PHP function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

ABS: Absolute value.

ACOS: Take the anti-hosh value.

ADA_AFETCH: Number of returns to the database.

ADA_AUTOCOMMIT: The switch is automatically more functional.

ADA_CLOSE: Turn off the AdaBAS D link.

ADA_COMMIT: Family Adabas D Database.

ADA_CONNECT: Connect to the Adabas D database.

ADA_EXEC: Executes SQL instructions.

ADA_FETCHROW: A column is obtained.

ADA_FIELDNAME: Get the name of the field.

ADA_FIELDTYPE: Take the field data form.

ADA_FREERESULT: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

ADA_NUMFIELDS: Number of fields.

ADA_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

ADA_RESULT: Number of return information.

ADA_RESULTALL: Removes HTML Table Information.

ADA_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

AddSlashes: String joins the slash.

Apache_lookup_uri: Get all URI related information.

Apache_note: Requests to get and set an Apac's servers.

Array: Create a new array.

Array_walk: Let the user can process each element in the array.

ARSORT: The value of the array is sorted by large to small.

ASIN: A disgical string value is obtained.

Asort: Put the value of the array from a small to large.

askELL_CHECK: Check a single word.

askELL_CHECK-RAW: Check a single word, even if the misplaced is not changed or corrected.

Aspell_new: Load a new dictionary.

askELL_SUGGEST: Check a single word and provide spelling suggestions.

ATAN: Anti-fixed value.

Atan2: Calculate the two annectal cut values.

Base64_decode: Decoding the base64 coded string.

Base64_encode: The string is encoded in Base64.

BaseName: Pass the file that does not contain the path.

Base_convert: Converting the port of numbers.

BCADD: Add two high-precision numbers.

BCComp: Compare two high precision numbers.

BCDIV: Erase two high precision numbers.

BCMOD: The remainder of high precision numbers.

BCMUL: multiplies two high precision numbers.

BCPOW: Ask for a high precision digital times.

BCSCALE: The number of internal deficient points of all BC libraries in the program.

BCSQRT: Seeking a square root of a high precision number.

BCSUB: The two high precision numbers are subtracted.

BIN2HEX: Two bits are converted to a hex.

Bindec: Two-in-one transcendentation.

CEIL: Calculates the minimum integer greater than the specified number.

CHDIR: Change the directory.

Checkdate: The correctness of the verification date.

CheckDNSRR: Check the DNS record of the specified URL.

CHGRP: Change the group to which the file belongs.

CHMOD: Change the properties of the file.

CHOP: Removes continuous blank.

Chown: Change the owner of the file.

Chr: The character of the transmission value.

Chunk_split: divides the string into a small segment.

ClearStatcache: Clear the status of the file.

CloseDir: Close the directory handle.

Closelog: Close System Record.

Connection_aborted: If the interruption is transmitted back to True.

Connection_status: A connection status is obtained.

Connection_timeout: If you exceed the PHP program execution time, you turn back TRUE.

Convert_CYR_STRING: Converts the Guslav word into another string.

Copy: Copy the file.

Cos: Cord calculation.

Count: Calculate the number of elements in variables or arrays.

Crypt: Encrypts the string with DES.

CURRENT: Removes the current element in the array.

Date: Format the time of the server.

DBASE_ADD_RECORD: Add information to the DBASE table.

DBASE_CLOSE: Turn off the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBASE_CREATE: Establish a DBASE Data Sheet. DBASE_DELETE_RECORD: Delete the data of the DBase table.

DBASE_GET_RECORD: The information obtained by obtaining the DBASE table.

DBASE_NUMFIELDS: Number of fields that get the DBASE table.

DBASE_NUMRECORDS: Number of columns to get the DBASE table.

DBASE_OPEN: Open the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBASE_PACK: Clean up the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBA_CLOSE: Turn off the database.

DBA_DELETE: Delete the specified information.

DBA_EXISTS: Check the button exists.

DBA_FETCH: Retrieves the specified information.

DBA_FIRSTKEY: Remove the first key value.

DBA_INSERT: Add information.

DBA_NEXTKEY: Remove the pen key value.

DBA_Open: Turn on the database link.

DBA_OPTIMIZE: Optimal Database.

DBA_POPEN: Turn on and maintain the database link.

DBA_REPLACE: Dual or add information.

DBA_SYNC: Database synchronization.

DBList: Get DBM information.

DBMCLOSE: Turn off the DBM database.

DBMDELETE: Delete the specified information.

DBMEXISTS: Checks if the key exists.

DBMFETCH: Retrieves the specified information.

DBMFirstKey: Remove the first key name.

DBMINSERT: Add information.

DBMNEXTKEY: Remove the key value.

DBMopen: Turn on the DBM database link.

DBMREPLACE: Dual or add information.

Debugger_off: Turn off the built-in PHP debugger.

Debugger_on: Using the built-in PHP derrier.

Decbin: Ten Granses Transvented.

Dechex: Ten bits turn to hexadecimal.

Decoct: Ten bits turn eight.

DELETE: Unexpected items.

DIE: Output the message and interrupt the PHP program.

Dir: Directory category object.

DirName: The directory name in the path.

DiskFreespace: The remaining free space where the directory is located.

DL: Load the PHP expansion module.

Doubleval: Variable is converted into a double floating point number.

Each: The index and value of the next element in the array.

Easter_Date: Calculates the Easter Day.

Easter_Days: Calculate the number of days between Easter and March 2nd.

Echo: Output string.

Empty: The determination variable is set.

END: The internal indicator of the array refers to the last element.

EREG: String Comparison Analysis.

EREGI: String Comparison profiling, unrelated to case.

EREGI_REPLACE: String compares and replaces each other, not related to case.

EREG_REPLACE: String is compared to profiles and replaced.

Error_log: Send an error message.

Error_Reporting: Set the level of the error message return.

Escapeshellcmd: Remove special symbols in the string.

EVAL: Among the strings.

Exec: Perform an external program.

EXIT: End PHP program.

EXP: The secondary value of natural logarith.

EXPLODE: Cut strings.

Extract: Enter an array to symbolic table.

Fclose: Close the open file.

FDF_CLOSE: Turn off the FDF file.

FDF_CREATE: Create a new FDF file.

FDF_GET_FILE: A value of the / f key.

FDF_GET_STATUS: A value of the / status key.

FDF_GET_VALUE: The value of the column is obtained.

FDF_NEXT_FIELD_NAME: The name of the next column.

FDF_Open: Open the FDF file.

FDF_SAVE: Archive the FDF file.

FDF_SET_AP: Set the display field.

FDF_SET_FILE: Set the / f button.

FDF_SET_STATUS: Set the / status button.

FDF_SET_VALUE: Set the value of the field.

FeOf: Test whether the file indicator refers to the end.

FGETC: Number of figures referred to in the file indicator. FGETCSV: Number of file indicators, and analyzes the CSV field.

FGETS: The line fingered by the file indicator.

FGETSS: Get the line referred to in the file indicator and remove the HTML language tag.

File: Read all files into the array variable.

FileATIME: A final access time of the file.

Filectime: A final change time of the file.

FileGroup: The group to which the file belongs will be obtained.

FILEINODE: The inode value of the file is obtained.

FilemTime: A final modification time of the file.

FILEOWNER: The owner of the file is obtained.

FILEPERMS: The permission setting of the file is obtained.

FILEPRO: Read the FilePro Map file.

FilePro_fieldcount: Get the number of fields.

FilePro_fieldname: Get the name of the field.

FilePro_fieldType: Take the field.

FilePro_fieldWidth: Get the field width.

FILEPRO_RETRIEVE: Take the specified storage profile.

FILEPRO_ROWCOUNT: Number of columns.

FILESIZE: Get the size of the file.

FILETYPE: Get the model of the file.

FILE_EXISTS: Check if the file exists.

FLOCK: Lock the file.

FLOOR: Calculates the maximum integer smaller than the specified number.

Flush: Outputs the output buffer.

FOPEN: Turn on the file or URL.

FPASSTHRU: Outputs all remaining information.

FPUTS: Write the file indicator.

FREAD: The way the bit is read.

FrenchTojd: Convert French Republic Calendar to Caesar Nuclear Count.

FSEEK: Mobile file indicator.

Fsockopen: Open the Socket link of the network.

Ftell: Number of file reads and write indicators.

FTP_CDUP: Back to the top of the directory.

FTP_CHDIR: Change the path.

FTP_CONNECT: Turn on the FTP link.

FTP_DELETE: Delete the file.

FTP_FGET: Download the file and there is an open file.

FTP_FPUT: Upload the file has been opened.

FTP_GET: Download the file.

FTP_Login: Log in to the FTP Server.

FTP_MDTM: Get the final modification time of the specified file.

FTP_MKDIR: Building a new directory.

FTP_NList: List all files in the specified directory.

FTP_PASV: Switch the master passive transmission mode.

FTP_PUT: Upload the file.

FTP_PWD: A current path.

FTP_QUIT: Turn off the FTP connection.

FTP_RAWLIST: Detailed list all files in the specified directory.

FTP_RENAME: Rename the file.

FTP_rmdir: Delete the directory.

FTP_SIZE: Get the size of the specified file.

FTP_SYSTYPE: Displays the server system.

Function_exists: Check if the vernom function is defined.

FWRITE: Two-in-bit genus mode Write files.

GetallHeaders: Get all HTTP variable values.

GetDate: Get time and date information.

GetENV: Number of environmental variables

GethostbyAddr: Back to the machine name.

GethostByName: Pass back the IP URL.

GethostBynamel: Transfer all IPs of the machine name.

GetImagesize: Number of gains to get the picture.

GetLastMod: Pass the last modification time of the page.

GetMxrr: Get the MX field of the specified URL DNS record.

getMyinode: Passing the INODE value of the page.

GetMypid: Remove the PHP's stroke code.

GetMyuid: Pass the user code of PHP.

Getrandmax: The maximum of chaos.

Getrusage: Remove system resource usage.

GetTimeOfDay: Cast time.

GetType: Type of variables.

GET_CFG_VAR: A set option value for PHP is obtained.

GET_CURRENT_USER: The name of the owner of the PHP trip is obtained.

GET_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC: Get PHP Environment Variable Magic_QUOTES_GPC


GET_MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME: A PHP environment variable

The value of Magic_QUOTES_RUNTIME.

GET_META_TAGS: Take all the information of all Meta tags of the file.

Gmdate: Time to get the current difference between the GMT.

GMMKTIME: Greenwich time to obtain UNIX timestamp.

GregorianTojd: Convert Grid High Melgia into Caesar Number Count.

Gzclose: Turn off the compressed file.

Gzeof: Judging whether it is the end of the compression.

GZFILE: Read the compressed gear to the array.

Gzgetc: The character in the compressed file is read.

GZGETS: Read the string in the compressed file.

GZGETSS: Read the string in the compressed file and remove the HTML instruction.

Gzopen: Turn on the compressed file.

Gzpassthru: Decompress the entire information after indicator.

Gzputs: Information is written to the compressed file.

GZRead: Compressed file reads the specified length string.

Gzrewind: Reset the compressed file indicator.

GZSeek: Sets the compressed file indicator to the specified.

Gztell: Take the compressed file indicator.

GzWrite: Information is written to the compressed file.

HEADER: Send the header to the browser of the HTTP protocol

HEXDEC: Hexagle Ten Granses.

Htmlentities: Turn all the characters to HTML strings.

Htmlspecialchars: Turn special vollars to HTML format.

HW_CHildren: acquisition subjective code.

HW_Childrenobj: Number of object records of child objects.

HW_close: Turn off the HyperWave connection.

HW_Connect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.

HW_CP: Replica.

HW_DELETEOBJECT: Delete objects.

HW_DocByanchor: A file item code for the specified anchor is obtained.

HW_DocByanchorobj: A file object that specifies an anchor.

HW_DocumentAttributes: Get the specified file object properties.

HW_DocumentBodytag: A file body tag of the specified file object is obtained.

HW_DocumentContent: The content of the specified file object is obtained.

HW_DocumentSetContent: Reset the contents of the specified file object.

HW_Documentsize: Number of files.

HW_EDITTEXT: Dualistic text file.

HW_ERROR: Number of error code.

HW_ERRORMSG: Number of error messages.

HW_Free_Document: Release the memory used by the file.

HW_GETANCHORS: A link to obtain a file.

HW_GETANCHORSOBJ: The connection of the file is obtained.

HW_GETANDLOCK: Get and locks the object.

HW_GETCHILDCOLL: The ID of the child objects is obtained.

