Drug treatment of allergic rhinitis (picking)

zhaozj2021-02-16  124

I don't know how to do it, I got allergic rhinitis, and it is estimated that there are a lot of ways like me. . .

Allergic rhinitis will bring a lot of trouble to patients, drug treatment is the most common method of treating allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis is not difficult to treat, the key is to go to the otolaryngology department in time to avoid exposure to allergens, rational medication, so that good therapeutic effects can be achieved.

Allergic rhinitis seems to be small, but will bring a small impact on the patient in actual life. If you do not pay attention to treatment, the condition may cause nasal polyps, sinusitis, and even induce bronchial asthma.

The treatment of allergic rhinitis mainly has drug treatment, immunotherapy, and other treatment. With the continuous deepening of the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis, new drugs continue to invest in clinical applications, and the symptoms of most patients can be effectively controlled. Drug treatment has become the most common method of clinical treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Pharmaceutical treatment of first-line drug treatment and second-line drug treatment. First-line drug refers to a drug in a clinical application of drugs, such as intranasal sterol drugs, antimidemide drugs, membrane stabilizers, and reduction of blood. Second-line drugs refer to the degree of effect, and due to the relatively short observation time, it is still desired to have a pharmaceutical, such as anti-white trirene drugs, cytokine modifiers, inflammatory media antagonists, and gene therapies, and the like.

Here is a first-line drug and part of the second-line drug.

Internal steroid drugs, intranasous steroids, are considered to be the most effective drug currently treating allergic rhinitis, and the araffle mechanism is mainly anti-inflammatory effects in drugs. The corticosteroid molecule is fat-soluble, and can pass through the target cell membrane to block the occurrence of metamorphic flanks, play immunosuppression and anti-inflammatory pharmacological effects, and the whole symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The mechanism of action is that corticosteroids have direct inhibitory effects on various cells involved in inflammatory responses, which can effectively reduce the number of inflammatory cells such as hypertrophy, basophils and eosinophils in nasal mucosa, which is reduced. Inflammatory reaction levels and degree. In addition, corticosteroids also have an impact on the degree of activation of these inflammatory cells and alleviate allergic reactions.

The nasal intracle steroid drug has achieved satisfactory results since its clinical application in 1972. Many studies have shown that nasal corticosteroids are superior to oral antihymethritis in the overall symptoms of sneeze and nasal. Currently used in the treatment of nasal inflammatory diseases such as allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, acute chronic rhinitis and acute sinusitis. The intranular corticosteroid drugs applied in China have Burkner, auxiliary sunsiang. Among them, Burkener is the only non-prescribed drug. The advantages of such drugs are small in dosage, which can be directly active on nasal mucosa, light side effects, convenient to use.

Anti-histamine drugs are characterized by oral, fast, can eliminate symptoms of nose, eye and throat, but the effect of soothing nose is poor. The first generation is represented by hemorrhoids because there is a central seal and anti-choleceep base, which is easy to cause a sleep, and it has been basically not available. The second-generation drugs, such as the first-generation drugs, etc., they do not have the first-generation drugs, the anti -chidine side effects of the central nervous system, fast starting, long working time, and wide clinical application.

Membrane stabilizers, nasal mucosa, hypertropa, which represent sodium chromatose, inhibiting hypertrophy to release media, thereby preventing allergic symptoms. Such drugs have better therapeutic effect on nosechiness, sneeze and runny to nasal congestion, but the treatment is not good, only applicable to mild patients.

Reduce blood agents and nasal mucosa vascular continers, commonly used ephedrine and adrenaline. The purpose of vascular continers is used for nasal mucosa is to treat noseble, nasal hemostasis and nasal surgery. But long-term use can lead to anti-jumping nasal congestion and drug rhinitis.

Second-line drug anti-white trirene drug is one of two drugs. White triangle is a bronchial smooth muscle strong shrinkage agent that plays an important role in asthma, and white trilycid can effectively relieve asthma symptoms and play an anti-inflammatory effect.

The second-line drug also has cytokine modulators, inflammatory medium antagonists and gene therapy, and the treatment direction is carried out for regulatory factors in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases, and has achieved good results in animal models. It has not been widely used in clinical practice.


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