Install the configuration mysql + Tomcat on Windows 2000 Server

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

Preparing the environment, seeing the last article "Installing the Apache Tomcat on Windows 2000 Server" Download the following software 1.Mysql-4.0.212.myManager28 // mysql graphics management tool, very easy to use. Chinese display is not very good. // Implement the operation and management of the database. [Setup mysql] mysql-4.0.21-win / setup.exe on C: / mysql

[Config mysql] 1.Run c: /mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe2. Note the correctness of [mysqld] based on the My.ini file [mysqld] basedir = C: / mysql [setup mysql manager] 1.Run mymanager28 /Setup.exe

[TEST MYSQL] 1.Registe MySQL Database User: Root Password: Empty (MYSQL Installation Specified) 2.connect MySQL Successfully Name: Find Table Information

[Setup mysql jdbc driver] 1.copy mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar copied to% Tomcat_Home% / Common / LIB

[Config Tomcat Database Connection Pool for MySQL] 1.create MySQL DB: Study 2.create MySQL User: Test Password: Test3.http: // 8090, enter Tomcat page, use Tomcat's Tomcat Administration ---> Resources ---> Data Sources page add the following parameters: Name: jdbc / mysql Data Source URL: jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / study autoReconnect = true & useUnicode = true & characterEncoding = GB2312 JDBC Driver Class:? com.mysql.jdbc .Driver ser Name: Test Max. Active Connections: 4 max. Idle connection: 5000 validation query: // Do not add 4.Modify $ TOMCAT_HOME $ / conf / server.xml, copy steps 3 The modification section of Server.xml into the context of Examples.


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