Randomguid [Source Code, Transfer]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  81

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* Randomguid

* @version 1.2.1 11/05/02

* @Author Marc A. Mnich


* From www.javaexchange.com, Open Software Licensing


* 11/05/02 - Performance enhancement from Mike Dubman.

* Moved inetaddr.getlocal to Static Block. Mike Has Measured

* A 10 Fold Improvement in Run Time.

* 01/29/02 - bug fix: improper seeding of nonsecure random object

* Caused duplicate guids to be produted. Random Object

* Is now Only create ONCE Per JVM.

* 01/19/02 - Modified Random SEEDING AND ADDED New Constructionor

* To allow secure random feature.

* 01/14/02 - Added Random Function SEEDING WITH JVM RUN TIME


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Import java.net. *;

Import java.util. *;

Import java.security. *;

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* In The Multitude of Java Guid Generators, i Found None That

* Guaranteed Randomness. Guids Are Guaranteed to Be Globally Unique

* By Using Ethernet Macs, IP Addresses, Time Elements, And Sequential

* NumBers. Guids area NOT EXPECTED to Be Random and MOST OFTEN ARE

* Easy / Possible to Guess Given A Sample From A Given Generator.

* SQL Server, for Example Genereates Guid That Are Unique But



* Guids Can Be Used As Security Devices to Hide Things Such AS

* Files within a FileSystem Where Listings Are Unavailable (E.g. Files

* That Are Served Up from A Web Server with indexing turned off.

* This May Be desireable in case where standard authentication is not

* Appropriate. in this Scenario, The Randomguids Are Used as Directories.

* Another Example Is The Use of Guids for Primary Keys in A Database

* Where you want to ensure what the keys are secret. random guids can

* THEN BE USED IN A URL TO Prevent Hackers (Or Users) from accessing * records by Guesding or Simply by Incrementing Sequential NumBers.


* There Are Many Other Possiblities of Using Guids in The Realm of

* Security and encryption where the element of randomness is important.

* This class Was Written for these purposes but can also be used as a

* General Purpose Guid Generator As Well.


* Randomguid generates truly random guids by using the system's

* IP Address (Name / IP), System Time IN MilliseConds (as an integer),

* And a Very Large Random Number Joined TOGETHER IN A SINGLE STRING

* That Is Passed Through AN MD5 Hash. The IP Address and System Time

* Make The MD5 SEED GLOBALLY UNIQUE AND THE Random Number Guarantees

* That the generated guids will have no discrNable Pattern and

* Cannot Be Guest Given Any Number of Previously Generated Guids.

* It is generally not Possible to Access The Seed Information (IP, TIME,

* Random Number) from the resulting guids as the MD5 hash algorithm

* Provides One Way Encryption.


* ----> Security of randomguid: <-----

* Randomguid Can Be Called One of Two Ways - with the Basic Java Random

* Number Generator or a cryptographically strong Random Generator

* (Securerandom). The Choice is offered Because The Secure Random

* Generator Takes About 3.5 Times Longer to Generate Its Random Numbers

* And this Performance Hit May Not Be Worth The Added Security

* especially considering the Basic Generator is SEEDED WITH A

* Cryptographically strong Random Seed.


* SEEDING THE Basic Generator in this Way Effectively Decouples

* The Random Numbers from the Time Component Making IT Virtually Impossible

* To Predict The Random Number Component Even if One Had Absolute Knowledge * of the system time. Thanks to ashutosh Narhari for the suggestion

* of using the static method to prime the Basic Random Generator.


* Using The Secure Random Option, This Class Compies with the statistical

* Random Number Generator Tests Specified in FIPS 140-2, Security

* Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, Security 4.9.1.


* I conveilt all the point the seed to a string before handing

* It over to the md5 hash so you could print it out to make

* Sure It Contains The Data You Expect to See and To Give A Nice

* WARM Fuzzy. if you need better Performance, You May Want to Stick

* to byte [] arrays.