HW_GETCHILDCOLLOBJ: Number of subsidies.

HW_GETCHILDDOCCOLL: A total of all subfolds aggregates.

HW_GETCHILDDOCCOLLOBJ: A total of subfold aggregation records.

HW_GETOBJECT: Take the item.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERY: Search for items.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERYCOLL: Search for aggregated objects.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERYCOLLLOBJ: Search for gathering objects.


HW_GETPARENTS: Number of parent objects.

HW_GETPARENTSOBJ: Number of information from the parent object.

HW_GETREMOTE: A remote file.

HW_GETREMOTECHILDREN: Number of distal subfoldes.

HW_GETSRCBYDESTOBJ: The file content of the specified purpose is obtained.

HW_GETTEXT: Take a plain text file.

HW_getusername: Current user name.

HW_IDENTIFY: User identity confirmation.

HW_incollections: Check the object aggregation.

HW_INFO: Connection Information. HW_INSCOLL: Insert a gathering.

HW_INSDOC: Insert the file.

HW_INSERTDocument: Upload the file.

HW_INSERTOBJECT: Insert the item record.

HW_MODIFYOBJECT: Modify the item record.

HW_MV: Moving objects.

HW_New_Document: Create a new file.

HW_OBJREC2ARRAY: The object record is converted to an array.

HW_outputDocument: Output file.

HW_PConnect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.

HW_pipedocument: obtains the file.

HW_ROOT: Take the root parts code.

HW_UNLOCK: Cancellation.

HW_WHO: Lists current users.

IBASE_BIND: Connect the PHP variable to the interbase parameter.

IBASE_CLOSE: Turn off the InterBase server connection.

IBASE_CONNECT: Turn on the Interbase server connection.

IBASE_EXECUTE: Performs a SQL command section.

IBASE_FETCH_ROW: The column of each column is transmitted back.

IBASE_FREE_QUERY: Release the query instruction occupies the memory.

IBASE_FREE_RESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

IBASE_PCONNECT: Keep the Interbase Server connection.

IBASE_PREPARE: Analyze SQL syntax.

IBASE_QUERY: Send a query string.

IBASE_TIMEFMT: Sets the time format.

IFXUS_CLOSE_SLOB: Delete Slob objects.

IFXUS_CREATE_SLOB: Establish a SLOB object.

IFXUS_Open_SLOB: Turn on the Slob object.

IfXUS_READ_SLOB: Read the specified number of Slob objects.

IFXUS_SEEK_SLOB: Sets the current file or look up.

IFXUS_TELL_SLOB: Remove the current file or look up.

IFXUS_WRITE_SLOB: Write the string into the Slob object.

IFX_AFFECTED_ROWS: Gets the number of columns affected by Informix last operation.

IFX_blobinfile_mode: Sets the length of the element mode.

IFX_BYTEASVARCHAR: Sets the bitmap mode.

IFX_Close: Turn off the Informix server connection.

IFX_Connect: Turn on the Informix Server connection.

IFX_copy_blob: Copy the length of the element.

IFX_CREATE_BLOB: Create a length of a position.

IFX_create_char: Building a word element.

IFX_DO: Executes already prepared query strings.

IFX_ERROR: Obtains the last error of Informix.

IFX_ERRORMSG: A final error message for INFORMIX.

IFX_FETCH_ROW: The column of each column is transmitted.

IFX_FieldProperties: Lists the SQL field properties of Informix.

IFX_FIELDTYPES: Lists the SQL field of Informix.

IFX_Free_blob: Delete a length of the element.

IFX_Free_Char: Delete the characteristic item.

IFX_Free_Result: Releases the recovery memory.

IFX_Free_Slob: Delete Slob items.

IFX_getsqlca: SQLCA information after Query.

IFX_GET_BLOB: Take a longitudinal component.

IFX_GET_CHAR: Net objects.

IFX_HTMLTBL_RESULT: Transform Query back to the HTML form.

IFX_NULLFORMAT: Sets the empty franchise mode internal value.

IFX_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

IFX_Num_Rows: Number of returns columns.

IFX_PConnect: Turn on the INFORMIX server long-term connection.

IFX_prepare: Prepare query strings.

IFX_Query: Send a query string. IFX_Textasvarchar: Sets the contents of text mode.

IFX_UPDATE_BLOB: Changing the length of the element.

IFX_UPDATE_CHAR: Change the word element.

Ignore_user_abort: Whether the connection interrupt is executed.

Imagearc: Painted arc.

Imagechar: Write the horizontal character.

ImageCharup: Write a straight word element.

ImageColoralLocate: Match color.

ImageColorat: Number of index values ​​for specifying the color in the figure.

ImageColorClosest: Calculates the colors in the colors with the specified color.

ImageColorexact: Calculate the color index value on the color table.

ImageColorResolve: Calculate the index value specified or closest to the color on the color table.

ImageColorSet: Set the color of the specified index on the color table.

ImageColorsForindex: Number of colors that specify the index on the color table.

ImageColorstotal: The number of colors of the figure.

ImageColorTransparent: Specifies a transparent background color.

ImageCopyResized: Copy the new map and resize.

ImageCreate: Establish a new picture.

ImageCreateFromgif: Remove the GIF pattern.

ImageCreateFromPng: Remove the PNG pattern.

ImageDashedLine: Painted Decoction.

ImageDestroy: End graphics.

ImageFill: Graphics Coloring.

ImageFilledPolygon: Coloring in polygonal regions.

ImageFilledRectangle: Rectangular area coloring.

ImageFillToBorder: Specifies the color of the color area.

ImageFontheight: The height of the font.

ImageFontWidth: The width of the font.

Imagegif: Establish a GIF pattern.

ImageInterlace: Use an interleaved display or not.

Imageline: Painting Line.

ImageLoadFont: Load dot pattern.

ImagePng: Create a PNG pattern.

ImagePolygon: Painted polygon.

ImagePsbbox: Calculate the area of ​​PostScript text.

ImagePsencodefont: postscript font. Vector word.

ImagePsFreefont: Remove PostScript font.

ImagesPsLoadFont: Load PostScript font.

ImagePSText: Write PostScript text to the diagram.

ImageRectangle: Painting rectangle.

ImageSetPixel: Paint points.

ImageString: Painting from the string.

ImageStringup: Painted straight strings.

ImageSx: Number of widths.

ImageeSy: Nummance of getting a picture.

ImageTfbbox: Calculates the area of ​​TTF text.

ImageTfText: Write TTF text to the figure.

IMAP_8bit: Pass eight-bit yuan to QP coding.

IMAP_Alerts: All warning messages.

IMAP_APPEND: Additional strings to the specified mailbox.

IMAP_BASE64: Solutions Base64 encoding.

IMAP_BINARY: Turn the eight bits into base64 encoding.

IMAP_BODY: IMAP_Body: The inner text of the letter.

IMAP_CHECK: Pass back mailbox information.

IMAP_CLEARFLAG_FULL: Clear the letter flag.

IMAP_CLOSE: Turn off the IMAP link.

IMAP_CREATEMAILBOX: Create a new mailbox.

IMAP_DELETE: Tags want to delete emails.

IMAP_DELETEMAILBOX: Delete existing mailboxes.

IMAP_ERRORS: All error messages.

IMAP_EXPUNGE: Delete tagged messages.

IMAP_FETCHBODY: Take the specified section from the inside of the letter.

IMAP_FETCHHEADER: Get the original header.

IMAP_FETCHSTRUCTURE: Gets structure information for a letter. IMAP_GETMAILBOXES: Take all letters detail.

IMAP_GETSUBSCRIBED: List all subscription mailboxes.

IMAP_HEADER: Get the header information of a letter.

IMAP_HEADERS: Gets the header information of all letters.

IMAP_LAST_ERROR: The last error message.

IMAP_ListMailbox: Get mailbox listed.

IMAP_LISTSUBSCRIBED: Get the subscription mailbox list.

IMAP_MAILBOXMSGINFO: Available in the current mailbox.

IMAP_MAIL_COPY: Copy the specified letter to it.

IMAP_MAIL_MOVE: Move the specified letter to it.

IMAP_MSGNO: Lists the continuous letters of the UID.

IMAP_NUM_MSG: Number of letters.

IMAP_NUM_RECENT: Number of new letters.

IMAP_Open: Turn on the IMAP link.

IMAP_PING: Check if IMAP is connected.

IMAP_QPRINT: Transfers QP encoding to eight-bit.

IMAP_Renamemailbox: Change the mailbox name.

Imap_reopen: Reopen the IMAP link.

IMAP_RFC822_PARSE_ADRLIST: An Analysis of the email address.

IMAP_RFC822_WRITE_ADDRESS: The email location is standardized.

IMAP_SCANMAILBOX: Looking for letters without a specific string.

IMAP_SEARCH: Search for a message for specified standards.

IMAP_SETFLAG_FULL: Sets the letter flag.

IMAP_SORT: Sort the letter header.

IMAP_STATUS: Current status information.

IMAP_SUBSCRIBE: Subscribe to the mailbox.

IMAP_UID: A letter UID is obtained.

IMAP_UNDELETE: Cancel the deletion of mail tags.

IMAP_UNSUBSCRIBE: Cancel your subscription mailbox.

Implode: turn the array into a string.

INTVAL: Variables are converted into integers.

IPTCPARSE: Using the IPTC module to resolve the bitmap.

ISSET: The determination variable is set.

IS_ARRAY: Judging whether the variable type is an array type.

IS_DIR: The test file is a directory.

IS_DOUBLE: Judging whether the variable type is double floating point number.

IS_EXECUTABLE: The test file is an executable file.

IS_FILE: The test file is a normal file.

IS_FLOAT: Judging whether the variable type is a floating point numerical state.

IS_INT: Judging whether the variable type is integer.

IS_INTEGER: Judging whether the variable type is a long intensity type.

IS_LINK: The test file is a connection.

IS_LONG: Judging whether the variable type is a long integer type.

IS_OBJECT: Judging whether the variable type is the object type.

IS_READABLE: The test file is readable.

IS_REAL: Judging whether the variable type is real type.

IS_STRING: Judging whether the variable type is a string type.

IS_WRITEABLE: The test file is written.

JDDAYOFWEEK: The return date is on weekdays.

JDMONTHNAME: Passing the Moon Name.

JDTOFRENCH: Convert Cales Day count to the French Republic.

JDTogRegorian: Julian Day Country

Conversion becomes Gregorian Date.

JDTOJEWISH: Convert Caesar's countdown to the Jewish calendar.

JDTOJULIAN: Convert Caesar's counting to a Kaisa method.

Jewishtojd: Convert Jewish calendar into Caesar's counting.

JOIN: turn the array into a string.

Juliantojd: Converts the Kaisa to the Kaisa Country.

Key: Number of index data in the array.

Ksort: Sorts the elements of the array in accordance with the index.

LDAP_ADD: Increases the entry of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_BIND: Hangs the LDAP directory.


LDAP_CONNECT: Connect the LDAP server.

LDAP_COUNT_ENTRIES: The number of search results. LDAP_DELETE: Delete the specified resource.

LDAP_DN2UFN: Turn DN into an easy-to-read name.

LDAP_EXPLODE_DN: Cut the field of DN.

LDAP_FIRST_ATTRIBUTE: The properties of the first resource are obtained.

LDAP_FIRST_ENTRY: Get the first result code.

LDAP_FREE_RESULT: Releases the return information memory.

LDAP_GET_ATTRIBUTES: The properties of the return information are obtained.

LDAP_GET_DN: Take the DN value.

LDAP_GET_ENTRIES: A total of all transfer materials.

LDAP_GET_VALUES: A total return value is obtained.

LDAP_LIST: Lists a brief watch.

LDAP_MODIFY: Change the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_ADD: Add the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_DEL: Delete the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: The new LDAP name replacement of old attributes.

LDAP_NEXT_ATTRIBUTE: The next pen properties of the return information are obtained.

LDAP_NEXT_ENTRY: Get the next result code.

LDAP_READ: A current information attribute.

LDAP_SEARCH: List the tree profile.


Leak: venting the memory.

LINK: Create a hard link.

LinkInfo: A link information.

List: Lists the value of the elements in the array.

Log: Natural log value.

Log10: 10 The log value of the substrate.

LSTAT: Gets the connection related information.

LTRIM: Removes continuous blank.

Mail: Send an email.

MAX: Get the maximum.

Mcrypt_cbc: Use CBC to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_cfb: Use CFB to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_create_iv: initializes vector from a random source.

