A Directory Browser

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  57

A Directory Browser

This example program demonstrates how to use a listview and listview items to build a multi-column hierarchical, memory- and CPU-efficient directory browser. It also demonstrates how to use Drag & Drop in a listview.


/ ************************************************** ***********************************

** $ ID: QT / Dirview.h 3.0.5 Edited Oct 12 2001 $


** CopyRight (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech as. All Rights Reserved.


** This file is part of an example program for qt. This Example

** Program May Be Used, Distributed and Modified WITHOUT LIMITATION.


*********************************************************** *********************************** /

#ifndef dirview_h

#define Dirview_h






Class Qwidget;





Class FileItem: Public QlistViewItem



FileItem (QlistViewItem * Parent, Const QString & S1, Const QString & S2)

: QListViewItem (PARENT, S1, S2), PIX (0) {}

Const QPixmap * Pixmap (INT I) Const;

Void setpixmap (qpixmap * p);


QPixmap * PIX;


Class Directory: Public QlistViewItem



Directory (QlistView * Parent, Const Qstring & FileName);

Directory (Directory * Parent, Const Qstring & FileName, Const Qstring & Col2)

: QlistViewItem (PARENT, FILENAME, COL2), PIX (0) {}

Directory (Directory * Parent, Const Qstring & FileName);

QString text (int column) const;

Qstring fullname ();

Void setopen (bool);

Void setup ();

Const QPixmap * Pixmap (INT I) Const;

Void setpixmap (qpixmap * p);


Qfile F;

Directory * P; Bool Readable;

BOOL Showdirsonly;

QPixmap * PIX;


Class DirectoryView: Public QlistView




DirectoryView (QWIDGET * PARENT = 0, Const Char * Name = 0, Bool SDO = FALSE);

Bool showdirsonly () {return dirsonly;

Public slots:

Void setDir (const Qstring &);


Void Folderselected (Const Qstring &);

protected slots:

Void SlotFolderselected (QListViewItem *);

Void OpenFolder ();


Void ContentsDragenterevent (QDragenterevent * E);

Void ContentsDragmoveEvent (QDragmoveEvent * e);

Void ContentsDragleaveEvent (QDRAGLEAVEEVENT * E);

Void ContentsDropEvent (QDropevent * E);

Void ContentsMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * e);

Void ContentsMousePressevent (QMouseEvent * e);

Void ContentsMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * e);


QString Fullpath (QListViewItem * Item);

Bool dirsonly;

QListViewItem * oldcurrent;

QlistViewItem * DropItem;

Qtimer * autoopen_timer;

Qpoint Presspos;

Bool mousepressed;



And here is the main implementation file. Note the way the program scans subdirectories only when it has to. This allows the program to handle very large file systems efficiently. The same technique can be used in any other trees.

/ ************************************************** ***********************************

** $ ID: Qt / Dirview.cpp 3.0.5 Edited Oct 12 2001 $


** CopyRight (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech as. All Rights Reserved.


** This file is part of an example program for qt. This Example

** Program May Be Used, Distributed and Modified WITHOUT LIMITATION.


*********************************************************** *********************************** /

#include "dirview.h"



#include #include










Static const char * folder_closed_xpm [] = {

"16 16 9 1",

"G C # 808080",

"B C # c0c000",

"e c # c0c0c0",

"# C # 000000",

"C C # fff00",

". c none",

"a c # 585858",

"f C # a0a0a4",

"D C #ffffff",

".. ### ...........",

"# ABC ## .........

". # daabc ##### ....",

". # Ddeaabbccc # ...",

"# Dedeeabbba ...",

"# Edeeeeaaaaab # ..",

". # deeeeeeeefe # ba.",

". # eeeeeeefef # ba.",

". # eeeeeefeff # ba.",

". # eeeeefefff # ba.",

"## Geefeffff # ba.",

"... ## geffffff # ba.",

"..... ## fffff # ba.",

"....... ## fff # b ##",

"......... ## f # b ##",

"........... ####."};

Static const char * folder_open_xpm [] = {

"16 16 11 1",

"# C # 000000",

"G C # c0c0c0",

"e c # 303030",

"a c # ffa858",

"B C # 808080",

"D c # a0a0a4",

"F C # 585858",

"c # ffdca8",

"h c #dcdcdc",

"i c #ffffff",

". c none",

".... ### ........."

