Frequently Asked Questions about MCSE certification

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FAQ questions about Windows 2000 MCSE series certification Q: Who should get new Windows 2000 MCSE series authentication? answer. The new Microsoft Windows® 2000 MCSE certificate is suitable for information technology experts working in a typical complex computing environment in large and medium-sized units. We recommend that Windows 2000 Series MCSE should at least have experience in implementing and managing network operating systems.

Q: What skills covering the Windows 2000 exam? answer. The skills covered by the Windows 2000 exam include:

Exam Exam 70-210: Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Installation, Configuration, and Managing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional), testing, configuring, and managing Windows 2000 Professional as the skills required for desktop operating systems in a general network operating environment . Exam Exam 70-215: Installing, Configuring, And Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (Installation, Configuration, and Managing Microsoft Windows 2000 Server), the test is installed and configured in the Active Directory environment as the skills required to domain member servers. Exam Exam 70-216: Implementing and Administering A Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (implementation and managing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure), test installation, configuration, management, monitoring DNS in the Windows 2000 network infrastructure, Windows 2000 network infrastructure DHCP, remote access, web protocols (such as TCP / IP), IP route, connection sharing, and security, and corresponding troubleshooting. Exam 70-217: Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure (Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure), test installation, configuration, Active Directory and DNS required for the exclusion and the corresponding failure of Active Directory skills And the skills required to change and configure management (including RIS, Group Policy, and Active Directory Security). Exam Exam 70-219: Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure (Design Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Service Infrastructure), testing business needs analysis and design directory service infrastructure (including unified directory services, such as Active Directory and Microsoft Windows NT® Domain; systems between systems and internal connections, system components, and applications; data replication, such as directory replication, and database replication). Exam Exam 70-220: Designing Security For A Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Security), Test Analysis The Skills Needs for Security Business Needs and Safety Solutions to Meet your business needs. Exam Exam 70-221: Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (Design Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure), test analysis of the skills required for network infrastructure and design to meet business needs of network infrastructure.

Test Exam 70-222: Upgrading from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 To Microsoft Windows 2000 (upgraded from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000), testing the skills required to upgrade Windows 4.0 network to Windows 2000 network. Q: Why did you eliminate the Windows NT 4.0 exam? Many companies seem to continue to run Windows NT 4.0 for a long time. answer. When doing certification planning, Microsoft examines the expected growth rate of the product and the needs of their support, as well as the actual quantity of product users and support staff. Recent Gartner Group Research Prediction, Windows 2000 will become the most widely used operating system in the next few years, exceeding Windows NT and other operating systems. Microsoft Certification will help IT employers to ensure that experts who have the latest Windows 2000 technology are found to reflect this change.

Although the last date of the Windows NT 4.0 exam is February 28, 2001, the Windows NT 4.0 series MCSE certification is still held before December 31, 2001. This means that Windows NT 4.0 certification is still valid for more than two years after the exam is announced.

Q: Why out of the exam 70-059: Internetworking with Microsoft TCP / IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Microsoft Microsoft TCP on Windows NT 4.0 / IP network interconnection) and exam 70-087: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (Implement and support Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0)? answer. All exams related to Windows NT 4.0 are eliminated with Windows NT 4.0 exams, including exams 70-059: Internetworking with Microsoft TCP / IP ON Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Microsoft TCP / IP network interconnection on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0) And exam 70-087: Implementing and supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (implements and supporting Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0). The applicant must update the skills of these exam tests to fully support Windows 2000. Although these exams and other selected subjects have been eliminated, the date in the "Accounts Requirements" in the test page of the program is planned to be applied to the Windows 2000 Series. For more information on exam elimination and these elimination of your certification, please refer to the exam phase out page. .

Q: Why do you eliminate the exam 70-058: Networking Essentials? Which exam replaces it? answer. Network Skills Needs Today's Work A lot of changes have taken place in Test 70-058: Networking Essentials (Network Foundation). For example, TCP / IP skills are now required. In addition, the continuous development of technologies also brings impact on the needs of the needs. Microsoft Windows 2000 provides more network features than Windows NT. The concept of Networking Essentials covered is to master the basics of the following two exams covering skills: Exam 70-216: Implementing and administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (implementation and managing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network infrastructure) and exam 70- 221: Designing A Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (Design Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure). On the other hand, the skills covered by these two exams have exceeded the skills covered by the network base. Q: Since the Windows 98 exam is not an integral part of the Windows 2000 MCSE series, there is no plan to eliminate, this does this mean that Windows 98 MCP certification is still effective? answer. Yes. If you are authenticated as Microsoft Windows® 98 MCP, your MCP certificate will continue to be valid. But Windows 98 exams do not apply to the MCSE series.

