String object properties and methods in JavaScript

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

Property 1.concture specifies a function of creating an object. The constructor property is a prototype member for each object with prototype. This includes all internal JScript objects other than Arguments, Enumerator, Error, Global, Math, Regexp, Regular Expression, and VBarray objects. The constructor property contains references to some functions, which constructs an instance of a particular object. Class-based objects do not have a constructor property. 2. Gene returns the length of the string. The Length property contains an integer that indicates the number of characters in the String object. The last character of the String object is the reference to the prototype for the class of length - 1.3.Prototype. Provide a set of basic functions with the Prototype property. The new instance of the object "Inherited" has a behavior that gives the prototype of the object. All internal JScript objects have a read-only Prototype property. As in this example, the prototype is added to the prototype, but it is not possible to give another prototype to the object. However, a new prototype can be given to the user-defined object. In this language reference, both the method and attribute list of each internal object indicate which of the object prototypes, which is not. Note: The prototype property of the built-in object cannot be modified when running at a fast mode (the default mode of JScript .NET). To compile the program using the Prototype property from the command line, you must use the / fAST-to close the quick option. Due to thread processing issues, close the quick option in ASP.NET is unsafe. Method 1.Function Anchor (Anchorstring: String): String Return Object Specifies a string with an HTML positioning point (with Name property) around the text. Parameters: Anchorstring is the text to be placed in the HTML positioning point Name property. Note: Call the Anchor method Create a naming point point outside the String object. No check is performed to see if this tag is applied to the string. 2.Function Big (): String Returns a string with HTML tag around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 3.Function BLINK (): String Returns a string with HTML tag around the String Object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. tag 4.Function Bold (): String returns a string with HTML tags around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 5.Function Charat (Index: Number): String Returns the character parameters at the specified index of the String object: Index must. The required character's index from zero. The valid value is 0 to the number of strings minus 1 number. Note: The Charat method returns a character value, which is equal to the character of the specified index position. The first character in a string is located at the index position 0, and the second character is located in the index position, and so on. Overself of INDEX returns an empty string. 6.Function Charcodeat: String Returns an integer that represents Unicode encoding of characters at the specified location in the String object. Parameters: Index must be selected. The required character's index from zero. The valid value is 0 to the number of strings minus 1 number.

Remarks: The first character in a string is located at the index position 0, and the second character is located in the index position, and so on. If you specify INDEX, there is no character, will return nan. 7.Function Concat ([String1: String]]]]: String returns a string value that contains the connection of the current string and any string provided. Parameters: string1, ..., Stringn options. To connect to the String object or text at the end of the current string. Note: The result of the Concat method is equivalent to: Result = Curstring String1 ... stringn. Curstring is a string that is stored in the object to provide the ConcAT method. The changes in the value in the source string or the values ​​in the result string do not affect the values ​​in another string. If there is a parameter that is not a string, they will be converted to a string before connecting to Curstring. 8.Function fixed (): String Returns a string with an HTML tag around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 9.Function FontColor (Color: String): String Returns a string with an HTML tag (with a COLOR property) around the text. Parameters: ColorVal must be selected. A string value containing color values. Can be a hexadecimal value of a color or a predefined name of the color. Remarks: Effective predefined color name depends on the JScript host (browser, server, etc.). They may also differ from host versions. For more information, please refer to the host document. No check is performed to see if this tag is applied to the string. 10.Function FontSize: String Returns a string with an HTML tag (with a size property) around the String object. Parameters: INTSIZE must be selected. Used to specify an integer value of the text size. Remarks: The valid integer value depends on the Microsoft JScript host. See the host documentation for details. No check is performed to see if this tag is applied to the string. 11.Function fromcharcode ([Code1: Number [, ... [, CODEN: Number]]]]: String returns a string from some Unicode character values. Parameters: Code1, ..., Coden is optional. To convert a Unicode character sequence of a string. If the parameter is not given, the result is an empty string. Remarks: The FromCharcode method is called from the global String object. 12.Function Indexof (Substring: String [, StartIndex: Number]): Number returns the character position of the first child string in the String object. Parameters: Substring must. Sub strings searching in the String object. STARTINDEX is optional. This integer specifies the index that starts searching within the String object. If this parameter is omitted, the search starts from the beginning of the string. Remarks: The indexof method returns an integer value indicating the starting position of the String Objects. Returns -1 if the sub-string is not found. If StartIndex is negative, StartIndex is considered zero. If it is still larger than the maximum character position index, it is considered as possible to the maximum index. Search will be executed from left to right. Otherwise, this method is the same as LastIndexof.

