Delphi internal functions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  62

Name type description

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

Abort function causes abandonment accident

ABS function absolute value function

The AddExitProc function adds a process to the end of the runtime library.

Addr function returns the address of the specified object

The AdjustLineBreaks function adjusts the threshold of the given string to a CR / LF sequence

The align property enables the control in a part of the window.

Alignment property control tag text location

Allocmem function Assigns a given size block on the stack

ALLOWGRAYED attribute allows a grayscale selection

AnsiCompareStr function comparison string (case sensitive)

AnsicompareText function comparison string (not case sensitive)

AnsilowerCase function converts characters to lowercase

The ANSIUPPERCASE function converts characters to uppercase

The Append function opens existing files in additional ways

ARCTAN functions

AssignFile function gives an external file name to file variables

Assigned function test function or processing variable is empty

AutoSize property automatically controls the size of the label

BackgroundColor properties background color

The BeginThread function establishes a thread for memory management in an appropriate manner.

BEVELINNER attribute control box

Bevelouter property control box out of the box

The outer frame width of the bevelWidth property control box

Blockread function reads one or more records to variables

Blockwrite functions written one or more records from the variable

BorderStyle Attribute Boundary Type

Borderwidth property boundary width

BREAK command termination for, while, repeat loop statement

Brush attribute brush

Caption property label text content

ChangefileExt function changes file suffix

CHDIR function changes the current directory checkage attribute to determine the checkbox check the status

The CHR function returns the character of the specified order

Closefile command closes the open file

Color property tag color

Columns attributes displayed

CompareStr function comparison string (case sensitive)

Concat function merge string

Continue command Continue for, while, Repeat's next loop

Copy function returns a string of a string

COS function cosine function

Is the CTL3D attribute has a 3D effect?

Cursor property mouse pointer moves into the shape

Date function returns the current date

DateTimetOfileDate function Convert Delphi's date format to DOS date format

The DateTimetostr function converts the date time format to a string

DateTimetString function converts the date time format to a string

The DateTostr function converts the date format to a string

Dayofweek function returns the value of the week

Dec function decrement variable value

DecodeDate function decomposes the date format as the year and month

Decodetime function breaks down in time, minute, second, milliseconds

Delete functions remove substrings from strings

Deletefile command delete files

DiskFree functions Returns the size of the remaining disk space

Disksize function Returns the capacity of the specified disk

Dispose function releases the space occupied by dynamic variables

DisposeSTR function release string in memory space in the stack

DITHERBACKGROUND attribute increases or decreases the color of the background color or decreased by 50%

Dragcursor attribute When the mouse presses the shape of the time

DragMode properties Press mode

DROPDOWNCOUNT attribute The number of display data items

EditMask property editing mode

Is the enabled attribute to make the label open state

EncodeDate functions combined with the date of the date format Encodetime function, minute, second, millisecond synthesis time format

EndMargin attribute end edge

EOF function is tested by a type or non-type file test to the file

EOLN function returns the end state of the line of text files

ERASE command deletes external files

ExceptAddr function returns the currently unexpected address

Exclude functions remove some elements from the collection

The ExceptObject function returns the current unexpected index

The exit command immediately exits from the current statement block.

EXP function index function

The ExpandFileName function returns a string containing absolute path

If the extendedselect property allows for selecting mode, true, MultiSelect is meaningful.

ExtractFileDir function Returns drive and path

ExtractFileExt function returns the suffix of files

ExtractFileName function returns a file name

ExtractFilePath function Returns the path to the specified file

Fileage function returns the file already existing

FileClose command off the specified file

Filecreate command to create a new file with the specified file name

FileDateTodateTime function converts DOS's date format to Delphi's date format

FILEEXISTS function Checks if the file exists

Filegatttr function Returns the properties of the file

FilegetDate function Returns DOS date time tag for file

FILEOPEN command opens the specified file with the specified access mode

FilePos function returns the current pointer location of the file

FileRead command reads from the specified file

FileSearch Command Searches for specified files in the directory

Fileseek function changes file pointer

FileSetattr function setting file properties

FileSetDate function setting file DOS date time tag

FileSize function returns the size of the current file

FileWrite function writes the specified file

FillChar function fills the number of FindClose commands with the specified value to terminate the FindFirst / FindNext sequence

Findfirst command Search for the specified file name and attribute search directory

The FindNext Command Returns the next entry with the file name and attribute matching

The FLOATTODECIMAL function converts floating point numbers to decimal number

The FLOATTOSTRF function converts floating point numbers to strings

The FLOATTOSTR function converts floating point numbers to strings

The floattotext function converts a given floating point number into a decimal number

The floattotextFmt function converts a given floating point number to a decimal number

The flush function refreshes the content of the buffer to the output text file.

FMTLOADSTR function loads a string from the resource string table of the program

The FMTSTR function formats a series of parameters, and the result is returned by the parameter result.

Font property set font

Format Function Format a series of parameters and returns a Pascal string

Formatbuf function formatted a series of parameters

The formatDatetime function is formatted and time with the specified format.

FormatFloat function Specifies floating point format

FRAC function Returns the fractional part of the parameter

Freemem function releases the space occupied by the dynamic variable by a given size

GetDir returns the current directory of the specified drive

GetHeapStatus Returns the current state of the memory manager

GetMEM establishes a dynamic variable of the specified size and points the pointer to the location

GetMemoryManager Returns the entry point of the memory manager

Image on the glyph function button

Halt stop program execution and return to the operating system

Hi returns the high address of the parameter

High returns the upper limit of the parameter

Hint attribute prompt information

INT returns an integer part of the parameter

Include adds an element to a collection

INSERT Insert a subtrunch in a string

INTTOHEX converts the integer to a hexadecimal number

INTSTR converts integer to character string iResult Returns the latest I / O operation

IsValidIdent test string is a valid identifier

Node displayed by the Items property

Kind property placed

LargeChange property maximum change value

Layout attribute image layout

Length function returns the dynamic length of the string

Lines attribute default display content

LN function natural logarithmic function

LO function returns the low address bit of the parameter

LoadStr function loads a character resource from an application's executable

The LowerCase function becomes a set of strings.

LOW function returns the lower limit of parameters

Max property maximum

MaxLength attribute maximum length

Min property minimum

MKDIR command creates a subscription

Move function from the source to the target copy byte

MultiSelect property allows simultaneous choice of several data items

Name attribute control name

The new function creates a new dynamic variable and sets a pointer variable to him.

The newstr function allocates a new string on the stack

Now function returns the current date and time

ODD test parameters are odd

Trigger on onactivate event focus to the form on the form

OnClick event Click Form Blank Area to trigger

OnDBLClick event Double-click the form blank area trigger

OncloseQuery event user attempts to close the form trigger

OnClose event form is triggered

Oncreate event form is triggered for the first time

ONDEACTIVATE event user switches to another application trigger

OnDragDrop event mouse Drag and drop

Ondragover event has other controls from him to trigger

Trigger the ONMOUSEUP event when the mouse button is pressed when the mouse button is pressed.

Trigger when moving the mouse onMouseMove event

Onhide event hides the form to trigger

OnkeyDown events triggered when a keypad is pressed

OnkeyPress events Trigger when pressing a single character button on the keyboard

The onkeyup event is triggered when a key on the keyboard is released.

There is a new part of the onPaint event form to trigger

OnResize event Re-adjust the form size trigger

OnShow event is triggered when the form is actually displayed.

Ord return order number

Outlinestyle attribute type

OutofMemoryError caused OutofMemory accident

PageIndex Property Page Index

Pages Property Page

The paramcount function returns the number of parameters passing to the program on the command line

Paramstr function returns the specified command line parameters

Pen property brush setting

PI function returns the circularity PI

Picture property display image

PictureClosed property settings a closed bitmap

PictureLeaf Property Setting Leaf Bits

Pictureminus Properties Settings MINUS Bitmap

PictureOpen property Setting Open bitmap

PicturePlus Property Settings Plus Bitmap

POS function Searzer in a string

PRED function returns previous parameters

Random function returns a random function

The randomize function initializes the built-in random number generator with a random number

Read function to format files, read one file component to variables;

For text files, read one or more values ​​to one or more variables

The READLN function executes the READ process, then jumps to the file.

Readonly property read-only attribute

Reallocmem function Assign a dynamic variable

Rename function renamed external file renamefile function rename files

RESET function Opens the existing file

The REWRITE function is established and opened a new file

RMDIR function deletes empty subdirectory

The Round function rounds the real value into integer values.

RuNError function stop program execution

Scrollbars property scroll bar status

The SEEK function moves the current pointer of the file to the specified component

SEEKEOF function returns the file end status

SEEKEOLN function returns the end state of the file

SelectedColor property selection color

SetMemoryManager function Sets the entry point of the memory manager

SetTextBuf function Specifies the I / O buffer to text files

Shape property displayed

Showexception function displays unexpected messages and addresses

SIN function sinusoidal function

SIZEOF function returns the number of bytes occupying the parameters

SmallChange property minimum change value

Sorted property is allowed to be sorted

SQR function square function

SQRT function square root function

Startmargin property begins the edge

State property control current status

The STR function converts the numerical value to a string

The stralloc function assigns the maximum length -1 buffer to the string ended with NULL

The strbufsize function returns the maximum number of characters stored in the character buffer allocated by Stralloc

The STRCAT function attached a string to another string and returned the merged string

Strcomp function compares two strings

The stropy function copies a string to another string

The strdispose function releases strings on the stack

The strecopy function copies a string to another string and returns the pointer of the result string tail.

Strend function returns a pointer to the tail of the string

Stretch property automatically adapts to the size of the control

Strfmt function formatting a series of parameters Stricomp functions compare two strings (not case sensitive)

The StringTowideChar function converts the ANSI string to a Unicode string

The strlcat function attached the characters in a string to another string and returned the merged string

The strlcomp function compares two strings with maximum length

The strlcopy function copies the characters in a string to another string

Strlen function returns the number of characters in the string

Strlfmt function format a series of parameters, which contain pointers to target buffers.

The strlicomp function compares two strings with maximum length (not case sensitive)

The strlower function converts the characters in the string to lowercase

The strMove function copies the characters in a string to another string.

The STRNEW function allocates a string on the stack

The STRPAS function will convert the string of the string ended with NULL to the string of the Pascal class.

The strpcopy function copies the string of the Pascal class to the string ended with NULL

The STRPLCOPY function is copied from the maximum length string of the Pascal class to the end of NULL.

The STRPOS function returns a string in another string first appearance pointer

STRSCAN function returns a pointer to the last character in the string

STRSCAN function returns a first-character pointer in the string

The Strtodate function converts a string into a date format

The StrtodateTime function converts the string to date / time format

The StrtOfloat function converts a given string to floating point numbers

The StrtoinT function converts the string to integer

The StrtointDef function converts strings to integer or default values.

The Strtotime function converts the string into time format

The STRUPPER function converts the characters in the string to uppercase

STYLE property type selection

SuCE function returns a successive parameter

High and low address of SWAP function exchange parameters

Tabs properties tag each content

TabIndex property tag index

Text TEXTTOFLOAT function converts strings to floating point numbers

Time function returns the current time

The Timetostr function converts the time format to a string

Trim function removes spaces and control characters in the leadfire and tail from a given string

TrimLEFT function removes the first space and control character from a given string

Trimright function removes spaces and control characters from the tail from a given string

Trunc function intercepts the real value as an integer value

Truncate function cuts the content after the current file location

UnselectedColor attribute unchecked colors

Upcase converts characters to uppercase

Uppercase becomes uppercase

VAL function converts strings to integer values

VaraRrayCreate functions establish variant arrays by a given boundary and dimension

VararrayDimcount function returns the dimension of the given change

The VararrayHighBound function returns the upper bound of a given variant number of dimensions

VararrayLock function locks a given variant array

The VaRraylowBound function returns the lower bound of a given change array dimension

Vararrayof function returns an array element for specified variants

The VararrayRedim function adjusts the size of the variant by changing the upper limit.

