ASP.NET common functions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  83

ABS (Number) Absolute value of the value. ASC (String) gets the first character ASCII code for string expressions. ATN (NUMBER) acquisition an angle of an angle. CallbyName (Object, Procname, UsecallType, [args ()]) performs an object's method, setting, or back to the object of the object. CBOOL (Expression) The conversion expression is a Boolean type. CBYTE (Expression) conversion expression is a BYTE type. Cchar (Expression) conversion expression is a character type. CDATE (Expression) conversion expression is a DATE type. The CDBL (Expression) conversion expression is a Double type. The CDEC (Expression) conversion expression is a Decimal type. CINT (Expression) Conversion Expression is an Integer type. ClNG (Expression) Conversion Expression is a long type. COBJ (Expression) Conversion Expression is Object. CShort (Expression) conversion expression is a short type. CSNG (Expression) conversion expression is a Single type. CSTR (Expression) conversion expression is a string type. Choose (index, choice-1 [, choice-2, ... [, choice-n]]) is selected and transmitted back to the set parameters in an index value. CHR (Charcode) gets character content in ASCII code. Close (filenumberlist) ends the file using Open. COS (Number) gets a cosine value of an angle. CType (Expression, TypeName) Convert expression of expression. Dateadd (DateInterval, Number, DateTime) is subjected to date or time. DateDiff (DateInterVal, Date1, Date2) calculates the difference between two dates or time. DatePart (DateInterVal, Date) is followed by the date or time parameters of the reception year, month, day or time. DateSerial (Year, Month, Day) combines the received parameters into a DATE-based data. DateValue (datetime) obtains the date value of the country setting style and contains time. DAY (datetime) passed back to the day according to the date parameter received. EOF (Filenumber) is sent back to True when arriving at the end of an open file. Exp (Number) is transmitted back to the secondary value of E of EX. FileDateTime (Pathname) Remove the date of the file, time. Filelen (Pathname) The length of the file is transmitted, and the unit is Byte. Filter (SourceRay, Match [, Include [, compare]]) Search for specified strings in the array of strings, all array elements contain specified strings, combine them into new strings arbitraries and back. If you want to pass the array elements that do not contain the specified string, the include parameter is set to false. The Compare parameter is whether it is case sensitive when setting the search, as long as it will be given to the TextCompare constant or 1. FIX (NUMBER) removes the fractional portion of the parameter and is back. Format (Expression [, Style [, FirstDayofweek [, Firstweekofyear]]) Transforms the date, time, and numerical data to the format that you can accept each country. FormatCurrency (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, IncludeEdingDigit]]) outputs the numerical value to the amount. The NumdigitsAfterDecimal parameter is the number of small numbers, and the includeLeadingDigit parameter is added to the integer when the integer is 0. FormatorTime (Date [, namedFormat]) is sent back to the formatted date or time data.


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