1. Introduction:
a) for ity: academic Essays academic, practical, objective
With an objective attitude, fully elaborate your own thoughts and views. Take the problem with our own vision.
What is academic essays?
Report Report --- DO Analyzation
b) for Chinese schools: Compositions More focused perspectives
An important criterion for evaluating Writing advantage: Whether thinking is keen, comprehensive and objective, mainly investigating IDEA
2. Separately description:
a) Report: Through the instance, analyze itself, objects. Generally include: pros and cons, advantage and other
Advantages and disadvantages
2. Causes and reasons
3. The process of happening less appears
b) argument: means fast!
In Westerners, academic should controversy, and progress in the environment discussed. This is the weakness in the characteristics of Chinese characters.
What is argument? --- Debate over a topic!
Avoid: Write Argument to REPORT
Note: To express your point of view
Very simple to complete an argument method:
Step 1: find a rival to find a opponent
Market is prospers.
Find a rival ---
Some People Say
Market is Prosperous, But I Believe ...
Of course, it is necessary to establish a strong opponent for Argument.
Step 2: Determine Your Stand
Step 3: Evidence is convincing, evidence
This is also a weak term in China, often occurs in the cloud.