Vararrayunlock function unlocks the specified variant array

VaraSType function converts variants to the specified type

The Varcase function converts the variant into the specified type and saves him.

VARCLEAR function clears the specified variant

The Varopy function copies the specified variant to the specified variant.

The VarformDateTime function returns a variant that contains the date time

VarisArray function test variant is an array

VariSempty function test variant is unassigned

Varisnull function test variant is null

The VARTODATETIME function converts a given variant into date time

The VARTYPE function converts the variant to the specified type and saves him.

Visible properties control visibility

When the Wantreturns property is TRUE, press the Enter key to generate a carriage return; when False, press Ctrl Enter to generate a carriage return

Write command writes a variable to file components in formatted files;

For text files, write one or more values ​​to the file

The Writeln command executes the WRITE process, then output a line end sign

The widecharlentostring function converts the ANSI string to a Unicode string

The WideCharlentostrwar function converts the Unicode string to ansi string variable

WideChartostring function converts Unicode strings to ansi string

WideChartostrvar function converts Unicode string to ANSI string variable

Delphi6 function Daquan use details

Date: 2003 at 21:37 on December 2 Source: production of: SAYYES

13. Delphi6 function 大全 << delphi6 function Daquan-Strutils.PAS / SYSUTILS >> Head Function ANSIRESEMBLESTEXT (Const ATEXT, AOTHER: STRING): Boolean; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Returns two strings Are similar notes ANSI (American National National National Nazi) standards Institute) American national standards Institute; case-insensitive reference function StrUtils.SoundexProc; var StrUtils.AnsiResemblesProc example CheckBox1.Checked: = AnsiResemblesText (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 f 首 f;; (const attext, asubtext: string): boolean; $ [strutils.pas feature Return string ATEXT contains sub-string asubtext instructions Indefillation Strutils.ansiUppercase; Function strutils.ansipos example CheckBox1.checked: = ansicontainstext (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━━ 首: String): Boolean; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return Strings ATEXT Whether the beginning of the sub-string asubtext indicates that the case is not distinguished. Reference Function CHECKBOX1.CHECKED: = AnsistartStext (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 f::;:;; Boolean; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return string ATEXT End of sub-string Asubtext Explain that case sensitive case reference Function Wi Ndows.comPareString: = AnsiendStext (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━et━━ 首 首━━━━━etetet━ 首 首 首━━━━━━etet━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━et━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首AToText: string): string; $ [StrUtils.pas function returns a string AText replaced by substrings AFromText substrings AToText results described with reference to a case-insensitive function SysUtils.StringReplace; type SysUtils.TReplaceFlags example Edit4.Text: = AnsiReplaceText (Edit1.Text, Edit3.Text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f━━━;; Const Avalues: array of string : Boolean; $ [strutils.pas feature Returns the string array avaless whether there is a string AText explanation Not distinguishes the case reference Function strutils.ansiIndexText example checkbox1.checked: = AnsimatchText (edit1.text, ['A1', 'A2 ',' A3 ',' A4 ']);

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 f f;;; Const Avalues: Array Of String: Integer; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return string ATEXT The location instructions in the string array avateues are not case sensitive; if not included, return -1 reference function system1.ansisametext example = ANSIINDEXTEXT (Edit1.Text, ['A1', 'A2', 'A3' , 'A4']); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f:;;; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return characters String ATEXT contains substrings asubtext Description Case Size Size Reference Function Strutils.ansipos Example CheckBox1.Checked: = AnsicontAinsStr (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ header function AnsiStartsStr (const ASubText, aText: string): Boolean; $ [StrUtils.pas function returns a string beginning with the substring aText whether ASubText described with reference to an example case sensitive SysUtils.AnsiSameStr function CheckBox1.Checked: = AnsiStartsStr (Edit1.Text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首:::;; $ [Strutils.Pas Function Return Controvers Atext Whether the end of child string AsubText Description Case Size write reference Function Sysutils.ansisameSTR example CheckBox1.checked: = AnsiendssStr (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━; ━━━━━━━ 首function AnsiReplaceStr (const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; $ [StrUtils.pas function returns a string aText replaced by substrings AFromText substrings AToText results described with reference to a case-sensitive function SysUtils.StringReplace; type SysUtils.TReplaceFlags Example edit4.text: = ansireplacestr (edit1.text, edit2.text, edit3.text); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━ (((首 首 首━━━ ((((((((((Const Atext: String ; const aValues: array of string): Boolean; $ [StrUtils.pas function returns the string array contains the string AText aValues ​​described with reference to a case-sensitive function StrUtils.AnsiIndexStr example CheckBox1.Checked: = AnsiMatchStr (Edit1.Text, [ 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4']); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━ (Const Ate: String; Const Avalues : Array of string: integer;

$ [Strutils.PAS feature Returns ATEXT ATEXT In String Array Avalues ​​Location Description Case Size Size Size Reference Function SYSUTILS.ASISAMESTR Example Spinedit1.Value: = AnsiIndexStr (Edit1.Text, ['A1', 'A2', 'A3 ',' A4 ']); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━;; 首 首 f (const: integer): String; $ [strutils.pas Function Returns ATEXT ATEXT ACOUNT Note Note When ACOUNT is 0, return '' reference function system.setlength example edit3.text: = dupeString (edit1.text, spinedit1.value); ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first function reverseSString (const at: string): String; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return to string AText's reverse description ReverseString ('1234') = '4321' Reference FUNCTION SYSTEM.SETLENGTH example edit3.text: = reverseString (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━; 首 首━━━━;; Ateart, Alength: Cardinal; const asubtext: string; $ [Strutils.PAS feature returns a nested string Description ASTART: Nested start position; ALENGTH: Nested length; stuffstring ('abcd', 2, 0, '12') = 'a12bcd' refer to the function system.copy example Edit3.Text: = stuffstring (edit1.text, spinedit1.value, spinedit2.value, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ The first Function RandomFrom (Const Avalues: array of String; overload; $ [strutils.PAS feature Random Returns a character string array Avalues ​​before instructions before suggesting Randomize Reference function system.random example randomize; edit3.text: = randomFrom (['A1', 'A2 ',' A3 ',' A4 ']); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首:; (Avalue: Boolean; Const Atrue: String; Afalse: String = ''): String; overload; $ [strutils.pas function Returns the specified logical string Description ifthen (true, 'is', 'no') = 'is'; ifThen (false, 'is', 'No') = 'No' Reference Example Edit3.Text: = ifthen (checkbox1.checked, edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The first Function Leftstr (Const at: String;

Const acount: integer: String; $ [strutils.PAS feature Returns the ACOUNT character in the left Atext Description Leftstr ('123456', 3) = '123' Reference Function System.copy Example Edit3.Text: = Leftstr (Edit1 .Text, Spinedit1.Value; ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f━━━ (首 首 首 首 f (; (Const Ate: Integer): String; $ [Strutils. PAS function Returns the ACOUNT characters on the right side of the string at text Description Rightstr ('123456', 3) = '456' Reference function system.copy example Edit3.Text: = RightStr (edit1.text, spinedit1.value); ━━━━) ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f ((((Const AtexT: Integer): String; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return string ATEXT starting from Astart ACOUNT character is actually a copy reference function system.copy example Edit3.Text: = midstr (edit1.text, spinedit1.value, spindit2.value); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ 首 The first Function Searchbuf (buf: pchar; buflen: integer; selstart, sellength: integer; searchString: string; options: tstringsearchOptions = [SODOWN]): PCHAR; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return to the first search Pointer location Description This function is often used in text search string reference example /// Begin searchBuffunction Searchedit (EditControl: tcustomedit; const searchstring: String ; SearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions; FindFirst: Boolean = False): Boolean; varBuffer, P: PChar; Size: Word; beginResult: = False; if (Length (SearchString) = 0) then Exit; Size: = EditControl.GetTextLen; if ( Size = 0) then Exit; Buffer: = StrAlloc (Size 1); tryEditControl.GetTextBuf (Buffer, Size 1); P: = SearchBuf (Buffer, Size, EditControl.SelStart, EditControl.SelLength, SearchString, SearchOptions); if P <> nil then beginEditControl.SelStart: = P - Buffer; EditControl.SelLength: = Length (SearchString); Result: = True; end; finallyStrDispose (Buffer); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject) ;

varSearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions; beginSearchOptions: = []; if CheckBox1.Checked thenInclude (SearchOptions, soDown); if CheckBox2.Checked thenInclude (SearchOptions, soMatchCase); if CheckBox3.Checked thenInclude (SearchOptions, soWholeWord); SearchEdit (Memo1, Edit1.Text , SearchOptions; Memo1.Setfocus; end; /// end searchbuf━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ ((首 首━━━━ (((const at: string; alength: tsoundexlength = 4 : String; $ [strutils.pas function return detection string Description Depending on the detection method, you can find a string in accordance with the detection method; Reference example edit2 .Text: = SOUNDEX (Edit1.Text, Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━ )━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━;;; 首 首 首;;;; alength: tsoundexintLength = 4 : Integer; $ [strutils.PAS feature Return Detection Integer Description Alength's value, the larger the decoding accuracy, the higher the reference example spinedit2.Value: = Soundexint (edit1.text, spinedit1.value); ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━ ━ 首 (Avalue: Integer): String; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Returns the decoding of the detection integer Decodesoundexint (Soundexint ('Hello')) equivalent Soundex ('Hello') Reference example edit2.text: = Decodesou Ndexint (SpineDit2.Value); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━::: 首 首 首 f f::: Word; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Return Detection Value Explanation No parameter ALENGTH has been fixed to 4 reference example spinEdit2.Value: = SoundexWord (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首d ( Avalue: Word: String; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Returns Decoding Decoding Decoding Description DecodesoundExword (SoundExWord ('Hello')) is equivalent to SoundEx ('Hello') Reference An example edit2.text: = decodesoundexword (Spinedit2) .Value); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f 首 首 首 首;; ATEXT, AOTHER: STRING; Alength: tsoundexlength = 4): Boolean; $ [Strutils.Pas Function Returns whether the probe string of the two strings is the same as the same instructions: = SOUNDEX (ATEXT, ALENGTH) =

Soundex (AOTHER, ALENGTH) Reference example checkbox1.checked: = SOUNDEXSIMILAR (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first Function SoundExCompare (const): alength: tsoundexlength = 4): Integer; $ [Strutils.PAS feature Returns the results of comparing the two strings of probe strings Result: = ansiCompareStr (Soundex (AText, ALENGTH ━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f ━ f:: boolean; $ [strutils.pas function call SoundeXSIMilar Returns the default value of the system variables ANSIRESEMBLESPROC for the same description of the default value of the system variable ANSIRESEMBLESPROC .AnsiresembleStext example [VAR ANSIRESEMBLESPROC: TCompareTextProc = SoundExProc;] ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ t t 首 首eses; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature return system language object description This function can get the system's language environment reference type sysutils.tlanguages ​​example // begin languageSprocedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT); vari: integer; beginMemo1.clear; for i: = 0 to Languages.count - 1 Domemo1. Lines.Add (Langua GES.NAME [I]); end; /// end languages━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━: ((Size: cardinal): Pointer; $ [SYSUTILS .pas Description returns the specified memory block with a size of size FreeMem System.GetMem example of a resource release reference function /// Begin AllocMemprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varI: PInteger; beginI: = AllocMem (SizeOf (Integer) ); I ^: = 100; edit1.text: = INTTOSTR (i ^); FreeMem (I, sizeof (integer)); end; /// end instocmem ━━━━━━━━━m━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ header procedure AddExitProc (Proc: TProcedure); $ [SysUtils.pas add a function exit processing procedure described with reference to suggestions substituted Begin AddExitProcusesShellApi example by finalization portion; procedure ExitProc; beginShellExecute (0, ' Open ',' Calc.exe ', NIL, NIL, SW_SHOW; End; Procedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT);

