some data, and then allows other applications to send some data. Two applications are alternately for sessions until one party decides to end (cancel allocation). The session model is a synchronization form of communication.


The browser will send the content of the file to the appropriate site in subsequent access by your web browser based on the request for the Web site you visit.


Public object request agency architecture

Core Workflow (core workflow)

One of the nine core workflows in Rational Unified Process: business modeling, demand, analysis design, implementation, testing, deployment, configuration and change management, project management, and environment. An abstract business use case for software engineering business.


Change request

Critical Design Review (Key Design Review, CDR)

In the waterfall lifecycle, the main review is made at the end of the detailed design. See the Guide: Software Development Plan.

Customer (customer)

Individuals or organizations within or outside the production organization must bear the system's financial responsibility. In large systems, customers may not be end users. They are the ultimate recipient of the development of products and their workpieces. See also related to the public.

Cycle (cycle)

For complete experiences in the following four phases: first, refine, build, and productize. Starting from the first phase to the time span between the end of the product stage.

Database (Database)

(1) Collection of related data (with redundant control) based on the scheme stored for one or more applications. (2) All data files stored in the system. (3) Stored and managed by the database management system.

Database Management System System (Database Management System, DBMS)

By providing computer programs that manage data for services such as centralized control, data independent and complex physical structures such as effective access, integrity, recovery, parallel control, privacy, and security.

DataType (data type)

A set of descriptors that lack an identity and operate without side effects. The data type includes an initial predefined type and a user-definable type. The predefined type includes numbers, strings, and time. The user-definable type can include various enumerations.


Database administrator


Double-word character set DBMS

Database management system


Distributed computing environment


Distributed Object Model (Microsoft)

Deadlock (dead lock)

Two independent control threads are blocked each other, waiting for each other to take action, this state is called dead lock. Dead lock is often caused by adding synchronization mechanisms to avoid competitive states.

Defect (defect)

Defect is an abnormality or 疵 in the delivered product. The defect can be the omission and disadvantages of the initial discovery of the life cycle, or may be a fault sign in a more mature software that has been prepared or run. Defects can be any kind of problem you want to track and resolve. See also a change request.

Defining model [MOF] (Defined Model [MOF])

The model is based on the storage library. Any number of repositories can have the same definition model.

Delegation (commission)

As a response to a message, an object can issue a message to another object. Entrusted can be used as an alternative to inheritance. Comparison: Inheritance.

Deliverable (deliverable)

In the process, it is necessary to deliver the output of the value, material or other information to the customer or other related.

De-Marshal (Serialization)

To make the object can be written as a byte stream to deconstruct the object. It is a synonym of serialization and serialize.

Demilitarized Zone (Isolated Belt, DMZ)

This term is currently used in the industry to describe subnets, usually used to make the WEB server protected by the firewall from the destruction of external Internet and the company's internal network.

Dependency (dependencies)

The relationship between two modeling elements, where a modification of a modeling element (independent element) will affect another modeling element (dependent element).


One of the core workflows in the software engineering process is to ensure that the development system will be transferred to the user. These include workpieces such as training materials and installation steps.

Deployment Diagram (deployment map)

A chart showing the configuration of the runtime processing node and the configuration of the components, processes, and objects on which it is operated. The component is a specific expression of the code unit at runtime. See the component diagram.

Deployment Unit (deploying unit)

As a group, a set of objects or components or components of a processor are assigned. The distribution unit can be represented by a runtime assembly or a polymerization relationship.

Deployment View (deployment)

A architectural view describes one or more system configurations; software components (tasks, modules) to the mappings of computing nodes in these configurations.

Derived Element (derived element)

The resulting model element can be calculated from other elements. Although there is no semantic information, it is possible to display derived elements for clarification, or it may contain it for design purposes.


Build an object from a serialization state. It is synonymous with a Marshal and an anti-serialization (Resurrect).

Design (Design)

A part of the software development process is the primary purpose of determining how the system is implemented. During the design, strategic and tactical decisions are developed to meet the functionality and quality needs of the system. See the analysis.

Design Time

Transactions that appear in the design phase of the software development process. See the modeling period. Comparison: Analysis Time.

Design Mechanism (Design Mechanism)

A architecture mechanism used in the design process and during the decision design period. They are associated with the analysis mechanism of the association relationship, which is an additional improvement of the analysis mechanism of the associated relationship, and they can also bind one or more architectures and design patterns. The analysis mechanism and the design mechanism do not have a distinctive difference in scale, so the following statement is possible, that is, the permanent mechanism at the analysis level and the permanent mechanism at the design level are the same as the same improvement level. thing. The design mechanism assumes some details of the implementation environment, but it does not belong to a particular implementation (ie, the implementation mechanism). For example, the analysis mechanism of inter-process communication can further improve: the shared memory, similar function called IPC, based on the signal amount IPC, etc.. Each design mechanism has specific advantages and disadvantages, and a specific design mechanism is determined by the characteristics of the object of the mechanism. Design Model (Design Model)

Describe the object model implemented by the use case, used as an abstraction of the implementation model and its source code.

Design Package (design package)

The design package is a collection of classes, relationships, use case implementations, diagrams, and other packets, which can be used to divide the design model into a smaller portion, and build design models in this way. It is a logic simulation of the subsystem.

Design Pattern (design mode)

[GAM94] Define the design pattern as follows:

"Design mode provides a solution for improving software systems, components, or relationships therein. It describes the frequent structure of frequently occurring communication components that address general design issues in a particular environment."

The design mode is a small-sized mode, and its scale is smaller than the architect mode, but is usually independent of the programming language. When the range of design patterns is defined, it will form a part of the specific design model (or part of the design mechanism). The level where the design mode is located determines that it tends to be applied in multiple fields.

Design Subsystem (Design Subsystem)

A model element with a package (which can contain other elements) and class (with behavior). The behavior of the subsystem is provided by the class or other subsystem it contains. The subsystem implements one or more interfaces that determine the behavior that the subsystem can perform. Contrast: Design package.

Developer (developer)

Responsible for developing the required functions in accordance with the standards and steps adopted by the project. It may include activities performed in any requirement, analysis design, implementation, and testing workflows.

Developments Case (Development Case)

The software engineering process used by the execution organization. It is developed as a configuration or customization of UNIFIED Process products and meets the needs of the project.

Development Process (Development Process)

In software development, a set of steps that are sorted by a given purpose, such as building a model or implementation model.


A node that provides support for the processor. Although the embedded program (driver) can be run, it cannot perform a universal application, which is just a service that runs universal applications for the processor.

Diagram (Figure)

The graphics of the partial or all of the models will be made.

A set of graphical representations of a set of model elements are typically presented as diagrams or arc (relationships) and vertices (other model elements). UML supports the following drawings: Class diagram, object map, model diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, state diagram, active diagram, component diagram, and deployment diagram.

Disjoint Substate (Mutual Status)

The sub-state that cannot be saved simultaneously with other sub-states included in the same combined state. See the combination status. Contrast: Concurrent Substate.

Distributed Computing Environment Distributed computing environment. The computer industry is used for distributed calculations. DCE allows different vendors to transparently communicate and share resources, such as computing power, files, printers, and other objects in the network.

Distributed Processing (Distributed Processing)

Distributed processing is an application or system mode, functional and data in which multiple resource distributions can be connected across the LAN or WAN. See Client / Server Calculation.


Dynamic link library


Isolation belt


Domain name service

Document (document)

The document is a collection of information indicated on paper or in a medium that is a sheet of metaphor. The above metaphor is the paper medium comprises a conceptual paper, but it can have an implicit sequence of content or a clear sequence of content. The information will be in the form of a text or two-dimensional picture. Word processor documents, spreadsheets, timetables, Gantt charts or projected slide demonstrations are examples of paper dielectric.

Document Description (Document Description)

Describe the contents of a particular document.

Document Template (Document Template)

A specific tool template, such as an Adobe? Framemaker? Or Microsoft? Word? Template.