".... # Ab ## .......",

".... # acab #### ...",

"###. # Acccccca # ..",



".eddddbbaaaaacab #",



".. # bgggghghdaab #",

"... ebhggghicfab #",

".... # edhiiidab #",

"... # egiiicfb #", "........ # egiibb #",

".......... # egib #",

"............ # EE #"};

Static const char * folder_locked [] = {

"16 16 10 1",

"h c # 808080",

"B C # ffa858",

"f C # c0c0c0",

"e c # c05800",

"# C # 000000",

"c # ffdca8",

". c none",

"a c # 585858",

"g c # a0a0a4",

"D C #ffffff",

".. # a # ...........",

"# ABC #### .......",

"# daa # eee # ...",

". # DDF # e ## b # .....",

". # DFD # e # bcb ## ...",

". # fdccc # daaab # ..",

"# dfbbcccfg # ba.",

". # ffb # ebbfgg # ba.",

". # ffbbe # bggg # ba.",

". # fffbbebggg # ba.",

". ## hf # ebbggg # ba.",

"... ### e # GGGG # ba.",

"..... # e # gggg # ba.",

"... ### GGG # b ##",

"......... ## G # b ##",

"........... ####."};

Static const char * PIX_FILE [] = {

"16 16 7 1",

"# C # 000000",

"B C #ffffff",

"E C # 000000",

"D C # 404000",

"C C # c0c000",

"a c # fffc0",

". c none",


"......... # ...",

"... #. # a ## ....",

"..... # b # bbba ## ..",

".... # b # bbbabbb #.",

"... # b # bba ## bb # ..",

".. # b # abb # bb ## ...",

". # a # AAB # bbbab ##.",

"# a # aaa # bcbbbbbb #",

"# ccdc # bcbbbbbbbbb #.",

". ## c # bcbbbbbb # ..",

"... # acbbbbe ...",

".. # aaaaacaba # ....",

"... ## aaaaa # .....",

"..... ## aa # ...",

"....... ## ......."};

QPixmap * folderlocked = 0;

QPixmap * folderclosed = 0;

QPixmap * folderopen = 0;

QPixmap * filenormal = 0;

/ ************************************************** ****************************

* Class Directory


*********************************************************** *********************************** /

Directory :: Directory (Directory * Parent, Const Qstring & FileName)

: QlistViewItem (PARENT), F (FileName),

Showdirsonly (Parent-> showdirsonly),

PIX (0)


P = pent;

Readable = qdir (Fullname ()) .Isreadable ();

IF (! readable)

SetPixmap (FolderLocked);


setPixmap (FolderClosed);


Directory :: Directory (QListView * Parent, Const Qstring & FileName)

: QlistViewItem (PARENT), F (FileName),

Showdirsonly ((DirectoryView *) Parent) -> showdirsonly ()),

PIX (0)


P = 0;

Readable = qdir (Fullname ()) .Isreadable ();


Void Directory :: setPixmap (QPixMap * PX)



setup ();

Widthchanged (0);


Repaint ();


Const QPixmap * Directory :: Pixmap (INT I) Const


IF (i)

Return 0;

Return PIX;


Void Directory :: SETOPEN (BOOL O)


IF (o)

SetPixmap (Folderopen);


setPixmap (FolderClosed);

IF (o &&! childcount ()) {

Qstring s; "Fullname ());

QDir thisdir (s);

IF (! thisdir.isreadable ()) {

Readable = FALSE;

SetExpandable (FALSE);



Listview () -> setUpdatesenabled (false);

Const QfileInfolist * files = thisdir.EnTryInfolist ();

IF (files) {

QfileInfolistiterator it (* files);

QfileInfo * fi;

While ((fi = it.current ())! = 0) {


IF (Fi-> FileName () == "|| Fi-> filename () ==" .. ")

