PHP OOP Reading Materials Selection

zhaozj2021-02-16  115


Object Oriented PHP: Paging Result Sets

Kevin Yang provides a practicality (also with PHP-related) presentation on the PHP. His starting point is more effective than learning.


Object Oriented PHP

Based on the discussion of the direct PHP4 object model based on General OOP theory, all the key points and examples of PHP developers will involve.

- Introduction to PHP Objects

Part 1 and

Part 2

John CoggeShall provides an overview of OOP in PHP in strict sense.


Object Oriented Programming In PHP: The Way to Large PHP Projects

Luis Argerich About OOP in PHP. It will apply to developers who have already used OOP in other languages. The first batch of articles on the OOP in PHP (if not the first one).

- Using Objects to Create An Application

Part 1 and

Part 2

PHP's OOP introduction, implemented by a simple example. Learn.


PHP (4) References Explained


PHP4: Reference Counting and AliaSing


PHP (4) And variable References

Explain how to work in PHP4 (no longer valid in php5, more or less)


PHP (4) Static Class Variables

How to simulate static variables in PHP

(more to com)

Design Patterns

About Design Patterns

Pattern repositories




Sun Java Center - J2EE Patterns


.NET Architecture Center



General, but generally use PHP as a demonstration.


Patterns Central

Patterns in PHP (SELECTED Online Articles)

Core Patterns

From gof

The Singleton

THE Strategy Pattern

Adapter and proxy patterns

The Observer Pattern

The factory method

The iterator pattern

The decorator pattern

THE Command Pattern

This article can also improve


Enterprise Patterns

Patterns with Direct Relevance To Web Applications


Industrial Stregth MVC

MVC in the example, use PHP and Phrame



Implementation example



9 - 11 pages - may be the easiest example written by PHP.


Model View Controller

Short discussion.


Front Controller

General discussion and discussions from PHP.


The Front Controller and PHP

Implement the related issues of Front Controllers with PHP.


Front Controller / Command

Discussion and PHP implementation


The registry

How to avoid global variables



Data Access Objects Data Access Objects



General discussion and discussions from PHP. -

Intercepting filters

More discussion and implementation examples


Template View

Template View's learning (such as Templates) focuses on different methods between PHP and other languages


Page Controller

Short discussion


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