13.Function italics (): String Returns a string with HTML tagged around the string object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 14.Function LastIndexof (Substring: String [, StartIndex: Number]): Number Returns the index of the last match of a sub-string in the String object. Parameters: Substring must. Sub strings that will be searched within String objects. STARTINDEX is optional. This integer specifies the index that starts searching within the String object. If this parameter is omitted, the search will start from the end of the string. Note: The LastIndexOf method returns an integer value to indicate the start position of the String object. Returns -1 if the sub-string is not found. If StartIndex is negative, StartIndex is considered zero. If it is still larger than the maximum character position index, it is considered as possible to the maximum index. Perform a search from the right left. Otherwise, the method is the same as INDEXOF. 15.Function Link (LinkString: String): String Returns a string with the HTML positioning point and HREF attributes around the String Object. Note: Call the LINK method to create a hyperlink outside the String object. No check is performed to see if this tag is applied to the string. 16.Function LocaleCompare (STRINGEXP: STRING): Number Returns a value indicating whether the two strings are equal in the current area setting. Parameters: StringexP must. To compare strings with the current string object. Remarks: localCompare is a string comparison of the current string object and Stringexp to distinguish the zone setting, and returns -1,0 or 1, depending on the ordering order of the default locale in the system. If the current string object is ranked before Stringexp, localCompare returns -1; if the current string is built after stringexp, return 1. If the return value is zero, the two strings are equal. 17.Function match (RGEXP: REGEXP): Array uses the regular expression mode to perform a search, and return a array containing the search results. Parameters: RGEXP must. An instance of Regular Expression objects that contain regular expression patterns and applicable flags. It can also be a variable name or string containing the regular expression pattern and a flag. Note: If the Match method does not find a match, NULL will be returned. If you find a match, the match method returns an array and updates the properties of the global REGEXP object to reflect the results. The array returned by the Match method has three properties: INPUT, INDEX, and LastIndex. The Input property contains the entire searched string. The Index property contains the position of the sub-string that matches throughout the String string. The LastIndex property contains the next location of the last character in the previous match. If the global flag (G) is not set, the zero element of the array contains the entire match, and the first to nth elements contain any of the matches that have appeared in the match. This behavior is the same as the behavior of the EXEC method that does not set the global flag. If a global flag is set, the elements 0 to n are included with all the appearances of matching. 18.Function Replace (RGEXP: REGEXP, ReplaceText: String): String returns a copy of a string that is replaced with a regular expression or search string. Parameters: RGEXP must.

The instance of the Regular Expression object contains the regular expression mode and the applicable flag. It can also be a String object or text. If RGEXP is not an instance of the Regular Expression object, it will be converted to a string and perform accurate search on the results; the string will not be tried to convert to regular expressions. ReplaceText is required. A String object or string text contains each successful matching text for replacing RGEXP in the current string object. In JScript 5.5 or higher, the ReplaceText parameter also returns a function of replacing the text. Note: After completing the specified replacement, the result of the Replace method is a copy of the current string object. Any matching variables below can be used to identify the latest matching and matching strings. Match variables can be used in text replacement that needs to be dynamically determined.

Character Meaning $$$ (JScript 5.5 or later) $ & Specifies the part that matches the entire pattern in the current string object. (JScript 5.5 or higher) $ `Specifies the portion of the matching front of the matching of the current string object. (JScript 5.5 or higher) $ 'Specifies the part of the matching of the matching of the current string object. (JScript 5.5 or higher) $ n Nth captured sub-match, where n is a decimal one from 1 to 9. (JScript 5.5 or higher) $ NN Nth captured sub-match, where NN is a decimal two-digit number from 01 to 99. (JScript 5.5 or higher) If ReplaceText is a function, for each matching sub-string, the following M 3 parameters are called, where m is used in RGEXP for capture of the left parentheses Number. The first parameter is a matched sub-string. The next M parameter is the full result captured in the search. The parameter m 2 is the offset of the matching position in the current string object, and the parameter m 3 is the current string object. As a result, each matching sub-string is replaced with a string value after the corresponding return value of the function call. The Replace method updates the properties of the global REGEXP object. 19.Function Search (RGEXP: REGEXP): Number Returns the location of the first sub-string match in the regular expression search. Parameters: RGEXP must. The instance of the Regular Expression object contains the regular expression mode and the applicable flag. Remarks: The Search method indicates whether a match is found. If a match is found, the Search method will return an integer value that indicates the offset at the beginning of the matching equalizer. Returns - String Returns a clip of the string. Parameters: Start must. Point index of the beginning of the string specified section. End is optional. Point index of the end of the string specified section. Note: The SLICE method returns a String object that contains a string specified section. The SLICE method has been copied to the elements indicated by END, but this element is not included. If START is negative, treat it as Length Start, here Length is the length of the string. If the end is negative, treated it as a Length End, here Length is the length of the string. If end is omitted, the end of the string will be extracted. If the end appears before start, you will not copy any characters to the new string. 21.Function Small (): String Returns a string with HTML tag around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 22.Function split ([SEPARATOR: {String | Regexp} [, limit: Number]]): Array Returns a string array generated when a string is split into a few sub-string. Parameters: separator Optional. A string or a regular expression object instance, which identifies one or more characters used to separate the string. If this parameter is ignored, the unit array containing the entire string will be returned. Limit is optional. A value for limiting the number of elements returned in the array. Note: The result of the split method is a string array generated after each location of the Separator appears in the string.