Mcrypt_ecb: Use ECB to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_get_block_size: The block size of the coding method is obtained.

Mcrypt_get_cipher_name: The name of the encoding method is obtained.

McRYPT_GET_KEY_SIZE: The coded key size is obtained.

Mcrypt_ofb: Use OFB to add / decrypt data.

MD5: MD5 computing strings.

Mhash: Calculate the mixture.

Mhash_count: A maximum of the mixture ID.

Mhash_get_block_size: The size of the block is obtained.

Mhash_get_haash_name: Name of the Hypere Runner.

Microtime: A $ 1,000 for the Unix timestamp of the current time.

MIN: Get the minimum.

MKDIR: Create a directory.

MKTIME: A UNIX timestamp.

MSQL: Send the Query string.

MSQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: Get the number of columns affected by the MSQL last operation.

MSQL_Close: Turn off the MSQL Database Line.

MSQL_CONNECT: Open the MSQL database line.

MSQL_CREATEDB: Create a new MSQL repository.

MSQL_CREATE_DB: Create a new MSQL database.

MSQL_DATA_SEEK: Mobile internal transmission indicator.

MSQL_DBNAME: The name of the current database is obtained.

MSQL_DropDB: Delete the specified MSQL database.

MSQL_DROP_DB: Delete the specified MSQL database.

MSQL_ERROR: A final error message.

MSQL_FETCH_ARRAY: Paraallow data.

MSQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MSQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Removes material information.

MSQL_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

MSQL_FieldFlags: Get the flag of the field.

MSQL_Fieldlen: Get the length of the field.

MSQL_FieldName: The name of the specified field is passed.

MSQL_FieldTable: Get the name of the data (Table) name. MSQL_FIELDTYPE: Get the type of field.

MSQL_field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value.

MSQL_FREERESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

MSQL_FREE_RESULT: Releases the return occupation memory.

MSQL_Listdbs: List the available database (Database).

MSQL_ListFields: List the field (field) of the specified data sheet.

MSQL_ListTables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MSQL_LIST_DBS: Lists the available database (dataBase).

MSQL_List_fields: List the field (Field) of the specified data sheet.

MSQL_List_Tables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MSQL_NUMFIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSQL_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MSQL server long-term connection.

MSQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MSQL_REGCASE: Remove the string by word to the case.

MSQL_RESULT: A result of acquiring query (Query).

MSQL_SELECTDB: Select a repository.

MSQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MSQL_TABLENAME: The name of the specified data sheet is sent back.

MSSQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: The number of columns affected by the last query.

MSSQL_Close: Close the connection with the database.

MSSQL_CONNECT: Connect the database.

MSSQL_DATA_SEEK: Move column indicator.


MSSQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MSSQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Back to object information.

MSSQL_FETCH_ROW: Pass back the columns of each column.

MSSQL_Field_seek: Sets the indicator to the column of the return value.

MSSQL_FREE_RESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

MSSQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSSQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSSQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MS SQL Server Long-term connection.

MSSQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MSSQL_RESULT: A result of obtaining query (Query).

MSSQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MT_GETRANDMAX: The maximum of chaos.

MT_RAND: A chaotic value.

Mt_srand: Sets a mess.

MySQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: Get the number of columns affected by MySQL last operations.

mysql_close: Turn off the MySQL server connection.

MySQL_Connect: Turn on the MySQL Server connection.

MySQL_CREATE_DB: Create a MySQL new repository.

MySQL_DATA_SEEK: Mobile internal transmission indicator.

MySQL_DB_QUERY: Send query strings (query) to the MySQL repository.

MySQL_DROP_DB: Remove the database.

MySQL_ERRNO: Remove the error message code.

MySQL_ERROR: Error message.

MySQL_FETCH_ARRAY: Paraarched Array Information.

MySQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MySQL_FETCH_LENGTHS: The maximum length of the single column of all columns.

MySQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Back to object information.

MySQL_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

MySQL_Field_Flags: Get the flag of the current field.

MySQL_Field_len: Get the length of the current field.

MySQL_Field_name: The name of the specified field is sent back.

MySQL_Field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value. MySQL_Field_Table: Get the name of the information table (Table) name of the current field.

MySQL_FIELD_TYPE: Get the state of the current field.

MySQL_Free_Result: Releases the recovery memory.

MySQL_INSERT_ID: The ID of the last use INSERT instruction is transmitted.

MySQL_LIST_DBS: Lists the Database (Database) available for the MySQL server.

Mysql_list_fields: Lists the field (field) of the specified data sheet.

Mysql_list_tables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MySQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MySQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MySQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MYSQL server long-term connection.

MySQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MySQL_RESULT: A result of acquiring query (Query).

MySQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MySQL_TABLENAME: Name of the data sheet.

Next: Move the internal indicator of the array.

NL2BR: Turn the wrap character to

Number_Format: Formatted numeric string.

OcibindbyName: Let dynamic SQL can use PHP variables.

OCICOLUMNISNULL: The test is empty.

OCICOLUMNSIZE: A size of the field type.

OCICOMMIT: Put the Oracle's transaction processing.

OcidefinebyName: Let the SELECT command use PHP variables.

OCIEXECUTE: Performs an Oracle's instruction section.

OCIFETCH: A column (ROW) that acquires the return information.

OCIFETCHINTO: Retrieves Oracle Information Put the array.

OCILOGOFF: Close the connection with Oracle.

OCILOGON: Opens the link to Oracle.

OcinewDescriptor: Initial new LOB / FILE description.

OCINUMROWS: Number of affected fields.

OCIPARSE: Analyze SQL syntax.

OciResult: Column is obtained from the current column (ROW).

Ocirollback: Undo the current transaction.

OctDec: Eight bits turn 10.

ODBC_AUTOCOMMIT: The switch is automatically changed.

ODBC_BINMODE: Sets the binary data processing method.

ODBC_CLOSE: Turn off the ODBC link.

ODBC_CLOSE_ALL: Turn off all ODBC links.

ODBC_COMMIT: Master ODBC Database.

ODBC_CONNECT: link to the ODBC database.

ODBC_CURSOR: Get the name of the bid.

ODBC_DO: Execute SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXEC: Executes SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXECUTE: Perform preset SQL instructions.

ODBC_FETCH_INTO: A specified column of the return.

ODBC_FETCH_ROW: A column is obtained.

ODBC_FIELD_LEN: Get the length of the field.

ODBC_FIELD_NAME: Get the name of the field.

ODBC_FIELD_TYPE: Get the field data form.

ODBC_FREE_RESULT: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

ODBC_LONGREADLEN: Set the maximum value of the return bar.

ODBC_NUM_FIELDS: Number of fields.

ODBC_NUM_ROWS: Number of return columns.

ODBC_PCONNECT: Long-term connection to the ODBC database.

ODBC_PREPARE: Preset SQL Directive.

ODBC_RESULT: Number of return information.

ODBC_RESULT_ALL: Removes the HTML table information.

ODBC_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

ODBC_SETOPTION: Adjust the ODBC settings.

OpenDir: Turn on the directory handle. OpenLog: Open system records.

ORA_BIND: Connect the PHP variable to the Oracle parameter.

ORA_CLOSE: Close an Oracle's Cursor.

ORA_COLUMNNAME: Get the name of the Column of Oracle.

ORA_COLUMNSIZE: Get the size of the field.

ORA_COLUMNTYPE: Gets the type of Oracle Transfer (Column).

ORA_COMMIT: Put the Oracle's transaction processing.

ORA_COMMITOFF: Turn off the function of automatically performing Oracle transactions.

ORA_COMMITON: Open the automatic performance of Oracle transactions.

ORA_DO: Quick SQL query.

ORA_ERROR: Get an Oracle error message.

ORA_ERRORCODE: Get an Oracle error code.

ORA_EXEC: Performs an Oracle's instruction section.

ORA_FETCH: A column (ROW) that acquires the return information.

ORA_FETCHINTO: Retrieves Oracle data to place the array.

ORA_GETCOLUMN: A column is obtained from the data of the RC (ROW).

ORA_LOGOFF: End the connection with Oracle.

ORA_LOGON: Opened with Oracle.

ORA_NUMCOLS: Number of columns.

ORA_Open: Open Oracle's Cursor.

ORA_PARSE: Analyze SQL syntax.

ORA_PLOGON: Opens a long-term link with Oracle.

ORA_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

ORD: The order value of the character is returned.

Pack: Compressed data into the numeral string.

PARSE_STR: Analysis of the query string into variables.

PARSE_URL: Analysis of the URL string.

Passthru: Perform an external program and does not process the output data.

PCLOSE: Close the file.

PDF_ADD_ANNOTATION: Add annotations.

PDF_ADD_OUTLINE: Current page to join the bookmark.

PDF_ARC: Plug the arc.

PDF_BEGIN_PAGE: The startup PDF file page.

PDF_CIRCLE: Painted circles.

PDF_clip: Combine all vectors.

PDF_Close: Turn off the PDF file.

PDF_Closepath: Forms a closed vector shape.

PDF_Closepath_Fill_Stroke: Forming a closed vector shape along the vector drawing line and filled.

PDF_Closepath_Stroke: Form a closed vector shape and draw lines along the quantity.

PDF_Close_Image: Turn off the archive.


PDF_CURVETO: Painted Bee Curve.

PDF_ENDPATH: Close the current vector.

PDF_END_PAGE: Turn off the PDF file page.

PDF_EXECUTE_IMAGE: Place the picture in the PDF file to the specified location.

PDF_FILL: Fills the current vector.

PDF_FILL_STROKE: Fill the current vector and draw lines along the vector.

PDF_GET_INFO: Remove file information.

PDF_LINETO: Painted Cartiar.

PDF_Moveto: Sets the coordinate point of the processing.

PDF_Open: Create a new PDF file.

PDF_Open_GIF: Open the GIF.

PDF_Open_JPEG: Open the JPEG.

PDF_OPEN_MEMORY_IMAGE: Turn on the Memory Position.

PDF_PLACE_IMAGE: Place the picture to the PDF file specified location.

PDF_PUT_IMAGE: Place the picture to the PDF file.

PDF_RECT: Painting Chang Square.

PDF_RESTORE: Restore environment variables.

PDF_ROTATE: Rotating objects.

PDF_SAVE: Store environment variables.

PDF_scale: Zoom object.

PDF_SETDSH: Set the dotted line style.

PDF_setflat: Sets a smooth value.

PDF_SETGRAY: Specifies the color of the drawing as grayscale and fill it. PDF_SETGRAY_FILL: Specifies the color of the fill in grayscale.

PDF_SETGRAY_STROKE: Specifies the color of the drawing as grayscale.

PDF_SETLINECAP: Sets the LineCap parameter.

PDF_SETLINEJOIN: Sets the connection parameters.

PDF_SETLINEWIDTH: Sets the line width.

PDF_SETMITERLIMIT: Sets the bevel boundary.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR: Specifies the color of the drawing to color and fill it.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR_FILL: Specifies the color of the filled in color.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR_STROKE: Specifies the color of the drawing to color.

PDF_SET_CHAR_SPACING: Set the word pitch.

PDF_SET_DURATION: Sets the switching time of the second page.

PDF_set_font: Setting the words and size used.

PDF_SET_HORIZ_SCALING: Sets the text level spacing.

PDF_SET_INFO_AUTHOR: Set the author of the file.

PDF_SET_INFO_CREATOR: Set the setup of the unit.

PDF_SET_INFO_KEYWORDS: Set the keywords for the file.

PDF_SET_INFO_SUBJECT: Set the subject.

PDF_SET_INFO_TITLE: Set the file title.

PDF_set_leading: Sets the line distance.

PDF_set_text_matrix: Sets the text matrix.

PDF_SET_TEXT_POS: Sets the text position.

PDF_SET_TEXT_RENDERING: Set a text expression.

PDF_SET_TEXT_RISE: Sets the text height.

PDF_SET_TRANSITION: The conversion of the page.

PDF_SET_WORD_SPACING: Set the word spacing.

PDF_SHOW: Output strings to PDF files.

PDF_SHOW_XY: Output strings to the specified coordinate.

PDF_STRINGWIDTH: Calculate the width of the string.

PDF_STROKE: Distilled lines along the vector.

PDF_TRANSLATE: Mobile origin.

Pfsockopen: Open the Socket continuous link of the network.

PG_Close: Turn off the PostgreSQL Server connection.

PG_CMDTUPLES: A number of data writes affected by SQL instructions.

