- Arrangement of SQL Server functions ------------- (original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

- SQL Server function in the arrangement ------------- set quoted_identifier on goset ANSI_NULLS ON GO

Create Procedure Up_get_sort @ls_o varchar (10) assdeclare @LL_SORT INT, @LDC_Value Dec (9, 2), @LS_ID VARCHAR (16), @LL_SAME INT, @LS_SQL VARCHAR (200)


--- Rank calculation --------------------------------- There is such a rule value the same rankings, - and 3 people in place, for example, the first fraction, then the second place starts from 4 starts ------ ================== ==== ---------------- Before starting, save the keywords and values ​​to the exam_use_sort table set @LL_SORT = 1

If LOWER (@ls_o) = 'DESC' or LOWER (@ls_o) = 'D' Begin - Descending Set @LS_SQL = 'SELECT ID, USE_VALUE FROM_USE_SORT ORDER BY ISNULL (USE_VALUE, 0) DESC'

Endelsebegin - Ascending Set @LS_SQL = 'SELECT ID, USE_VALUE FROM_USE_SORT ORDER BY ISNULL (Use_Value, 0)' End

EXEC ('Declare Cur Cursor for' @ ls_sql)

Open Cur;

Fetch next from cur @ il @ ls_id, @ ldc_value;

WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINupdate exam_use_sort set use_sort = @ll_sort where use_value = @ldc_value; - have the same how many select @ll_same = isnull (count (*), 0) from exam_use_sortwhere use_value = @ldc_value;


Fetch next from cur @ il @ ls_id, @ ldc_value;



Goset quoted_identifier off goset ANSI_NULLS ON Go

------- Function Usage ------------------ Create Table [Exam_Use_Sort] ([ID] [VARCHAR] (20) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [USE_VALUE] [Decimal] (18, 2) NULL, [USE_SORT] [INT] NULL) ON [PRIMARY] GO


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