Q: If I passed all core exams of Windows NT 4.0 Mcse before February 28, 2001, but I have not passed the test subject before this date, can I continue to get certification? answer. Yes. If you passed Windows NT 4.0 MCSE's core exam before February 28, 2001, you can continue to get the Windows NT 4.0 series MCSE authentication, as long as you choose the selected test subject, no elimination. If you pass the test subject before December 31, 2001, you can only get Windows NT 4.0 series authentication before this date.

Q: Which selected subjects in the Windows NT 4.0 MCSE series calculate the Windows 2000 MCSE series? answer. All selected subjects in the Windows NT 4.0 MCSE series are built into the Windows 2000 MCSE series. However, after the test subject was eliminated, these exams as a candidate for the candidate must be subject to selected test subjects without being eliminated. This requirement must be reached within the specified time of the exam phase. For example, exam 70-059: Internetworking with Microsoft TCP / IP on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Microsoft TCP / IP Network Interconnection on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0) was eliminated on February 28, 2001. If you have passed this exam, then before December 31, 2001, it can be counted as a selected test score of the Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 MCSE series. However, after this date, the certification will continue to be valid, you must pass another subject to another before December 31, 2001. Please refer to the upgrade requirements for the elimination of policies and specific examinations. Q: I am a MCSE, I have passed the Windows NT 3.51 exam. Is my certification still effective? answer. Windows NT 4.0 exam is no longer available after February 28, 2001. MCSE that has passed the Windows NT 4.0 core test needs to upgrade their certification to the new Windows 2000 series before December 31, 2001 to keep the authentication remain valid. For more information, see Examination Powerpage.

Q: Can you upgrade to the new Windows 2000 MCSE series? Can you enjoy an updated offer? answer. No, you can't enjoy the updated MCSE offer. The main benefit of upgrading to new authentication is to keep your skills to keep up with changing technologies. Microsoft has continuously checking the MCP coupon to provide consistent benefits to those certified to maintain the latest MCP.

Q: Whether the new Windows 2000 MCSE certified person gets different MCSE logo? answer. No, you will not get different logos. After passing the new Windows 2000 series test, you can use the upgraded transcript as your expertise prove. To view and print MCP transcripts, use the "transcript tool" of the MCP security site.

Q: I have already obtained the MCP Internet Certificate. Is the Windows 2000 test part of the MCP Internet authentication? answer. Skills related to Internet are part of the new Windows 2000 series. Therefore, the Windows 2000 exam will not be included within the MCP Internet Authentication. Windows NT 4.0 exams have not existed after February 28, 2001. We recommend that people with MCP Internet certificates make certificates to be valid by obtaining other certifications.

Q: How should I prepare the Windows 2000 exam? What kind of training is there? answer. For information on training options, please visit the following Web site:

Microsoft official course Microsoft Press MCP Approved Learning Guide Q: I have begun MCSE certification and has passed some Windows 2000 exams. Do I have to complete my certification through the Windows 2000 exam? Or can you complete my authentication via the Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server exams? answer. The candidate can choose to complete their certification through the combination of Windows 2000 or Windows Professional / Windows .NET Server exams, or two exams. Details will be announced when the product is commence. For more information, see FAQ for Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server exams. The common problem of "Quasi-Sheng" exam 70-240 Q: What is a "fast" test 70-240: Microsoft Windows 2000 Speed ​​Test for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 certified MCP? answer. To help the current WINDOFT certified Microsoft certification expert to upgrade to Windows 2000 series authentication, Microsoft provides a "fast" test to all consumer of all three Windows NT 4.0 exams. From June 30, 2000 to December 31, 2001, the following three Windows NT 4.0 exams, you can choose to use the Speed ​​Test 70-240: Microsoft Windows 2000 for the MCP for obtaining Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 certified. Express test replacement of core exams 70-210, 70-215, 70-216, and 70-217 to meet the core exam requirements. Through the three Windows NT 4.0 exams are the premise of participating in the quick exam 70-240. These three Windows NT 4.0 exams are:

Exam 70-067: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 (Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0) Exam 70-068: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise (Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server in the enterprise 4.0) Exam 70-073: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0) Provides a quick exam to provide the applicant to provide the certified transition to the Windows 2000 series, and on the other hand, it is recognized that the candidate of all three Windows NT 4.0 exams has already have Some of the relevant skills required for the new Windows 2000 MCSE series.