Separator will not return as part of any array element. 23.Function strike (): String Returns a string with an HTML tag around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 24.Function Sub (): String Returns a string with an HTML tag around the String object. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 25.Function Substr (Start: Number [, Length: Number]: String Returns a sub-string from the specified location and has a specified length. Parameters: Start must. The starting position of the desired sub-string. The index of the first character in the string is 0. Length is optional. The number of characters contained in the returned substring. Note: If the length is 0 or negative, an empty string will be returned. If this parameter is not specified, the sub-string will continue to the end of the string. 26.Function Substring (START: NUMBER, END: NUMBER): String Returns a sub-string that is located in the specified location in the String object. Parameters: Start must. The index integersion starting from 0, indicating the starting position of the sub-string. END is a must. The index integersion starting from 0, indicating the end position of the sub-string. Remarks: The substring method returns a string that contains a sub-string from start until the end (without End). Substring methods use smaller values ​​in both START and END as the starting point of the sub-string. For example, strvar.substring (0, 3) and strvar.substring (3, 0) will return the same sub-string. If start or end is a NAN or negative number, it will be replaced with 0. The length of the sub-string is equal to the absolute value of the difference between START and END. For example, in strvar.substring (0, 3), and strvar.substring (3, 0), the returned sub-string is 3.27.function sup (): String Returns the text around the String object with HTML < SUP> tagged string. Note: No check is made to see if this tag is applied to the string. 28.Function TolocaleLowerCase (): String Returns a string, all letters are converted to lowercase while considering the current area setting of the host environment. Note: TolocaleLowerCase method converts characters in the string while taking into account the current area settings of the host environment. In most cases, its results are the same as the result obtained by using the TOLOWERCASE method. If language rules are mapped to regular Unicode case, the results will be different. 29.Function TOLOCALEUPPERCASE (): String Returns a string, where all letters are converted to uppercase, while considering the current area settings of the host environment. Note: TOLOCALEUPPERCASE method Converts characters in the string while taking into account the current area settings of the host environment. In most cases, its results are the same as those obtained using the TouPperCase method. If language rules are mapped to regular Unicode case, the results will be different. 30.Function TOLOWERCASE (): String Returns a string, all letters in the string are converted to lowercase letters. Note: The Toolcase method is invalid for non-alphabetic characters.

31.Function toString ([RADIX: NUMBER]): String returns a string representing the object. Parameters: RADIX Optional. To convert the digital value into a string specified a base. This value is only used for numbers: The toString method is a member of all built-in JScript objects. Its behavior depends on the type of object: The object behavior array converts Array's elements into a string. The result string is connected and separated by a comma. Boolean If the Boolean value is TRUE, return "true". Otherwise, return "false". Date returns the text representation of the date. Error Returns a string containing related error messages. The function returns a string in the following format, where functionName is the name of a function. This function is called: "Function functionName () {[native code]}" Number returns a number of text representations. The string returns the value of the String object. "[Object ObjectName]" is returned by default, where ObjectName is the name of the object type. 32.Function Touppercase (): String Returns a string, all letters in the string are converted to uppercase letters. Note: TouPpercase method is invalid to non-alphabetic characters. 33.Function valueof (): Object Returns the original value of the specified object. Note: The valueof method of each internal JScript object is defined in different ways.

Object Return Value array array element is converted to a string, and these strings are connected together, separated by commas. This is the same as Array.toString and Array.Join methods. Boolean Boolean value. The date is stored in milliseconds, starting from UTC to 1 January 1, January 1, 1970. Function function itself. Digital numeric value. Object object itself. This is the default setting. String string value. There is no valueof method in Math and Error objects.


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