Idesign C # Programming Specification (4)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  85

3 project settings and project structures

Project Settings and Project Structure

1. Always establish a project (Figure for 4 warnings. Always Build Your Project with Warning Level 4 2. Warning as an error in the publishing version (Note that this is not the default setting of VS.NET) (Figure 5). Treat Warning As Errors in Release Build (Note That Is Not The Default of vs.NET). A) Although this standard is also recommended to warn as an error in the debug version. Althoughard Recommend Treating Warnings as Well. 3. Never suppress specific compilation warnings (images). Never Suppress Specific Compiler Warnings. 4. Always explicitly explain the supported runtime versions in the application's configuration file. See Chapter 5 of Programming .NET Components. Always explicitly state your supported runtime versions in the application configuration file. See Chapter 5 in Programming .NET Components. 5. Avoid explicitly customize the version to change and bind to the CLR assembly. Avoid Explicit Custom Version Redirection and Binding To CLR Assemblies. 6. Avoid explicit precompiled definitions (#define). Use the project settings to define the compilation constant. Avoid Explicit Preprocessor Definitions (#define). Use the project setting constants. 7. Do not put any logic in AssemblyInfo.cs. Do Not Put Any Logic Inside AssemblyInfo.cs. 8. In addition to AssemblyInfo.cs, do not place the assembly properties in any file. DO NOT PUT ANY Assembly Attributes in Any File Besides AssemblyInfo.cs. 9. All fields are available in AssemblyInfo.cs, such as company name, description, copyright, etc. Populate All Fields In AssemblyInfo.cs Such As Company Name, Description, Copyright Notice. 10. All assemblies should use relative path references. All assembly reference. 11. Not allowed to recruit in the program centralized cycle. Disallow Cyclic References Between assembly. 12. Avoid multi-module assemblies. Avoid Multi-module assemblies. 13. The default is always run in a non-inspected manner (for performance consideration), but the detection mode (Diagram) is explicitly used for easy overflow or overflow.


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