Q: How can the test target of the four exams to compress into an exam? Is this shortcut for the new Windows 2000 series? answer. Quick examination 70-240 should be seen as a convenient alternative to participating in four core exams, but not the shortcut to obtain certification. Exam 70-240 and exams 70-210, 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217 include the same goal. The number of exams 70-240 is more than traditional exams, but less than the sum of the number of four-door core exam questions. The required topic is becoming less than the examination 70-240 uses a crucial topic, using four core exam targets overlap, and considering the three-door Windows NT 4.0 exam (70-067, 70-068 and 70) -073) The candidates have some skills for the core Windows 2000 test test. Exam 70-240 is as challenging as it instead of four-door core exams. We believe that the candidates who participate in the quick exam must be adopted, you must master the materials covered by three Windows NT 4.0 exams (70-067, 70-068 and 70-07), as well as four core Windows 2000 exams (70-210 , 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217) covered materials.

Q: I have passed three Windows NT 4.0 exams. What is the advantage over the speed-up test and the participation of the four core Windows 2000 exams? answer. Exam 70-240: Microsoft Windows 2000 Express Test for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 certified MCP is designed to be used as a reward and convenience, helping the people who have passed the Windows NT 4.0 exam to the Windows 2000 series. It is only available within a limited time, as of December 31, 2001. Participation speed test can save time because it is shorter than the total time of the four core exams. The number of questions included in the exam is more than traditional exams, but less than the sum of the topics of the four-door core Windows 2000 exam, so you need to answer the questions. Choosing the exam 70-240 is only necessary to take one, and it is more convenient.

Q: If I passed the exam 70-240: Can I get MCP authentication for Microsoft Windows 2000 Express Tests for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 certified MCP? answer. Exam 70-240 and exams 70-210, 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217 include the same goal. Therefore, the person through the exam 70-240 will receive MCP certification, and MCP certification will be retained after December 31, 2001. Through the exam 70-240 but did not receive Windows 2000 MCSE certified Windows NT 4.0 MCSE before December 31, 2001, MCSE certification will no longer retain McSE certification after December 31, 2001, but MCP authentication will be retained. After December 31, 2001, the MCP authentication status will be reflected on the transcript.

Q: I am a MCSE, but I have not passed the Windows NT 4.0 exam. Can I participate in the quick exam instead of the Windows 2000 core exam? answer. Through all three Windows NT 4.0 exams are taken at 70-240: Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows 2000 Express Tests for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 certified MCP. If you don't pass three Windows NT 4.0 exams, the results of the exam 70-240 cannot be within the Windows 2000 MCSE series. Quick Entrance Exams aims to make it easy to transition to Windows 2000 Series as a reward to help people who have passed the Windows NT 4.0 exam. Q: What is the cost of expressing the exam? answer. As a discount of qualified MCP, Microsoft provides free exam 70-240. Qualified coupons (as described above, only those who have passed all three Windows NT 4.0 exams) can book the exam coupon, which is only valid for the exam 70-240 before December 31, 2001. (For more information, see below.)

Q: Can I only participate once, is it true? why? answer. In order to ensure the validity and value of MCSE certification (this is the weight of the MCP program), Microsoft made major reforms on MCSE certification. Some reforms protect the safety and integrity of the test by preventing the back of the test questions and minus the disclosure of the topic. Only the respondents are allowed to participate in the quick exam, which protects the safety and integrity of the exam. Quick Entrance Exam should be seen as a convenient way to participate in four core exams, rather than obtaining shortcuts for certification.

Q: What should I do if I have not passed the quick exam? answer. The candidate without the express test can participate in the Windows 2000 core test. For more information, see

MCSE requirements or MCDBA requirements.