PG_CONNECT: Turn on the PostgreSQL server connection.

PG_DBNAME: A current database name.

PG_ERRORMESSAGE: Error message.

PG_EXEC: Execute Query instructions.

PG_FETCH_ARRAY: Remove Array Information.

PG_FETCH_OBJECT: Removes the material information.

PG_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

PG_Fieldisnull: Check if the field is available.

PG_FieldName: The name of the specified field is passed.

PG_FIELDNUM: Number of rows in the specified field.

PG_FieldPrtlen: Calculates the length of the list.

PG_FIELDSIZE: Calculate the length of the specified field.

PG_FIELDTYPE: Get the current type of the current field.

PG_FREERESULT: Releases the return occupation memory.

PG_Getlastoid: A final item code.

PG_HOST: A connecting machine name.

PG_LOCLOSE: Turn off large objects.

PG_LOCREATE: Establish large objects.

PG_LOOPEN: Open large objects.

PG_LOREAD: Reads large objects.

Pg_loreadall: Read the large item and output it.

PG_LOUNLINK: Delete large objects.

PG_LOWRITE: Reads large objects.

PG_NUMFIELDS: Number of returned fields.

PG_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

PG_OPTIONS: Accommine the connection machine option.

PG_PCONNECT: Turn on the PostgreSQL server long-term connection.

PG_PORT: Gets the connection machine.

PG_RESULT: The result of acquiring query (Query).

PG_TTTY: A connecting machine terminal.

PHPINFO: Remove all related information in PHP.

PPVersion: Remove the PHP version message.

PI: The percentage rate.

Popen: Open the file.

POS: Remove the current element of the array.

Pow: Supreme.

PREG_MATCH: String comparison profile.

PREG_MATCH_ALL: String overall comparison analysis.

PREG_REPLACE: String is compared to profiles and replaced.

PREG_SPLIT: Cut the string according to the specified rule.

PREV: Move the internal indicator of the array.

Print: Output strings.

Printf: Output formatted strings.

Putenv: Set the system environment variable.

Quoted_printable_decode: Turn the QP coded string into an 8-bit source string.

Quotemeta: Join the reference symbol.

Rand: A chaotic value.

Range: Create an array of integer ranges.

Rawurldecode: Restorined from the URL Special Format String to a normal string.

Rawurlencode: Code the string into a URL dedicated format.

ReadDir: Read the directory handle.

ReadFile: Output files.

ReadGZFile: Reads the compressed file.

Readlink: The Symbolic Link is the target file.

Recode_file: Record file or file request to the record.

Recode_string: Record strings into records.

Register_shutdown_function: Defines a function that is executed after the PHP program is executed.

Rename: Change the file name.

Reset: Refers the indicator of the array to the first element of the array.

ReWind: Reset the read and write position indicator of the open file.

ReWindDir: Reset the directory handle.

RMDir: Delete the directory.

Round: Four.

RSORT: The value of the array is sorted by large to small.

SEM_ACQUIRE: Capture the signal.

SEM_GET: Take the signal code.

SEM_RELEASE: Release the signal.

Serialize: Storage information into the system.

Session_Decode: SESSION data decoding.

Session_DESTROY: End Session.

Session_encode: SESSITION data encoding.

Session_id: Access the current session code.

Session_is_register: Check if the variable is registered.

Session_Module_Name: Access the current session module.

Session_name: Access the current session name.

Session_register: Register a new variable.

SESSION_SAVE_PATH: Access the current session path.

Session_start: Initial session.

Session_unregister: Delete the registered variable.

SetCookie: Send cookie information to the browser.

SetLocale: Setting a regional information.

SetType: Sets the variable type.

Set_file_buffer: Set the file buffer size.



SET_SOCKET_BLOCKING: Switch Shelving and no shelving mode.

SET_TIME_LIMIT: Set the shortated time of this page.

SHM_ATTACH: Open the establishment of shared memory segments.

SHM_DETACH: The interception of the shared memory section is suspended.

SHM_GET_VAR: A variable specified in the memory section.

SHM_PUT_VAR: Add or update the variables in the memory segment.

SHM_REMOVE: Clear the memory area.

SHM_REMOVE_VAR: Deletes the variables specified in the memory segment.

Shuffle: Mix the array of arrays.

Similar_text: Calculate strings similarity.

SIN: Sinusoidal calculation.

SIZEOF: I know the size of the array.

Sleep: Pause the execution.

SNMPGET: Take the specified object identification code.

SNMPWALK: Get all items.

SNMPWalkoid: Get online body tree information.

SNMP_GET_QUICK_PRINT: Get the Quick_Print value in the UCD library. SNMP_SET_QUICK_PRINT: Set the Quick_Print value in the UCD library.

Solid_close: Turn off the Solid link.

Solid_connect: link to the Solid Database.

Solid_exec: Execute SQL instructions.

Solid_Fetchrow: A column of returning.

Solid_fieldname: Get the name of the field.

Solid_fieldnum: Number of fields.

Solid_freereSult: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

Solid_numfields: Number of columns.

Solid_numrows: Number of columns columns.

Solid_Result: Number of return information.

SORT: Sort the array.

Soundex: Calculate the pronunciation of strings

Split: Cut the string according to the specified rules.

Sprintf: Format the string string.

SQL_REGCASE: Password by word by word.

SQRT: Open the square root.

SRAND: Sets a mess.

Stat: Get file-related information.

StrChr: Look for the first character that appears.

Strcmp: String comparison.

STRCSPN: The length of different strings.

STRFTIME: Time to place the server locally.

Stripslashes: Remove the backslash.

Strip_tags: Remove HTML and PHP tags.

Strlen: Number of strings.

Strpos: Looking for a word in a string to appear first.

Strrchr: A string of final appearance of a certain character is obtained.

Strrev: reverse string.

STRPOS: Looking for a word in a string last appearance.

Starspn: Find a number of strings on another string mask.

STRSTR: The string of a string in the back of the string begins to the end.

STRTOK: Cut the string.

STRTOLOWER: The string is all turned to lowercase.

STRTOUPPER: The string is all turned to uppercase.

StRTR: Convert some of the characters.

Strval: Transform variable into a string type.

Str_replace: String replacement.

Substr: Take a part string.

Sybase_affected_rows: Number of columns that get the last Query affects.

Sybase_close: Close the connection with the database.

Sybase_Connect: Connect the database.

Sybase_data_seek: Move column indicator.

Sybase_fetch_Array: Paraarry.

Sybase_fetch_field: Get field information.

Sybase_fetch_Object: Remove the item information.

Sybase_fetch_row: Passing the columns of each column.

Sybase_field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value.

Sybase_free_result: Releases the recovery memory.

Sybase_num_fields: Number of returned fields.

Sybase_num_rows: Number of biopsy columns.

Sybase_pconnect: Turn on the servo for long-term connection.

Sybase_Query: Send a query string.

Sybase_Result: A result of acquiring query (Query).

Sybase_select_db: Select a repository.

SYMLINK: Establish symbolic link.

Syslog: Record to system records.

System: Perform an external program and displays the output information.

TAN: Tangerate.

Tempnam: Establish a unique temporary file.

Time: A UNIX timestamp that achieves current time.

TOUCH: Set the last modification time.

TRIM: Space for cutting the string of strings.

UASORT: Sort the array according to the user's customs.

Ucfirst: Change the first character of the string.

UCWORDS: Change the first letter to each word of the string.

Uksort: Sort the index of the array with the user's custom.

Umask: Change the current archive attribute mask umask.

Uniqid: Generates a unique value.

Unlink: Delete the file.

Unpack: Decompressing the zoom element. Unserialize: Take out system data.

UNSET: Delete variables.

URLDECode: Restore URL coded strings.

Urlencode: Code in URL in URL.

USLEP: Pause execution.

USORT: Sort the value of the array in the user's custom.

UTF8_DECODE: Turn the UTF-8 code to ISO-8859-1.

UTF8_ENCODE: Turn the ISO-8859-1 code to the UTF-8 code.

Virtual: Complete the sub-request of the Apache servers (Sub-Request).

VM_ADDalias: Join the new alias.

VM_ADDUSER: Join new users.

VM_DELALIAS: Delete an alias.

VM_DELUSER: Delete the user.

VM_PASSWD: Change the user password.

WDDX_ADD_VARS: Connect the WDDX packet.

WDDX_DESERIALIZE: Pack WDDX is increasing.

WDDX_PACKET_END: ​​Ended WDDX package.

WDDX_PACKET_START: Start the new WDDX package.

WDDX_SERIALIZE_VALUE: Continuments in a single value.

WDDX_SERIALIZE_VARS: Continuously continuously.

XML_ERROR_STRING: A XML error string is obtained.

XML_GET_CURRENT_BYTE_INDEX: It is the first to analyze the first bit group.

XML_GET_CURRENT_COLUMN_NUMBER: I know the first few columns currently analyzed.

XML_GET_CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER: A line number that is currently analyzed.


XML_PARSE: Analysis of the XML file.

XML_Parser_create: The initial XML parser.

XML_PARSER_FREE: Releases the memory of the designer.

XML_PARSER_GET_OPTION: Options for acquiring profiling.

XML_PARSER_SET_OPTION: Sets the option to use.

XML_SET_CHARACTER_DATA_HANDLER: Create a character data header.

XML_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER: Establish a label.

XML_SET_ELEMENT_HANDLER: The header of the setting element.

XML_SET_EXTERNAL_ENTINTITY_REF_HANDLER: Sets the header of the external entity.

XML_SET_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER: Sets the header of the notation declared.

XML_SET_OBJECT: Use the XML parser to use objects.

XML_SET_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_HANDLER: Establish a processing instruction header.


Set the header that is not analyzed unusually declared.

YP_ERRNO: A error code for obtaining previous YP operations.

YP_ERR_STRING: Error string of previous YP operations.

YP_first: Remove the first information on the Map.

YP_GET_DEFAULT_DOMAIN: Domain for getting the machine.

YP_Master: Master acquired NIS.

YP_MATCH: Take the specified information.

YP_Next: Specifies the pen information of Map.

YP_Order: The number of sequences of maap.


I am a small shrimp. Soon I will find big.

you help me. I'll help you. Everyone will have progress.

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02-21-04 11:32


Intermediate member

Registration Date: Feb 2004


Post number: 202

PHP Function Library and Function: Session Function Library

There are 11 functions in this franchise database.

Session_start: Initial session.

Session_DESTROY: End Session.

Session_name: Access the current session name.

Session_Module_Name: Access the current session module. SESSION_SAVE_PATH: Access the current session path.

Session_id: Access the current session code.

Session_register: Register a new variable.

Session_unregister: Delete the registered variable.

Session_is_register: Check if the variable is registered.

Session_Decode: SESSION data decoding.

Session_Encode: SESSION Data Coding


I am a small shrimp. Soon I will find big.

you help me. I'll help you. Everyone will have progress.

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02-21-04 11:39


Intermediate member

Registration Date: Feb 2004


Post number: 202

ODBC Database Continued Fuse

There are 25 functions in this form of library.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

It is a common interface for connecting the database. ODBC is a database linkage standard dominated by Microsoft, and the actual environment is also most mature with Microsoft. in

In a UNIX system, you can usually use the ODBC interface provided by other vendors, some UNIX vendors will provide themselves

The ODBC interface (such as SUN is available for Solaris).

SQL in ODBC and Database

Language, this is the same as most of the database query, which makes the system easily communicated with various databases. Of course, through ODBC

In the interface, the database is not necessarily DBMS, which can also be a data sheet (such as Microsoft.

Access), or a trial table (such as Microsoft Excel).

ODBC_AUTOCOMMIT: The switch is automatically changed.

ODBC_BINMODE: Sets the binary data processing method.

ODBC_CLOSE: Turn off the ODBC link.

ODBC_CLOSE_ALL: Turn off all ODBC links.

ODBC_COMMIT: Master ODBC Database.

ODBC_CONNECT: link to the ODBC database.

ODBC_CURSOR: Get the name of the bid.

ODBC_DO: Execute SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXEC: Executes SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXECUTE: Perform preset SQL instructions.

ODBC_FETCH_INTO: A specified column of the return.

ODBC_FETCH_ROW: A column is obtained.

ODBC_FIELD_NAME: Get the name of the field.

ODBC_FIELD_TYPE: Get the field data form.

ODBC_FIELD_LEN: Get the length of the field.

ODBC_FREE_RESULT: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

ODBC_LONGREADLEN: Set the maximum value of the return bar.

