Programmer's .NET era (entry)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  80

Programmer's .NET

Li Honggen

(This article is first "9CBS Development Master" 2003, Issue 12th)

Technology is always developing, Microsoft .NET platform has experienced the process of three years and has been accepted by the majority of developers. We use Visual Studio.NET to develop applications for Windows Form and Web Form quickly and efficiently. .NET is a new concept, .net represents a collection, an environment, a programming basic structure, as a platform to support the next generation of the Internet, because we believe that the world will not go back to the centralized computing host mode. When XML Web Service technology is gradually mature, the software can be treated as a service, supporting new devices, including PC, mobile phones, PDAs, vehicle systems and set-top boxes, etc., to achieve relevant equipment, bring users A new experience, Microsoft interprets a new Internet revolution. As a .NET developer, we should be confident in the future.

The programmer is the promoter of this Internet revolution. We all have a constant learning technology, enrich yourself, to adapt to future changes (here I don't want to make .Net and Java comparison, because these two fields have Director, and covered are quite wide, and the comparison of simple language is meaningful). Microsoft uses .NET to prepare for the next decade, so that you must master the weapon of .NET development tools to build our app. In fact, .NET entry is also relatively easy. Generally, basic mastery .NET program is designed for three months. After half a year, you will become a qualified .NET programmer. If you want to become a master in the .NET field, you have to accumulate very rich experience in this area.

.NET is a popular development tool in this decade. I have been using .Net development has been more than two years, and my learning experience and method are now shared. Systematically learning .NET requires a step-by-step process, we are divided into entry-level and improved grades. If you are entry, each learning phase below is very important. If you know the .NET, you can choose your needs for learning.


1. Learn to object-oriented (OOP) programming ideas

Many advanced languages ​​are object-oriented programming, .NET is no exception. If you first contact the object-oriented programming, you must understand the concepts, objects, fields, properties, methods, and events, packages, inheritance, and polymorphism, overload, rewriting and other concepts. It should be noted that Microsoft's product helps documentation is very perfect, and query is quite convenient, and the entry will have to see. After installation of Visual Studio.net2003 (or Visual Studio.Net 2002), there is a Visual Studio combination help collection in the Program group. The beginners will get a lot of knowledge from helping documents.

2. Select a language, learn grammar and related basics

Select language standard: According to your own needs and personal technical background. Under the .NET platform, C #, VB.NET is a class library that calls Framework, the efficiency is basically, the syntax of C # is rigorous, suitable for programmers for C , VC. VB.NET is not case sensitive, free of writing, automatic indentation, suitable for previous VB programmers, Microsoft has repeatedly developed VB.NET. VC . Net is closer to the bottom layer, can be programmed with both managed and unmanaged ways.

After choosing the language you need to use, we need to understand the language of language, including statements, types, expressions, operators, functions, etc., I suggest that the write program will develop a good programming style, standardize variables. Name, write a comment in the code. This is very meaningful for future software development careers.

3. Understand the .NET thinking and familiarize with the framework class library. We borrow a picture to illustrate the public language Runtime (CLR), the Frame Class Bank (FCL) and the application and between the entire system. relationship.

First, we must understand the concept of public language runtime, assembly, general type system. On this basis, learn the .NET framework class library. The .NET Framework class library is a collection of reusable types that are tightly integrated with the public language runtime. The .NET framework class library encapsulates most of the Win32 API, many features that previously need to call the API can be implemented, which is very easy to implement under .NET, in many cases only one sentence is enough. Therefore, we should try to avoid calling the Win32 API during programming. Learning the shortcut of the .NET framework class library: Master common class libraries, other unused class libraries need to know, see it.

4. Write the program with Visual

Write programs under the .NET platform We generally use Microsoft's development tools Visual Studio.NET because a good IDE can greatly improve the development efficiency. I suggest that beginners start from Windows Forms or Web Form, and then turn to write libraries or controls, components. Microsoft's help documentation comes with many examples, we can take help while doing exercises. While learning the code, it must be understood and think. Multi-write code, exercise from the project is the way to program the master's growth. Remember: Be sure to see more write source code; multi-top forums (such as 9CBS and DEV-Club) and Microsoft's newsgroup discuss technical issues.

We must use the Visual Studio.Net to integrate development environments. In addition to writing code, we also have to learn about .NET's deployment principles, learn packaging, deployment, and management applications. Multi-person development projects can consider using Visual Source Safe to source source code management, and this series of development tools have a lot of practices.

Recommended books:

"C # Advanced Programming" (Second Edition) (Tsinghua University Press)

"Microsoft.NET programming technology insider" (Tsinghua University Press)

"Visual VB.NET Technology Insider" (Tsinghua University Press)

"Visual C # .NET Technology Insider" (Tsinghua University Press)

.NET entry tutorial (including Windows Form and Web Form):

5. It is best to master large database programming

Generally speaking, most software developments involve the database. Most software's background databases are used as Access, SQL Server, Oracle, etc. ADO.NET provides access to relational data, XML, and application data. We must master the use of Connection, Command, DataReader and DataAdapter objects, correctly using DataSet datasets and DataView for data operations. Of course, there must be a certain database basis, including the use of tables, views, stored procedures, etc. The background database and the front desk must master the ADO.NET of the front desk can be realistic.

In the development of the project, it is recommended to use the Data Access Application Block to simplify the SQL query. The Microsoft MSDN website has downloaded, we can use the data access to the SQLHELPER class, which is very simple, easy to build our data access layer. Refer to Microsoft MSDN documentation: Recommended Books:

"ADO.NET technology insider" (Tsinghua University Press)

"ADO.NET Advanced Programming" (China Electric Press)

"VB.NET and SQL Server 2000 Advanced Programming - Creating Efficient Data Layers" (Tsinghua University Press)

6. Learn XML Web Service

XML Web Services is opening a new era of distributed applications. XML Web Services is an embodiment of making software as a service, enabling data exchange and application logic remote call by using XML message processing. XML enables data to move data between heterogeneous systems through a firewall. Although public Web Services is not very popular, in some companies, it has involved the development of Web Services. It is easy to create a web service with Visual, and call the web service is quite simple. You only need to add a web reference, and then call it. In this way, you need to understand the Web Service Description Language (WSDL), SOAP protocol, etc.

Recommended books:

"Building XML Web Service: Based on Microsoft.Net Platform (Tsinghua University Press)

"Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform" (Cast version)

.NET Technology Online Resources:

China Software Network (China's largest technical community)

Computer World Developer Club

China Dot Net Club

Microsoft official MSDN authoritative site:

Microsoft official ASP.NET site:

Microsoft official Windows Form site:

Microsoft official DOT NET site:

English Site Code Project:


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