What is a fatal exception error?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

Summary When you try to shut down your computer, you may encounter the following error message when you start Windows or Windows:


XXXX: Xxxxxxxx location has a fatal exception


Fatal exception errors are the code returned by the program in the following cases:

When an accessed access to illegal instructions Access an invalid data or the permission level of a code is invalid, the processor returns an exception error to the operating system, then, the abnormal error is "fatal exception) Error is handled. In most cases, the abnormal error is unrecoverable, and the system must restart or shut down, depending on the severity of the error.

In the example error message listed above,

XY represents the actual processor exception number (from 00 to 0f) (note that the h behind 0e, 0f is usually omitted in the error message in the description below.)

The xxxxxxxx value represents the enhanced instruction pointer pointing to the code segment; this 32-bit address is the actual address of an exception error.

Windows does not trigger these errors, but Windows has an exception handling routine for these special processor exceptions, and the error message is displayed by these routines.

Remarks: This article mainly provides relevant information. Click the link below to go to the "Fatal Excluding Troubleshooting":

Troubleshooting fatal abnormal errors

More information

Processor exception and its definition

00: Divide fault (division error)

This exception will be returned when the processor encounters a division error. If the execution divided by 0 operation, or the operation result does not meet the requirements of the target operand, the division error will occur.

02: NMI Interrupt (NMI Interrupt)

The No. 2 interrupt is to reserve unshielded disruptions in hardware. Will not capture exceptions by interruption 2.

04: Overflow trap (overflow capture)

Overflow capture will occur when the INTO directive is executed and the 0F bit is set to 1.

05: Bounds Check Fault (Boundary Check Error)

The Bound instruction will compare the array pin to the upper and lower boundaries. If the foot is out of the range, the processor will capture the interrupt of 05.

06: Invalid Opcode Fault (invalid operation code error)

If one of the following conditions is true, it returns the error:

The processor attempts to decode a bit structure that is not corresponding to any legal computer instruction. The processor attempts to execute an instruction containing an invalid operator. When the processor is running in a virtual 8086 mode, an instruction of the protection mode is attempted. The processor tries to perform a LOCK prefix with an instruction that cannot be locked.

07: COPROCESSOR NOT AVAILABLE FAULT (Coprocessor Unavailable Error)

If the computer does not arouse the coprocessor, the EM bit of the register CR0 indicates that the error will appear when the "Digital Data Processor" is currently being used. Whenever the floating point operation is executed, an interrupt occurred.

This type of error occurs if the arithmetic coprocessor is used and perform task switching. 07 Interrupt Tell Processor: The current state of the coprocessor needs to be saved so that other tasks are used.

08: Double fault (Double error)

The processing of exceptions sometimes triggers another exception. When this is the case, the processor will issue an interrupt of the double error.

09: Coprocessor segment overrun (over-limit)

This error occurs if the floating point instruction causes memory access to the section. If the start address of the floating point operation is outside, "General Protection Error" (0D interrupt) will occur. 10 (0ah): Invalid Task State Segment Fault Fault (Invalid Task Status Segment Error)

Due to the "task status segment" contains a lot of descriptors, a variety of situations can trigger a 0A exception. Typically, the processor can collect enough information from the "task status segment" to issue another error to the actual problem. For more information, see

Microsoft's programming the 80386/80486 guide.

11 (0BH): Not present fault (no error)

"There is no" interrupt allows the operating system to implement virtual memory through the segmentation mechanism. This segment is swap out of the disk when a certain segment is marked as "not existed". When the application needs to access this segment, the 0B interrupt error is triggered.

12 (0CH): Stack Fault (Stack error)

If the memory referenced by an instruction beyond the restriction of the stack segment, "Stack Error" will happen, and its error code is 0. If the operating system supports the declared segment, the size of the increasing stack should be able to alleviate the problem. Loading an invalid descriptor to the stack segment will trigger conventional protection errors.

13 (0DH): General Protection Fault (General Protection Error)

Any conditions that are not covered by any other processor abnormally will lead conventional protection errors. This exception indicates that this program has been corrupted in memory, usually causes the program to terminate immediately.

14 (0EH): Page Fault (Page Error)

The Page Error interrupt allows the operating system to implement virtual memory based on the needs of the paging. When you access a paged directory item or a page table, if there is a bit 0 (ie, there is no existence), an interrupt is usually issued. The operating system will cause this page (usually retrieved from virtual memory), then re-issue an error, which can access the segment. If a paging protection rule is violated (retrieved, or the data is invalid, or if the error is issued, the page error will be triggered. In the above case, the operating system controls the control and performs corresponding processing.

16 (10h): Coprocessor Error Fault (Cooperation Error error)

This interrupt will be caused when an unmatted floating point exception is issued. (Since the 80386 cannot access the "floating point unit", it needs to check the Error / pin to test this situation.) If the "Available Cooperation Processor" bit is set in CR0, the WAIT instruction also triggers the interrupt.

17 (11h): Alignment Check Fault (alignment error)

This interrupt is only used for 80486 CPU. In the following cases, the 17th interrupt will be issued: the code on the loop permission 3 attempts to access a word counting countless address within the even address, or attempting to access the double-word arithmetic calculation that cannot be removed, or trying to access its address. A long-real or temporary realmement number of 8 tightened. When the CPU is first applied, the alignment check is disabled, which is only enabled in the protection mode.

Troubleshooting fatal abnormal errors

Clean launch computer

Since the conditions that cause fatal abnormal errors are different, the first step in solving the problem is to narrow the possible range. To do this, try "clean launch" computers.

The so-called "clean launch" troubleshooting refers to reducing problems due to computer environments. Many of the issues that have occurred are caused by mutual conflict drivers, memory resident programs (TSR), and other settings loaded when the computer is launched. For additional information about how to start your computer, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge base article: 192926 How to clean up to troubleshoot Windows 98 failure

243039 How to do clean start in Windows 95

Query Microsoft Knowledge Base

To determine if the error message you received is recorded in Microsoft Knowledge Base, perform the following steps:

Connect the following Microsoft Support online Web Site: http://support.microsoft.com/support/ Click the Searchable Knowledge Base link, then click Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 2nd Edition or Windows in the My Search IS About box Millennium edition. Select the query type to be executed in the I Want to Search By box, then type one or more query words related to your question in the My Question IS box. Note: When you type a query word, you may not use an accurate address of the error message. This address on different computers may vary, but the problem may be the same. For example, if you receive an error message "iOS VXD", use the following querywords: iOS, VXD, Fatal, and Exception, and then click Go. After clicking Go, you will see a list of articles, which contain the typed query word. Check these articles to see which topics may apply to what you have encountered. For additional information about how to query Microsoft Knowledge Base, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

168242 How to search for Windows 95/98 Articles in Knowledge Base

242450 How to use keyword Query Microsoft Knowledge Base

Articles on fatal exception error messages

For additional information on fatal exception error messages, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

133440 Error message: This program causes fatal abnormality 0D in 00457: 000040B1, will be terminated

192803 Derived abnormal 0D when using ATI All-in-Wonder Pro Video Adapter

175211 A fatal exception error occurs when the "Control Panel" is turned on or off

171195 A fatal exception error occurs when paused and continues to perform MSDLC32

187214 Error Message: At 0028: C02A0201, a fatal exception error is 0E ...

190123 Error message: The following location has appeared fatal exception 06 ...

252523 A fatal exception error message attempts to connect to the Internet

189655 Error message: At 0028: Location Fatious Abnormal 0e

Remarks: The above article list does not include all articles. If an article fails to solve your problem, use the steps in the "Query the Microsoft Knowledge Base" section to find more detailed information.

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