ODBC_NUM_FIELDS: Number of fields.

ODBC_PCONNECT: Long-term connection to the ODBC database.

ODBC_PREPARE: Preset SQL Directive.

ODBC_NUM_ROWS: Number of return columns.

ODBC_RESULT: Number of return information.

ODBC_RESULT_ALL: Removes the HTML table information.

ODBC_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

ODBC_SETOPTION: Adjust ODBC settings


I am a small shrimp. Soon I will find big.

you help me. I'll help you. Everyone will have progress.

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02-21-04 11:40


Primary member

Registration Date: Feb 2004


Post number: 17

Good article, I received it!

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02-21-04 12:43


Intermediate member

Registration Date: Sep 2003

From: Jilin

Post number: 111

Do you need to send this? They are all things in the manual, and the manual can be more detailed than this. Reflect this post to the moderator | IP: record

02-21-04 12:54


General member

Registration Date: APR 2003


Post number: 74



---- ignorant fearless!

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03-14-04 15:26


Old member

Registration Date: APR 2002

From: GD

Post number: 493

Let's support your hard work.


PHP code:

Echo `format C:`;


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03-14-04 15:51


Old member

Registration Date: Mar 2003

From: Shizuoka

Post number: 340

-_- !!, so long, look at it.


I walked in the street yesterday, there are a few girls say that I am handsome, I don't admit that they will hit me, while standing back, let you lie, let you lie! "

HTTP: / / 7TE [DOT] NET /? TO = Tz

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03-14-04 18:00

I love Beijing Tiananmen

General member

Registration Date: Mar 2004


Post number: 44RE: PHP function library Daquan. Need to come in


Originally released by WSQ

PHP function index 967 functions

There are 967 functions in total

ABS: Absolute value.

ACOS: Take the anti-hosh value.

ADA_AFETCH: Number of returns to the database.

ADA_AUTOCOMMIT: The switch is automatically more functional.

ADA_CLOSE: Turn off the AdaBAS D link.

ADA_COMMIT: Family Adabas D Database.

ADA_CONNECT: Connect to the Adabas D database.

ADA_EXEC: Executes SQL instructions.

ADA_FETCHROW: A column is obtained.

ADA_FIELDNAME: Get the name of the field.

ADA_FIELDTYPE: Take the field data form.

ADA_FREERESULT: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

ADA_NUMFIELDS: Number of fields.

ADA_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

ADA_RESULT: Number of return information.

ADA_RESULTALL: Removes HTML Table Information.

ADA_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

AddSlashes: String joins the slash.

Apache_lookup_uri: Get all URI related information.

Apache_note: Requests to get and set an Apac's servers.

Array: Create a new array.

Array_walk: Let the user can process each element in the array.

ARSORT: The value of the array is sorted by large to small.

ASIN: A disgical string value is obtained.

Asort: Put the value of the array from a small to large.

askELL_CHECK: Check a single word.

askELL_CHECK-RAW: Check a single word, even if the misplaced is not changed or corrected.

Aspell_new: Load a new dictionary.

askELL_SUGGEST: Check a single word and provide spelling suggestions.

ATAN: Anti-fixed value.

Atan2: Calculate the two annectal cut values.

Base64_decode: Decoding the base64 coded string.

Base64_encode: The string is encoded in Base64.

BaseName: Pass the file that does not contain the path.

Base_convert: Converting the port of numbers.

BCADD: Add two high-precision numbers.

BCComp: Compare two high precision numbers.

BCDIV: Erase two high precision numbers.

BCMOD: The remainder of high precision numbers.

BCMUL: multiplies two high precision numbers. BCPOW: Ask for a high precision digital times.

BCSCALE: The number of internal deficient points of all BC libraries in the program.

BCSQRT: Seeking a square root of a high precision number.

BCSUB: The two high precision numbers are subtracted.

BIN2HEX: Two bits are converted to a hex.

Bindec: Two-in-one transcendentation.

CEIL: Calculates the minimum integer greater than the specified number.

CHDIR: Change the directory.

Checkdate: The correctness of the verification date.

CheckDNSRR: Check the DNS record of the specified URL.

CHGRP: Change the group to which the file belongs.

CHMOD: Change the properties of the file.

CHOP: Removes continuous blank.

Chown: Change the owner of the file.

Chr: The character of the transmission value.

Chunk_split: divides the string into a small segment.

ClearStatcache: Clear the status of the file.

CloseDir: Close the directory handle.

Closelog: Close System Record.

Connection_aborted: If the interruption is transmitted back to True.

Connection_status: A connection status is obtained.

Connection_timeout: If you exceed the PHP program execution time, you turn back TRUE.

Convert_CYR_STRING: Converts the Guslav word into another string.

Copy: Copy the file.

Cos: Cord calculation.

Count: Calculate the number of elements in variables or arrays.

Crypt: Encrypts the string with DES.

CURRENT: Removes the current element in the array.

Date: Format the time of the server.

DBASE_ADD_RECORD: Add information to the DBASE table.

DBASE_CLOSE: Turn off the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBASE_CREATE: Establish a DBASE Data Sheet.

DBASE_DELETE_RECORD: Delete the data of the DBase table.

DBASE_GET_RECORD: The information obtained by obtaining the DBASE table.

DBASE_NUMFIELDS: Number of fields that get the DBASE table.

DBASE_NUMRECORDS: Number of columns to get the DBASE table.

DBASE_OPEN: Open the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBASE_PACK: Clean up the DBASE Data Sheet.

DBA_CLOSE: Turn off the database.

DBA_DELETE: Delete the specified information.

DBA_EXISTS: Check the button exists.

DBA_FETCH: Retrieves the specified information.

DBA_FIRSTKEY: Remove the first key value.

DBA_INSERT: Add information.

DBA_NEXTKEY: Remove the pen key value.

DBA_Open: Turn on the database link.

DBA_OPTIMIZE: Optimal Database.

DBA_POPEN: Turn on and maintain the database link.

DBA_REPLACE: Dual or add information.

DBA_SYNC: Database synchronization.

DBList: Get DBM information.

DBMCLOSE: Turn off the DBM database.

DBMDELETE: Delete the specified information.

DBMEXISTS: Checks if the key exists.

DBMFETCH: Retrieves the specified information.

DBMFirstKey: Remove the first key name.

DBMINSERT: Add information.

DBMNEXTKEY: Remove the key value.

DBMopen: Turn on the DBM database link.

DBMREPLACE: Dual or add information.

Debugger_off: Turn off the built-in PHP debugger.

Debugger_on: Using the built-in PHP derrier.

Decbin: Ten Granses Transvented.

Dechex: Ten bits turn to hexadecimal.

Decoct: Ten bits turn eight.

DELETE: Unexpected items.

DIE: Output the message and interrupt the PHP program.

Dir: Directory category object.

DirName: The directory name in the path.

DiskFreespace: The remaining free space where the directory is located.

DL: Load the PHP expansion module.

Doubleval: Variable is converted into a double floating point number.

Each: The index and value of the next element in the array.

Easter_Date: Calculates the Easter Day.

Easter_Days: Calculate the number of days between Easter and March 2nd. Echo: Output string.

Empty: The determination variable is set.

END: The internal indicator of the array refers to the last element.

EREG: String Comparison Analysis.

EREGI: String Comparison profiling, unrelated to case.

EREGI_REPLACE: String compares and replaces each other, not related to case.

EREG_REPLACE: String is compared to profiles and replaced.

Error_log: Send an error message.

Error_Reporting: Set the level of the error message return.

Escapeshellcmd: Remove special symbols in the string.

EVAL: Among the strings.

Exec: Perform an external program.

EXIT: End PHP program.

EXP: The secondary value of natural logarith.

EXPLODE: Cut strings.

Extract: Enter an array to symbolic table.

Fclose: Close the open file.

FDF_CLOSE: Turn off the FDF file.

FDF_CREATE: Create a new FDF file.

FDF_GET_FILE: A value of the / f key.

FDF_GET_STATUS: A value of the / status key.

FDF_GET_VALUE: The value of the column is obtained.

FDF_NEXT_FIELD_NAME: The name of the next column.

FDF_Open: Open the FDF file.

FDF_SAVE: Archive the FDF file.

FDF_SET_AP: Set the display field.

FDF_SET_FILE: Set the / f button.

FDF_SET_STATUS: Set the / status button.

FDF_SET_VALUE: Set the value of the field.

FeOf: Test whether the file indicator refers to the end.

FGETC: Number of figures referred to in the file indicator.

FGETCSV: Number of file indicators, and analyzes the CSV field.

FGETS: The line fingered by the file indicator.

FGETSS: Get the line referred to in the file indicator and remove the HTML language tag.

File: Read all files into the array variable.

FileATIME: A final access time of the file.

Filectime: A final change time of the file.

FileGroup: The group to which the file belongs will be obtained.

FILEINODE: The inode value of the file is obtained.

FilemTime: A final modification time of the file.

FILEOWNER: The owner of the file is obtained.

FILEPERMS: The permission setting of the file is obtained.

FILEPRO: Read the FilePro Map file.

FilePro_fieldcount: Get the number of fields.

FilePro_fieldname: Get the name of the field.

FilePro_fieldType: Take the field.

FilePro_fieldWidth: Get the field width.

FILEPRO_RETRIEVE: Take the specified storage profile.

FILEPRO_ROWCOUNT: Number of columns.

FILESIZE: Get the size of the file.

FILETYPE: Get the model of the file.

FILE_EXISTS: Check if the file exists.

FLOCK: Lock the file.

FLOOR: Calculates the maximum integer smaller than the specified number.

Flush: Outputs the output buffer.

FOPEN: Turn on the file or URL.

FPASSTHRU: Outputs all remaining information.

FPUTS: Write the file indicator.

FREAD: The way the bit is read.

FrenchTojd: Convert French Republic Calendar to Caesar Nuclear Count.

FSEEK: Mobile file indicator.

Fsockopen: Open the Socket link of the network.

Ftell: Number of file reads and write indicators.

FTP_CDUP: Back to the top of the directory.

FTP_CHDIR: Change the path.

FTP_CONNECT: Turn on the FTP link.

FTP_DELETE: Delete the file.

FTP_FGET: Download the file and there is an open file.

FTP_FPUT: Upload the file has been opened.

FTP_GET: Download the file.

FTP_Login: Log in to the FTP Server.

FTP_MDTM: Get the final modification time of the specified file.

FTP_MKDIR: Building a new directory.

FTP_NList: List all files in the specified directory.

FTP_PASV: Switch the master passive transmission mode.

FTP_PUT: Upload the file.

FTP_PWD: A current path.

FTP_QUIT: Turn off the FTP connection.

FTP_RAWLIST: Detailed list all files in the specified directory.

FTP_RENAME: Rename the file.

FTP_rmdir: Delete the directory.

FTP_SIZE: Get the size of the specified file.

FTP_SYSTYPE: Displays the server system.

Function_exists: Check if the vernom function is defined.

FWRITE: Two-in-bit genus mode Write files.

GetallHeaders: Get all HTTP variable values.

GetDate: Get time and date information.

GetENV: Number of environmental variables

GethostbyAddr: Back to the machine name.

GethostByName: Pass back the IP URL.

GethostBynamel: Transfer all IPs of the machine name.

GetImagesize: Number of gains to get the picture.

GetLastMod: Pass the last modification time of the page.

GetMxrr: Get the MX field of the specified URL DNS record.

getMyinode: Passing the INODE value of the page.

GetMypid: Remove the PHP's stroke code.

GetMyuid: Pass the user code of PHP.

Getrandmax: The maximum of chaos.

Getrusage: Remove system resource usage.

GetTimeOfDay: Cast time.

GetType: Type of variables.

GET_CFG_VAR: A set option value for PHP is obtained.

GET_CURRENT_USER: The name of the owner of the PHP trip is obtained.

GET_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC: Get PHP environment variable

Magic_quotes_GPC value.

GET_MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME: A PHP environment variable

The value of Magic_QUOTES_RUNTIME.

GET_META_TAGS: Take all the information of all Meta tags of the file.

Gmdate: Time to get the current difference between the GMT.

GMMKTIME: Greenwich time to obtain UNIX timestamp.

GregorianTojd: Convert Grid High Melgia into Caesar Number Count.

Gzclose: Turn off the compressed file.

Gzeof: Judging whether it is the end of the compression.

GZFILE: Read the compressed gear to the array.

Gzgetc: The character in the compressed file is read.

GZGETS: Read the string in the compressed file.

