Windows Data Types

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  57

Windows Data Types

The Data Types Supported by Microsoft® Windows® Are Used To Define Function Return Values, Function and Message Parameters, and structure members. Thede define theid..

The following table contains the following types: character, integer, Boolean, pointer, and handle The character, integer, and Boolean types are common to most C compilers Most of the pointer-type names begin with a prefix of P or LP... HASLES REFER TO A Resource That Has Been Loaded Into Memory. For More Information About Handling 64-Bit Integers, See Large Integers.

Data Types

ValueMeaningAtomatom. For more information, see


.BOOLBoolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE) .BOOLEANBoolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE) .BYTEByte (8 bits) .CALLBACKCalling convention for callback functions.CHAR8-bit Windows (ANSI) character. For more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.COLORREFRed, green, blue (RGB) color value (32 bits). See COLORREF for information on this type.CONSTVariable whose value is to remain constant during execution.CRITICAL_SECTIONCritical-section object. For more information, see

Critical section Objects

.DWORD32-bit unsigned integer.DWORD_PTRUnsigned long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long type to perform pointer arithmetic. (Also commonly used for general 32-bit parameters that have been extended to 64 bits in 64-bit Windows .) DWORD3232-bit unsigned integer.dword6464-bit unsigned integer.floatfloating-point variable.haccelhandle to an an

Accelerator Table

.Handlehandle to an Object.hbitmaphandle to a


Hbrushhandle TO A


.Hconvhandle to a dynamic data Exchange (DDE) Conversation.hconvlistHandle to a Dde Conversation List.hcursorhandle To Acursor

.Hdchandle to a

Device context



.Hdrophandle.hdwphandle to a deferred window position structure.henhmetafilehandle to an AN


.Hfilehandle to a file turn year




.Hfonthandle to a


.Hgdiobjhandle to a gdi Object.hglobalhandle to a global memory block.hhookhandle to a


.Hiconhandle to an an


.HIMAGELISTHandle to an image list.HIMCHandle to input context.HINSTANCEHandle to an instance.HKEYHandle to a registry key.HKLInput locale identifier.HLOCALHandle to a local memory block.HMENUHandle to a


.Hmetafilehandle to a


.Hmodulehandle to a module. The value is the base address of the module.hmonitorhandle to a display monitor.hpalettehandle to a


.Hpenhandle to a




.Hrsrchandle to a resource.hszhandle to a dde string.hwinstahandle to a

Window station

.Hwndhandle to a


.INT32-bit signed integer.INT_PTRSigned integral type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to an integer to perform pointer arithmetic.INT3232-bit signed integer.INT6464-bit signed integer.LANGIDLanguage identifier. For more information, see


.Lcidlocale Identifier. For more information, see


.LcTypelocale Information Type. For a list, see

Locale and language information

.LONG32-bit signed integer. LONG_PTRSigned long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long to perform pointer arithmetic.LONG3232-bit signed integer.LONG6464-bit signed integer.LONGLONG64-bit signed integer.LPARAMMessage parameter.LPBOOLPointer to a BOOL. LPBYTEPointer to a BYTE. LPCOLORREFPointer to a COLORREF value.LPCRITICAL_SECTIONPointer to a CRITICAL_SECTION.LPCSTRPointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters. For more information, seeCharacter Sets Used By Fonts

.Lpctstran LPCWSTR IF


IS defined, an lpctstr Otherwise.lpcvoidpointer to a constant of any type.lpcwstrpoint kettant null-terminated string of 16-bit unicode character, see, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Lpdwordpointer to a dword.lphanpointer to a Handle.lpintpointer to an int.lplongpointer to a long.lpstrpointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit windows (ANSI) Characters. For more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Lptstran LPWSTR IF


IS defined, an lpstr otherwise.lpvoidpointer to any type.lpwordpointer to a word.lpwstrpointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit unicode characters. for more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.LRESULTSigned result of message processing.LUIDLocally unique identifier. PBOOLPointer to a BOOL.PBOOLEANPointer to a BOOL.PBYTEPointer to a BYTE.PCHARPointer to a CHAR.PCRITICAL_SECTIONPointer to a CRITICAL_SECTION.PCSTRPointer to a constant null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows ( ANSI) Characters. For more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Pctstra PCWSTR IF


IS defined, a pcstr otherwise.pcwchpointer to a constant wchar.pcwstrpointer to a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit unicode characters. for more information, seecharacter sets buy by fonts

. PDWORDPointer to a DWORD.PFLOATPointer to a FLOAT.PHANDLEPointer to a HANDLE.PHKEYPointer to an HKEY.PINTPointer to an INT. PLCIDPointer to an LCID.PLONGPointer to a LONG.PLUIDPointer to a LUID. POINTER_3232-bit pointer. On a 32- Bit System, This Is A Native Pointer. on A Truncated 64-Bit Pointer. Pointer_6464-Bit Pointer. on A 64-Bit System, This Is A Native Pointer. on A 32-bit System, SYSTEM This is a sign-extended 32-bit Pointer.PshortPointer to a short.pstrpointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit windows (ANSI) Characters. for more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Ptbytepointer to a tbyte.ptcharpointer to a tchar.ptstrpwstriff


Is Defined, a pstr otherwise.ptbytepointer to a Tbyte.ptcharpointer to a tchar.ptstra Pwstrix


is defined, a PSTR otherwise.PUCHARPointer to a UCHAR.PUINTPointer to a UINT.PULONGPointer to a ULONG.PUSHORTPointer to a USHORT.PVOIDPointer to any type.PWCHARPointer to a WCHAR.PWORDPointer to a WORD.PWSTRPointer to a null-terminated string of 16-bit unicode Characters. For more information, see

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Regsamsecurity access mask for registry key.sc_handlehandle to a service control manager database. For more information, see

SCM Handles

. SC_LOCKHANDLE TO A Service Control Manager Database Lock. For more information, See

SCM Handles

.Service_status_handlehandle to a service status value. For more information, see

SCM Handles

.Shortshort. Size_tthe maximum number of bytes to which a pointer can point. Use for a count this must span the full runging of a pointer.ssize_ tsigned size_t.tbytea wchar iFunicode

IS defined, a char ketherwise.tchara wchar IF


is defined, a CHAR otherwise.UCHARUnsigned CHAR.UINTUnsigned INT.UINT_PTRUnsigned INT_PTR.UINT32Unsigned INT32.UINT64Unsigned INT64.ULONGUnsigned LONG.ULONG_PTRUnsigned LONG_PTR.ULONG32Unsigned LONG32.ULONG64Unsigned LONG64.ULONGLONG64-bit unsigned integer.UNSIGNEDUnsigned attribute.USHORTUnsigned SHORT.VOIDAny type.WCHAR16 -bit Unicode Character. for more information, See

Character Sets Used by Fonts

.Winapicalling convention for system functions.word16-bit unsigned integer.wparammessage parameter.


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