BeginadDexitProc (EXITPROC); End; End AddexitProc━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━:: 首 首 首::::: PString; DepRecated; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS returns a new string pointer address System.New example described with reference to returns NullStr procedure Begin newStr, DisposeStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click string S is empty (Sender: TObject); varP: PString; beginP: = newStr (Edit1.Text); Edit2.text: = p ^; Disposestr (P); End; End Newstr, DisposeStr━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━; ;━;;;;;;;;;;;; Deprecated; Deprecated; Deprecated; DepRecated [SYSUTILS.PAS feature release string pointer P Resource Description Mix function Newstr Using reference procedure system.dispose example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first procedure assignstr (var p: pstring; const s: string); Deprecated; $ [systemils.pas function to update the string S to the string pointer P Description Update value, the previous string pointer resource reference Function SYSUTILS .NewStr; function SysUtils.DisposeStr examples Begin AssignStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varP: PString; beginP: = nil; AssignStr (P, Edit1.Text); Edit2.Text: = P ^; DisposeStr (P); End; End Assignstr━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首;; const String; DepRecated; $ [sysutils.pas feature After the string DEST, the additional string S is equivalent to DEST: = DEST S; Delphi6 is not recommended to use the reference example begin appendstrprocedure tform1.button1click (sender: TOBJECT); VARS: String; Begins: = Edit2.Text; Appendstr (s, edit1.text); edit2.text: = s; end; end appendstr━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━━━ 首 (((((((((((((((((Const S: String) : String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Returns the uppercase of the string S. Description Non-lowercase characters do not process reference procedure system.setlength example edit2.text: = Uppercase (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function LowerCase (const s: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the lowercase form of the string S Description Non-Uda-character does not process Reference Procedure System.SetLength example edit2. TEXT: = LowerCase (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━ ((Const S1, S2: String): Integer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Function Returns Two character descriptions When S1> S2 return value> 0;

When S1 example spinedit1.value: = CompareStr (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function CompareMem (P1, P2: Pointer; Length): Boolean; Assembler; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to compare two memory pointer Description CompareMem (Pchar (' 12A '), PCHAR (' 12c '), 2) = true; CompareMem (PCHAR (' 12A '), PCHAR (' 12c '), 3) = false reference example checkbox1.checked: = CompareMem (Self, Form1, 8); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━ 首 首 首 首; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns two String Description Not Distort Reference Example Spinedit1.Value: = CompareText (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首Function SameText (Const S1, S2: String): Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns the two strings to wait for the instructions to do not distinguish the case reference example checkbox1.checked: = Sametext (edit1.text, edit2.text ); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f 首:::: String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the uppercase of the string S. NSI US National Standard Association; Non-lowercase characters unchanged reference Function Windows.CharupperBuff example edit2.text: = ANSIUPPERCASE (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ 首Department Function AnsilowerCase (const S: String): String; $ [sysutils.pas function Return string S lower-write form Description Non-Udress characters do not processes Reference Function Windows.CharLowerBuff example edit2.text: = AnsilowerCase (edit1.text); ━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 f;; $ [sysutils.pas function reverse compare two string instructions When S1 > S2 return value> 0; when S1

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f f f 首 首 首 首 f f; $ [sysutils.pas function reverse compare two string instructions S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1 S2 return value> 0; when S1 S2 return value> 0; when S1 S2 return value> 0; when S1 S2 returns value> 0; when S1

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature returns the pointer string lowercase form Description Non-uppercase characters do not processes the reference Function Windows.CharLower example edit2.text: = ansistrlower (pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function Ansistrupper (str: pchar): Pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature return pointer string uppercase form Description Non-lowercase characters do not processes the reference Function Windows.Charupper example edit2.text: = Ansistrupper (pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ (首 首 f 首 f:: (const S: String): PCHAR; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return The last pointer character for string s Description When the string S is an empty string, return to the empty pointer reference function sysutils.bytet2.text: = AnsilastChar (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f f; pchar; pchar; $ [sysutils.pas function returns the last pointer character of the pointer string P Description When the string P is an empty pointer, return to the empty pointer reference function SYSUTILS.BYTYPE example edit2.text: = ansilastchar (pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━uu━━━ ((const S: WideString): WideString; $ [sysutils.PAS feature Return to the double-character string uppercase form Description WideChar double-byte character reference function windows.charupperbuffw example edit2.text: = wideUppercase (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function WidelowerCase (Const S: WideString): WideString; $ [sysutils.pas feature to return to double-byte string Small write form Description I can't test it. Reference function windows.charLowerbuffW example edit2.text: = widelowercase (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The headlight WideCompareStr (Const S1, S2: WIDESTRING): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns two double-byte string Description When S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1 S2 Return Value> 0;

When S1 ━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━:: Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns the string Ident is correct Identifier Description Identifier :: Letters | Underline [Letter | Underline | Digital] ... Reference Example CheckBox1.checked: = IsValidIdent (Edit1.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function INTOSTR (Value: Integer): String; OverLoad; $ [sysutils.pas headlight function; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns an integer value VALUE conversion Combined with strings, format ('% d', [value]) refer to function sysutils.fmtstr example edit2.text: = INTTOSTR (Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ 首 The head of Function INTTOHEX (Value: Integer; integer): String; Overload;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS headfunction INTTOHEX (Value: INT64; DIGITS: Integer): string; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns an integer value translation into hexadecimal results; format ('%. * X', [ Digits, value]) Description Parameter DIGITS Specifies the minimum width of the character; the minimum width will use 0 to fill the reference function sysutils.fmtstr example edit2.text: = INTTOHEX (Spinedit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value); ━━━━━━ ━━━━━ 首━━━━━━ 首 The first Function StrtOINT (Const S: String): Integer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to Integer Description String Non-integer Expression will cause an abnormal reference Procedure system.val example spinedit1.value: = start (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━;;; ((((Const: Integer) : Integer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return String S Convert to Integer Description String Non-integer Expression Return Default Value Default Reference Procedit System.val Example Spinedit1.Value: = StrtoInTdef (edit1.text, 0); ━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首: ut value: integer: boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S converted into an integer False Value Description returns whether successful expression when non-integer and a string Value 0 is output as the reference example System.Val procedure /// Begin TryStrToIntprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varI: integer; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryStrToInt (Edit1 .Text, i); spinedit1.val UE: = i; end; /// endsSTRTOINT ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━: 首 首 首::::::: int64; $ [sysutils.pas Function Returns String S Convert to Sixty-Four Integers Description Strings Non-64-bit integer expression will cause an exception reference procedure system.val example spinedit1.Value: = strt64 (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 (const); const default: int64): int64; $ [sysutils.pas function return string S converted to sixty-four-bit integer description String Non 64-bit integer expression When returning to default value Default reference process1.value: = start64def (edit1.text, 0); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ 首 ━ 首 首c t v; ut value: int64): boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S converted to sixty-four-bit integers value to success Description string non-sixty four Returns False and VALUE will output to 0 Reference Procedure System.val Example // Begin Trystrt64Procedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT);

VARI: INT64; begincheckbox1.checked: = tryst, i); spinedit1.value: = i; end; /// end trystrtoint64━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first Function StrtOBOOL (Const S: String): Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to logic value Description Character Non-logical expression will cause an abnormal reference function sysutils.TrySTRTOBOOL example checkbox1.checked: = StrtOBOOL (Edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首;;; const default: boolean: Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas function Return String S Convert to Logical Value Description Character Non-logical Expression Returns the default value default reference function sysutils.trystrtobool example checkbox1.checked: = strOBoldef (edit1.text, false); ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 The headlight trystestobool (const S: String; Out value: boolean): boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S Convert to logic value VALUE Successfully explained [Note] 0 is false 0 true non; not 'true' and 'false'; Delphi6 Bug as a corrected reference function SysUtils.AnsiSameText; var SysUtils.TrueBoolStrs; var SysUtils.FalseBoolStrs example /// Begin TryStrToBoolprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varB : Boolean; Beginsetlength (TrueBoolstrs, 2); SetLength (FalseBoolStrs, 2); TrueBoolStrs [0]: = 'True'; falseBoolSTRS [0]: = 'False'; TrueBoolSTRS [1]: = 'yes'; falseBoolSTRS [1]: = 'no'; checkbox1.checked: = trysTRTOBOOL (Edit1.Text, b); checkbox2.checked: = B; END; //// End TryStrToBool additional /// Begin TryStrToBoolfunction TryStrToBool (const S: string; out Value: Boolean): Boolean; function CompareWith (const aArray: array of string): Boolean; varI: Integer; beginResult: = False; for I: = Low (aArray) to High (aArray) doif AnsiSameText (S, aArray [I]) thenbeginResult: = True; Break; end; end; varLResult: Extended; beginResult: = TryStrToFloat (S, LResult); if Result thenValue: = LResult < > 0ELSEBEGINRESULT: = true; // Correct VerifyBoolstrarray;

IF Comparewith (TrueBoolSTRS) Thenvalue: = trueElSei Comparewith (falseBoolSTRS).. ━━ The first Function Booltostr (B: Boolean; UsebookSTRS: Boolean = false): String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature return logic value B converted to string Description BoolTostr (false, false) = '0'; booltostr (false, true ) = '- 1' refer to var sysutils.trueBoolSTRS; var sysutils.falseBoolSTRS example edit1.text: = booltostr (checkbox1.checked, checkbox2.checked); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ The first Function LoadStr (Ident: Integer): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns String Resources) The String Resource is the internal resource reference function example edit2.text: = Loadstr (2)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━ ;━━━━━ 首 首 首;; Const Args: Array Of Const: String ([Sysutils.pas feature returns a formatted string resource Description String resources is the internal resource reference function sysutils.fmtstr; function sysutils.findstringResource example ; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function FileOpen (const filename: string; Mode: longword): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns open files Mode member (fmOpenRead, fmOpenWrite, fmOpenReadWrite ....); fail open function returns a negative reference example Windows.CreateFile /// Begin FileOpen, FileCloseprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varI: Integer; beginI: = FileOpen (Edit1.text, fmopenread); CheckBox1.checked: = i> 0; fileclose (i); end; // begin fileopen, fileclose━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ header function FileCreate (const FileName: string): Integer; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas header function FileCreate (const FileName: string; Rights: Integer): Integer; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas function returns the file to create the instructions to create Failback returns negative reference Function Windows.createfile example // begin filecreateProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT); vari: integer; begini: = filecreate (edit1.text); checkbox1.checked: =