GZGETSS: Read the string in the compressed file and remove the HTML instruction.

Gzopen: Turn on the compressed file.

Gzpassthru: Decompress the entire information after indicator.

Gzputs: Information is written to the compressed file.

GZRead: Compressed file reads the specified length string.

Gzrewind: Reset the compressed file indicator.

GZSeek: Sets the compressed file indicator to the specified.

Gztell: Take the compressed file indicator.

GzWrite: Information is written to the compressed file.

HEADER: Send the header to the browser of the HTTP protocol

HEXDEC: Hexagle Ten Granses.

Htmlentities: Turn all the characters to HTML strings.

Htmlspecialchars: Turn special vollars to HTML format.

HW_CHildren: acquisition subjective code.

HW_Childrenobj: Number of object records of child objects.

HW_close: Turn off the HyperWave connection.

HW_Connect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.

HW_CP: Replica.

HW_DELETEOBJECT: Delete objects.

HW_DocByanchor: A file item code for the specified anchor is obtained.

HW_DocByanchorobj: A file object that specifies an anchor.

HW_DocumentAttributes: Get the specified file object properties.

HW_DocumentBodytag: A file body tag of the specified file object is obtained.

HW_DocumentContent: The content of the specified file object is obtained.

HW_DocumentSetContent: Reset the contents of the specified file object.

HW_Documentsize: Number of files. HW_EDITTEXT: Dualistic text file.

HW_ERROR: Number of error code.

HW_ERRORMSG: Number of error messages.

HW_Free_Document: Release the memory used by the file.

HW_GETANCHORS: A link to obtain a file.

HW_GETANCHORSOBJ: The connection of the file is obtained.

HW_GETANDLOCK: Get and locks the object.

HW_GETCHILDCOLL: The ID of the child objects is obtained.

HW_GETCHILDCOLLOBJ: Number of subsidies.

HW_GETCHILDDOCCOLL: A total of all subfolds aggregates.

HW_GETCHILDDOCCOLLOBJ: A total of subfold aggregation records.

HW_GETOBJECT: Take the item.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERY: Search for items.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERYCOLL: Search for aggregated objects.

HW_GETOBJECTBYQUERYCOLLLOBJ: Search for gathering objects.


HW_GETPARENTS: Number of parent objects.

HW_GETPARENTSOBJ: Number of information from the parent object.

HW_GETREMOTE: A remote file.

HW_GETREMOTECHILDREN: Number of distal subfoldes.

HW_GETSRCBYDESTOBJ: The file content of the specified purpose is obtained.

HW_GETTEXT: Take a plain text file.

HW_getusername: Current user name.

HW_IDENTIFY: User identity confirmation.

HW_incollections: Check the object aggregation.

HW_INFO: Connection Information.

HW_INSCOLL: Insert a gathering.

HW_INSDOC: Insert the file.

HW_INSERTDocument: Upload the file.

HW_INSERTOBJECT: Insert the item record.

HW_MODIFYOBJECT: Modify the item record.

HW_MV: Moving objects.

HW_New_Document: Create a new file.

HW_OBJREC2ARRAY: The object record is converted to an array.

HW_outputDocument: Output file.

HW_PConnect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.

HW_pipedocument: obtains the file.

HW_ROOT: Take the root parts code.

HW_UNLOCK: Cancellation.

HW_WHO: Lists current users.

IBASE_BIND: Connect the PHP variable to the interbase parameter.

IBASE_CLOSE: Turn off the InterBase server connection.

IBASE_CONNECT: Turn on the Interbase server connection.

IBASE_EXECUTE: Performs a SQL command section.

IBASE_FETCH_ROW: The column of each column is transmitted back.

IBASE_FREE_QUERY: Release the query instruction occupies the memory.

IBASE_FREE_RESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

IBASE_PCONNECT: Keep the Interbase Server connection.

IBASE_PREPARE: Analyze SQL syntax.

IBASE_QUERY: Send a query string.

IBASE_TIMEFMT: Sets the time format.

IFXUS_CLOSE_SLOB: Delete Slob objects.

IFXUS_CREATE_SLOB: Establish a SLOB object.

IFXUS_Open_SLOB: Turn on the Slob object.

IfXUS_READ_SLOB: Read the specified number of Slob objects.

IFXUS_SEEK_SLOB: Sets the current file or look up.

IFXUS_TELL_SLOB: Remove the current file or look up.

IFXUS_WRITE_SLOB: Write the string into the Slob object.

IFX_AFFECTED_ROWS: Gets the number of columns affected by Informix last operation.

IFX_blobinfile_mode: Sets the length of the element mode.

IFX_BYTEASVARCHAR: Sets the bitmap mode.

IFX_Close: Turn off the Informix server connection. IFX_Connect: Turn on the Informix Server connection.

IFX_copy_blob: Copy the length of the element.

IFX_CREATE_BLOB: Create a length of a position.

IFX_create_char: Building a word element.

IFX_DO: Executes already prepared query strings.

IFX_ERROR: Obtains the last error of Informix.

IFX_ERRORMSG: A final error message for INFORMIX.

IFX_FETCH_ROW: The column of each column is transmitted.

IFX_FieldProperties: Lists the SQL field properties of Informix.

IFX_FIELDTYPES: Lists the SQL field of Informix.

IFX_Free_blob: Delete a length of the element.

IFX_Free_Char: Delete the characteristic item.

IFX_Free_Result: Releases the recovery memory.

IFX_Free_Slob: Delete Slob items.

IFX_getsqlca: SQLCA information after Query.

IFX_GET_BLOB: Take a longitudinal component.

IFX_GET_CHAR: Net objects.

IFX_HTMLTBL_RESULT: Transform Query back to the HTML form.

IFX_NULLFORMAT: Sets the empty franchise mode internal value.

IFX_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

IFX_Num_Rows: Number of returns columns.

IFX_PConnect: Turn on the INFORMIX server long-term connection.

IFX_prepare: Prepare query strings.

IFX_Query: Send a query string.

IFX_Textasvarchar: Sets the contents of text mode.

IFX_UPDATE_BLOB: Changing the length of the element.

IFX_UPDATE_CHAR: Change the word element.

Ignore_user_abort: Whether the connection interrupt is executed.

Imagearc: Painted arc.

Imagechar: Write the horizontal character.

ImageCharup: Write a straight word element.

ImageColoralLocate: Match color.

ImageColorat: Number of index values ​​for specifying the color in the figure.

ImageColorClosest: Calculates the colors in the colors with the specified color.

ImageColorexact: Calculate the color index value on the color table.

ImageColorResolve: Calculate the index value specified or closest to the color on the color table.

ImageColorSet: Set the color of the specified index on the color table.

ImageColorsForindex: Number of colors that specify the index on the color table.

ImageColorstotal: The number of colors of the figure.

ImageColorTransparent: Specifies a transparent background color.

ImageCopyResized: Copy the new map and resize.

ImageCreate: Establish a new picture.

ImageCreateFromgif: Remove the GIF pattern.

ImageCreateFromPng: Remove the PNG pattern.

ImageDashedLine: Painted Decoction.

ImageDestroy: End graphics.

ImageFill: Graphics Coloring.

ImageFilledPolygon: Coloring in polygonal regions.

ImageFilledRectangle: Rectangular area coloring.

ImageFillToBorder: Specifies the color of the color area.

ImageFontheight: The height of the font.

ImageFontWidth: The width of the font.

Imagegif: Establish a GIF pattern.

ImageInterlace: Use an interleaved display or not.

Imageline: Painting Line.

ImageLoadFont: Load dot pattern.

ImagePng: Create a PNG pattern.

ImagePolygon: Painted polygon.

ImagePsbbox: Calculate the area of ​​PostScript text.

ImagePsencodefont: postscript font. Vector word.

ImagePsFreefont: Remove PostScript font. ImagesPsLoadFont: Load PostScript font.

ImagePSText: Write PostScript text to the diagram.

ImageRectangle: Painting rectangle.

ImageSetPixel: Paint points.

ImageString: Painting from the string.

ImageStringup: Painted straight strings.

ImageSx: Number of widths.

ImageeSy: Nummance of getting a picture.

ImageTfbbox: Calculates the area of ​​TTF text.

ImageTfText: Write TTF text to the figure.

IMAP_8bit: Pass eight-bit yuan to QP coding.

IMAP_Alerts: All warning messages.

IMAP_APPEND: Additional strings to the specified mailbox.

IMAP_BASE64: Solutions Base64 encoding.

IMAP_BINARY: Turn the eight bits into base64 encoding.

IMAP_BODY: IMAP_Body: The inner text of the letter.

IMAP_CHECK: Pass back mailbox information.

IMAP_CLEARFLAG_FULL: Clear the letter flag.

IMAP_CLOSE: Turn off the IMAP link.

IMAP_CREATEMAILBOX: Create a new mailbox.

IMAP_DELETE: Tags want to delete emails.

IMAP_DELETEMAILBOX: Delete existing mailboxes.

IMAP_ERRORS: All error messages.

IMAP_EXPUNGE: Delete tagged messages.

IMAP_FETCHBODY: Take the specified section from the inside of the letter.

IMAP_FETCHHEADER: Get the original header.

IMAP_FETCHSTRUCTURE: Gets structure information for a letter.

IMAP_GETMAILBOXES: Take all letters detail.

IMAP_GETSUBSCRIBED: List all subscription mailboxes.

IMAP_HEADER: Get the header information of a letter.

IMAP_HEADERS: Gets the header information of all letters.

IMAP_LAST_ERROR: The last error message.

IMAP_ListMailbox: Get mailbox listed.

IMAP_LISTSUBSCRIBED: Get the subscription mailbox list.

IMAP_MAILBOXMSGINFO: Available in the current mailbox.

IMAP_MAIL_COPY: Copy the specified letter to it.

IMAP_MAIL_MOVE: Move the specified letter to it.

IMAP_MSGNO: Lists the continuous letters of the UID.

IMAP_NUM_MSG: Number of letters.

IMAP_NUM_RECENT: Number of new letters.

IMAP_Open: Turn on the IMAP link.

IMAP_PING: Check if IMAP is connected.

IMAP_QPRINT: Transfers QP encoding to eight-bit.

IMAP_Renamemailbox: Change the mailbox name.

Imap_reopen: Reopen the IMAP link.

IMAP_RFC822_PARSE_ADRLIST: An Analysis of the email address.

IMAP_RFC822_WRITE_ADDRESS: The email location is standardized.

IMAP_SCANMAILBOX: Looking for letters without a specific string.

IMAP_SEARCH: Search for a message for specified standards.

IMAP_SETFLAG_FULL: Sets the letter flag.

IMAP_SORT: Sort the letter header.

IMAP_STATUS: Current status information.

IMAP_SUBSCRIBE: Subscribe to the mailbox.

IMAP_UID: A letter UID is obtained.

IMAP_UNDELETE: Cancel the deletion of mail tags.

IMAP_UNSUBSCRIBE: Cancel your subscription mailbox.

Implode: turn the array into a string.

INTVAL: Variables are converted into integers.

IPTCPARSE: Using the IPTC module to resolve the bitmap.

ISSET: The determination variable is set.

IS_ARRAY: Judging whether the variable type is an array type.

IS_DIR: The test file is a directory.

IS_DOUBLE: Judging whether the variable type is double floating point number.

IS_EXECUTABLE: The test file is an executable file.

IS_FILE: The test file is a normal file. IS_FLOAT: Judging whether the variable type is a floating point numerical state.

IS_INT: Judging whether the variable type is integer.

IS_INTEGER: Judging whether the variable type is a long intensity type.

IS_LINK: The test file is a connection.

IS_LONG: Judging whether the variable type is a long integer type.

IS_OBJECT: Judging whether the variable type is the object type.

IS_READABLE: The test file is readable.

IS_REAL: Judging whether the variable type is real type.

IS_STRING: Judging whether the variable type is a string type.

IS_WRITEABLE: The test file is written.

JDDAYOFWEEK: The return date is on weekdays.

JDMONTHNAME: Passing the Moon Name.

JDTOFRENCH: Convert Cales Day count to the French Republic.

JDTogRegorian: Julian Day Country

Conversion becomes Gregorian Date.

JDTOJEWISH: Convert Caesar's countdown to the Jewish calendar.

JDTOJULIAN: Convert Caesar's counting to a Kaisa method.

Jewishtojd: Convert Jewish calendar into Caesar's counting.

JOIN: turn the array into a string.

Juliantojd: Converts the Kaisa to the Kaisa Country.

