Oracle9i local connection failed after the Windows optimization system

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79

The system we use is Windows2000. After optimization, the Oracle database has problems. The local client cannot be connected. But the remote connection is no problem. After checking, it is Oracle's TNSListener service without start. Start with "service", or NET START starts fail, the results are the execution file paths of the TNSListener in the registry have been deleted. So we only need to export some registry files from other installed Oracle servers, and then import them to this machine OK. Below is the content of the imported registry in this unit. ----------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / ControlSet001 / Services / OracleOraHome92TNSListener] "Type" = dword: 00000010 "Start" = dword: 00000002 "ErrorControl" = dword: 00000001 "ImagePath" = hex (2): 44,00,3a, 00,5c 00, 6F, 00, 72, 00, 61, 100, 100, 6C, 00, 65, 100, 5C, 00, / 6F, 00, 72, 100, 61, 100, 39, 100, 32, 00, 5C, 00, 42, 00, 49, 00, 4E, 00, 5C, 00, 54, 00, 4E, 00, 53, / 00, 4C, 00, 53, 00, 4E, 00, 52, 00) 20,00, 00, 00 "DisplayName" = "OracleoraHome92tnslistener" "objectname" = "localsystem"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / Controlset001 / Services / OracleraHome92Tnslistener / Security] "Security" = HEX: 01, 100, 14, 80, A0, 100, 100, AC, 00, 00, 14,00,00,00 30, 100, 100, 02, / 00, 1C, 00, 01, 100, 100, 02, 80, 14, 100, FF, 01, 0F, 00, 01, 01, 100, 100, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, / 00, 02, 01, 02, 100, FD, 01, 02, 100, 01, 01, 02, 100, 01, 01, 02, 100, 01 01,00,00,00,00,00, 05, 12, 100,000, 100,000, 100, 100, 100, 1c, 00, ff, 01, 0f, 00, 01, 02,00, 00, 00, 20, 02, 200, 00, 00, 00, 00, 100, 100, 8D, 01 02, 100, 01, 01, 100, 100, / 00, 05, 0B, 00, 100, 20, 02, 100, 100, 100, 1C, 00, FD, 01, 02,00, 01, 02, 200, 100, 00, 3, 02, 200, 100, 100, 100, 100, 01, 01, 100 00, 00, 00, 05, 12, 100, 100, 100, 01, 01, 100, 100, 100, 05, 12, 100, 100

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / ControlSet001 / Services / OracleOraHome92TNSListener / Enum] "0" = "Root // LEGACY_ORACLEORAHOME92TNSLISTENER // 0000" "Count" = dword: 00000001 "NextInstance" = dword: 00000001


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