Windows SharePoint Services class library

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint



Repersents a collection of sites on a Virtual Server, Including a Top-Level Site and all its subsites.

Representing a website collection of a virtual server, contains a top set website and all his sub-sites

Allwebs: Attribute indicates the meaning of the above meanings

Quota: Website gives a limit for a user

IisAllowsanonymous: Is IIS Allow anonymous login

PortalURL: The URL of the portal where the website is located for the WSS website, this item is null

URL: Website where website is located



Represents a SharePoint Site.

A website representing SharePoint

Alerts: Collection of all notifications

AllUsers: Represents the collection of all user objects, this user can be a website user, or a certified domain user

Configuration: Used to establish a configuration ID of the site,

DOCTEMPLATES: Document template for this website

EmailInsertsenabled: Get the value, indicating whether the document library of this website receives attachments in the public file email of ExcahNGE

EventHandlerseNabled: Read if the document library for this website receives event processing

FILES: Get all the files under the root directory of this website

Folders: get all the first level folders in this site

Groups: Group of this site intended site

IncludeSupportingFolders: Does or set whether the files in the folder or folder in this site support enumeration

IsadaccountCreationMode: Whether the user who has access the site is automatically created in the active directory

IsRootweb: Whether this site is the first level of site for site

Lists: Get a collection of all lists in this site

Modules: Modules that get used in this site

Portalmember: Whether is associated with Portal

PortalsubscriptionURL: Alerts in the URL for Portal

PresenceNabled: Acquisition or Set whether to record user online information

Properties: Attribute Collection, this collection contains WSS version or geographical information

PublicfolderRooturl: A document library receives the URL Roles of the mail attachment in the public folder: obtains the user group of the site SiteGroups: Get the information of the site collection SiteUsers: Nobilize all users of the site collection, users who get this site. ..Sharepoint. SPWEB.VIEWSTYLES: Site view style Webs: Get all sub-sites below this site SPALERT Functions: Represents An Alert, Which Genereates Periodic E-mail Notifications Sent To a User About The List, List item, Document, or Document Replies. Represents a notification, which generates a regular E-mail notification to the user, send updates to the list, list item, document, document library, etc., list item, document, document library, etc. Once every day, once a day, once a week, send SpeventType: Event type: All, delete, add, discuss, modify item: This notification belongs to list items or document list: This notification belongs to list or document library User: get notifications Splist Represents A List on a SharePoint Web Site. A list of a list in the SharePoint website: This list is allowed to delete allowmultiresponses: Specifies whether the survey allows multiple answers, which can be seen, an AnonymousPermmask belonging to the list: Whether to allow Anonymous User Access BaseTemplate: Description List The template type, template type has a notification, contact, custom form, data source, discussion board, document library, event, custom list, illegal list, problem tracking, link, list template Base library, photo base, survey, task, web parts library, website template library, XML table library BaseType: The basic type of list is: discussion board, document library, custom list, problem tracking, survey, no type, no use DefaultView: Default View Direction: Reading direction enablettachments: Whether to add attachments ENABLEMODERATION: Do you need approval enableVersioning: Whether to support the version Eventsinkassembly: Support event notification assembly Strong Name EventsinkClass: Support event notification class Name EventsinkData: Any string of the event notification defined in the document library EXCLUDEFROMTEMPLATE: Whether the content fields: list in the list in the list Forms: In the list, editing, adding a list of tables, adding hidden: This list hides imageURL: The list of icons for the list is the number of address itemcount: List items: list item Collection lists: List of this list Collection MultipleDataList: Specifies the list in the conference workspace, if you contain multiple meetings, ONQUickLaunch: Is there a home page quick start display Ordered:

Whether to allow users to re-register the list item: List belongs to the parent website permissions: Permissions Collection PropertiesXML: Collaborative Application Markup Language, the attribute value of the representative list readsecurity: Read Permission Setting Rootfolder: Get included in the list contains all files Schemaxml: Take this list XML style showuser: Whether to display the user name views in the survey: This list All view collection WriteSecurity: Specifies the write settings splistevent represents An Event That Occurs Within a document library. Function: Event ListID in the document library : The GUID PropertiesAfter of the document library occurred: After the event, the document library status attribute TYPE: Event Type: Check In, Check out, copy, delete, insert, illegal, cut, undo check, update URLAFTER: Return document or The folder's website is relatively address, in addition to deleting event userdisplayName: User ID user ID name Userid: UserLoginName: Timer User ID UserLoginName: User Login Name WebURL: The Absolute URL SpliStItem occurred Function: Represents An item, or row, in a list. Represents a list item in the list or a line attachments: attachment Fields associated with the list item: list field set File: The list of documents represented by the list File ListItems: The parent list MODERATIONINFORMATION: Approval information, contains status and description ParentList: The parent list XML: XML format of the data in the list Spissuelist Inheritability: Represents a list of questions EnableassignedToemail: When the list item is associated with the user When sending an e-mail notification SPFIELD function: Represents a field in a list on a sharePoint web site. A field of the list in the list of lists of the list of lists in the list: Whether this field can be hidden by the user interface to hide the default formula Direction : Reading order DisplaySize: Display size FieldReferences: A character array, indicating that the field name file in the field is filentereable: Indicates if this field can be filtered FilteRablenoreCurrence: Can I establish filtering in the field in the view, but does not cause repetitive events fromBastype: Whether to generate from the basic field Hidden: Whether INTERNALNAME in the view: Internal Name Parentlist: Contains the list of the field readonlyfield: Does this field can modify the REORDERABLE: Does the value in the field can be reroute request: Determine if this field is a must-must-have: This field is Inherited by other fields: Whether you can be sorted by Type: TypeAsstring: Character of the name of the field


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