Post a Cache class personal use is good

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

PHP code:

Class Cache


Var $ cachedirectory;

Var $ cachedure = 3600;

Var $ cachefilename;

Function Cache ($ CACHEDURATION = 3600, $ CacheDirectory = '. / cache')


$ this-> cachedure = 0;

$ this-> cachefilename = '';

$ this-> cachedirectory = '.';

$ this-> Updatecache ($ Cacheduration, $ Cachedirectory;


Function _makecachefolder ()


IF (! is_dir ($ this-> cachedirectory))


$ TEMP = EXPLODE ('/', $ this-> cachedirectory);

$ CUR_DIR = '';

For ($ i = 0; $ i


$ CUR_DIR. = $ TEMP [$ I]. '/';

IF (! is_dir ($ CUR_DIR))


IF (@mkdir ($ Cur_Dir, 777) && ($ CUR_DIR! = getcwd ()))


$ this -> _ writefile ($ cur_dir. '. htaccess', 'deny from all';

$ this -> _ writefile ($ cur_dir.'index.html ',' ');






Function getCacheFileName ()


Return $ this-> cachefilename;


Function_SetcacheFileName ($ Contents)


$ this-> cachefilename = $ this-> cachedirectory. '/'. MD5 ($ contents). '. txt';


Function Incache ($ Contents, $ STY = ')


$ this -> _ setcachefilename ($ contents);

IF ($ STY == 1)


Return File_exists ($ this-> cachefilename);




IF (file_exists ($ this-> cachefilename))


$ TIM = FilemTime ($ this-> cachefilename);

IF ((Time () - $ TIM> $ this-> cacheduration)


Return False;




Return True;





Return False;




Function readcache ()


$ contents = '';

$ fp = @fopen ($ this-> cachefilename, 'r');

IF ($ fp)


While (! Feof ($ fp) $ contents. = FREAD ($ FP, 4096);

Fclose ($ fp);


RETURN $ Contents;


Function updatecache ($ Cacheduration = 3600, $ CacheFolder = '. / cache') {

$ this-> cachedure = $ cacheduration;

$ this-> cachedirectory = $ cachefolder;

$ this -> _ makecachefolder ();


Function SaveIncache ($ Contents, $ FileName = ')


$ TIM = FilemTime ($ this-> cachefilename);

IF (TRIM ($ filename) == ') $ filename = $ contents;

IF ($ this-> Incache ($ FileName, 1) && (Time () - $ TIM)> $ this-> cacheduration)


@unlink ($ this-> cachefilename);


$ this -> _ writefile ($ this-> cachefilename, $ contents);


Function_Writefile ($ FileName, $ Contents)


IF (! File_exists ($ filename))


$ fp = @fopen ($ filename, 'w');

IF ($ fp)


FPUTS ($ FP, $ Contents);

Fclose ($ fp);





Unlink ($ filename);

$ fp = @fopen ($ filename, 'w');

IF ($ fp)


FPUTS ($ FP, $ Contents);

Fclose ($ fp);






PHP code:


Include_once (_conpath _. "class / class_cache.php");

$ cache = new cache ();

IF ($ cache-> incache ($ _ server ['query_string')))


$ output = $ cache-> readcache ();




Ob_start ();

/ / Here is the content of the output

$ output = ob_get_clean ();

$ Cache-> SaveIncache ($ OTPUT, $ _ Server ['Query_String']);


Unset ($ cache);

Print ($ OUTPUT);



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