HP UNIX Daily Command TIPS

zhaozj2021-02-16  121

Press BREAK Key to adjust the terminal connection speed, eliminate terminal garbled

When you log in to login name and password

# Delete a character

@ 除 行

About system prompts

$ B shell / usr / old / bin / sh

K shell /usr/bin/ksh/--.profile

P shell / usr / bin / sh / - / kshrc

% C shell / usr / bin / csh /.login


# Root


Script running when you exit the system:


Handmade .profile script:


You can enter multiple command lines in a command line, intermediate; separated.

Stty -a View the definition of a combination key


-m finds an entry in the manual,

-b look up binary file location

-S check source code

Echo How Are you> / dev / pts / t0

The How are you will see on the PST / T0 terminal.


At least 6 characters

At least 2 letters in the top 6

At least one of the top 6 is not a letter

News Show new news

News -a Show all news

News -n Displays the news title

Write talks with other users

Ctrl D end

MESG prohibits / allows others to send information to their own terminal

Ls -a lists hidden files (point files)

-i display i node information

CD - Back to the previous visited directory

Delete files that have not visited in a week have been named A.out and * .o

Find / / (- name a.out -a name '* .o' /) -atime 7 -exec rm {} /;


-P intermediate directory does not exist, create an intermediate directory

-M Specified permissions

Whoami only shows your own username

WHO AM I your own login terminal and username

WHO Shows all user login terminals and username

Delete a directory and its subdirectory


Rm -r test

Show the last 20 lines of WANGX


Show TEST 20 to 30 lines

HEAD-N 30 Test | TAIL-N 10

CP -R with a copy of the catalog

Tset Sets Terminal Types

ENV displays environment variables

In order to use the configuration file, define in .profile:

ENV = ~ / .kshrc

Export env

Alias ​​displays the present alias

UNALIAS Close alias

Variable replacement

$ VarName or $ (VarName}

Prazing is used to define changes to the text around them.


> my_ls = "ls -afc"

> $ my_ls lists the directory structure

> echo my_ls display

"ls -afc"

Command replacement

$ (Command) OR

'Command' (In b shell)


> MY_LS = $ (LS -AFC)

> Echo $ my_ls lists the directory structure

Waveness replacement

a. Separate ~ or / before ~, equal to Home environment variables

b. ~ equal to PWD variables

c. ~ - equal to LDPWD

d. If you take a few characters, follow /, if these characters match a system username, the username owner directory

Several characters that will be replaced ~ and followed by.


Echo ~ test / aaa

Output: / home / test / aaa

Use the export command to transfer the variable to the environment, make the child process accessed:

Export Color

The sub-process does not affect the environment variable of the parent process, even if the export command exec command overrides the original shell code area


The code of the PS command will overwrite the original shell code, will not return to the shell environment after execution

/ Mask the following characters, (no matter what character)

'Shield all characters contained therefrom

"Most of which contains characters, except for $ and /

> Output Redirection

>> Output Redirection (APPEND)

2> Error redirection

2 >> Error Redirection (APPEND)

2> & 1 error and output direct output

Merge two files to F3

Cat F1 F2 >> F3


$> wangx

The input and output redirection is used in one process and the files.

And the pipelines are directly forwarded between the two processes

Date | TR "[: Lower:]" "[: Upper:]" Write lowercase to uppercase

Tr -s '[: space:]' converts all consecutive spaces into a space

WHO | Tee Whoson | WC -L

Use the result of who from both the file whos, and transport the command WC


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