Delphi - Useful FunctionProcedure

zhaozj2021-02-16  128

InRange (Math, range handling) - test whether a given value Assert (System, miscellaneous routines) within the specified range - If the expression is False, raise EAssertionFailedWide-character strings?? (System, character set conversions; SysUtils, Unicode routines) ? - Handle the Unicode character, the function is multi-wide, such as WideCompareTextMatchesmask (Masks, File Name Utilities)? - Test if the file name meets the specified wildcard

How to print a barcode If you have Office2000 installed, you can find the MSBCode9.ocx and MSBCode9.hlp barcode controls in the Program Files / Microsoft Office / Office / Directory. If Delphi is used, there is a controller of the third-party control FAST Report (, in the Fast Report designer.


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