I> 0; FileClose (I); End; /// end filecreate ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首;;; Var Buffer; Count: Longword): Integer; $ [sysutils.PAS feature Returns the size of the file buffer Description Read failed Return negative reference Function Windows.Readfile example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ (Handle: Integer; Const Buffer; Count: longword): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns a small description of the write file buffer Description Write a negative number reference Function Windows. Writefile example ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ ((Handle, Offset, Origin: Integer): Integer; Overload; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Function Fileseek (handle: integer; origin: integer): INT64; OVERLOAD; $ [systemils.pas feature returns the specified file offset Description OFFSET Specifies the offset; Origin specifies the origin (IRIGIN is 0 First; 1 point refers to the current position; 2 o'clock finger file end) Reference Function Windows.setFilePointer example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 p━━━ 首 首 首 首 首(Handle: Integer); $ [sysutils.pas feature Return to close file instructions Do not close files Operate system resource reference Function Windows.closehandle example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ 首 The first Function Fileage (const filename: string): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the time description of the file creation Absent member function returns -1 Reference example Windows.FindFirstFile /// Begin FileAge, DateTimeToStr, FileDateToDateTimeprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); beginSpinEdit1.Value: = FileAge (Edit1.Text); if SpinEdit1.Value> 0 thenEdit2 .Text: = DateTimetostr (SpineDittodateTime (Spindit1.Value); end; /// end fileage, datetimetostr, filedatetodatetime━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━x━━━━x (((((((((((((( Const filename: String): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return File name FileName whether there is an entity existence Description includes hidden file reference function sysutils.Fileage example checkbox1.checked: = fileexists (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━; ━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━ 首 The first Function Directoryexists (const Directory: String): Boolean;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to the directory name FileName Have an entity existing instructions include hidden directory reference Function Windows.GetFileAttributes example checkbox1.checked: = DirectoryExists (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 f:: boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return to create subdirectories Successfully Describe Direct Creating Multi-level Directory Reference Function Sysutils.created) CheckBox1.Checked: = Forcedirector (Edit1 .Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━;; ;━ 首 首 首 f;; attr: Integer; Var f: TsearchRec): Integer; $ [sysutils. pas setting file search function returns 0 described with reference to search success function Windows.FindFirstFile example returns /// Begin FindFirst, FindNext, FindCloseprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvSearchRec: TSearchRec; I: Integer; beginMemo1.Clear; I: = FindFirst (edit1.text, faanyfile, vsearchrec); while i = 0 do beginMemo1.Lines.Add (; i: = findnext (vSearchRec); end; findclose (vsearch "; end; /// end Findfirst , FindNext, FindClose━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首;; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return Continue Search Description Search Success Return 0 Reference Function Windows.FindNextFile Example ━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首;;;; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature ends Current file search instructions Do not close Query Operate System Resource Reference Function Windows.FindClose Example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━::: 首 首 首 f::: Integer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to the file modification time Description Read -1 reference examples failure function Windows.GetFileTime returns /// Begin FileGetDateprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varI: Integer; beginI: = FileOpen (Edit1.Text, fmOpenRead); if I <0 then Exit; SpinEdit1. Value: = filegetdate (i); edit2.text: = DateTimetostr (fileDittodatetime (spindit1.value); fileclose (i); end; /// end filegetdate━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ The first Function FileSetDate (Const FileName: String; Age: Integer): Integer; Overload;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS headlight FUNCTION FileSetDate (Handle: Integer; Age: Integer; Overload; Platform; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns the modification time Description Modification Success This Reference Function Windows.SetFileTime Example Spinedit1. Value: = filesetdate (edit1.text, datetimetofiledate); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ ((((((( : Integer; Platform; $ [sysutils.pas feature Back to file Properties Description Read Fails Return $ fffffff Reference Function Windows.GetFileAttributes example spinedit1.value: = filegetttr (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function FileSetattr (Const FileName: ": Integer; Platform; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns the properties of the setup file Description Settings Return 0 Reference Function WINDOWS .SetFileAttributes example spinedit1.value: = FileSetattr (edit1.text, spinedit2.value); ━━━━) )━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ (const fileename: string): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returning to whether only the instruction file does not show a read-only reference Function Windows.GetFileAttributes example checkbox1.checked: = fileisreadonly (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f fc ((const filename: string; r eadOnly: Boolean): Boolean; $ [SysUtils.pas configuration files are read-only function returns successful description file does not exist with reference to function Windows.GetFileAttributes returns False; function Windows.SetFileAttributes example CheckBox1.Checked: = FileSetReadOnly (Edit1.Text, Checkbox2.checked); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f 首 首;;: (const filename: String): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns to delete files Successfully If the file does not exist, return false reference Function windows.deletefile example checkbox1.checked: = deletefile (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首━━━ ((首 首 首 首OldName, NewName: String: Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the rename file Successfully explained that the file does not exist, return false reference Function Windows.Movefile example checkbox1.checked: = renamefile (edit1.text, edit2.text);

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首eeext (const filename, extension: string): String; $ [systemils.pas feature returns the file name description of the changed extension [Note] Extended Extension to add points before extension; ChangefileExt ('a.jpg', 'bmp') = 'ABMP' refer to function sysutils.lastdelimiter; function system.copy example Edit1.text: = ChangefileExt (Edit2.Text, Edit3. TEXT); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首:: String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to the path of the file name ExtractFilePath ('C: /') = 'c: /'; extractFilePath ('// server / tool / caverc.exe') = '// server / tool /' refer to function system.lastdelimiter; function system.copy example Edit1. Text: = extractfilepath (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━::: String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return Directory in the file name Description ExtractFileDir ('c: /') = 'c: /'; extractfiledir ('// server / tool / cagc.exe') = '// server / Tool' Reference function sysutils.lastdelimiter; function System.copy example edit1.text: = extractfiledir (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━━━ (const filename: string): string; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to the file name where the drive is illustrated ActfileDrive ('c: /') = 'c:'; extractfileDrive ('// server / tool / caverc.exe') = '// server / Tool' reference function system.copy example Edit1.text: = extractfileDrive (edit2 .Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━:: (const filename: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return absolute file name Description ExtractFileName 'C: /') = ''; extractFileName ('// server / Tool / Calc.exe') = 'CALC.EXE' Reference function system.lastdelimiter; function system.copy example Edit1.text: = extractFileName (Edit2. TEXT); ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首::::: String;

$ [Sysutils.pas feature returns the extension of the file name Description ExtractFileExt ('c: /') = ''; extractfileext ('// server / tool / cagc.exe') = '. EXE' Reference function sysutils.lastdelimiter; Function system.copy example Edit1.text: = extractfileext (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ (((const filename: string): string; $ [Sysutils.pas feature returns a full representation of the file name ExpandFileName ('Hello.Pas') = 'c: / program files / borland / delphi6 / projects / hello.pas' refurbishment windows.getFullPathname example edit1.text: = ExpandFileName (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f━━━; 首 首 首 f f;;; out matchfound: tfilenamecasematch: String; $ [sysutils.pas points function returns the full filename explanatory type TFilenameCaseMatch = (mkNone, mkExactMatch, mkSingleMatch, mkAmbiguous); reference function Windows.GetFullPathName; function SysUtils.SameFileName; function SysUtils.FindFirst example /// Begin ExpandFileNameCaseprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TFILENAMECASMATCH: TFileNameCaseMatch; beginedit1.text: = expandfilenamecase (edit2.text, vfilenamecasematch); spinedit1.value : = ORD (VFileNameCaseMatch); end; /// end expandfilenamecase ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ ((首 首 首━ 首 ((((const filename: string): string; $ [sysutils .PAS feature returns a complete representation of the Linux file name ExpanduncFileName ('c: /') = 'c: /' refer: = expanduncFileName (edit2.text); ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 f 首 f f (Const BaseName: String): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the relative path of the parameter Description ExtractRALATIVEPATH ('c: / windows /', 'C: / windows / system') = 'system' refer to function sysutils.samefilename; function sysutils.extractfileDrive example Edit1.Text: = extractRelativePath (Edit2.Text, Edit3.Text);

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 (const filename: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the DOS path of the parameter ExtractShortpathname ('C: / Program files / borland ') =' c: / progra ~ 1 / borland 'Reference Function Windows.getShortPathname An example edit1.text: = extractshpathname (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 f feses (const name, dirlist: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the first result of Dirlist search in the directory list Description FileSearch ('Calc.exe', 'D: /WINXP/SYSTEM32; C :/winXp/system32/calc.exe 'refer to function sysutils.fileexists; function sysutils.ansilastchar example Edit1.text: = filesearch (edit2.text, edit3.text) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f:::: INT64; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Features Return Driver Free Space Description Parameter Drive is 0 Path, 1 to 1, = A drive, 2 to 2 denotes = B drive ...; get a failure Return -1 Reference Function Windows.GetDiskFreespaceExa example spinedit1.Value: = diskfree (Spinedit2.Value); ━━━━━━; ━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function Disksize (drive: Byte): int64; $ [sysutils.pas feature return drive All space Description Parameter drive is 0 means the current path, 1 means = A drive 2 to 2 denoted = B drive ... After getting failed, return -1 Reference Function Windows.GetDiskFreespaceExa Example SPINE DIT1.VALUE: = disksize (spindit2.value); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━::::: (FileDate: Integer): TDATETIME; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Returns the Date Time Type Conversion Date Time Type Type Description FileDate illegal is to trigger an exception reference function system; function sysutils.Encodetime example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first Function DateTimetOfileDate (DateTime: TDATETIME): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns 0 reference function sysutils.Decodedate; function sysutils.Decodedate; function sysutils. Decodetime example ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 ;━━━━━━ 首;; $ [systemils.pas function Return to the current operation directory Description [Note] Call file dialog The box changes the current operating directory reference function system.getdir example edit1.text: = getCurrentdir;

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 首 首:: Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to set the current operation directory Successfully explained [Note] The call file dialog will change the current operating directory reference Function Windows.SetCurrentDirectory example checkbox1.checked: = setcurrentdir (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首CreatedIR (const dir: string): Boolean; $ [systemils.pas feature returns to create a directory whether you have successfully explained that you do not support multi-level directory; there is already an existence return False Reference Function Windows.createdIRectory CheckBox1.checked: = Createdir (Edit1.Text) ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 f::; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature returns the delete directory Success Description Must be empty Reference function windows.removedirectory example checkbox1.checked: = removedir (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ ((首 首 首━━━ ((((Const str: pchar): cardinal ([Sysutils.pas function Returns the length of the pointer string) Trigger an abnormality reference example spinedit2.value: = strlen (pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首;;; PCHAR; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature returns the end of the pointer string Description When the pointer string STR is NIL Triggering anomalous reference example edit2.text: = streven) - Spinedit1.Value; ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首; 首; TION STRMOVE (DEST: PCHAR; CONST SOLRE: PCHAR; Count: cardinal: Pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the point string source specified memory number count copy override to the pointer string Dest Description DEST does not assign resources to trigger reference examples System.Move s abnormal function /// Begin StrMoveprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: PChar; beginvBuffer: = '0123456789'; StrMove (vBuffer, PChar (Edit1.Text), SpinEdit1.Value); Edit2 . T ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature returns to copy the pointer string source to the pointer string DEST Description DEST Description Dest should have assigned enough space to trigger an exception reference example /// begin strcopyProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject) Varvbuffer: pchar; begingetMem (vbuffer, length (edit1.text) 1);