Q: How do I get a free test voucher attending the quick exam? answer. To apply for a free test voucher attending the quick exam, visit the MCP Security Web site. Its homepage provides links to online booking exam coupons. Read these FAQ before booking.

Q: Can I stay free exam coupon before December 31, 2001? answer. Although the free test voucher uses the deadline to December 31, 2001, you must book an exam voucher using the online tools in the MCP security site before November 1, 2001. The more close to December 31, the people who need to participate in this exam will be more and more, and the capacity of the exam center is limited, so please register as soon as possible to ensure that the choice of the test time and the examination center is even greater.

Q: I know that you have to send a free test voucher via email. But I don't have an email account. What should I do? answer. Most of the applicants will receive an e-test voucher through an email within five days after booking online. (India's candidates will receive a written test voucher through postal letters within Samsung.)

If you don't have a personal email account, you can register a free email account via the Internet service provider (such as MSN Hotmail).

Q: I have recently changed my email address (or postal address). How do I update this information in my authentication record? answer. Please update your email and street address using your personal information editor in the MCP Security Web site. Updating your personal information will help ensure that the test coupon is delivered in time, and the guarantee will receive other certification scheme information from time to time.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for a free test voucher for a quick exam? answer. By three Windows NT 4.0 exams (Exam 70-067: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 (Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0), Exam 70-068: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise (in Enterprise implementation and support Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0) and Exam 70-073: Microsoft Windows NT® Workstation 4.0} is a prerequisite for participation in quick exams 70-240. The candidate with all three Windows NT 4.0 exams is eligible to apply A free test voucher attending the exam 70-240. The online exam coupon booking process will confirm your qualifications. Q: How can I know if I have a qualified to participate in the quick exam? A. Please use the transcript tool in the MCP security Web site. To view your transcript. Only when our records indicate that you have passed all three Windows NT 4.0 exams (70-067, 70-068 and 70-073), you are eligible to receive a free test voucher. .

Before booking the exam coupon, please leave 10 working days from the date of the last Windows NT 4.0 exam, let our record update. If the record does not reflect the current situation after 10 days, please write to or contact the Microsoft Regional Education Service Center.

Q: Can I apply for a free test voucher? answer. Each qualified candidate can only apply for an exam 70-240 free test voucher. In order to protect the integrity of the exam, the candidate can only participate in the quick exam.

Q: I used the free test voucher to participate in the exam, but did not pass. I know I can only get a free test voucher. Can I pay for the second exam? answer. Not. In order to protect the integrity of the exam, the candidate can only participate in the quick exam. If you don't pass the exam 70-240, you must pass the exams 70-210, 70-215, 70-216 and 70-217 to meet the requirements of upgrading MCSE authentication to Windows 2000. See the authentication requirements.

Q: In the four-door Windows 2000 core exam, I have passed at least one. Since I have participated in the core exam, does it mean to lose the qualification of the exam 70-240? answer. You can take the exam 70-240 once - as long as you meet the qualification requirements (you have passed the exam 70-067, 70-068 and 70-073), and there is no four-door Windows 2000 core exam instead of the exam. If you pass the number of exams, you can still take the exam 70-240. The examination 70-240 and the four core exams cover the same goal, which is provided for the qualified MCP as a replacement test for the four-door core exam when the certification requirements are met. Avoid unnecessary topics as much as possible to protect the integrity of the exam and the value of maintenance certification.

Q: I only passed the two Windows NT 4.0 exams (70-067, 70-068 and 70-073). If I pass the exam 70-244: Supporting and Maintain a Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Network (Support and Maintaining Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Network), is there qualified to participate in the exam 70-240? answer. Not. Only if you have passed all three Windows NT 4.0 exams (70-067, 70-068 and 70-073), you have qualified to participate in the exam 70-240. Q: I just passed the exam 70-240. Can you participate in four core Windows 2000 exams, although they have not necessary for certification? answer. If you have passed the exam 70-240, you do not allow the four-door core Windows 2000 exams to participate in the 70-240 test. (Conversely, if you pass the four core Windows 2000 exams, it is not allowed to participate in the exam 70-240.) Exam 70-240 and four core exams cover the same goal, is the qualified MCP as a MCSE authentication requirement The replacement of the four core exams is provided. The MCP Secure Agreement provides certification for the "unique purpose" of the "unique purpose" of the technical field described in this exam title "(see NDA full text). Avoid unnecessary topics to protect the integrity of the exam and the value of the maintenance of certification.