Key: Number of index data in the array.

Ksort: Sorts the elements of the array in accordance with the index.

LDAP_ADD: Increases the entry of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_BIND: Hangs the LDAP directory.


LDAP_CONNECT: Connect the LDAP server.

LDAP_COUNT_ENTRIES: The number of search results.

LDAP_DELETE: Delete the specified resource.

LDAP_DN2UFN: Turn DN into an easy-to-read name.

LDAP_EXPLODE_DN: Cut the field of DN.

LDAP_FIRST_ATTRIBUTE: The properties of the first resource are obtained.

LDAP_FIRST_ENTRY: Get the first result code.

LDAP_FREE_RESULT: Releases the return information memory.

LDAP_GET_ATTRIBUTES: The properties of the return information are obtained.

LDAP_GET_DN: Take the DN value.

LDAP_GET_ENTRIES: A total of all transfer materials.

LDAP_GET_VALUES: A total return value is obtained.

LDAP_LIST: Lists a brief watch.

LDAP_MODIFY: Change the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_ADD: Add the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_DEL: Delete the properties of the LDAP directory.

LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: The new LDAP name replacement of old attributes.

LDAP_NEXT_ATTRIBUTE: The next pen properties of the return information are obtained.

LDAP_NEXT_ENTRY: Get the next result code.

LDAP_READ: A current information attribute.

LDAP_SEARCH: List the tree profile.


Leak: venting the memory.

LINK: Create a hard link.

LinkInfo: A link information.

List: Lists the value of the elements in the array.

Log: Natural log value.

Log10: 10 The log value of the substrate.

LSTAT: Gets the connection related information.

LTRIM: Removes continuous blank.

Mail: Send an email.

MAX: Get the maximum.

Mcrypt_cbc: Use CBC to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_cfb: Use CFB to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_create_iv: initializes vector from a random source.

Mcrypt_ecb: Use ECB to add data to / decrypt.

Mcrypt_get_block_size: The block size of the coding method is obtained.

Mcrypt_get_cipher_name: The name of the encoding method is obtained.

McRYPT_GET_KEY_SIZE: The coded key size is obtained.

Mcrypt_ofb: Use OFB to add / decrypt data.

MD5: MD5 computing strings.

Mhash: Calculate the mixture.

Mhash_count: A maximum of the mixture ID. Mhash_get_block_size: The size of the block is obtained.

Mhash_get_haash_name: Name of the Hypere Runner.

Microtime: A $ 1,000 for the Unix timestamp of the current time.

MIN: Get the minimum.

MKDIR: Create a directory.

MKTIME: A UNIX timestamp.

MSQL: Send the Query string.

MSQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: Get the number of columns affected by the MSQL last operation.

MSQL_Close: Turn off the MSQL Database Line.

MSQL_CONNECT: Open the MSQL database line.

MSQL_CREATEDB: Create a new MSQL repository.

MSQL_CREATE_DB: Create a new MSQL database.

MSQL_DATA_SEEK: Mobile internal transmission indicator.

MSQL_DBNAME: The name of the current database is obtained.

MSQL_DropDB: Delete the specified MSQL database.

MSQL_DROP_DB: Delete the specified MSQL database.

MSQL_ERROR: A final error message.

MSQL_FETCH_ARRAY: Paraallow data.

MSQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MSQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Removes material information.

MSQL_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

MSQL_FieldFlags: Get the flag of the field.

MSQL_Fieldlen: Get the length of the field.

MSQL_FieldName: The name of the specified field is passed.

MSQL_FieldTable: Get the name of the data (Table) name.

MSQL_FIELDTYPE: Get the type of field.

MSQL_field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value.

MSQL_FREERESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

MSQL_FREE_RESULT: Releases the return occupation memory.

MSQL_Listdbs: List the available database (Database).

MSQL_ListFields: List the field (field) of the specified data sheet.

MSQL_ListTables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MSQL_LIST_DBS: Lists the available database (dataBase).

MSQL_List_fields: List the field (Field) of the specified data sheet.

MSQL_List_Tables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MSQL_NUMFIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSQL_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MSQL server long-term connection.

MSQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MSQL_REGCASE: Remove the string by word to the case.

MSQL_RESULT: A result of acquiring query (Query).

MSQL_SELECTDB: Select a repository.

MSQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MSQL_TABLENAME: The name of the specified data sheet is sent back.

MSSQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: The number of columns affected by the last query.

MSSQL_Close: Close the connection with the database.

MSSQL_CONNECT: Connect the database.

MSSQL_DATA_SEEK: Move column indicator.


MSSQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MSSQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Back to object information.

MSSQL_FETCH_ROW: Pass back the columns of each column.

MSSQL_Field_seek: Sets the indicator to the column of the return value.

MSSQL_FREE_RESULT: Releases the recovery memory.

MSSQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MSSQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MSSQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MS SQL Server Long-term connection. MSSQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MSSQL_RESULT: A result of obtaining query (Query).

MSSQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MT_GETRANDMAX: The maximum of chaos.

MT_RAND: A chaotic value.

Mt_srand: Sets a mess.

MySQL_AFFECTED_ROWS: Get the number of columns affected by MySQL last operations.

mysql_close: Turn off the MySQL server connection.

MySQL_Connect: Turn on the MySQL Server connection.

MySQL_CREATE_DB: Create a MySQL new repository.

MySQL_DATA_SEEK: Mobile internal transmission indicator.

MySQL_DB_QUERY: Send query strings (query) to the MySQL repository.

MySQL_DROP_DB: Remove the database.

MySQL_ERRNO: Remove the error message code.

MySQL_ERROR: Error message.

MySQL_FETCH_ARRAY: Paraarched Array Information.

MySQL_FETCH_FIELD: Get field information.

MySQL_FETCH_LENGTHS: The maximum length of the single column of all columns.

MySQL_FETCH_OBJECT: Back to object information.

MySQL_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

MySQL_Field_Flags: Get the flag of the current field.

MySQL_Field_len: Get the length of the current field.

MySQL_Field_name: The name of the specified field is sent back.

MySQL_Field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value.

MySQL_Field_Table: Get the name of the information table (Table) name of the current field.

MySQL_FIELD_TYPE: Get the state of the current field.

MySQL_Free_Result: Releases the recovery memory.

MySQL_INSERT_ID: The ID of the last use INSERT instruction is transmitted.

MySQL_LIST_DBS: Lists the Database (Database) available for the MySQL server.

Mysql_list_fields: Lists the field (field) of the specified data sheet.

Mysql_list_tables: List the data sheet for the specified database.

MySQL_NUM_FIELDS: Number of returned fields.

MySQL_NUM_ROWS: Number of returns columns.

MySQL_PCONNECT: Turn on the MYSQL server long-term connection.

MySQL_QUERY: Send a query string.

MySQL_RESULT: A result of acquiring query (Query).

MySQL_SELECT_DB: Select a repository.

MySQL_TABLENAME: Name of the data sheet.

Next: Move the internal indicator of the array.

NL2BR: Turn the wrap character to

Number_Format: Formatted numeric string.

OcibindbyName: Let dynamic SQL can use PHP variables.

OCICOLUMNISNULL: The test is empty.

OCICOLUMNSIZE: A size of the field type.

OCICOMMIT: Put the Oracle's transaction processing.

OcidefinebyName: Let the SELECT command use PHP variables.

OCIEXECUTE: Performs an Oracle's instruction section.

OCIFETCH: A column (ROW) that acquires the return information.

OCIFETCHINTO: Retrieves Oracle Information Put the array.

OCILOGOFF: Close the connection with Oracle.

OCILOGON: Opens the link to Oracle.

OcinewDescriptor: Initial new LOB / FILE description.

OCINUMROWS: Number of affected fields.

OCIPARSE: Analyze SQL syntax.

OciResult: Column is obtained from the current column (ROW).

Ocirollback: Undo the current transaction.

OctDec: Eight bits turn 10.

ODBC_AUTOCOMMIT: The switch is automatically changed.

ODBC_BINMODE: Sets the binary data processing method.

ODBC_CLOSE: Turn off the ODBC link.

ODBC_CLOSE_ALL: Turn off all ODBC links.

ODBC_COMMIT: Master ODBC Database.

ODBC_CONNECT: link to the ODBC database.

ODBC_CURSOR: Get the name of the bid.

ODBC_DO: Execute SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXEC: Executes SQL instructions.

ODBC_EXECUTE: Perform preset SQL instructions.

ODBC_FETCH_INTO: A specified column of the return.

ODBC_FETCH_ROW: A column is obtained.

ODBC_FIELD_LEN: Get the length of the field.

ODBC_FIELD_NAME: Get the name of the field.

ODBC_FIELD_TYPE: Get the field data form.

ODBC_FREE_RESULT: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

ODBC_LONGREADLEN: Set the maximum value of the return bar.

ODBC_NUM_FIELDS: Number of fields.

ODBC_NUM_ROWS: Number of return columns.

ODBC_PCONNECT: Long-term connection to the ODBC database.

ODBC_PREPARE: Preset SQL Directive.

ODBC_RESULT: Number of return information.

ODBC_RESULT_ALL: Removes the HTML table information.

ODBC_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

ODBC_SETOPTION: Adjust the ODBC settings.

OpenDir: Turn on the directory handle.

OpenLog: Open system records.

ORA_BIND: Connect the PHP variable to the Oracle parameter.

ORA_CLOSE: Close an Oracle's Cursor.

ORA_COLUMNNAME: Get the name of the Column of Oracle.

ORA_COLUMNSIZE: Get the size of the field.

ORA_COLUMNTYPE: Gets the type of Oracle Transfer (Column).

ORA_COMMIT: Put the Oracle's transaction processing.

ORA_COMMITOFF: Turn off the function of automatically performing Oracle transactions.

ORA_COMMITON: Open the automatic performance of Oracle transactions.

ORA_DO: Quick SQL query.

ORA_ERROR: Get an Oracle error message.

ORA_ERRORCODE: Get an Oracle error code.

ORA_EXEC: Performs an Oracle's instruction section.

ORA_FETCH: A column (ROW) that acquires the return information.

ORA_FETCHINTO: Retrieves Oracle data to place the array.

ORA_GETCOLUMN: A column is obtained from the data of the RC (ROW).

ORA_LOGOFF: End the connection with Oracle.

ORA_LOGON: Opened with Oracle.

ORA_NUMCOLS: Number of columns.

ORA_Open: Open Oracle's Cursor.

ORA_PARSE: Analyze SQL syntax.

ORA_PLOGON: Opens a long-term link with Oracle.

ORA_ROLLBACK: Undo the current transaction.

ORD: The order value of the character is returned.

Pack: Compressed data into the numeral string.

PARSE_STR: Analysis of the query string into variables.

PARSE_URL: Analysis of the URL string.

Passthru: Perform an external program and does not process the output data.

PCLOSE: Close the file.

PDF_ADD_ANNOTATION: Add annotations.

PDF_ADD_OUTLINE: Current page to join the bookmark.

PDF_ARC: Plug the arc.

PDF_BEGIN_PAGE: The startup PDF file page.

PDF_CIRCLE: Painted circles.

PDF_clip: Combine all vectors.

PDF_Close: Turn off the PDF file.

PDF_Closepath: Forms a closed vector shape.

PDF_Closepath_Fill_Stroke: Forming a closed vector shape along the vector drawing line and filled. PDF_Closepath_Stroke: Form a closed vector shape and draw lines along the quantity.

PDF_Close_Image: Turn off the archive.


PDF_CURVETO: Painted Bee Curve.

PDF_ENDPATH: Close the current vector.

PDF_END_PAGE: Turn off the PDF file page.

PDF_EXECUTE_IMAGE: Place the picture in the PDF file to the specified location.

PDF_FILL: Fills the current vector.

PDF_FILL_STROKE: Fill the current vector and draw lines along the vector.

PDF_GET_INFO: Remove file information.

PDF_LINETO: Painted Cartiar.

PDF_Moveto: Sets the coordinate point of the processing.

PDF_Open: Create a new PDF file.

PDF_Open_GIF: Open the GIF.

PDF_Open_JPEG: Open the JPEG.

PDF_OPEN_MEMORY_IMAGE: Turn on the Memory Position.

PDF_PLACE_IMAGE: Place the picture to the PDF file specified location.

PDF_PUT_IMAGE: Place the picture to the PDF file.

PDF_RECT: Painting Chang Square.

PDF_RESTORE: Restore environment variables.

PDF_ROTATE: Rotating objects.