* I Believe That It Is Important That The Algorithm for

* Generating random guids be open for inspection and model.

* This class is free for all uses.



* - Marc

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Public class randomguid extends object {

Public String ValueBeForemd5 = "";

Public String ValueAftermd5 = "";

Private static random myrand;

Private statics; myscurerand;

Private static string s_id;

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* Static block to take the take, one time, securerandom seed.

* IT Takes a few seconds to initialize securerandom. You might

* Want to Consider Removing this static block or replacing

* IT with a "Time Since First Load" Seed to Reduce this Time.

* This Block Will Run Only ONCE Per JVM Instance.

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Mysecurerand = new securerandom ();

Long SecureInitializer = mysecurerand.nextlong ();

Myrand = New Random (SecureInitializer);

Try {

S_ID = inetaddress.getlocalhost (). TOSTRING ();

} catch (unknownhostexception e) {

E.PrintStackTrace ();



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* Default constructor. With no specification of security option, * this constructor defaults to limited, high performance.

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Public randomguid () {

Getrandomguid (False);


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* Constructor with security option. Setting Secure True

* Enables Each Random Number Generated to Be Cryptographically

* Strong. Secure false defaults to the standard random function seeded

* with a single cryptographically strong random number.

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Public Randomguid (Boolean Secure) {

Getrandomguid (Secure);


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* Method to Generate The Random GUID

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Private void getrandomguid (boolean secure) {

MessageDigest MD5 = NULL;

Stringbuffer sbvaluebeforemd5 = new stringbuffer ();

Try {

MD5 = MessageDigest.getInstance ("MD5");

} catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) {

System.out.println ("Error:" E);


Try {

Long Time = system.currenttimemillis ();

Long Rand = 0;

IF (Secure) {

Rand = mysecurerand.nextlong ();

} else {

Rand = myrand.nextlong ();


// this StringBuffer Can Be a long as you need; the MD5

// Hash Will Always Return 128 Bits. You can change

// the seed to include anything you want here.

// You Could Even Stream A File Through The MD5 MAKING

// The Odds of Guessing It at Least As Great As That

// of guessing the contents of the file!

SBValueBeForemd5.Append (S_ID);

SBValueBeforeMD5.Append (":");

SBValueBeForemd5.Append (long.totring (time));

SBValueBeforeMD5.Append (":");

SBValueBeForemd5.Append (long.totring (rand));

ValuebeforeMD5 = sbvaluebeforemd5.toString ();

Md5.Upd5.getbytes ());

Byte [] array = md5.digest ();

StringBuffer SB = new stringbuffer ();

For (int J = 0; j

INT b = array [j] & 0xff; if (b <0x10) sb.append ('0');

sb.append (integer.tohexstring (b));


Valueaftermd5 = sb.toString ();

} catch (exception e) {

System.out.println ("Error:" E);



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* Convert to the Standard Format for GUID

* (Useful for SQL Server Uniqueidentifiers, ETC.)

* EXAMPLE: C2FEEEAC-CFCD-11D1-8B05-00600806D9B6

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Public string toString () {

String Raw = ValueAftermd5.touppercase ();

StringBuffer SB = new stringbuffer ();

sb.append (raw.substring (0, 8));

Sb.append ("-");

Sb.append (Raw.Substring (8, 12));

Sb.append ("-");

Sb.append (Raw.Substring (12, 16));

Sb.append ("-");

Sb.append (Raw.Substring (16, 20));

Sb.append ("-");

Sb.append (Raw.Substring (20));

Return sb.toString ();


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* Demonstraton and Self Test of Class

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Public static void main (string args []) {

For (int i = 0; i <100; i ) {

Randomguid myguid = new randomguid ();

System.out.println ("Seeding String =" MyGuid.ValueBeForemd5);

System.out.println ("Rawguid =" myguid.valueaftermd5);

System.out.println ("randomguid =" myguid.tostring ());





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