Q: How will I receive a booking ticket, need more time? answer. Most of the candidates will receive an e-test voucher on the 5th after booking online. India's candidates will receive a written test voucher through postal letters within Samsung. To ensure the timely delivery of the test coupon, use the personal information editor in the MCP Security Web site to update your email and street addresses. After we try to pass the exam voucher by the email address you provide, if the exam coupon is returned as an unable to send message, we will try to send you a written exam through the postal letter according to the street address provided in your MCP personal information. Voucher. Note that you may have to take a few weeks before you can receive a written exam coupon. You must book an exam voucher on the online tool in the MCP security site before November 1, 2001.

If you do not receive a test voucher in the time period specified above, please write to or contact the Microsoft Regional Education Service Center.

Q: How to use a free test voucher? answer. To register the exam 70-240 and cascading the exam coupon, please contact Prometric or VUE. Please inform the examiner when registering, you want to pay the test fee using the exam voucher.

Q: If I registered the exam 70-240, then I have to change the exam, what should I do? answer. If you must change your test date, please notify us at least 24 hours before the plan test time, otherwise you will lose the use of the test voucher. The exam coupon cannot be replaced.

Q: I received the exam coupon before a period of time, but I was not found when I was ready to make an appointment. How can I reserve another test voucher? answer. If you have forgotten where to put your exam coupon,

Please write to or contact your Microsoft Regional Education Service Center.

Q: If I decide not to participate in the exam 70-240 after I apply for an examination ticket, can I transfer the exam coupon to a friend? answer. No, the exam coupon is not transferable. Each qualified responses who want to participate in the quick exam must apply for an examination voucher to book the online exam coupon booking tool in the MCP security Web site. Q: When is the exam ticket for the examination 70-240 expired? answer. The participation of the exam coupons and exams for the quick exam must be before December 31, 2001. Exam 70-240 will no longer be available at this date. You must book an exam voucher on the online tool in the MCP security site before November 1, 2001. The more close to December 31, the more people need to participate in this exam, and the capacity of the exam center is limited, so please register as soon as possible to ensure that the choice of the test time and the examination center is even greater.

Q: Is my exam 70-240 a result report provides my score, and the feedback of each part? answer. Your performance report only shows that you have passed. Because this exam covers four exam goals, there is no separate score to fully reflect your overall performance. Microsoft Certification Exam is the ability to verify that the respondents complete a specific work function or a set of tasks in real life. They do not provide feedback on the area where you need improvement. To get diagnostic feedback information, we recommend that the respondents use the MCP exercise test provider practice test.

Q: I have participated in the quick exam, but I have not passed. Can I get the results of those parts I passed in the exam in 70-240? Still still have to participate in all four Windows 2000 core exams? answer. If you don't pass the exam 70-240, you must pass all four core exams (70-210, 70-215, 70-216, and 70-217) to meet the requirements of upgrading MCSE authentication to Windows 2000. We can't give some achievements for the exam 70-240. See the authentication requirements.

Q: I can't see the logo in the e-test voucher or you can't print the exam coupon. What should I do? answer. Due to email interfaces or other problems, customers may have trouble when viewing logos, and the exam coupon may not print correctly. However, using this exam coupon does not have to print it out. In the test coupon text, you will see 10 characters of the exam ticket number, followed by the expiration date December 31, 2001. To honor the exam coupon, please inform the test provider (Prometric or Vue) when registering this exam, indicating that you want to pay the test fee. At that time you will need to provide the exam ticket number, you don't have to print the written test coupon.

FAQ for Windows XP Professional and Windows .Net Server exams Springs Microsoft Certified Expert (MCP) program is integrated into Microsoft Windows® XP Professional and Microsoft Windows® .NET Server exams into Microsoft Certification System Engineers (MCSE) certifications. The Windows XP Professional exam will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2001. The Windows .NET Server exam will be launched in 2002. For more information on the exam, see the MCSE Requirements page.

Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server (Server Products) represent new achievements of Windows development, bringing the Family PC users to a strong foundation (reliability, security, and performance), and provide corporate users Revolutionary update. Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server will be based on the Function of Windows 2000. For units, you can deploy Windows XP Professional along with Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server with Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server. Windows 2000. The MCSE certificate is a preferred certificate for experts who meet the following conditions: the MCSE certificate is capable of analyzing business demand based on the latest Microsoft Windows platform and Microsoft server software and is designed and implemented for commercial solutions. Technicians should continue to participate in the Windows 2000 training and certification, because the obtained Windows 2000 skills are closely related to Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server and provide a strong foundation for the went.

Windows 2000 Series MCSE does not need to hold MCSE certification through the Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server exam. MCSE-certified Windows 2000 exams and Windows XP / Windows .Net Server exams are expected to be available at the same time. The phase-out schedule for all exams is affected by many factors, including the industry's needs and the release of the next version of the Windows operating system (the code name "Blackcomb"). Through Windows 2000 or Windows XP / Windows .Net Server exams or combinations of these two exams, the certified retaining date is identical. After the exam is eliminated, the respondents have at least 12 months to meet all upgrade requirements. Please refer to more information about the test phase out.

MCP should prove their ability to use the latest products through a single Windows XP Professional or Windows .Net Server exam.

Q: I have already started MCSE certification and passed some Windows 2000 exams. Do I have to complete my certification through the Windows 2000 exam? Or can you complete the authentication through the Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server exams? answer. The respondents can choose to complete their certification with the combination of the two exams. Do not encourage responses to wait until the Windows XP Professional / Windows .Net Server exam is launched and then completes the authentication. For more information on the exam, see the MCSE Requirements page.

Q: I am McSe of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, so my certification will expire on December 31, 2001 unless I upgrade to the Windows 2000 series. I want to skip the Windows 2000 exam and turn directly to Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server. Do you advocate this certification path? answer. We recommend that you guarantee your MCSE authentication by upgrading to the Windows 2000 Series. Most of the Windows XP Professional / Windows .Net Server exams will not be launched before the expiration of December 31, 2001, in the Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 series. To then you can choose (but not required) to demonstrate the ability to use Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server products via Windows XP Professional or Windows .Net Server exams. Q: I am now working MCSE certification. If you participate in Windows XP Professional and Windows .Net Server exams, why should I participate in these exams? answer. You can use the Windows XP Professional and Windows .Net Server exams to indicate you to upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 or Windows XP and deploy and support Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server. If you pass the Windows XP Professional / Windows .Net Server exam, your transcript will indicate the test with your product with expertise.

Q: I am a Windows NT 4.0 MCSE. In the case where Windows 2000 experience is not used, do I have a full skill to help my company migrate to Windows XP Professional or Windows .NET Server? answer. In most cases, if you do not use the experience of Windows 2000 or accept the training of Windows 2000, you will not have sufficient ability to deploy and maintain Windows XP Professional or Windows .NET Server. If your company migrates directly from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows XP Professional / Windows .NET Server, you have obtained all skills (through actual experience or through training) will closely relevant to Windows .NET Server And provide a strong foundation for this.

Q: I am a Windows 2000 MCSE. Do I have a full skill to help my company migrate to Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server? answer. Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server products will be introduced to new technologies based on technologies introduced by Windows 2000. The skills obtained when using Windows 2000 will be closely related to the migration to Windows XP Professional or Windows .NET Server and make a firm foundation for this.

Q: When will I launch Windows XP Professional and Windows .NET Server exams? answer. The Windows XP Professional exam will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2001. The Windows .NET Server exam will be released in 2002. More details on Windows XP Professional and Windows .Net Server exams will be available when approaching product is released. Q: When is there a training of Windows XP Professional? answer. In the second half of 2001, Microsoft will provide a multi-release version of Windows .NET Server. When Windows XP Professional and Windows .Net Server is published, training based on published products will be provided. When Windows XP Professional product is published, WINDOWS XP Professional-based training will be provided.

Q: When will Windows 2000 exam eliminated? Will the Windows 2000 certificate eliminated before the Windows XP / Windows .NET Server certificate? answer. MCSE-certified Windows 2000 exams and Windows XP / Windows .Net Server exams are expected to be available at the same time. The phase-out schedule for all exams is affected by many factors, including the industry's needs and the release of the next version of the Windows operating system (the code name "Blackcomb"). After the exam is eliminated, the respondents have at least 12 months to meet all upgrade requirements. Please refer to more information about the test phase out.


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