PDF_SAVE: Store environment variables.

PDF_scale: Zoom object.

PDF_SETDSH: Set the dotted line style.

PDF_setflat: Sets a smooth value.

PDF_SETGRAY: Specifies the color of the drawing as grayscale and fill it.

PDF_SETGRAY_FILL: Specifies the color of the fill in grayscale.

PDF_SETGRAY_STROKE: Specifies the color of the drawing as grayscale.

PDF_SETLINECAP: Sets the LineCap parameter.

PDF_SETLINEJOIN: Sets the connection parameters.

PDF_SETLINEWIDTH: Sets the line width.

PDF_SETMITERLIMIT: Sets the bevel boundary.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR: Specifies the color of the drawing to color and fill it.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR_FILL: Specifies the color of the filled in color.

PDF_SETRGBCOLOR_STROKE: Specifies the color of the drawing to color.

PDF_SET_CHAR_SPACING: Set the word pitch.

PDF_SET_DURATION: Sets the switching time of the second page.

PDF_set_font: Setting the words and size used.

PDF_SET_HORIZ_SCALING: Sets the text level spacing.

PDF_SET_INFO_AUTHOR: Set the author of the file.

PDF_SET_INFO_CREATOR: Set the setup of the unit.

PDF_SET_INFO_KEYWORDS: Set the keywords for the file.

PDF_SET_INFO_SUBJECT: Set the subject.

PDF_SET_INFO_TITLE: Set the file title.

PDF_set_leading: Sets the line distance.

PDF_set_text_matrix: Sets the text matrix.

PDF_SET_TEXT_POS: Sets the text position.

PDF_SET_TEXT_RENDERING: Set a text expression.

PDF_SET_TEXT_RISE: Sets the text height.

PDF_SET_TRANSITION: The conversion of the page.

PDF_SET_WORD_SPACING: Set the word spacing.

PDF_SHOW: Output strings to PDF files.

PDF_SHOW_XY: Output strings to the specified coordinate.

PDF_STRINGWIDTH: Calculate the width of the string.

PDF_STROKE: Distilled lines along the vector.

PDF_TRANSLATE: Mobile origin.

Pfsockopen: Open the Socket continuous link of the network.

PG_Close: Turn off the PostgreSQL Server connection.

PG_CMDTUPLES: A number of data writes affected by SQL instructions.

PG_CONNECT: Turn on the PostgreSQL server connection.

PG_DBNAME: A current database name.

PG_ERRORMESSAGE: Error message. PG_EXEC: Execute Query instructions.

PG_FETCH_ARRAY: Remove Array Information.

PG_FETCH_OBJECT: Removes the material information.

PG_FETCH_ROW: The column of columns is transmitted back.

PG_Fieldisnull: Check if the field is available.

PG_FieldName: The name of the specified field is passed.

PG_FIELDNUM: Number of rows in the specified field.

PG_FieldPrtlen: Calculates the length of the list.

PG_FIELDSIZE: Calculate the length of the specified field.

PG_FIELDTYPE: Get the current type of the current field.

PG_FREERESULT: Releases the return occupation memory.

PG_Getlastoid: A final item code.

PG_HOST: A connecting machine name.

PG_LOCLOSE: Turn off large objects.

PG_LOCREATE: Establish large objects.

PG_LOOPEN: Open large objects.

PG_LOREAD: Reads large objects.

Pg_loreadall: Read the large item and output it.

PG_LOUNLINK: Delete large objects.

PG_LOWRITE: Reads large objects.

PG_NUMFIELDS: Number of returned fields.

PG_NUMROWS: Number of returns columns.

PG_OPTIONS: Accommine the connection machine option.

PG_PCONNECT: Turn on the PostgreSQL server long-term connection.

PG_PORT: Gets the connection machine.

PG_RESULT: The result of acquiring query (Query).

PG_TTTY: A connecting machine terminal.

PHPINFO: Remove all related information in PHP.

PPVersion: Remove the PHP version message.

PI: The percentage rate.

Popen: Open the file.

POS: Remove the current element of the array.

Pow: Supreme.

PREG_MATCH: String comparison profile.

PREG_MATCH_ALL: String overall comparison analysis.

PREG_REPLACE: String is compared to profiles and replaced.

PREG_SPLIT: Cut the string according to the specified rule.

PREV: Move the internal indicator of the array.

Print: Output strings.

Printf: Output formatted strings.

Putenv: Set the system environment variable.

Quoted_printable_decode: Turn the QP coded string into an 8-bit source string.

Quotemeta: Join the reference symbol.

Rand: A chaotic value.

Range: Create an array of integer ranges.

Rawurldecode: Restorined from the URL Special Format String to a normal string.

Rawurlencode: Code the string into a URL dedicated format.

ReadDir: Read the directory handle.

ReadFile: Output files.

ReadGZFile: Reads the compressed file.

Readlink: The Symbolic Link is the target file.

Recode_file: Record file or file request to the record.

Recode_string: Record strings into records.

Register_shutdown_function: Defines a function that is executed after the PHP program is executed.

Rename: Change the file name.

Reset: Refers the indicator of the array to the first element of the array.

ReWind: Reset the read and write position indicator of the open file.

ReWindDir: Reset the directory handle.

RMDir: Delete the directory.

Round: Four.

RSORT: The value of the array is sorted by large to small.

SEM_ACQUIRE: Capture the signal.

SEM_GET: Take the signal code.

SEM_RELEASE: Release the signal.

Serialize: Storage information into the system.

Session_Decode: SESSION data decoding.

Session_DESTROY: End Session.

Session_encode: SESSITION data encoding.

Session_id: Access the current session code.

Session_is_register: Check if the variable is registered.

Session_Module_Name: Access the current session module.

Session_name: Access the current session name. Session_register: Register a new variable.

SESSION_SAVE_PATH: Access the current session path.

Session_start: Initial session.

Session_unregister: Delete the registered variable.

SetCookie: Send cookie information to the browser.

SetLocale: Setting a regional information.

SetType: Sets the variable type.

Set_file_buffer: Set the file buffer size.


Magic_quotes_Runtime Value.

SET_SOCKET_BLOCKING: Switch Shelving and no shelving mode.

SET_TIME_LIMIT: Set the shortated time of this page.

SHM_ATTACH: Open the establishment of shared memory segments.

SHM_DETACH: The interception of the shared memory section is suspended.

SHM_GET_VAR: A variable specified in the memory section.

SHM_PUT_VAR: Add or update the variables in the memory segment.

SHM_REMOVE: Clear the memory area.

SHM_REMOVE_VAR: Deletes the variables specified in the memory segment.

Shuffle: Mix the array of arrays.

Similar_text: Calculate strings similarity.

SIN: Sinusoidal calculation.

SIZEOF: I know the size of the array.

Sleep: Pause the execution.

SNMPGET: Take the specified object identification code.

SNMPWALK: Get all items.

SNMPWalkoid: Get online body tree information.

SNMP_GET_QUICK_PRINT: get Quick_Print in the UCD Vatabase


SNMP_SET_QUICK_PRINT: Set Quick_Print in the UCD Vatabase


Solid_close: Turn off the Solid link.

Solid_connect: link to the Solid Database.

Solid_exec: Execute SQL instructions.

Solid_Fetchrow: A column of returning.

Solid_fieldname: Get the name of the field.

Solid_fieldnum: Number of fields.

Solid_freereSult: Releases the memory of the transfer material.

Solid_numfields: Number of columns.

Solid_numrows: Number of columns columns.

Solid_Result: Number of return information.

SORT: Sort the array.

Soundex: Calculate the pronunciation of strings

Split: Cut the string according to the specified rules.

Sprintf: Format the string string.

SQL_REGCASE: Password by word by word.

SQRT: Open the square root.

SRAND: Sets a mess.

Stat: Get file-related information.

StrChr: Look for the first character that appears.

Strcmp: String comparison.

STRCSPN: The length of different strings.

STRFTIME: Time to place the server locally.

Stripslashes: Remove the backslash.

Strip_tags: Remove HTML and PHP tags.

Strlen: Number of strings.

Strpos: Looking for a word in a string to appear first.

Strrchr: A string of final appearance of a certain character is obtained.

Strrev: reverse string.

STRPOS: Looking for a word in a string last appearance.

Starspn: Find a number of strings on another string mask.

STRSTR: The string of a string in the back of the string begins to the end.

STRTOK: Cut the string.

STRTOLOWER: The string is all turned to lowercase.

STRTOUPPER: The string is all turned to uppercase.

StRTR: Convert some of the characters.

Strval: Transform variable into a string type.

Str_replace: String replacement.

Substr: Take a part string.

Sybase_affected_rows: Number of columns that get the last Query affects.

Sybase_close: Close the connection with the database.

Sybase_Connect: Connect the database.

Sybase_data_seek: Move column indicator.

Sybase_fetch_Array: Paraarry. Sybase_fetch_field: Get field information.

Sybase_fetch_Object: Remove the item information.

Sybase_fetch_row: Passing the columns of each column.

Sybase_field_seek: Sets the indicator to a certain field of the return value.

Sybase_free_result: Releases the recovery memory.

Sybase_num_fields: Number of returned fields.

Sybase_num_rows: Number of biopsy columns.

Sybase_pconnect: Turn on the servo for long-term connection.

Sybase_Query: Send a query string.

Sybase_Result: A result of acquiring query (Query).

Sybase_select_db: Select a repository.

SYMLINK: Establish symbolic link.

Syslog: Record to system records.

System: Perform an external program and displays the output information.

TAN: Tangerate.

Tempnam: Establish a unique temporary file.

Time: A UNIX timestamp that achieves current time.

TOUCH: Set the last modification time.

TRIM: Space for cutting the string of strings.

UASORT: Sort the array according to the user's customs.

Ucfirst: Change the first character of the string.

UCWORDS: Change the first letter to each word of the string.

Uksort: Sort the index of the array with the user's custom.

Umask: Change the current archive attribute mask umask.

Uniqid: Generates a unique value.

Unlink: Delete the file.

Unpack: Decompressing the zoom element.

Unserialize: Take out system data.

UNSET: Delete variables.

URLDECode: Restore URL coded strings.

Urlencode: Code in URL in URL.

USLEP: Pause execution.

USORT: Sort the value of the array in the user's custom.

UTF8_DECODE: Turn the UTF-8 code to ISO-8859-1.

UTF8_ENCODE: Turn the ISO-8859-1 code to the UTF-8 code.

Virtual: Complete the sub-request of the Apache servers (Sub-Request).

VM_ADDalias: Join the new alias.

VM_ADDUSER: Join new users.

VM_DELALIAS: Delete an alias.

VM_DELUSER: Delete the user.

VM_PASSWD: Change the user password.

WDDX_ADD_VARS: Connect the WDDX packet.

WDDX_DESERIALIZE: Pack WDDX is increasing.

WDDX_PACKET_END: ​​Ended WDDX package.

WDDX_PACKET_START: Start the new WDDX package.

WDDX_SERIALIZE_VALUE: Continuments in a single value.

WDDX_SERIALIZE_VARS: Continuously continuously.

XML_ERROR_STRING: A XML error string is obtained.

XML_GET_CURRENT_BYTE_INDEX: It is the first to analyze the first bit group.

XML_GET_CURRENT_COLUMN_NUMBER: I know the first few columns currently analyzed.

XML_GET_CURRENT_LINE_NUMBER: A line number that is currently analyzed.


XML_PARSE: Analysis of the XML file.

XML_Parser_create: The initial XML parser.

XML_PARSER_FREE: Releases the memory of the designer.

XML_PARSER_GET_OPTION: Options for acquiring profiling.

XML_PARSER_SET_OPTION: Sets the option to use.

XML_SET_CHARACTER_DATA_HANDLER: Create a character data header.

XML_SET_DEFAULT_HANDLER: Establish a label.

XML_SET_ELEMENT_HANDLER: The header of the setting element.


Set the header of the external entity.

XML_SET_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER: Sets the header of the notation declared.

XML_SET_OBJECT: Use the XML parser to use objects.


Establish a processing instruction header.


Set the header that is not analyzed unusually declared.

YP_ERRNO: A error code for obtaining previous YP operations.

YP_ERR_STRING: Error string of previous YP operations.

YP_first: Remove the first information on the Map.

YP_GET_DEFAULT_DOMAIN: Domain for getting the machine.

YP_Master: Master acquired NIS.

YP_MATCH: Take the specified information.

YP_Next: Specifies the pen information of Map.

YP_Order: The number of sequences of maap.


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