; // Nothing

Else IF (Fi-> Issymlink () &&! showdirsonly) {

FILEITEM * ITEM = New FileItem (this, fi-> filename (),

"Symbolic Link");

Item-> setpixmap (filenormal);

Else IF (FI-> ISDIR ())

(void) New Directory (this, fi-> filename ());

Else if (! showdirsonly) {

FileItem * Item

= New FileItem (this, fi-> filename (),

Fi-> isfile ()? "file": "special");

Item-> setpixmap (filenormal);




ListView () -> setUpdatesenabled (true);


QlistViewItem :: setopen (o);


Void Directory :: setup ()



QlistViewItem :: setup ();


Qstring Directory :: fullname ()


QString S;

IF (p) {

s = p-> fullname ();

S.Append (f.name ());

S.Append ("/");

} else {

s = f.name ();


Return S;


QString Directory :: Text (int column) const


IF (color == 0)

Return f.name ();

Else if (readable)

Return "Directory";


Return "Unreadable Directory";


/ ************************************************** *****************************


* Class DirectoryView


*********************************************************** *********************************** /

DirectoryView :: DirectoryView (QWIDGET * PARENT, Const Char * Name, Bool SDO)

: QlistView (PARENT, NAME), DIRSONLY (SDO), Oldcurrent (0),

DropItem (0), MousePressed (False)


Autoopen_timer = new qtimer (this);

IF (! folderlocked) {

FolderLocked = new qpixmap; Folder_locked

FolderClosed = new qpixmap (folder_closed_xpm);

Folderopen = new qpixmap (Folder_Open_XPM);

Filenormal = new qpixmap (PIX_FILE);


Connect (this, Signal (DoubleClicked (QlistViewItem *),

This, Slot (slotFolderselected (QListViewItem *))));

Connect (this, Signal (qlistviewtem *),

This, Slot (slotFolderselected (QListViewItem *))));

Setacceptdrops (TRUE);

ViewPort () -> setAcceptdrops (true); connect (autoopen_timer, ster (timeout ()),

THIS, SLOT (OpenFolder ()));


Void DirectoryView :: SlotFoldersLected (QlistViewItem * i)


IF (! i ||! showdirsonly ())


Directory * DIR = (Directory *) i;

Emit Folderselected (Dir-> fullname ());


Void DirectoryView :: OpenFolder ()


AutoOpen_timer-> stop ();

IF (DropItem &&! DropItem-> isopen ()) {

DropItem-> Setopen (True);

DropItem-> repaint ();



Static const Iopentime = 750;

Void DirectoryView :: ContentsDragenterevent (QDRAGENTEREVENT * E)


IF (! quiridrag :: CANDECode (e)) {

E-> ignore ();



Oldcurrent = currentItem ();

QlistViewItem * i = itemat (ContentStoviewPort (E-> POS ());

IF (i) {

DropItem = i;

AutoOpen_timer-> start (autoopentime);



Void DirectoryView :: ContentsDragmoveEvent (QDRAGMOVEEVENT * E)


IF (! quiridrag :: CANDECode (e)) {

E-> ignore ();



QPoint VP = ContentStoviewPort ((QDragmoveEvent *) E) -> POS ());

QlistViewItem * i = itemat (vp);

IF (i) {

SetSelected (i, true);

E-> accept ();

IF (i! = dropItem) {

AutoOpen_timer-> stop ();

DropItem = i;

AutoOpen_timer-> start (autoopentime);


Switch (E-> Action ()) {

Case QDropevent :: Copy:


Case QDropevent :: Move:

E-> acceptaction ();


Case QDropevent :: LINK:

E-> acceptaction ();





} else {

E-> ignore ();

AutoOpen_timer-> stop ();

DropItem = 0;



Void DirectoryView :: ContentsDragleaveEvent (QDRAGLEAVEEVENT *)


AutoOpen_timer-> stop ();

DropItem = 0;

SetCurrentItem (OldCurrent);

SetSelected (OldCurrent, true);


Void DirectoryView :: ContentsDropevent (QDropevent * e) {

AutoOpen_timer-> stop ();

IF (! quiridrag :: CANDECode (e)) {

E-> ignore ();