A series of knowledge or activity zones that are characterized by a series of systems.

A set of concepts and terms, a set of concepts and terms, is characterized by a group of concepts and terms in the region.

Domain model (domain model)

The domain model records the most important object type in the domain environment. The domain object represents an event that exists or occurs in the environment where the system is operating. The domain model is a subset of business object models.

Domain Name Server (Domain Name Server)

The system used to translate domain names, for example, translate as an Internet protocol address, such as

Double-byte Character Set (Double-byte character set, dbcs)

Each character is a character set represented by two bytes. For example, language such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. The symbols they contain cannot be fully represented by 256 code points, thus need to use double-byte character sets. Can be compared with the single-byte character set.

Dynamic Classification (Dynamic Category)

The semantic variation of the generalization relationship, wherein the object can change type or role. Comparison: Static classification.

Dynamic Information (Dynamic Information)

The information created when the user requests it. Dynamic information will change from time to time, so different content will be seen when users see dynamic information each time.

Dynamic Link Library (Dynamic Link Library, DLL)

A file that is executable code and data that belongs to the runtime program (rather than linked time programs). C Access Builder generates the bean and C packages to allow Java programs to access C DLL.

E-Business (e-commerce)

Or means (1) business transactions such as electronic media such as Internet, or (2) in their internal business processes (via intranet), their business relationships (via EXTRANET), and buying or selling goods, services and information (by electronics) The business operation of Internet technology and network computing is used in the process of business.


Enterprise JavaBeanelaborse (refine)

The second phase of the process, the foreground of the product and its architecture are determined at this stage.

ELEMENT (Element)

The non-score of the model is a minimum ingredient.


Hidden for the internal representation of the software object. This object provides an interface that queries and controls data without exposing its infrastructure.

ENCLOSED Document (with documentation)

A document that can be included with other documents for combining a set of documents into a whole. A separate workpiece can be seen with documents and individual accessories.

Enhancement Request (Extension Request)

A request for a request, which shows the new features or new features of the system. See also a change request.

Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)

EJB is an invisible, designed to run remote objects that run on the server and can be called by the client. EJB can be created from multiple invisible JavaBeans. EJB is used to run on a computer and remotely call from other computers. They are independent of the platform. Beans can be used to support any client or server platform for Java after writing.

Entity Class (entity)

A class for modeling the information associated with the system is stored and acts with the system. A common class can be reused in many use examples and usually have permanent features. The entity class defines a set of entity objects that participate in several use cases and can usually survive in the corresponding examples.

Entry Action (entering action)

Under the conditions ignored to enter the state of the transfer, the operation is performed in the state in the state machine.

ENUMERATION (enumeration)

List the list of specified values ​​used as a range of specific attribute types. For example, RGBColor = {Red, Green, Blue}. Boolean is a predefined enumeration that is taken from the following set {false, true}.

ENVIRONMENT (environment)

The core support workflow in the software engineering process is to define and manage the environment in which system development is performed. Flow instructions, configuration management, and development tools.


Enterprise resource planning

Essential Use Cases (basic use case)

Event (event)

For the description of the important things (having time and spatial location). In the environment where the status map, the event is a thing that can trigger a transfer.

EVENT-TO-METHOD Connection (event - method map)

The connection from the event generated from the bean to the method of the bean. This method is performed after the connected event occurs.

Evolution (evolving)

Software is in its initial development cycle, in any subsequent loop during the continuous development of the product.

Evolutionary (evolving)

An iterative development strategy that recognizes that the user needs is not fully understood, so the understanding of the demand will continue to be improved in each posts.

Executable Architecture (executable architecture)

The executable architecture is partially implemented by the system, which establishes the system functions and features of the selected selected system, especially those that meet the needs of non-functionality. The architecture is built in the refining phase, which is used to reduce the risk associated with performance, throughput, capacity, reliability, and other "a certain", so that on a solid foundation, Add all functions of your system without worrying about the damage system. The active architecture is used as an evolved prototype, which is also a intention to reserve some of the retention of further development (meeting demand) and make it a part of the deliverable system. EXIT Action (exit action)

Under the conditions of ignoring the transfer to which the state is taken, the operation is performed when the state in the state machine is exited.


In the environment of the package, the element is visible outside the names thereof. See Visibility. Contrast: Export [OMA], Import (Import).

Expression (expression)

A string for a particular type of value. For example, the expression "(7 5 * 3)" is equal to the value of the number of types.


From the relationship between the extension to the basic use case, how the behavior defined as the extension case can be inserted into the behavior defined for the basic use case.

Extend-RelationShip (extension)

The extension of the extension representation of the use case class A to the use of Example B can include (restrictions received by specific conditions specified in the extension) by A. The behavior specified by several extended objects of a single target case can occur in a single-use example instance.

FACADE (appearance)

A special package in the subsystem, constructed is? FACADE ?, all the information required for the organization and derived subsystems. The package includes an interface (some interfaces of the subsystem), the realization relationship between the interface outside the subsystem, and all document materials required to use the subsystem's client module.

Factory (factory)

Unacuetable beans can dynamically create a new instance of the specified bean.


An unexpected situation, which causes components in the implementation model to fail to complete their expected behavior. The fault is the root cause of one or more defects.

Feature (Features)

A service from an external service, which is provided and used to directly meet the needs of the involvement.

A feature of similar operations or properties, packaged in a classifier such as interface, class or data type.

Field (field)

See Properties.

FILE TRANSFER Protocol (File Transfer Protocol, FTP)

The basic Internet feature of file transfer is implemented between your computer. With it to download files from the remote host, you can also load the file from the local computer to the remote host.

Final State (final state)

A special state, indicating the combined state or the entire state machine has been completed.


Start to perform status transfer. See Transfer.

Firewall (firewall)

There is a computer or programmable device that can limit the information of entering and delivering information according to the determination rule. The basis of usually implemented control is the originating address or destination address, and the TCP / IP port number.

Flatten (Serialization)

Synonym of de-marshal.

Focus of Control (Control Focus)

A symbol on the sequence diagram, indicating the time period of the object directly or through the auxiliary process.

Formal parameter synonym: parameter.

Framework (framework)

Miniature architecture provides scalable templates for applications within a particular field.


File transfer protocol


Functionality, usability, reliability, performance and supportability. The acronyllist represents the category used by the product quality.

Gateway (gateway)

Connect the host of the network that communicates in different languages; for example: gateways can connect the company's LAN to the Internet.

Generalizable Element (generalized element)

Model elements that can be involved in the general relationship. See the generalization relationship.

Generalization (generalization relationship)

A classification relationship between the more general elements and more special elements. More special elements are completely consistent with more general elements, and other information is included. Anyone who can use more general elements can be applied. See inheritance.


The final release version at the end of the cycle.

Generic Programming (generic programming)

Granularity (granular)

Graphical User Interface (Graphical User Interface, GUI)

One type of interface, the user uses it to control the graphical function (instead of the input command) to communicate with the program. Typically, the GUI is a graphic, positioning device, menu bar, and other menus, overlapping windows, and icons.

Green-Field Development (zero-start development)

"From nothing" development, relative to "evolution of existing systems" or "legacy system reconstruction". The word originates from the transformation that occurs when building a new plant on weeds.

Guard Condition

The conditions that must be met to start the transfer of associated relationships.



HyperLinks (hyperlink)

The area on the web page, click to connect to other areas or other web pages of the page.

Hypertext (Super Text)

There is a text in the document that points to the hidden link to other text. Use the mouse to click the hypertext word to go to the text corresponding to the corresponding link. Using hypertext in the Windows Help and CD Encyclopedia, you can jump to other locations in the same document. The most wonderful hypertext is still: it is able to pass any web document on the Web through the HTTP link. Of course, you want to click on the Web and you need to click on the mouse.

Hypertext Markup Language (Hypertext Markup Language, HTML)

The basic language used to build hypertext documents on the World Wide Web. It is used in basic, pure ASCII text documents. However, a web browser, which is classified (referred to), which can display formatted text, color, various fonts, graphics images, special effects, and link to other locations in the Internet, and Information form.