Strcopy (vbuffer, pchar (edit1.text)); edit2.text: = vbuffer; freemem (vbuffer); end; /// end strcopy━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ Function strecopy (dest: pchar; const source: pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the end of the pointer string source to the pointer string DEST instructions can be connected to the pointer string reference example /// Begin StrECopyprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: array [0..255] of Char; beginStrECopy (StrECopy (vBuffer, PChar (Edit1.Text)), PChar (Edit2.Text)); Edit3. Text: = vbuffer; end; /// end strecopy━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━; ;━ 首 首 首 首;;;; Const Source: Pchar; Maxlen: Cardinal : PCHAR; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns to copy the pointer string source Specify length Maxlen to Pointer String DEST Description DEST Description DEST should assign enough space to trigger an exception reference example /// begin strlcopyProcedure TFORM1. Button1Click (Sender: Tobject); Varvbuffer: Array [0..255] of char; beginstrlcopy (vbuffer, pchar (edit1.text), spieldit1.value; edit2.text: = vbuffer; end; /// end strlcopy ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f 首 首 首 首 首 首 首;; Const Source: string: pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns to copy the pointer string SOURCE to Pointer String Dest Description Strlcopy (DEST, PCHAR (SO urce), Length (Source)) the reference function SysUtils.StrLCopy example /// Begin StrPCopyprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: array [0..255] of Char; beginStrPCopy (vBuffer, PChar (Edit1.Text) ); Edit2.text: = vbuffer; end; /// end strpcopy ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━ 首━━━ 首;; Const Source: String; Maxlen: cardinal: PCHAR; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns StrlCopy (DEST, PCHAR (SOURCE), MAXLEN) Reference function sysutils.strlcopy example /// begin StrPLCopyprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: array [0..255] of Char; beginStrPLCopy (vBuffer, Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value); Edit2.Text: = vBuffer; end; /// End StrPLCopy━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f;;;;; Dest: pchar;

const Source: PChar): PChar; $ [SysUtils.pas pointer function returns a connection string and the string pointer Dest Source Description StrCopy (StrEnd (Dest), Source) Examples of the reference function SysUntils.StrCopy /// Begin StrCatprocedure TForm1.Button1Click ( Sender: TOBJECT); Varvbuffer: array [0..255] of char; beginstrpcopy (vbuffer, edit1.text); strcat (vbuffer, pchar (edit2.text)); edit3.text: = vbuffer; end; /// End strcat━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 首;; const source: pchar; maxlen: cardinal: pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature return Connection pointer string DEST and pointer string Source Description [Note] Maxlen specifies the maximum length of the connection not the length of the pointer string Source Reference example /// Begin strlcatprocedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject); Varvbuffer: array [0..255] of char; beginstrpcopy (vbuffer, edit1.text); strlcat (vbuffer, pchar (edit2.text), spinedit1.value; edit3.text: = vbuffer; end; /// end strlcat ━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 f f━;); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns Two pointer string Description When S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1 example spinEdit1.Value: = Strcomp (pchar (edit1.text), pchar (edit2.text)) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f f f 首 f f; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns Two pointer string description When S1> S2 returns value> 0; when S1 example spinedit1 .Value: = stricomp (pchar (edit1.text), pchar (edit2.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 f━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ (((首 首: PChar; Maxlen: cardinal: Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns Two pointer strings Specify length Description When S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1 example spinedit1.value: = strlcomp (pchar (edit1.text), Pchar (edit2.text), SpoT2.Value) ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f━━━━;;; Maxlen: Cardinal: Integer;

$ [Sysutils.pas feature returns two pointer strings Specify length Description When S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1 example spinedit1.value: = strlicomp (pchar (edit1.text), pchar (edit2.text), spindit2.value) ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 The first Function Strscan (Const str: pchar; chr: char): pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return to the pointer string STR search character chr first appearance address description If you find a null pointer reference example edit2.text: = strscan (Pchar (edit1.text), '*'); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The first FUNCTION STRSCAN (Const str: pChar; Chr: char): PCHAR; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns the address of the pointer string STR Search Character CHR The last appearance address shows that the null pointer refer to Example Edit2. TEXT: = STRRSCAN (Pchar (edit1.text), '*'); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━ (首 首 首 f f━━ ())): PCHAR; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the first appearance of the first appearance of the pointer string STR2 instructions for the first appearance of the first appearance, and return to the null pointer; STRPOS ('12345', '3') = '345' Reference Example Edit3 .Text: = Strpos (pchar (edit1.text), pchar (edit2.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━ (((首 首 首 f━━━ (((Str: Pchar) : Pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature return pointer string STR write instructions NOTE: = Strupper (pchar (adt2.text)); ━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f f f Ower (str: pchar): pchar; $ [sysutils.pas function return pointer string STR lowercase Description non-uppercase characters do not processes reference example edit1.text: = strlower (pchar (edit2.text)); ━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━::: String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returning the pointer string STR Convert to string Description can also assign a value directly Reference example edit1.text: = StrPas (pchar (edit2.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 f━━━━━━━━ 首 f━:::: (Size: Cardinal): PCHAR; $ [systemils.pas feature Returns the memory resource for assigning the specified space to the pointer string Description space will also be saved; use STRDISPOSE to release Reference Function System.getMem Example /// Begin StrallocProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject Varp: pchar; beginp: = stralloc (spinedit1.value); showMessage (Inten (p))); DEC (P, Sizeof (cardinal));

SHOWMESSAGE (INTTOSTR (POINTER (P) ^))); Inc (p, sizeof (cardinal)); strDispose (p); end; /// end stralloc━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f; (Const str: pchar): cardinal; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the unpredictable result of the unpredictable result reference Function System.Sizeof Example spiendit1.value: = strbufsize (stlloc (spinedit2.value)); ━━━━━━━ )━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━::::;;; $ [SysUtils.pas copy function returns a pointer to a string of new instructions if Str is nil nil is returned reference function SysUtils.StrLen; function SysUtils.StrMove; function SysUtils.StrAlloc example /// Begin strNew, StrDisposeprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TOBJECT); VARP: PCHAR; Beginp: = strnew (pchar (edit1.text)); showMessage (p); strdispose (p); end; /// end strnew, strdispose━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 The first procedure strdispose (STR: PCHAR); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature release pointer string STR memory resource notes do not work if the Str is NIL; and release space size information reference Function System . Dec; Function System.freemem example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f ;━ (━━ 首 首 首;; Const Args: Array of const): String; $ [sysut ILS.PAS feature returns a character form that formats a array constant in the specified manner Description This function is the most used function in Delphi, and now list several examples to give you an intuitive understanding "%" [index ":" ] ["-"] [Width] ["." Summary] Type Format ('x =% d', [12]); // 'x = 12' // Most normal Format ('x =% 3D', [12]); // 'x = 12' // Specify the width Format ('x =% f', [12.0]); // 'x = 12.00' // floating point FORMAT ('x =%. 3F' [12.0]); // '= 12.000' // Specify decimal format ('x =%. * F', [5, 12.0]); // '= 12.00000' // Dynamically configure format ('X =%. 5d ', [12]); //' x = 00012 '// front supplement 0Format (' x =%. 5X ', [12]); //' x = 0000c '// hex Format ('x =% 1: D% 0: D', [12, 13]); // 'x = 1312' // Use index format ('x =% p', [nil]); // ' X =

00000000 '// Pointer Format (' x =% 1.1e ', [12.0]); //' =1.2e 001 '// Scientific counting format (' x = %% ", []); / / 'x =%' // Get "%" S: = format ('% s% d', [s, i]); // s: = s strt (i); // Connect string reference proceduer SYSUTILS.FMTSTR example edit1.text: = format (edit2.text, [strtofloatdef (edit.3.text, 0)]); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ The headed procedure fmtstr (var result: string; constline: string; const args: array of const); $ [sysutils.pas function Format a character form of a array constant in a specified manner Returns Reference Function Sysutils.Formatbuf Function System.length; Function System.Setlength Example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首;;;;; Const Args: array Of const): PCHAR; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns a character pointer formatted by formatting a array constant in the specified manner Description If Buffer and Format are returned by NIL, return nil reference function sysutils.formatbuf example ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 The headlight strlfmt (Buffer: Pchar; Maxbuflen: cardinal; Format: Pchar; Const args: array of const): pchar; $ [sysutils. The PAS feature returns a character pointer format that formats a array constant in the specified mode and length Description Strlfmt (VBuffer, 6, '% D | 12345', [1024]) = '1024 | 1'; Refer to Function Sysutils.Formatbuf example ━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━ 首 (var buffer; buflen: cardinal; const format; fmtlen: cardinal; const args: array of const): cardinal; $ [sysutils.pas function Return to format an array constant to the buffer buffer in the specified method Description Reference Example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首WideFormat (const format: wirestring; wideString; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns multi-character format format formatted by formatting a array constant in the specified mode Description Reference Procedure Sysutils.Widefmtstr Example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 (Var Result: WideString; Const Format: WideString; Const Args: array of const);

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Format a multi-byte character form of an array constant by specified mode Returns Reference function sysutils.wideFormatbuf example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ ━ 首 (var buffer; buflen: cardinal; const format; fmtlen: cardinal; const args: array of const): cardinal; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns to format an array constant to format a array constant to Buffer Buffer Description Reference Example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f::::: String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Returns floating point VALUE Convert to string Description When the floating point is equal to 1E15 will adopt scientific counting reference for reference sysutils.floattotext examples edit1.text: = floattostr (now); ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function Currtostr (Value: currency): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return currency VALUE Convert to string Description The number of currency only retains four decimal references Function Sysutils. Floattotext: = currtostr (now); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ (首 首 首━━━━ ((const value: extended): currency; $ [sysutils.pas Function Returns Floating Point Value Converted to Currency Number Description If the floating point value value is exceeding the range, the exception reference const system means.mincurrency; const system, edit1.text: = currtostr (FLOATTOCURR (NOW)); ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━ 首 首 首 f (((Value: Extended; Format: TFL oatFormat; Precision, Digits: Integer): string; $ [SysUtils.pas function and the floating point conversion to the specified format string description Precision specified precision; Decimal Digits specified width of the reference function SysUtils.FloatToText example /// Begin FloatToStrFprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TOBJECT); BeginMemo1.Lines.values ​​['ffGGeneral']: = floattostrf (StrtOFLOATDEF (Edit1.Text, 0), FfGeneral, Spinedit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value; Memo1.Lines.Values ​​['ffexponent'] : = FloatToStrF (StrToFloatDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffExponent, SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2.Value); Memo1.Lines.Values ​​[ 'ffFixed']: = FloatToStrF (StrToFloatDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffFixed, SpinEdit1 .Value, spinedit2.value; memo1.lines.values ​​['ffnumber']: =

FloatToStrF (StrToFloatDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffNumber, SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2.Value); Memo1.Lines.Values ​​[ 'ffCurrency']: = FloatToStrF (StrToFloatDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffCurrency, SpinEdit1.Value , Spinedit2.Value; end; /// end floatostrf━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ (━ 首 f:::; (value: currency; format: tfloatformat; Digits: integer) : string; $ [SysUtils.pas currency type conversion function returns a character string described in a specified format Digits specified fractional width of the reference function SysUtils.FloatToText example /// Begin CurrToStrFprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); beginMemo1.Lines.Values ​​[ 'ffGeneral']: = CurrToStrF (StrToCurrDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffGeneral, SpinEdit1.Value); Memo1.Lines.Values ​​[ 'ffExponent']: = CurrToStrF (StrToCurrDef (Edit1.Text, 0), ffExponent, SpinEdit1 .Value); Memo1.Lines.values ​​['fffiXed']: = currtostrf (strtocurrdef (edit1.text, 0), fffiXed, spinedit1.value; memo1.lines.values ​​['ffnumber']: = Currtostrf (Strtocurrdef Edit1.text, 0), ffnumber, spinedit1.value; memo1.lines.values ​​['ffcurrency']: = currtostrf (StrtOcurrdef (Edit1.Text, 0), FFCurrency, Spinedit1.Value) End; /// end currtostrf━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首━━; ;━ 首 首 首 首:; Const Value; ValueType: TFLoAtValue; Format: Tfloatformat; Precision, Digits: integer: Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns the floating point number to the memory big norm in the specified format to the pointer "DIGITS Specifies the decimal width reference example // begin floattotextProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK Sender: TOBJECT); Varvbuffer: array [0..255] of char; e: extended; becom: = straofloatdef (edit1.text, 0); Spinedit3.Value: = floattotext (vbuffer, e, fvextended, ffnumber, spinedit1. Value, Spinedit2.Value; edit2.text: = Copy (vbuffer, 1, spinedit3.value); end; /// end floattotext (━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first Function Formatfloat (const format: string;