QlistViewItem * Item = item (ContentStoviewPort (E-> POS ()));

IF (item) {

QStrList LST;

Quridrag :: Decode (e, LST);

QString Str;

Switch (E-> Action ()) {

Case QDropevent :: Copy:

Str = "copy";


Case QDropevent :: Move:

Str = "move";

E-> acceptaction ();


Case QDropevent :: LINK:

Str = "link";

E-> acceptaction ();



Str = "unknown";


Str = "/ n / n";

E-> accept ();

For (uint i = 0; i

Qstring filename = lst.at (i);

Str = filename "/ n";


STR = QString ("/ NTO / N / N% 1")

.arg (Item);

QMessageBox :: Information (this, "Drop Target", STR, "Not Implement");


E-> ignore ();


QString DirectoryView :: Fullpath (QlistViewItem * Item)


Qstring fullpath = item-> text (0);

While (item = item-> parent ())) {

IF (item-> parent ())

Fullpath = item-> text (0) "/" fullpath;


Fullpath = item-> text (0) Fullpath;


Return Fullpath;


Void DirectoryView :: ContentsMousePressevent (QMouseEvent * e)


QlistView :: ContentsMousePressEvent (e);

QPoint P (ContentStoviewPort)));

QlistViewItem * i = itemat (p);

IF (i) {

// if the user copy ion, don't try to start a drag!

IF (p.x ()> header () -> Cellpos (header () -> maptoactual (0))

Treestepsize () * (i-> depth () ()? 1: 0) itemmargin () ||

P.X ()

cellpos (header () -> maptoactual (0)))) {


mousepressed = true;




Void DirectoryView :: ContentsMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * e)


IF (Mousepissed && (PressPOS - E-> POS ()) .manhattanlength ()> QApplication :: StartDragdistance ()) {

MousePressed = false;

QlistViewItem * Item = item (ContentStoviewPort (PressPOS));

IF (item) {

Qstring Source = FullPath (item);


Quridrag * ud = new quridrag (viewport ());

UD-> setUnicodeuris (source);

IF (UD-> DRAG ())

QMessagebox :: Information (this, "Drag Source",

QString ("delete") Source, "Not IMplement");





Void DirectoryView :: ContentsMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)


MousePressed = false;


Void DirectoryView :: SetDir (const qstring & s)


QlistViewItemIitrator IT (this);


For (; it.current (); IT) {

IT.CURRENT () -> setopen (false);


QStringList LST (QStringList :: split ("/", s));

QlistViewItem * item = firstchild ();

Qstringlist :: item2 = lst.begin ();

For (; it2! = lst.end (); it2) {

WHILE (item) {

IF (item-> text (0) == * it2) {

Item-> setopen (true);



Item = item-> itembelow ();



IF (item)

SetCurrentItem (Item);


Void fileItem :: setpixmap (qpixmap * p)


PIX = P;

setup ();

Widthchanged (0);


Repaint ();


Const QPixmap * FileItem :: Pixmap (INT I) Const


IF (i)

Return 0;

Return PIX;



/ ************************************************** ***********************************

** $ ID: Qt / main.cpp 3.0.5 Edited Oct 12 2001 $


** CopyRight (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech as. All Rights Reserved. **

** This file is part of an example program for qt. This Example

** Program May Be Used, Distributed and Modified WITHOUT LIMITATION.


*********************************************************** *********************************** /




#include "dirview.h"

INT main (int Argc, char ** argv)


QAPPlication A (Argc, Argv);

DirectoryView MW;

MW.ADDColumn ("name");

MW.AddColumn ("Type");

Mw.settreeestepsize (20);

Const QfileInfolist * roots = qdir :: drives ();

QPTRListiterator i (* roots);

QfileInfo * fi;

While ((fi = * i)) {


Directory * root = new Directory (& MW, FI-> filepath ());

IF (Roots-> count () <= 1)

root-> setopen (true); // be intencents


MW.Resize (400, 400);

MW.SETCAPTION ("Qt Example - Directory Browser";

MW.setAllColumnSshowFocus (TRUE);



Return a.exec ();



New Post(0)