I / T

information Technology


Integrated Development Environment

IDIOM (code mode)

[Bus96] Define the code mode as follows:

"Code mode is a low-level mode for programming language. Code mode illustrates how to implement the characteristics of the given language to implement the relationship between components or implementation of the components, also known as implementation modes. For example, the specific design of UML is used, and it is necessary to implement it in Java, it may be necessary to reproduce the implementation mode of the UML language. Therefore, the code mode will be used in the design and implementation.


Internet Explorer (Microsoft)

IEEE Electric and Electronic Engineer Association


Internet ORB Agreement


Internet Packet Access Agreement No. 4


A core workflow in the software engineering process, its purpose is to implement classes and unit testing of classes.

For how to build or calculate the definitions made. For example, the class is the implementation of the type, and the method is the implementation of the operation.

Implementation inheritance (implementation inheritance)

The inheritance of the implementation of a particular element. Includes inheritance of the interface. Comparison: Interface Inheritance.

Implementation Mechanism (implementation mechanism)

The architecture mechanism used in the implementation process. The implementation mechanism is an improvement in the design mechanism, which specifies the exact mechanism implementation mode, and it is likely to use a variety of implementation modes (code mode) during its construction. Reebredance reaffirmed that the design mechanism and implementation mechanism did not necessarily have differences in scale.

For example, the specific implementation of the inter-process communication analysis mechanism is the shared memory design mechanism that uses a shared memory function of a particular operating system. Parallel conflicts (simultaneous access to shared memory) can be avoided using a beacon or latch mechanism that rely on other implementation mechanisms.

Implementation model (Implementation Model)

The implementation model is a collection of components to the sub-system of the components.

Implementation Pattern (Implementation Mode)

See Code Mode.

Implementation Subsystem (MUM)

The assembly and other collections of other implement subsystems are constructed by subdivision implementation models. Note: In Rational Unified Process, implementing models and implement subsystems are the goals in implementing views, so it is significant in the development phase. It is a physical simulation of design packages. This name reflects the term "Subsystem" term, that is, an object that is more than the range of components. However, in the UML term, it is imparted to the structure of the package instead of a subsystem.

Implementation View (Implementation View)

An architectural view, which describes the organization of static software elements (code, data, and other supplemental workpieces) in the development environment in terms of packaging and hierarchical and configuration management (ownership, publishing policies, etc.). In UNIFIED Process, the implementation view is a view related to the implementation model.


A dependency in the environment in the package indicates that the classes of their classes can be referenced in a particular package (including the package embedded in a recursive manner). Comparison: Export.

Import-dependency (import dependence)

A dependency on the design of the design, which is the source with another design package. The import-dependent relationship allows the public content of the target package to be referenced by the source packet.


The first phase of UNIFIED Process. In this stage, the basic idea of ​​the previous generation (program demand) has been applying at least internally, ready for work, and can enter the extension phase.


From the basic use case to the relationship of the use case, specify how to insert behavior defined by the use case as defined as the basic case.

INCLUDE-RELATIONSHIP (including relationship)

The relationship is the relationship between the basic use to include the use case, which specifies how to adopt an explicit mode, which will be inserted into the behavior defined by the use case definition. Increment (increment)

After the end of the subsequent iteration, there is a difference (difference value) between the two publishs.


A construction method that meets an iterative development strategy, when building a system in this manner, will gradually add more functions during each iteration process.

Inheritance (inherited)

The mechanism for realizing the relationship of the generalization is also the mechanism used in the complete clarity description from a single class segment.

The more special elements will be combined into the mechanisms used in the structure and behavior of the behavioral and more general elements. See the generalization relationship.


The workpiece used in the process. See the static workpiece.


A formal assessment method, this method specifies that some workpieces (models, documents, software) are reviewed by the founders, designed to detect faults, identify violations of development standards and other issues.

Instance (instance)

Single entity that meets or type descriptions.

An entity that can be applied, which has a state that can be used to store operational effects. See the object.

Integrated Development Environment (Integrated Development Environment, IDE)

A software program containing editor, compiler, and debugger.


The separate software components are assembled as software development activities of the executable overall system.

Integration Build Plan (Integrated Build Plan)

Define the order to be used in specific iterations to implement and integrated components. The included in the iterative plan.

Interaction (interaction)

Interaction Description How to send an excitation between an instance to perform a specific task. Interaction is defined in the collaborative environment. See collaboration.

Intertion Diagram (interaction)

A number of maps used to emphasize the interaction of objects. These figures include: collaborative diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.

Interface (interface / interface)

A collection of operations for specifying classes or component services.

A set of operations indicating the characteristics of the element behavior.

Interface inheritance (interface inheritance)

Inheritance of the interface of the more special elements. Does not include inheritance of the implementation. Contrast: Implementing inheritance.

INTERNAL TRANSITION (internal transfer)

Indicates the response event but does not change the transfer of the object state.


The collection of many interconnected networks using the TCP / IP protocol, evolved from the end of the 1960s, the arpanet of the 70s.

Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (Internet ORB Agreement, IIOP)

Industry standard protocol defines how to exchange universal ORB Protocol (Giop) messages via TCP / IP network. IIOP makes the Internet itself can be used as backbone ORB, and other ORBs can be connected.

Internet Protocol (Internet Protocol, IP)

Provide a protocol for basic Internet features.

Internet Protocol Address (Internet Protocol Address)

A digital address that can uniquely identify computers that connect the network. For example,


The company or the private network inside the organization uses the same type of software as the public Internet, but only for internal use. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, many tools used on the Internet are used. For example, many company's web servers are for internal employees. IP

Internet protocol

IP Number (IP number)

The Internet address represented by a unique number, consists of four segments, and each segment is separated by a circular point (sometimes referred to as a point 4), for example: Each Internet computer has an IP number, and most computers also have one or more domain names that are quoted four-component groups.


IP security protocol

IP Security Protocol (IP Security Protocol, IPSec)

Provides encryption security services on the network layer.


Internet Server API


International Organization for Standardization.


Internet service provider

Iteration (iteration)

A unique activity sequence with established baseline planning and evaluation criteria, iterative generated release (internal or external).


Java archive file


Java is a new programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Programs written in Java's unique design can be downloaded to your computer through Internet Security and running now without having to worry about computer or files being infected by viral or subject to other damage. Using the Java applet called Applet, add a lot of features to web pages, such as animations, calculators, and other chic things. Using Java can greatly expand the web functionality. Write the Java program and incorporate it into the web page, almost all the features implemented by the normal computer program.

Java Archive (Java file, jar)

Independent on the platform, multiple files can be classified into a set of file formats. The JAR file is used to compress, shorten the download time and ensure safety. The JAR format is written in Java, so the JAR file can be fully expanded.

Java Database Connectivity (Java Database Connection, JDBC)

The statutes in JDK 1.1 define the API that enables the program to access the database that meets the standard.

Java Development Kit (Java Development Kit, JDK)

Java Development Kit 1.1 is the latest Java technology package that can be used by Sun Microsystems authorized developers. Each release of JDK includes the following: Java compiler, Java virtual machine, Java class library, Java Applet viewer, Java debugger, and other tools.

Java Foundation Classes (Java Foundation Class, JFC)

JFC is developed by Netscape, Sun and IBM, which helps to develop build blocks for the Java application interface. With JFC, Java applications can be more fully interact with existing operating systems.


JavaBean is a component that integrates to the application with other separately developed beans. This app can be used independently in your browser and can also be used as ActiveX components. For a single process, JavaBean should run locally and is usually visible at runtime. This visual component can be an object such as a button, a list box, a graphic, or a chart.


Java database connection


Java development kit


Java basic class


Just timely JVM

Java virtual machine

A B C D e f G H i J [K] L M N o P q r s T u v w x y z

Key Mechanism (Key Mechanism)

Description of architectural mode is implemented on how interactive mode between system elements. See the software architecture documentation for details.