Value: extended: String; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns floating point type Type Type Type Format Convert FormatFloat (',. 00', 1234567890) = '1, 234, 567, 890.00' Reference function sysutils.floattlextFMT example EDIT1. Text: = formatfloat (edit2.text, straofloatdef (edit3.text, 0)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ ((首 首━━━━ (((Const Format: String; Value : Currency: String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the currency type to specify the format string Format converted into a string Description FormatCurr (',. 00', 1234567890) = '1, 234, 567, 890.00' Reference function sysutils.floattotextFMT example edit1.text: = Formatcurr (edit2.text, straopurrdef (edit3.text, 0))); ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━;;; Const Value; ValueType : Tfloatvalue; Format: PCHAR): INTEGER; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns floating point number with specified format string Format Convert Memory Big Novels for pointer strings to specify the type of non-Type Parameter VALUE Type reference example //// Begin FloatToTextFmtprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: array [0..255] of Char; E: Extended; beginE: = StrToFloatDef (Edit1.Text, 0); SpinEdit1.Value: = FloatToTextFmt (vBuffer, E, FveXtended, Pchar (Edit2.Text)); Edit3.Text: = Copy (vbuffer, 1, spine DIT1.VALUE); end; /// end floattlextfmt━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f 首: 首 首 首 首:: Extended; $ [sysutils.pas Function Returns String S Convert to floating point number Description String Non-floating point number When expressed, an exception reference function sysutils.textTOFLOAT example var E: Extended; begin E: = struploat (edit1.text); end; ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 (const default): Extended; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S converted into floating point number Description string Non Return the default value Default Reference Function Sysutils.TextTOFLOAT Example Var E: Extended; Begin E: = StrtOFLOATDEF (Edit1.Text, 0); End; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ The first Function trysTRTOFLOAT (Const S: String; Out value: Extended): boolean; overload; $ [sysutils.pas headfeloat (const s: string)

OUT VALUE: SINGLE: BOOLEAN; OVERLOAD; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS headlight; out value: double): boolean; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S conversion to floating point value value is VALUE Description returns a string successful False value non-floating point numbers and the output values ​​of the reference function SysUtils.TextToFloat indeterminate example /// Begin TryStrToFloatprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varE: Extended; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryStrToFloat (Edit1.Text, E); edit2.text: = formatfloat ('', e); end; /// end trystrtofloat━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首Function Strtocurr: currency; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns String S Convert to currency) String Non-currency Number Expression will cause an exception reference function sysutils.textTofloat example var C: currency; begin C: = STRTOCURR (Edit1.Text); END; ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f 首━ ;━━━ (首 首 首 f f;; Const Default: Currency: currency; SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to currency Number Description String Non-currency Number Expression Returns Default Reference Function Sysutils.TextTOFLOAT Example VAR C: Currency; Begin C: = STRTOCURRDEF (Edit1.Text, 0); End ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ (首 首 首 f ((Const S: String; Out value: currency): Boolean; $ [sysutil S.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to Currency Value Successful Successful Description String Non-currency Number Expression Returns False and Value will output the Uncertain Value Reference Function Sysutils.TextTOFLOAT Example // Begin TrystrtocurrProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender : TOBJECT); VARC: currency; begincheckbox1.checked: = trysTrtocurr (edit1.text, c); edit2.text: = formatCurr ('', c); end; /// endsstrtocurrr━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ 首 首c (Buffer: Pchar; Value; ValueType: TfloatValue): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns to convert the pointer string buffer into non-type variable value description ValueType specified parameter type Value without reference to the type of examples /// Begin TextToFloatprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varE: Extended; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TextToFloat (PChar (Edit1.Text), E, ​​fvExtended); Edit2.text: = formatfloat ('', e); end;

/// end texttofloat━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ (VAR RESULT: TFLoatRec; Const Value; ValueType: TfloatValue; Precision, Decimals: Integer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function converts floating point numbers into floating point structure types and returns to Result Description ValueType specified type; precision specifies accuracy; Decimals specifies decimal reference type sysutils.tfloatrec example ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function DateTimeTotimeStamp (DateTime: tdatetime): TTIMESTAMP; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return date Time Type Convert to Time Structure Type Description Reference Type Sysutils.ttimeStamp example ━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━es━ 首 (const timestamp: TtimeStamp): TDATETIME; $ [sysutils.pas feature return time structure type conversion to date Time Type Description Reference Type Sysutils.ttimeStamp example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f:: TTIMESTAMP; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Return to subtle Convert to Time Structure Type Description Reference Type Sysutils.tTimeStamp example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━es━━━━ 首 首 首 feseses━━━━━━ (const timestamp: TtimeStamp): Comp): Comp ; $ [Sysutils.pas function return time structure type conversion into subtle instructions Reference Type sysutils.ttimestamp example ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f━━━━━━━ Encodedate (Year, Month, Day: Word): TDA Tetime; $ [sysutils.PAS feature returns the date of consolidation year, month, date Description When there is an illegal combination, the exception reference function sysutils.tryEncodedate example edit1.text: = DATETOSTR (SpineDit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value, Spinedit3.Value)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ (首 (Hour, Min, Sec, Msec: Word): TDATETIME; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Returning the merger, minute, second, microseconds, the time description will trigger an exception reference function sysutils.tryencodetime example eDit1.Text: = Timetostr (Spinedit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value, Spinedit3.Value, Spinedit1.Value, Spinedit2.Value, Spinedit3.Value, Spiedit4 .Value); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f f━━en━━━━ (Year, Month, Day: Word; Out Date: tdatetime): boolean

$ [Sysutils.pas feature returns the date of the consolidated year, month, date, successfully, successfully indicates that false is returned when an illegal combination occurs and Date output is 0 Reference function sysutils.isleApyear example // begin TryEncodedateProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject ); varvDate: tDate; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryEncodeDate (SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2.Value, SpinEdit3.Value, TDateTime (vDate)); Edit1.Text: = DateToStr (vDate); end; /// End TryEncodeDate━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ (Hour, Min, Sec, Msec: Word; Out Time: TdateTime): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returning Successful, minute, and microseconds, the time is successful, will return false when an illegal combination occurs and the time output is 0 Reference const systemils.msecsperday example // begin TryEncodetimeProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT); VarvTime: TTIME; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryEncodeTime (SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2.Value, SpinEdit3.Value, SpinEdit3.Value, TDateTime (vTime)); Edit1.Text: = TimeToStr (vTime); end; /// End TryEncodeTime━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首; var Year, Month, Day: Word); $ [sysutils.pas function decomposition date is year, month, day Description Reference function sysutils.decodedatefully example /// begin de codeDateprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varYear, Month, Day: Word; beginDecodeDate (Date, Year, Month, Day); SpinEdit1.Value: = Year; SpinEdit2.Value: = Month; SpinEdit3.Value: = Day; End; /// end decodedate ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━; 首 首 首━━━ 首;; (Const DateTime: TDATETIME; VAR Year, Month, Day, Dow: Word): Boolean ; $ [SysUtils.pas functional decomposition date for year, month, day, week Description [DOW: day of week] reference function SysUtils.DateTimeToTimeStamp example /// Begin DecodeDateFullyprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varYear, month, day , Date, Year, Month, Day, DOW; Spinedit1.Value: = year; Spinedit2.Value: = MONTH; SPINEDIT3.VALUE: = DAY; SPINEDIT4.VALUE: = DOW; END;

/// end decodatefully ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━;;; Var Year, Month, Day, Dow: Word: Boolean; $ [Sysutils.PAS function Description Kylix function reference function sysutils.decodedatefully example ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━ (((━ 首 首 首 首; Var Hour, min, sec, msec: word); $ [sysutils.PAS function Decomposition time is time, minute, second, subtle instructions Reference function sysutils.datetimeTotimeStamp example // Begin decodetimeProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: Tobject) ); Varhour, Min, Sec, Msec: Word; Begindecodetime (Time, Hour, Min, Sec, MSEC); Spinedit1.Value: = Hour; Spinedit2.Value: = min; Spinedit3.Value: = sec; spinedit4.value: = Msec; end; /// End Decodetime━━━━━━━━ 首━ 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首━ 首 首 首 首 首 首;;;; Var SystemTime: TsystemTime); $ [SYSUTILS. PAS function Return date Time Type Convert to System Time Type Description Reference function sysutils.Decodedatefully; function sysutils.decodetime example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ First Function SystemTimtoduodateTime (const systemtime): tdatetime; $ [sysutils .PAS feature return system Time type Convert to date Time Type Description Reference function sysutils.Encodedate; function sysutils.Encodetime example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ The first Function Dayofweek (const datetime: tdatetime): Word; $ [sysutils.pas feature return date time DateTime's week Description 1 (Sunday), 2 (Monday), 3 (Tuesday), 4 (Wednesday), 5 ( Thursday), 6 (Friday), 7 (Saturday) Reference Function Sysutils.DatetimeTotimeStamp Example /// Begin DayofweekProcedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT); contincweekcn: array [1..7] of string = ('Sunday', ' Monday ',' Tuesday ',' Wednesday ',' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ', SYSTEM UNIVERSITY. =................................................... ━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━ 首;; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the current date Description Date - int (date) = 0;

Reference function sysutils.datetimetostring example edit1.text: = DATETOSTR (date); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首;;; $ [sysutils.pas feature return Current Time Description Time - FRAC (TIME) = 0; Refer to Function Windows.GetLocalTime; Function Sysutils.Encodetime Example Edit1.Text: = Timetostr (Time); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ header function Now: TDateTime; $ [SysUtils.pas function returns the current date and time description date time = Now reference function Windows.GetLocalTime; function SysUtils.EncodeDate; function SysUtils.EncodeTime example Edit1.Text: = DateTimeToStr (Now ); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function Currentyear: Word; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the current year Description Reference function windows.getlocaltime example spinedit1. Value: = currentyear; ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━ ((const datetime: tdatetime; Numberofmonths: Integer = 1): TDATETIME; $ [sysutils.pas function Back to the increase in month date February described with reference to the Save procedure SysUtils.DecodeDate NumberOfMonths when negative; procedure SysUtils.IncAMonth; function SysUtils.EncodeDate; procedure SysUtils.ReplaceTime example DateTimePicker1.Date: = IncMonth (date, SpinEdit1.Value); ━━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首Ure Incamonth (VAR Year, Month, Day: Word; Numberofmonths: Integer = 1); $ [sysutils.pas feature returns to increase the month to the Year of the Year, NumberofmontHs is negative when the month is a negative reference process example /// begin IncAMonthprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvYear, vMonth, vDay: Word; beginDecodeDate (Date, vYear, vMonth, vDay); IncAMonth (vYear, vMonth, vDay, SpinEdit1.Value); DateTimePicker1.Date: = EncodeDate (vYear , VMONTH, VDAY; end; /// end incamsth━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ (首 ;━━━━━ ((var datetime: tdatetime; $ [Sysutils.PAS function time newtime Replace Date Time DateTime Time Part of DateTime Description INTTIME FRAC (NewTime) Reference function system.trunc; function system.abs;