Keyword (keyword)

A predefined word reserved for Java, for example: return, this type cannot be used as an identifier.

A B C D E F G H i J K [L] M N o P q r s T u v w x y z


local area network


A specific way to group the package in the same abstraction level in the model.

The organizational structure of the same abstract hierarchy or package. The layer is the lateral division of the frame, and the partition is the longitudinal division of the framework. Comparison: Partition.


Lightweight directory access protocol

LINK (link)

The semantic connection between the object tuple. An example of a relationship. See the association relationship.

LINK END (link end)

An instance of an associated relationship. See the associated relationship.

Listener (listener)

A class that receives and handles the events in JDK 1.1.

Local Area Network (LAN, LAN)

A computer network located within a user or institution within a defined geographic area. LANs are usually composed of one or more servers, providing services to multiple client workstations.

Logical View (logical view)

Architecture views for explaining the main classes in the system design, including: classes related to business-related key classes, as well as defining critical behaviors and structural mechanisms (permanent, communication, fault tolerance, user interface). In UNIFIED Process, the logical view is a view of the design model.


The core support workflow in the software engineering process is to plan and manage development projects.


Synonyms of DeSerialize.

Mechanism (mechanism)

The mechanism is an example of the pattern. To become a collaboration in a particular model, the mechanism requires further improvement. Thus mechanisms can be regarded as a specific solution for repeated problems in a single environment. It can be said that mechanisms and patterns are compatible or match. Any collaboration can be referred to as mechanisms, but the term often refers to those collaboration that can solve frequent problems in software applications. For example, a collaboration is provided for processing permanent issues and an application model. In the analysis design, the concept of mechanisms can be used as "placeholders". For example, if it is determined that it is necessary to permanently, analysts and designers can say that the permanent mechanism will be used, so that the problem can get the system and solve the problem.

Message (message)

The status of information transfer is performed between the examples and has the expectations of the corresponding activities. Message can specify a signal or call operation.

Messaging (Message Pass)

Distributed applications communicate with each other to communicate with each other. The news is usually a shorter packet, which does not necessarily answer. Messaging is used by asynchronous communication methods. The message can also be a Java code in the class, which can be activated and transmitted for a set of parameters used to perform a particular task.

Metaclass (Metclass)

Examples are all kinds of classes. The class is usually used to construct a meta model.

Meta-metamodel (yuan - meta)

Define the model of the language used in the meta model. The relationship between the metammato and metamodes is similar to the relationship between the metamodes and the model.

Metamodel (meta)

A model defined in the language of the expression model.

MetaObject is collectively referred to as all meta-entities in the MDM. For example, meta-type, meta, meta properties, and meta-related relationships.

Method (method)

(1) It is often used to complete a systematic approach to a task; complete the task or implement a detailed, organized ordered plan or step followed by the target. (2) In the UML 1.1, it refers to the implementation of the operation, algorithm or process of the operation result.

The implementation of the operation. It specifies an algorithm or process associated with the operation.

Method Call (method call)

Synonym of Message.


Management information library

Milestone (milestone)

The time point of the iterative formal end; corresponds to the publishing time point.


Extension with Internet mail

Model [MOF] (Model [MOF])

Abstract concepts of the system with a complete semantic representation. In Unified Process, a complete description of the system from a particular angle ("complete" here means that other information does not need to be supplemented from the angle to understand the system; a set of model elements. The two models cannot overlap.

The abstract concept of the theme system with complete semantics. See the system.

Usage: In the MOF Statute (for explaining the metammorial model) environment, the metamm - meta model is often referred to as a model.

Model aspect (model side weight)

Some aspects of modeling are used to emphasize certain characteristics of the metamodel. For example, the structural side of the model emphasizes the structural characteristics of the meta-model.

Model Elaboration (Model Refinition)

The process of generating a repository type from the published model. In this process, interfaces and embodiments are generated in order to instantiate and fill the repository based on the distinctive model.

Model Element [MOF]

Model elements are used to represent abstract concepts extracted from the system being modeled. Comparison: View Element.

In the MOF specification, the model element is considered a metamorphic object.

Model View Controller (Model View Controller, MVC)

Application Architecture for Decomposing Application Components: Model represents business logic or data; the view represents the user interface; the controller is used to manage user input, or manage application flow in some cases.

Modeling Conventions (Modeling Convention)

The way the representation concept, and the project team management has decided to limit the modeling language. These restrictions refer to some statements, such as: "Do not use inheritance between subsystems"; "Do not use extensions or associated relationships in the use case model"; "Do not use friends in C ". Modeling conventions are provided in the software architecture.

Modeling Time

Refers to an event that occurs in the modeling phase of the software development process. It includes analysis period and design. Usage Description: When discussing the object system, pay attention to distinguishing between modeling and runtime matters, this is usually important. See the analysis period, design period. Comparison: Run Time.


Software storage and operating units. The module includes a source code module, a binary code module, and an executable code module. See the component.


Message-oriented middleware

Multiple Classification (multiple classification)

A semantic variation in the generalization relationship, one of which can be directly in multiple classes. See dynamic classification.

Multiple Inheritance (multiple inheritance)

A semantic variation in the generalization relationship, one of which can have multiple super-type. Contrast: Single Inheritance. MultiPlicity

Used to specify the allowable base range that may be employed in a set. Multi-multiplexes can be specified for associated relationship roles, combined components, repetitions, and other purposes. Multipleness is basically a subset of non-negative integers (possibly an infinite subset). Comparison: Cardinality.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (Multi-use Internet Mail Extension, MIME)

INTERNET standards followed by messages that support text, image, audio, and video.

Multi-Valued (Multi-value) [MOF]

A model element that defines a multiplex, its multiplicity type :: Upper property is set to a value greater than 1. The word "multi-value" is independent of the number of values ​​having the value, parameters, etc. at all times. Comparison: Single-Valued.

Mutator Methods (Accessor Method)

Object is provided to define a method of its real variable interface. An accessor method for returning an instance variable value is referred to as a acquisition method; an accessor method for assigning an instance variable is referred to as a setting method.


Model view controller


Multi-virtual memory

A b C D e f G H i J K L M [N] o P q r s t u v w x y z

N-ary association (multi-correction)

The relationship between three or more classes. Each instance of the association relationship is an N tone group in the corresponding class value, respectively. Contrast: Binary Association.

Name (Name)

A string for identifying the model element.

Namespace (name space)

The model is used to define and use the name of the name. In the namespace, each name has a unique meaning. See the name.


Network computer or network calculation


Network computing framework


Network News Transfer Protocol

Node (node)

A node is a classifier that represents the runtime calculation resource. In general, the node must have memory and have processing capabilities. Runtime objects and components can reside on the node.


Netscape Server API


Windows NT (New Technology)

A b C D e f G H i j k L m n [o] P q r s t u v w x y z

Object (object)

An entity, it has a clear defined boundary and encapsulate status and behavior. The status is represented by attributes and relationships, and behavior is represented by operations, methods, and state machines. Object is an example of a class. See the class, instance.

Object Class (Object Class)

Templates used to define object properties and methods. An object class can contain other object classes. Objects specified separately are called objects.

Object Diagram (Object)

Object diagrams contain objects and objects at a certain time. The object map can be seen as a special case of a class diagram or collaboration map. See the class diagram, collaboration map.

Object Flow State (Object Flow Status)

One of the active graphically, which means that the object outputs the object from one state to another state.

Object Lifeline (Object Life)

The sequence diagram represents a line of the time period of the object. See the sequence diagram.

Object Model (Object Model)

Abstract representation of the system implementation.

Object Request Broker (Object Request Agent, ORB)

A CORBA term, indicating that the object is proposed in a transparent manner and receives a response from other local or remote objects. Object-Oriented Programming (Object-Oriented Program, OOP)

Programming methods based on data abstraction and inheritance concept. Unlike process programming methods, object-oriented programming focuses on those data objects that make up problems, and their operational way, not to complete tasks.


Open database connection standard


The ODBC driver is a dynamic link library (DLL) that performs an ODBC function call and interact with the data source.

ODBC DRIVER Manager (ODBC Driver Manager)

The ODBC driver manager is provided by Microsoft, which is a DLL with an import library. The main purpose of the driver manager is to load an ODBC driver. The driver manager also provides an ODBC function entry point for each driver and provides parameter authentication and sequence verification for ODBC calls.


Online transaction processing


Object management group

Online Transaction Processing (online transaction processing, OLTP)

A calculation method that supports interactive applications. In this calculation mode, the request to be submitted by the end user is processed. The processing result will return to the request side in a pretty short time. The online transaction system monitors resource sharing to ensure that multiple transactions are effectively processed at the same time.




Object-oriented programming

Open Database Connectivity (Open Database Connection Standard, ODBC)

A C Database Application Programming Interface (API) developed by Microsoft. It allows the database management system to be invoked by calling the callable SQL without the need to use SQL pre-processing instructions. In addition, the ODBC also provides an architecture that allows the user to add a module called the database driver, which can link the application to the database management system selected when running. In this way, the application does not have to link directly to the module of all supported database management systems.


You can request a service for a certain behavior from an object. Each operation has a signature for limiting possible arguments.

Operating System Process (operating system process)

Examples of class and subsystems are resident and the unique address space and execution environment running. The execution environment can be divided into one or more control threads. See also processes and threads.


Object request agent

Organization Unit (organizational unit)

Business role, business entity, relationship, business case implementation, diagram and other organizational units. The organizational unit is used to divide the business object model into a smaller portion, thereby establishing a structure of a business object model.

Originator (initiator)

The initiator is anyone who submits a change request (CR). The standard change request mechanism requires the initiator to provide information about the current problem in the form of a change request, as well as the recommended solution.


Any workpiece as a result of processing steps. See Can be delivered.

Outside link (external link)

The Web site points to the link to the URL other than the current Web site.


A general mechanism to group elements. Nested between the bags.

Palette (palette)

See the Bean palette.


Parameter (parameter)

Used to specify variables that can be changed, passed, or returned. The parameters can contain names, types, and directions. The parameters are used in operation, messages, and events. Synonyms: Formal parameter. Contrast: argument. Parameter Connection (parameter connection)

A connection of action parameters or method parameters is satisfied by providing a return value of a feature value or an action, method, or script. The parameter is always a connection source. See also "Connection".

Parameterized Element (parameterized element)

Descriptor with a class with one or more unbinding parameters. Synonym: Template.

Parent (Father)

In the generalization relationship, refers to the generalization relationship of the child element. See the subclass, subtype. Contrast: Child.

Parent Class (parent)

Other beans or classes inherited data and / or methods.

Participates (participation)

Connect the model element to a relationship or avatar. For example: class participation relationship; role participation case.

Partition (partition)

(1) Active map: The active diagram is used to organize action responsibilities. See the lane. (2) Architecture: Subsequis of the classifier or package at the same abstraction level. The partition represents the longitudinal division of the architecture, while the layer represents the lateral division of the architecture. Comparison: layer (Layer).

Pattern (mode)

In software: Note that at least a solution template (for structural and behavior) (for more time), "mode" is therefore named. In UML: The mode is represented by the collaboration of parameterization, but UML does not directly pair other aspects of the mode (such as using the results list, using examples, etc., which can be represented by text). To instantiate the mode, you can bind the value to the parameters of this mode. There are various ranges and abstraction patterns, such as architectural mode, analysis mode, design mode, and code mode or implementation mode.


Preliminary design review


Practical analysis reporting language.

Persistent Object (permanent object)

Objects still exist after the process of creating an object or thread is dying.

Phase (stage)

The time period between the two major project milestones, during which the set of established goals should be implemented, the workpiece is completed and decided to enter the next stage.

Post-condition (post condition)

A text description that defines the system constraint at the end of the use case.

The constraint must be "True" at the end of the operation.


Project Review Committee


Product demand document

pre-condition (front condition)

A text description is used to define system constraints at the beginning of an example.

The constraint must be "true" when calling operation.

Preliminary Design Review (Preliminary Design Review, PDR)

In the waterfall lifecycle, the main review made at the end of the architecture design. See the Guide: Software Development Plan - the traditional waterfall review sequence is consistent with iterative methods.

Primitive TYPE (Basic Type)

Predefined, no basic data types, such as integers or strings without any sub-structure.


Access permissions associated with class members. It only allows the class to access this member itself.

Process (process / process)

(1) The process is a control thread that can be executed in parallel with other processes, refers specifically. See also threads. (2) The process is a relatively fixed step in which a set of sequential sequentials needed to achieve a target; in software engineering, the goal is to develop software products, or improve existing software products; in process engineering, the goal is to develop or improve process models In the business engineering, it corresponds to a business case. (1) Heavy grade parallel and execution units in the operating system. Comparison: Thread, which contains heavyweight and lightweight processes. If necessary, you can use prototypes to distinguish in implementation. (2) Software development processes, the steps and guidelines followed by the development system. (3) Executing an algorithm or otherwise manually handles some transactions.

Process View

Describe the architectural view of the parallel condition (ie, task / process and its interaction thereof).

Processor (processor)

A node capable of running one or more processes. Typically, it requires computing power, memory, input and output devices, and the like. See also nodes, processes and devices.

Product (product)

As the software of development, and some related workpieces (documentation, publishing media, training materials).

Product Champion (product introductory)

Master the high-level character of the product prospects, and he acts as a product development team and the customer.

Product-Line Architecture (product line architecture)

Define element types, their interaction, as well as product features to map these elements. It may also further define some instances of architectural elements. The term is generally used to refer to a set of products inside the organization or company. [Hof98]

Product Requirements Document (Product Description Document, PRD)

Description of the product (system), product use and product characteristics at a higher level.


The project is completed by the corresponding person, subject to a limited resource constraint, requires planning, execution, and control. The project is a temporary effort for creating unique products or services. Temporary is that each project has a clear start time. Unique refers to this product or service is not available in all other similar products or services. The project is often a very critical part when achieving the organization's business strategy.

Project Charter (Project Plan)

Project Manager (Project Manager)

Take the role of the overall responsibility of the project. The project manager needs to ensure that the task is arranged, assigned and complete the task in accordance with the project schedule, budget and quality requirements.

Project Review Authority (Project Review Board, PRA)

The project manager reports the organizational entity that it is reported. PRA is responsible for ensuring that the software project meets policy provisions, practices and standards. See the Concept: Organization Environment for Rational Unified Process.


Mapping from a set to its subset.

PROMotion (promotion)

In JavaBean, refers to the characteristics of the BEAN that is included to be used to establish a connection. For example, a bean consists of three buttons on the panel. If the bean is placed in a frame, these buttons should be promoted to allow them to access from this framework.


Indicates the specified value of the elemental characteristics. Features have a semantic role. Some features have predefined in UML, while other features can be defined by the user. See the annotation value.

Property-to-Property Connection (Feature - Feature Connection)

From the features of an object to the features of the features of another object. See also "Connection". protected

Access permissions associated with class members. It allows such members, subclasses, and all classes in the same package to access this member.

Protocol (protocol)

A set of compatible messages used in the package between the encapsulation. The protocol is used to define a set of input and output messages (eg, operations, signals); can also define a set of sequence diagrams to specify the order of messages that should follow. The protocol can also define an abstract behavior that must be provided in the role of the specified protocol.

Protocol (TCP / IP) (protocol, TCP / IP)

The programming foundation of the computer message through the Internet. It is a set of protocols that define the Internet. TCP / IP software was originally designed for UNIX operating systems, which available today can be used in a variety of major computer operating systems. To truly establish a connection with the Internet, your computer must install TCP / IP software.

Prototype (prototype)

There is no need to pass the release of change management and configuration control.