Examples of function System.Frac /// Begin ReplaceTimeprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvDateTime: TDateTime; beginvDateTime: = Now; ReplaceTime (vDateTime, DateTimePicker1.Time); Edit1.Text: = DateTimeToStr (vDateTime); end; / // end replacedime━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ 首 首; const newdate: tdatetime; $ [sysutils.pas function date newdate replacement date date time DateTime section describes Int (NewTime) Frac (DateTime) reference example SysUtils.ReplaceTime procedure /// Begin ReplaceDateprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvDateTime: TDateTime; beginvDateTime: = Now; ReplaceDate (vDateTime, DateTimePicker1 .Date); edit1.text: = datetimetostr (vdatetime); end; /// end replacedate ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f━━━ (首 ((((((((((((((Year: Word) : Boolean; $ [sysutils.PAS feature returns Year Year is a leap year description (Year Mod 4 = 0) AND (Year Mod 400 = 0)) Reference example checkbox1.checked : = ISLAPYEAR (SPINEDIT1.VALUE); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━) 首 首 f;; $ [s@ s@ s ui. 功能 功能 功能 日 日 日Datet IME Conversion into a string Description Conversion format The system variable shortdateformat control reference function systemils.datetimetostring; var sysutils.shortdateformat EDIT1.TEXT: = DATETOSTR (date); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ header function TimeToStr (const DateTime: TDateTime): string; $ [SysUtils.pas function return time DateTime converted into a string format conversion described with reference to function SysUtils.DateTimeToString LongTimeFormat control by the system variable; var SysUtils.LongTimeFormat example Edit1 .Text: = Timetostr (Date); ━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f━)) 首 首; $ [sysutils.pas feature return date Time DateTime Convert to String Description Translation Format The System Variable ShortdateFormat and LongTimeFormat Control Reference function sysutils.datetimetostring example edit1.text: = DATETITOTOSTR (now); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ The first FUNCTION STRTODATE (Const S: String): TDATETIME;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to date Description Character Non-date Expression will cause an exception reference function sysutils.tryStodate example DateTimePicker1.Date: = stratodate (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ The first Function Strtodatedef (const default: tdatetime): tdatetime; $ [systemils.pas feature return string S converted to date Description Character Non-date expression When you return to the default Value Default Reference Function Sysutils.TryStodate example = stradatedef (edit1.text, date); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ (((首━━━━━ (((((Const S: String; out value: tdatetime): boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returning String S) Returning to the date VALUE Successfully Description Character Non-Date Expression Returns False and Value will output example /// begin trystrtodateProcedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvDateTime: TDateTime; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryStrToDate (Edit1.Text, vDateTime); DateTimePicker1.Date: = vDateTime; end; /// End TryStrToDate━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 The first Function Strtotime (Const S: String): TDATETIME; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to Time Description Character Non-time Expression will cause an exception reference function sysutils. Trystrtotime example DateTimePicker1.Time: = startIME (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━ ( nst S: string; const Default: TDateTime): TDateTime; $ [SysUtils.pas function returns a string S is converted into the time described with reference to returns the default value Default function when the non-time expression character SysUtils.TryStrToTime example DateTimePicker1.Time: = StrToTimeDef ( Edit1.text, time); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━━ ((Const S: String; Out value: tdatetime): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas Function Returns String S Convert to Time Value Successful Successful Description Character Non-Time Expression Returns False and Value will output example /// begin trystotimeProcedure TFORM1.B /BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TObject); varvdatetime: tdatetime; begincheckbox1. Checked: = trystotime (edit1.text, vdatetime); DateTimePicker1.Time: = vdatetime; end; /// end trystotime━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首(const s: string): TDATETIME;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns String S Convert to date Time Description Character Non-date Time Expression will cause an exception reference function sysutils.trystodatetime example edit1.text: = DATETIMETOSTR (STRTODATETIME (EDIT2.TEXT)); ━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━ 首 首 首 f f 首 首 f (((const default: tdatetime): TDATETIME; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S converted to date Time Description Character Non Date Time Expression Returns the default value default reference function sysutils.trystrtodatetime example edit1.text: = DATETIMEF (Edit2.Text, now); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first Function TrystodateTime (Const S: TDATETIME): Boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returning String S Convert to Date Time Value Successfully Illustrating Character Non-Date Time Expression Returning False and Value will output Referring to 0 examples /// Begin TryStrToDateTimeprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvDateTime: TDateTime; beginCheckBox1.Checked: = TryStrToDateTime (Edit1.Text, vDateTime); Edit2.Text: = DateTimeToStr (vDateTime); end ; /// End trystodatetime━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f━━ ((((const format: string; datetime: tdatetime): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns Format DateTime with the specified format formtime Description FormatorTime ('YYYY "year" mm "month" DD "Japanese"' STRTODATE ('2002-03-09')) = '2002 March 09th' Reference function sysutils.datetimetostring example edit2.text: = formatdatetime (edit1.text, now); ━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first procedure DateTimetString (Var Result: string; const format: string; datetime: tdatetime); $ [systemils.pas function with the specified format format to format the date time DateTime and return To the string Result Refer to Function System.setString Examples ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f (━━━━━━ 首 ((const value: extended) : Tdatetime; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns floating point number Convert to date Time Type Description If the floating point exceeds the range will trigger an exception reference function example edit2.text: = DateTimetostr (FLOATTDETIME (Edit1.Text, 0)) );

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f 首::: String; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Returns the information corresponding to the error code in the system Description this letter You can help users who have been used to WINDOWS programming Function Windows.FormatMASSAGE; FUNCTION System.SetString example edit1.text: = syserrorMessage (Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ header function GetLocaleStr (Locale, LocaleType: Integer; const Default: string): string; platform; $ [SysUtils.pas system function returns the current value of the parameter description of the specified string GetLocaleStr (GetThreadLocale, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, '') = 'Chinese (China)' Reference Function Windows.getlocaleInfo EDIT1.TEXT: = getlocalestr (getthreadlocale, Spinedit1.Value, '); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ The first Function GetLocaleChar (Locale, localtype: integer; default: char): char; platage; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns the character value of the current system Specify parameters Description getLocalechar (GetthreadLocale, local_sthousand, # 0) = ', 'Reference Function Windows.getlocaleInfo example edit1.text: = getlocalechar (getthreadlocale, locale_slanguage, # 0); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首s━━━━━━━━sS; $ [SYSUTILS .PAS function recovery system parameter setting Description Date Time Format, etc. Reference Function Windows.getthreadLocale; functi on Windows.GetLocaleStr example /// Begin GetFormatSettingsprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); beginShortDateFormat: = 'YYYY "in" MM "month" DD "Day"'; ShowMessage (DateToStr (Date)); GetFormatSettings; ShowMessage (DateToStr (DATE); end; /// end formattings━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━ 首━━━ 首 首 首 首 首::::: TsignalState; $ [sysutils.pas feature Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ (RTLSIGNUM: Integer); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━;;; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature Description Kylix function reference <

Null> Example ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━;; Onlyifhooked: Boolean = true); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Features Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━ h━━━━━━; 首━━ h━━━xpp;; 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明 说明>> Description Kylix Function Reference example ━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f━━ ((Signum: Integer; Context: psigcontext): longword; $ [sysutils.pas function < NULL> Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ (ExceptioneiP: longword; faultaddr: longword; errorcode: longword) [SYSUTILS.PAS function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━ppp (msg: string) $ [Sysutils.pas function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首pp (((((━━━━pppp (((((AddR: Pointer) ; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━━━━ 首p:: string; $ [ SYSUTILS.PAS feature Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━ g━━━━━pppppp━━ R: Pointer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f (首 ((((((ModulenAme : Pchar): hmodule; $ [sysutils.pas function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 f 首 f f f 首 首 首 首 首 首 首(Module: hmodule): longbool; $ [sysutils.pas feature Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首Function getProcaddress (Module: hmodule; proc: pchar): Pointer; $ [sysutils.pas function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━ 首 The first Function getModuleHandle (Modulename: Pchar): hmodule;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 ((━━━━━━hh (packagename: Pchar): HMODULE; $ [sysutils.pas function Description Kylix function reference example ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首━━━━ (首 首 首 首 首 首 ((((((首 首 ( ); {$ Ifdef mswindows}} stdcall; {$ ENDIF} $ [systemils.pas function allows the program to sleep for a while to explain example Sleep (3000); ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 fc: hmodule: string; $ [sysutils.pas feature Name Name Description If the parameter is 0, return the name of the current program reference Function Windows.getModuleFileName Example /// Begin GetModuleNameprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvHandle: THandle; beginvHandle: = LoadLibrary (PChar (Edit1.Text)); Caption: = getModuleName (vHandle); FreeLibrary (vHandle); end; /// End GetModulenAme ━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━; 首 (ExceptDr: Pointer; Buffer: Pchar; Size: Integer: Integer; $ [sysutils.pas Function Returns the failure of the operation pointer failure Description Information is placed in Buffer Buffer Reference Function Windows.VirtualQuery; Function Windows.getModuleFileName Example /// Begin ExceptionError ssageprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvBuffer: array [0..255] of Char; beginExceptionErrorMessage (Self, Self, vBuffer, 255); Caption: = vBuffer; end; /// End ExceptionErrorMessage━━━━━ ━━━━━━ 首━ 首━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首;;; EXCEPTADDR: POINTER); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature prompts an operation pointer failure error Description Support Console Program Reference Function Sysutils . EXCESTEM.ISCONSOLE; FUNCTION SYSTEM.FINDRESOURCEHINSTANCE Example ShowException (Self, Self); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ ;━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 首; 首Function Causes Abandoned Accident Description Not Display any error message reference Type Sysutils.eabort example Abort; ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首; ;━━━━━━erer; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Function Trigger Welded Anomalous Description

Refer to var sysutils.outofmemory example OutofMemoryError; ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━ ;━ 首 首 p━━;;;; 首 首 首;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 出 说明 出 说明 的 说明 说明 的 说明 说明 的 说明 说明Function Windows.MessageBeep example beep; ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━ ((Const S: String; Index: Integer): TMBCSBYTYPE; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Returns the characters on the String S Location Index In MBCS Type Description Multi-byte Character System: Multi-Byte Character System (MBCS) Reference Var System1.Value: = ORD (ByType (Edit1.Text, Spinedit2.Value) )))); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 首 首 首 首 (str: pchar; index: cardinal): TMBCSBYTYPE; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns the pointer string STR Location Index The character in MBCS Type Description Index starts reference from 0 Reference Var systemils.syslocale example spinedit1.value: = ORD (StrbyteType (pchar (pchar (edit1.text), spinedit2.value)); ━━━━━━━)) ━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function ByTetocharlen (const S: String; Maxlen: Integer): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Return to how many multi-byte characters in the string S. Maxlen designated Processing characters Number reference function sysutils.bytetocharindex example spinedit1.Value: = bytetocharlen (edit1.text, spinedit2.valu); ━━━━) )━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━t 首(const s: string; maxlen: Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns how many characters in string s Description Maxlen Specify a multi-byte character number reference var systemils.syslocale example spinedit1.value: = chartobytelen (edit1.text, spiT2.Value ); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f 首 首 (const S: string; index: integer; $ [sysutils.pas function) Return to the character position Multi-byte character position Description bytetocharindex ('Hello ", 2) = 1; bytetocharindex (' Hello ', 3) = 2 Reference function sysutils.nextcharindex example spinedit1.Value: = bytetocharindex (edit1.text, spiT, spiit1.text, spiT, spiit2.value) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first Function ChartobyteIndex (Const S: String; Index: Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns Multi-byte Character Location Corresponding character starting position Description CHARTOBYTEINDEX ('Hello', 1) = 1; ChartobyteIndex ('Hello', 2) = 3 Reference Function System.length Example SpineDit1.Value: =