Proxy (agent)

An application gateway between different networks can be used for specific web applications (such as the Telnet of FTP). For example, a firewall's agent Telnet server executes user authentication, and then letting the information flow through the agent, as if the agent does not exist at all. This feature is performed in a firewall system (rather than on the customer workstation), thereby increasing the load of the firewall. Please compare with SOCKs.

Pseudo-State (pseudo-state)

A vertex in the state machine, which has a state in the form of a state, but does not perform a state of behavior. The pseudo-state contains the initial vertices and historical vertices.

Published Model (published model) [MOF]

The set of models can be used to instantiate the repository and help to define other models. Elements of the stable model will not be changed.


Quality assurance

Qualifier (limited word)

A associated relationship property or attribute group, its property value is used to divide a set of objects associated with associated relationship objects.

Quality Assurance (Quality Assurance, QA)

Quality Assurance is the responsibility of the project manager. This role is responsible for ensuring that all project members have correctly implemented projects according to the item standard.


Two or more independent tasks are simultaneously accessing or modifying the status of the same status information. This state may result in inconsistencies of system behavior, so this is the fundamental problem in parallel system design.

Rank (level)

A property of use cases or scenes describes the impact on the architecture or illustrates the importance of the publishing version.

Rational (reason)

State or explain the reason for some choice.


Relationship Database Management System.

Receive [a message] (receiving [message])

Processing the excitation passed from the sender instance. See the sender, the recipient.

Receiver [Object] (Receiver [Object])

Objects for processing from the excitation passed from the sender object. Contrast: Sender.


A statement indicates that the classifier is ready to respond to the received signal.

Refactoring (Reconstruction)

Reference (reference)

(1) Represents the model element. (2) A specified slot in the classifier, which is easy to quickly navigate to other classifiers. Synonym: Points.

REFINEMENT (improved)

It is shown that there is a more comprehensive explanation of something in a certain degree. For example, the design class is an improvement in analysis.

Relationship (relationship)

Semantic connection between model elements. For example, the relationship between association and generalization relationship is two relationships.

Release Release

A subset of the final product is to be evaluated at the main milestone. The release version is a stable and executable version of the product, and all workpieces to use this release are published, such as publishing instructions or installation instructions. The publish version can be internal or external. The internal release (part of a milestone) is only used by the development organization, or it can also be used to demonstrate the user or customer. External publishing (or delivery) is delivered to end users. The publish version does not have to be a complete product, but it is only a phased outcome of the whole process, and its usefulness is only measured from the perspective of engineering. It has a mandatory function that causes the development team to end the task periodically, thereby avoiding the emergence of "90%, still 90% remaining". See also prototype, baseline.

Release Manager (Publishing Manager)

The publishing manager is responsible for ensuring that all software assets have been controlled as required and configured to be internal or external publishing.

Remote Method Invocation (Remote Method Call, RMI)

The API in JDK 1.1 is used to write a distributed Java program that allows the remote Java object to access by other Java virtual machines.

Remote Procedure Call (Remote Process Call, RPC)

A communication model, where request is requested to pass the function call to the process of distributed in other locations. The location of the process is transparent to the caller application.

Report (report)

Automatically generate instructions for one or more artifacts. The report itself is not a workpiece. In most cases, it is a temporary product in the development process, which has played a specific aspect of evolving evolutionary systems. The report is a description of the snapshot of non-document workpieces.

Repository (repository)

Object model, interface and implementation of the storage location.


Demand is used to explain the conditions or features that the system must meet. It can directly come directly from user needs, or clarify in documents, standards, stations, or other formal specified documents. See Concept: Demand.

The desired characteristics, features or system behavior.

Requirement Attribute (Demand Attribute)

Information associated with specific requirements, which provides links between this demand and other item elements (eg priority, timetable, status, design elements, resources, cost, hazards).

Requirements (Requirements)

The core workflow in the software engineering process is to determine what the system should do. The most important activity is to develop prospects, use case models, and software demand stations.

Requirements Management (Demand Management)

A systematic approach to acquire, organize and recording the needs of the system, but also to reach the customer and project team in system change requirements. See Concept: Demand Management.

Requirements Tracing (requirement tracking)

Link from a requirement to other needs and other associated item elements.

Requirement Type (Type)

Demand Classification - For example, involved in need, characteristics, use cases, supplementary stions, test requirements, document requirements, hardware requirements, software requirements, etc. - Classification basis is general features and attributes. See Concept: Demand Type.

Resource File The file referenced by the Java program. The graphics and audio files belong to the resource file.


The classifier to be fulfilled or the obligation to bear.


Synonym of output. See also available workpieces.

Resurrect (reverse serialization)

Synonyms of DeSerialize.

REVIEW (review)

Review is a collective activity that is to identify potential defects in a set of workpieces and assess quality.

Reuse (multiplexed)

Further use or reuse a workpiece.

Use existing workpieces.


Sick comments. It is called RFC, and the Internet standard is defined in these documents.


Remote method call

RMI Compiler (RMI compiler)

Generate the compiler of the pile module and frame file of the auxiliary RMI communication. The compiler can be automatically activated from the Tools menu item.

RMI Registry (RMI Registration)

A server program allows the remote client to get a reference to the server bean.

Risk (risk)

It is very likely to hinder the current or future happening of the main milestone.

Role (role)

The behavior of design elements involved in a particular environment, such as: use case implementation. See also analysis class.

Specific behaviors of entities involved in a particular environment. The role can be static (for example: one end of the associated relationship), or a dynamic (e.g., collaborative role).


Remote process call


Rivest-Shamir-AdleMan Algorithm.

Run Time

The time period of the computer program is executed. Contrast: Modeling Time.

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SANDBOX (sandbox)

The limited environment provided by the web browser is available for Java Applets. The sandbox provides services for these Applets and prevents them from performing the following operations, such as executing file input / output, communicating with server that is not loading the applet. If you push the Applet class to a child, these Applet running the sandbox environment.


Formerly known as "SystemAnalyse und Program", "Systems, Applications, And Products In Data Processing" is now renamed "Systems, Applications, And Products In Data Processing".

Scenario (scene)

A descriptive example example is a subset of the use case.

Used to describe behavior, arranged in a specific order. Scenes can be used to describe the interaction or execution of the use case instance. See interacting.

Schema [MOF] (Scheme [MOF])

In the MOF environment, the solution is similar to the package as a model element container. The solution corresponds to the MOF package. Comparison: Metamodel, the package corresponds to the MOF package.

Scope Management

Depending on the available resources and time, a set of demands that can be implemented in a particular release cycle will be determined and sorted by priority. This process runs through the life cycle of the entire project as changes. See also change management.

Semantic Variation Point (Semantics Differences)

The divergence point of the meta is semantic. This is specially prepared for the semantics of the free interpretation of the meta.

Send [A Message] (sending [message]) transmits an incentive operation from the sender instance to the recipient instance. See the sender, the recipient.

Sender [Object] (sending party [object])

Pass the excitation to the object of the recipient object. Comparison: Receiver.


Software Engineering Process Management Committee

Sequence Diagram (Sequence Diagram)

A diagram for displaying an object interaction scheduled on schedule. Active of a series of messages that participate in interaction and exchange sequence are shown. Unlike the collaboration map, the sequence diagram includes a time order, but does not include an object relationship. The sequence diagram can be a universal format (describing the possible scenes), or may be an instance format (describing a actual scene). The sequence diagram and collaborative figures are similar information, but the ways of the representations are different. See the collaboration map.

Serialize (Serialization)

Synonym of de-marshal.

Server (server)

A computer that provides services for multiple users or workstations in the network, such as file servers, print servers, or mail servers.


The servlet is a Java object that is executed on the server to respond to the browser request. They can directly generate HTML or XML, or call JSP to generate output results.


Safety e-commerce


Security hypertext transmission protocol


Specify for asynchronous motivation transmitted between instances. The signal can be used with parameters.

Signature (signature)

Name and parameters of a behavior characteristic. You can select the returned parameters in the signature.

Single inheritance (single inheritance)

It is a semantic variation in the generalization relationship, of which one type can only have a super-type. Comparison: Multiple Inheritance.


Define the model elements of multiplex, which can only have a value when the Multiplicity Type :: Upper property is set to 1. The word "single value" has nothing to do with the number of values ​​of the value, parameters, etc. at any time, which is due to a single-value property (for example, the lower limit of multiple sex) may have no value. Contrast: Multi-Valued.

SINGLE-BYTE Character Set (single character set)

Each character is represented by a single-byte code.


Simple mail transfer protocol


Simple network management protocol

Socket Secure (socket protection, SOCKS)

Allow compatible customer code (client code for the socket security) to establish a gateway for a session with a remote host.


Sink protection

Software Architecture (Software Architecture)

Software architecture contains:

Major decision on software system organization

The selected structural element, the interface of the element constitutes the element of the system, and the behavior specified in the cooperation of these elements

A larger subsystem consisting of structural and behavioral elements

Guide organization, these elements and their interfaces, the collaboration between them and their architectural style

Software architectures are not only related to structural and behavior, but also related to usage, functionality, performance, elasticity, multiplexing, understandability, economic and technological constraints, and compromise.

Software Engineering Process Authority (Software Engineering Process Management Committee, SEPA)

Responsible for process definition, evaluation, and improved organizational entities. See the Concept: Organization Environment for Rational Unified Process.

Software Requirement (Software Demand) Regions on the external visible behavior of the system. For example: system input, system output, system functions, system properties, or properties of the system environment.

Software Requirements Specifications (Software Demand Statute, SRS)

Complete defining a set of needs to build external behavior of the system. - Sometimes called functional statutes.

Software Specification Review (Software Statute Review, SSR)

In the waterfall lifecycle, the main review of the software demand statute is completed. See the Guide: Software Development Plan # Make traditional waterfall review sequences consistent with iterative methods.

Specification (specimering)

One of the public descriptions of something for something and what to do. Contrast: Implementation.


Structured query language


System demand review


Software demand statute


Safety sleeve


Software status

Stakehold (involved)

It will be subject to a significant impact on the system results.

Stakeholder Need

Business or operational issues (or business opportunities) must be resolved to prove to purchase or use value for money.

Stakeholder Request (Request)

Any type of request from the crowd - such as a change request, expansion request, demand change request, defect.

START PAGE (start page)

The first page that the user viewed when browsing the web site, also known as the home page.

State (status)

The status or scenario in the object life cycle, in such an environment, the object satisfies a certain condition, performs a certain event or waits for an event.

StateChart Diagram (status)

Figure of the state machine. See the state machine.

State Machine (state machine)

The state specifies the behavior of the model element, defines the response of this object to the event and its lifecycle.

A behavior, which specifies a certain object or interaction process to respond to events in its entire lifecycle, while indicating response and action.

Static artifact (static workpiece)

The workpiece used in the process, but cannot be changed.

Static Classification (Static Category)

The semantic variation of the generalization relationship, according to this classification, the object cannot change the type or change the role. Comparison: Dynamic classification.

Static Information (static information)

WEB files will not be changed each time you visit.

STEREOTYPE (constructor)

Element classification of an element. The structure has a semantic meaning and can specify a semantic meaning for each particular constructor. See Configuration Reference to learn about the predefined configuration used in Rational Unified Process.

A new modeling element for expanding the semantics of the meta model. The constructor must be based on a specific existing type or class in the meta-model. Treatment type can extend existing types and classes of the class, but they cannot be changed. Some constructs have been predefined in UML, others can be defined by the user.

STIMULUS (incentive)

Information is passed from an example to another such as: a signal or activation operation. The received signal is usually considered an event. See the message.

String (string)

Sequence of text characters. The string specifically depends on the implementation method, which may contain a character set that supports international universal characters and graphics.

Structural Feature (Structural Features)

Model elements static properties, such as attributes. Structural Model Aspect (architectural side of the model)

Emphasize the model side of the object structure in the system, including the type, class, relationship, attributes, and operation of these objects.

STUB (Pile Module)

Components with test functions. The pile module can be a pure "dumb module", only returns some predefined values, or "simulate" a more complex behavior.

Subactivity State (child activity status)

One of the active diagrams indicates a non-fundamental step sequence with a certain time long.

SUBCLASS (subclass)

In the generalization relationship, the specialization of another class (super class). See the generalization relationship. Contrast: Superclass.

Submachine State (Sub-machine status)

One of the state machines, equivalent to a combined state, but its content is illustrated by another state machine.


State in the combined state. See the side of the side, mutually exclusive.

Subsystem (subsystem)

Model element. It has the semantics of the package, so that other model elements can also be semantically semantically, which has behavior. The behavior of the subsystem is provided by the class or other subsystem it contains. The subsystem implements one or more interfaces that define behaviors that the subsystem can perform.

The subsystem is a packet of model elements, some of which constitutes a statute of behavior provided by other elements in the packet. See the package. See also the system.

SUBTYPE (subtype)

In the generalization relationship, it is specialized to another type (super-type). See the generalization relationship. Contrast: SuperType.

SuperClass (Super Class)

In the generalization relationship, the generalization of another class (subclass). See the generalization relationship. Contrast: Subclass.

Supertype (super type)

In the generalization relationship, the generalization of another type (subtype). See the generalization relationship. Contrast: Subtype.


A classifier that provides services for other classifier activation. Contrast: Client (Client).


A partition on the activity map for dividing the action. A lane usually corresponds to an organizational unit in a business model. See the partition.

SYNCH State (Synchronous State)

A vertex in the state machine is used to synchronize the parallel areas in the state machine.

SYNCHRONOUS Action (Synchronous Operation)

Send an object pauses to wait for a request for the result. Contrast: asynchronous action.

SYSTEM (system)

(1) The collection of interconnect cells consisting of specific purposes is achieved. The system can be explained by one or more models from a variety of different perspectives. Synonym: Physical System. (2) A top subsystem.

System Requirements REVIEW (system requirements review, SRR)

In the waterfall lifecycle, the main review of the system status is completed. See the Guide: Software Development Plan.

Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP)

Formerly known as "SystemAnalyse und Program", "Systems, Applications, And Products In Data Processing" is now renamed "Systems, Applications, And Products In Data Processing". SAP provides a widely used integrated business solution software. A b C D e f G H i J k L M N o P Q R s [t] u v w x y z

Tagged Value (label)

A clear definition of features as the name value pair. In the labeling value, the name is treated as a tag. Some tags have been predefined in UML, while other features can be defined by the user. The annotation value is one of the three scalability mechanisms in UML. See constraints and constructors.

Target (for test) (object: for test)

As a working version of the test object. See the work version.


See operating system processes, processes, and threads.


Transmission control protocol


Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

Team Leader (head of the team)

Team head is responsible for coordinated communication between project management and developers. He will be responsible for allocating and supervising the task until the task is completed. He is also responsible for ensuring that developers follow project standards and comply with project schedule.

Technical Authority (Technical Authority)

The technical authority of the project has the right to decide whether to implement a change request and how to implement, and also have the corresponding technical expertise. Technical authority will determine the change task based on the change request and estimate the workload required to complete the task.


US Department of Defense Virtual Terminal Protocol.

Template (template)

The predefined structure of the workpiece. Synonym: Parameterized Element.

Test (test)

A core workflow in the software engineering process is integrated and tested on the system.

Test Case (test case)

A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expectations developed for specific goals, the target can be testing a program path or whether it is verified to meet a particular requirement.

Test Coverage (test overlay)

A given test or a set of tests to process all the specified test cases of a given system or component.

Test Driver (test driver)

The software module or application used to call the test item, which can usually be used to provide test input (data), control, and monitor execution, and report test results. The test driver allows the test process to be executed automatically.

Test item (test item)

As a working version of the test object. See the work version.