ChartobyteIndex (Edit1.Text, Spinedit2.Value); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━:: (Const str: Pchar): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns the width description parameters for the first character to return 0 Reference function windows.Charnext example spinedit1.value: = STRCHARLENGTH (Pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ 首 首 首 f 首 首 首 (const str: pchar): Pchar; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns the next character pointer of the character pointer STR Description StrNextchar ('1234') = '234'; Reference Function Windows.CharNext Example edit2.text: = strnextchar (pchar (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━ (((((((Const S: String; Index: Integer) : Integer; $ [sysutils.PAS function Returns the character width of the specified position in the string Description Charlength ('English Han, 1) = 1; Charlength (' English Han ', 8) = 2 Reference Function System.Assert; function sys automation .Strcharlength example spinedit1.value: = charlength (edit1.text, spinedit2.value); ━━━━━━ )━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ (((const S: string; index : Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function returns the next character location Description Charlength ('Hello', 1) = 3; Charlength ('Hello', 3) = 5 Reference Function System.Assert; function systeils .Strcharlength example spinedit1.value: = Nextcharindex (Edit1.Text, Spinedit2.Value); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━ (((Const S: String; Index: INTEGER): Boolean; $ [ SysUtils.pas function returns the string S in position Index Specifies whether a path separator is described IsPathDelimiter ( 'C: / Windows', 3) = True reference const SysUtils.PathDelim; function SysUtils.ByteType example CheckBox1.Checked: = IsPathDelimiter (Edit1.Text, Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━ (首 首 f f f━ ((Const Delimiters, S: String; Index: Integer): Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Returns in the specified position index in the specified position index is a separator Delimiters description IsDelimiter ('@', '', 8) = true reference function sysutils.bytetype example checkbox1.checked: =

Isdelimiter (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Spinedit1.Value); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━ ((((const s: string): string; $ [ SYSUTILS.PAS feature returns to include the last path separator Description The last character is the path separator. If you add a path separator returns a reference function system.Length example edit1.text: = includetrailingPathDelimiter (Edit2. TEXT); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首 首 (const s: string): string; platform; $ [systemils.pas feature returns to include the last slash Result: = IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter (S); an example of the reference function SysUtils.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter Edit1.Text: = IncludeTrailingBackslash (Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ header function ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter (const S: String): String; $ [sysutils.pas function return exclude Last path separator Description The last character is not the path separator is constant; otherwise subtract the last path separator returns Function Sysutils.ispathDelimiter; Function System .Length; function system.setlength example Edit1.text: = ExcludetrailingPathDelimiter (edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 ((const s: string) : String; Platform; $ [sysutils.pas function return exclusion last slash Result: = ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter (S) Reference example function SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter Edit1.Text: = ExcludeTrailingBackslash (Edit2.Text); header ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ function LastDelimiter ( Const Delimiters, S: String): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function Returns the last separator location Description LastDelimiter ('.', 'KINGRON.MYETANG.COM') = 16 Reference function sysutils.strscan; function sysutils.bytepe Example spinedit1.value: = lastdelimiter (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ ((Const S1, S2: String): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas function returns two file name description When S1> S2 return value> 0; when S1

AnsicompareFileName (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f━━━:: (Const S1, S2: String): Boolean; $ [SYSUTILS. The PAS feature returns whether the two file names are subject to differential cases. Reference reference function sysutils.ansicompareFileName example checkbox1.checked: = SameFileName (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ ━ 首 (const s: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns lowercase file name Description Equivated on the non-multibyte character system is equivalent to ansilowercase reference function sysutils.ansilowerCase example edit2.text: = AnsilowerCaseFileName (edit1.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━:: ((const s: string): String; $ [sysutils.pas feature to return to uppercase Name Description Equivalent to ANSIUPPERCASE Reference Function Sysutils.ansiUppercase example edit2.text: = ANSIUPPERCASEFILENAME (Edit1.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ 首 The first Function Ansipos (Const Substr, S: String): Integer; $ [sysutils.pas feature return substrings Substr in the first appearance of the first appearance instructions not exist, return 0 Reference SySUTILS.ASISTRPOS example spinedit1.Value: = Ansipos (edit1.text, edit2.text); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━:: 首 首 f;; $ [SYSUTILS. PAS function returns the pin s string SUBS Tr in the pointer position of the first appearance in the pointer characters, returns a nil reference function sysutils.strbytetype example edit3.text: = Ansistrpos (pchar (edit1.text), pchar (edit2.text)); ━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━━━━ 首 (str: pchar; chr: char): PCHAR; $ [sysutils.pas function Return to the pointer string STR search character chr last appearance Address Description Supports multi-byte character system; Ansistrrscan ('', '.') = '.Com' refer to function sysutils.ansistrscan example Edit2.text: = ANSISTRSCAN (Pchar (edit1.text), ' "); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 f f f━ (: (str: pchar; chr: char): pchar; $ [sysutils.pas function Return to pointer characters String STR Search Character CHR The first address description supports multi-byte character system; Ansistrrscan ('', '.') = '' refer to function sysutils.strscan example Edit2.Text: =

ANSISTRSCAN (Pchar (edit1.text), '.'); ━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ (首 首 f f━━━ ((((Const S, OldPattern, NewPattern: String; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string; the string $ [SysUtils.pas replaced Description returns the entire contents of the replacement rfReplaceAll; rfIgnoreCase ignore the case of the reference function SysUtils.AnsiUpperCase; function SysUtils.AnsiPos; function System.Copy example /// Begin StringReplaceprocedure TFORM1.BUTTON1CLICK (Sender: TOBJECT); BeginMemo1.Lines.Values ​​['[]']: = StringRext, Edit3.Text, []); Memo1.Lines.Values ​​['[RFREPLACEALL] ']: = StringReplace (Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Edit3.Text, [RFREPLACEALL]); Memo1.Lines.Values ​​[' [RFIGNORECASE] ']: = StringReplace (edit1.text, edit2.text, edit3.text [Rfignorecase]); memo1.lines.values ​​['[RFREPLACEALL, RFIGNORECASE]: = StringReplace (edit1.text, edit2.text, edit3.text, [rfreplaceallAll, rfignore]); end; /// end stringReplace ━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 The first Function WrapText (Const Line, Breakstr: String; Const Breakchars: Tsyscharst; Maxcol: Integer: String; OverLoad; $ [sysutils. PAS headlight wraptext (const line: string; maxcol: integer = 45): String; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return to string automatic wrap instructions Result: = WrapText (line, slinebreak, ['', '-', # 9] , Maxcol); Reference function sysutils.charlength; function systemils.comParetext exampleMo1.text: = wraptext (memo2.text, spinedit1.value); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ header function FindCmdLineSwitch (const Switch: string; const Chars: TSysCharSet; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Boolean; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas header function FindCmdLineSwitch (const Switch: string): Boolean; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas header Function Findcmdlineswitch (const switch: bolean): boolean; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature return program command parameter finds Result: =

FindCmdLineSwitch (Switch, SwitchChars, True); reference function System.ParamCount; function System.ParamStr; function SysUtils.AnsiCompareText example CheckBox1.Checked: = FindCmdLineSwitch (Edit1.Text); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━ 首 首 p p;; $ [sysutils.pas feature release object OBJ and empty instructions If the object has released the resource will trigger an exception reference type system.tobject example /// begin FreeAndnilProcedure TFORM1 .Button1Click (Sender: TOBJECT); VARTEMP: TOBJECT; begintemp: = Tobject.create; Temp.Free; showMessage (Format ('% p', [Pointer (Temp)]); Temp: = Tobject.create; FreeAndnil Temp); showMessage (Format ('% p', [Pointer (TEMP)])); end; /// end freeandnil━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首function Supports (const Instance: IInterface; const IID: TGUID; out Intf): Boolean; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas header function Supports (const Instance: TObject; const IID: TGUID; out Intf): Boolean; overload; $ [ SysUtils.pas header function Supports (const Instance: IInterface; const IID: TGUID): Boolean; overload; $ [SysUtils.pas header function Supports (const Instance: TObject; const IID: TGUID): Boolean; over LOAD; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS header Function Supports (Const Aclass: Tclass; Const IID: Tguid): Boolean; overload; $ [sysutils.pas feature Returns whether the object supports the specified interface Description Result: = aclass.GetInterfaceEntry (IID) < > NIL; Refer to Type System.tobject Examples ━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 f━━:: :━━ 首 首:::: HRESULT; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS Create a global function returns successful identification described with reference to returns S_OK on success function Windows.CoCreateGuid example /// Begin CreateGUIDprocedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); varvGUID: TGUID; beginCreateGUID (vGUID); Edit1.Text: = GUIDToString (vGUID) End; /// end createguid━━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首 首::: (const S: String): Tguid; $ [sysutils.pas feature return string S Convert to Global Label Description If the string illegally will trigger an exception reference fuction windows.SuCceeded example edit2.text: =

GuidToString (StringToguid (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━: 首 首 首 f 首━:::: String; $ [sysutils.pas feature Return Global Labeling GUID Converted to Strings Description Reference fuction windows.succeeded example edit2.text: = guidtostring (edit1.text)); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━ The first Function Isequalguid (const guid1, guid2: tguid): boolean; $ [sysutils.pas feature returns two global identity whether it is the same instructions Function ISEQUALGUID; External 'Ole32.dll' Name 'ISEQUALGUID'; Reference example Checkbox1.checked: = ISEqualguid (StringToguid (Edit1.Text), StringToguid (Edit2.Text)); ━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━ ((首 首 f━━━: ((((Const Name: String): hmodule; $ [sysutils.pas feature return to the package resource Description Reference function sysutils.safeloadlibrary; function sysutils.initializePackage; Function Windows.Freelibrary example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 The first procedure unloadPackage (Module: hmodule); $ [sysutils.pas feature cancellation 包包 资 资 资 说明 Reference function sysutils.FinalizePackage; Function Windows.Freelibrary example ━━ ━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━ g━f (Module: HModule; Param: Pointer; Var Flags: in Teger; InfoProc: TPackageInfoproc); $ [SYSUTILS.PAS function return package information Description Reference example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ header function GetPackageDescription (ModuleName: PChar): string; $ [SysUtils.pas package description explains the function returns reference function System.LoadResourceModule; function Windows.LoadLibraryEx example ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━ 首 The first procedure initializePackage (Module: hmodule); $ [sysutils.pas function initialization package Description Reference function WINDOS.GETPROCADDRESS example ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━ The first procedure finalizePackage (Module: hmodule); $ [sysutils.pas function termination package Description Reference Function WINDOS.GETPROCADDRESS example ━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ The first procedure raiselastoserror;

$ [SYSUTILS.PAS function Trigger the last exception of the operating system Description If there is no exception, the default call API function exception reference function windows.getlasterror example RaiseLastoserror; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ The first excerrow; deprecated; $ [sysutils.pas feature triggered the last exception of the Win32 system Description If there is no exception, the API function is not a refer to the API function exception reference function sysutils.raiselastoserror; example raiselastwin32error; ━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ 首 首c: Bool; Platform; $ [SYSUTILS.PAS feature return detection call system API function return result Description If RetVal is False, trigger anomalous reference FUNCTION examples SysUtils.RaiseLastOSError CheckBox2.Checked: = Win32Check (CheckBox1.Checked); ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ header procedure AddTerminateProc (TermProc: TTerminateProc); $ [SysUtils. pas features added to the system during an exit instructions AddTerminateProc (nil) will cause the system exception const System.TerminateProcList reference example /// Begin AddTerminateProcfunction NewTerminateProc: Boolean; beginResult: = True; ShowMessage ( 'NewTerminateProc'); end; procedure TForm1 .Button1Click (Sender: TOBJECT); BeginaddterminateProc (newTerminateProc); end; /// end addterminateProc━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━;; $ [sysutils .PAS function returns Whether to successfully explain whether to call the reference const system.terminateProClist example CallterminateProcs; ━━━━━━━ 首 首 首━━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 首━━━━━━━d;; $ [Sysutils.PAS Description Reference example ━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━━━━; ;━━ 首 首 首━━━;;;; ;━━ 首;;;;;; ━>;> Reference example ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 首 首━━ 首━;;; 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首;;;; 首>>>> Description Reference example ━━━━━━━━━ 首━━━━━━━ 首 首 首 f f f;; 首 (const filename: string; erroormode: uint = SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX): HModule; $ [sysutils. PAS feature Return to safe mode Load Dynamic Library Resource Description Reference Function Windows.LoadLibrary Example


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