Test Procedure (test process)

The test process refers to settings, performs a given test case and a series of detailed steps for evaluating test results.

Thin Client (thin client)

Thin clients typically refer to systems running on a computer tight computer, or means that the system running a small operating system. The thin client does not require local system management, which performs Java applications transmitted over the network.

Thread (thread)

An independent calculation that performs location for the execution environment and address space defined for its operating system process. Sometimes it is also called a "lightweight process".

Thread [of control] (thread [control])

Single execution paths in the program, dynamic model, or other form of control flow. The structure of the active object can also be used as a lightweight process. See the process.

Time (time)

Indicates a value of an absolute or relative time.

Time Event (Time Event)

Indicates the event after entering the current state. See the event.

Time Expression (Time Expression) Solution is an expression of absolute or relative time values.


The time used to indicate the occurrence of an event or the message. Time markers can be used when setting constraints.

TOOL MENTOR (Tool Wizard)

Used to illustrate how specific software tools perform specific process activity or steps.

Traceability (traceability)

Track project elements to other related items (especially those related to the needs).


A dependency, indicating two elements in history or process, which represents the same concept, but there is no specific mutual derivation rule.


A processing unit consisting of one or more applications that a single request started. You may need to start one or more tasks when you perform a transaction.

Transaction processing

A calculation method that supports interactive applications. In this calculation method, the request submitted by the user is processed. The processing result will return to the request side in a pretty short time. The transaction system can monitor resource sharing to handle multiple transactions.

Transient Object (Temporary object)

Objects exists only during the process of creating processes or threads.

Transition / Transfer)

The fourth stage of the process will deliver the software to the user group at this stage.

The relationship between the two states indicates that the object in the first state will perform some specified operations, and enter the second state when specifying the event and meets the specified condition. When this state is changed, the transfer is triggered.


Used to illustrate an entity having a common feature, relationship, attribute, and semantic.

A class constructor is used to specify the domain to which the instance (object) belongs and can be used for operations of these objects. Types may not include any way. See the class, instance. Comparison: Interface.

TYPE Expression (Type expression)

The result is a reference to one or more types of references.

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User Interface


Unified modeling language

Unicode (unified code)

A character encoding system that can be used for conversion, processing, and text written with a variety of languages ​​in today's world. Unified coding characters typically use 16-bit unsigned integers to encode.

Unified Modeling Language (Unified Modeling Language, UML)

Unified modeling language [uml99]. In the Rational Unified Process vocabulary, this symbol is used to represent the definition of a unified modeling language:

Uniform Resource Locator (Unified Resource Locator, URL)

The standard identifier of resources in the World Wide Web, the web browser uses it to start the connection. The URL includes the communication protocol to be used, the server name, and the path information to be retrieved on the identification server.

Uninterpreted (not explained)

UML does not specify one or more types of placeholders thereof. Each uninterrupted value has a related string representation. See any [CORBA].


Unified resource locator

USAGE (Uses)

An element (customer) is a dependency between its correct function or implementation of another element (providing end).

Use case: class)

The use case defines a set of use examples, where each instance is a series of operations performed by the system, which generates values ​​visible for a particular role. The use case class contains all main event streams related to the "visible result value" related to the "visible result value". From a technical point of view, the use case is a class that example as the scene. The description of the operation sequence (including variants) that can be performed when interacting with the system's role. See the use case instance.

Use-case diagram (with example)

A graph showing the relationship between roles and use cases within the system.

Use-case instance (use case example)

The sequence of operations executed by the system generates a result value visible to a particular role.

The execution of the sequence of operation is specified in the use case. Example of use.

Use-case model (use case model)

A model of functional demand of the system is illustrated in accordance with an example.

Use-case package (use case)

The use case is a collection of use cases, roles, relationships, diagrams, and other packets for establishing a use case model by dividing the use case model into several smaller portions.

Use-case realization (use case implementation)

Use an example implementation describes how to use collaboration objects inside the design model to implement a specific case.

Use-case view

A schema view describing how to perform critical cases in the system mainly focuses on components (objects, tasks, nodes) that have important impact on the architecture. In Unified Process, it is a view of the use case model.

User Interface (User Interface, UI)

(1) Hardware and / or software that can be interactively interact with the computer. (2) The term "user interface" generally refers to software that visible appearance and its underlying and user interaction.

UTILITY (utility)

Treatment of global variables and process packets in the form of class declarations. Practical tool properties and operations becomes global variables and global processes. The utility is not a basic modeling structure, but a programming tool.

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Elements of type fields.

Variable (variable)

(1) Data characteristics in the storage location within the object. Data characteristics (such as numbers or dates are objects stored as attributes containing objects. (2) Bean that is running time identified. The variable itself does not contain any data or program logic; the variable must be connected to allow a bean to receive runtime logos in other parts of the application.


Visual Basic

Version (version)

A variant of a workpiece; the later version of the workpiece is generally expanded on the basis of initial versions.

Vertex (vertex)

Source or target of status transfer in the state machine. The vertex can either state or a pseudo-state. See status, pseudo-status.

View (view)

Simplified instructions (abstraction) of the model (abstraction), that is, take specific angles or specifications and ignore an entity independent of the corresponding angle or viewpoint. See also schema view.

The projection of the model, that is, take a specific angle or view and ignore an entity independent of the corresponding angle or opinion.

View Element (view element)

View elements are the text or graphic of the model elements set.

View Projection (View Projection)

Model elements projections on view elements. The view projected to each view element provides location and style.

Virtual Machine (Virtual Machine, VM)

Execute software programs for other computer programs. It makes the actual running machine (such as a computer), is like another actual machine.

Visibility (visibility) A enumeration, its value (public, protected or private) indicates the visibility of the model elements it references in its name space.

Vision (prospect)

The view of the product to be developed by the user or the customer is specified at the level of critical needs and system characteristics.

Visual Programming Tool (visual programming tool)

A tool for explaining procedures by means of graphics. The application programmer writes the application by manipulating the graphical representation of the components.


virtual machine


Virtual private network

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Web Application (web application)

Use the Internet as a system of the main communication means between system users and systems. See also the web system.

Web Browser (web browser)

Software running on the client, users use it to issue requests and display HTML pages.

Web Server (Web Server)

Web server components. It is responsible for providing services for information requests from web browsers. The request information can be retrieved from the server's local disk, or the server generated by the server through the calling program to perform a specific application function.

Web Site (Web site)

All content is on a web system on one server. Users use browsers to browse the Web site.

Web System (Web System)

A super media system containing multiple information pages, which are linked to each other by graphics without hierarchical or linear forms. The Web system itself is a web server that can be accessed through the browser.

Widget (window component)

In this environment, it is a collective of components that can be placed in the window, for example, buttons, scroll bars, tags, list boxes, menus, or checkboxes.

Work Breakdown Structure (Work Substation Structure)

The plan framework is to decompose the project into a plurality of work units that can be allocated and tracking costs, artifacts, and activities.

Work GUIDELINE (Work Guide)

Provide a description of how to perform a practical guide for one or a group of activities. It usually will consider a practical method for active activities.

Worker (role)

In the environment of the software engineering organization, the behavior and responsibility of the panel of individuals or collaboration work. The role represents the role of individuals in the project and determines how to complete the work.

Workflow (workflow)

Active sequence executed in the business, it generates a visible value result for the business role individual.

Workflow Detail (Work Process Details)

Groups of activities that need to be closely collaborated to obtain a certain result. These activities are usually performed in parallel or iterative, and an activity generated output will be an input to another activity. Workflows are used to group activities to provide higher levels of abstraction and make workflows more simple and easy.

Workspace (work area)

The workspace contains all code currently developed, that is, the current version. The work area also contains standard Java class libraries and other category libraries.


The input / output device configuration used by the operator. A terminal or microcomputer, usually connects to the host or network, and the user can use it to perform an application.

World Wide Web (World Wide Web, WWW or Web)

A graphical hypertext multimedia Internet service.




Scalable markup language


New Post(0)