20 cases of Windows XP operating system optimization skills

zhaozj2021-02-16  115

20 cases of Windows XP operating system optimization skills

This article is reproduced from: http://blog.9cbs.net/tao9cbs/archive/2004/08/01/57810.aspx

We always pursue faster speeds and more stable performance during the use of the operating system. After the Windows XP operating system is installed, it is possible to achieve the purpose of optimizing the system by modifying some settings. The author will prepare 20 Optimization Tips for Windows XP operating systems.

1. Delete the Windows imposed accessories

1) Use Notepad Notepad to modify /winnt/inf/sysoc.inf, find / replace the function, enter, hide (one English comma is tight with hide) in the lookup box, and set the "Replace to" box. And choose all replace, so, all, hide is removed,

2) The deployment exits,

3) Run "Add-Remove Programs", you will see how many options in "Adding / Remove Windows Components"; so you can delete an accessory that is not used

2, turn off the debugger Dr. Watson;

Dr.Watson is a self-contained system maintenance tool that displays when the program is loaded, or crashes. Run DRWTSN32, remove all except "dump all thread context". Otherwise, once there is an error, the hard disk will sound for a long time, and it will take a lot of space. If you have encountered this, please find the user.dmp file and delete it, it may save the space of dozens of M. This is the scene of the error program, which is useless to us. Then open the registry, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTVERSION / AEDEBUG sub-branch, double-click the Auto key value name below it, change its "numerical data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh to make the setting take effect. This will thoroughly cancel it.

Memory.dmp appearing during the blue screen can also be deleted. DUMP when you turn off BSOD in my computer / attribute

3, turn off "system restore"

Mouse right click on "My Computer" on the desktop, select "Properties", find "System Restore", if you are not old, you have installed some software (it is more powerful than me ??), you can go, this Can save a lot of space.

4. Turn off "Sleep Support"

Because the hard disk space occupied by the sleep function is quite big, it is better to turn off.

Console -> Power Options -> Sleep (Do not tick)

5, turn off unnecessary services

Click Start → Settings → Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools → Services, and you will see the list of service after opening, some services have been started, and some are not. Right-click the service you want to configure, then click Properties. Select "Auto", "Manual" or "Disable" on the "General" tab, where "Auto" means that Windows XP automatically starts the service each time the system is started; "Manual" means that Windows XP does not automatically start Service, but when you need this service, you will start the service manually; "Disabling" means that the service is not allowed. When actual configuration, select "Manual" or "Disable" to close the purpose of the service, recommend manual function, so you can start some temporary needs.

Some services are required for Windows XP, and cannot be turned off, otherwise the system will crash. As for all services

Function, we can view the service or view the mouse over the service name by double-clicking on the service. The specific service is shallow, everyone can understand, you can choose those who want those who want to. The modified method is: select the disabled service, right-click, select "Properties"> Stop ", set" Start Type "to" Manual "or" Disabled ". 6, speed up XP switch machine

1) shortened waiting time

Open the registry editor, find hkey_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / control,

Set WaitTokillServentimeout to: 1000 or less. (Original setting: 20000)

Find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop button, turn the right side

WaitTokillappTimeout is changed to 1000, (original setting: 20000) is only waiting for 1 second when closing the program. Change the HungappTimeout value to: 200 (original setting: 5000), waiting for the program to wait for 0.5 seconds.

2) Let the system automatically turn off the program that stops responding.

Open the Registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop button, set the autoeeendtasks value to 1. (Original setting: 0)

3) msconfig. Most friends should be familiar with Msconfig, which is a built-in Windows Setting Tool. Click the Start menu, select Run, and then type "MSconfig" Enter in the entry box. We have to do your hands and feet (start) tabs, click on it, and all programs running when Windows startup are displayed in this tab. There is no program here for Windows, so I am safely removed. After removing some of the hooks, Windows starts faster, while idle system resources will also be more.

7, XP Prefetcher

Windows XP comes with a service called Prefetcher. This service manages Windows startup programs initial, where specified programs can be quickly loaded in later use. PrefetCher is open by default, but its performance can also be further improved. Open the Registry Editor and find it in the registry:


ManagementPrefetchParameters, where there is a key value name EnablePrefetcher, in most cases it is 3. The recommended set value is 5. When it is set to 5, the work state is best. You can try different values ​​until you find the value that is best suited for your machine.

You can also disable PrefetCher, just set the value to 0. However, unless it is for testing, the average will not be stupid to set it to 0.

8, compressed folder

This is a quite optimization, Windows XP has built-in support for .zip files, we can use the ZIP file as a folder. However, the system uses some resources to implement this function, so disabled this feature can improve system performance. The implementation method is very simple, just cancel the registration of zipfldr.dll, click Start - run, knock: regsvr32 / u zipfldr.dll. Then enter the cargo.

9, do not load the DLL file

The browser often has some DLL files to cache a long period of time in memory, and a large part of the memory will be used by the DLL file. To prevent this happen, find the registration table is as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWaremicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer

Next, create a double-byte value called AlwaysunloadDLL, the value of 1.

If you want to remove this optimization, just set this key value to 0 (you can also delete the key). Note: This optimization takes effect after Windows reboot.

10. Fully turn off the Windows XP file protection function (this trick use)

Find hkey_local_machine / software / microsoft / windows nt / currentversion / winlogon from the registry, modify the "sfcdisable" key value "ffffff9d", if you need to re-enable this feature, you can reset it to "0".

11, manually specify the process order

Simultaneously press the three keys, then click "Processes" tab, you can see a dialog as shown above, you can see all processes currently running. If you want to allocate more process times for a program, such as 3D / 33.SHTML 'Target =' _ blank 'class =' ​​Article '> 3D Studio Max, just right click on this process, then move the mouse pointer down " Set priority> (set priority) "and select which priority you want this program. When I receive email, I will set 3dmax to "Standard", but when I left the computer, I will put its priority to the highest "real-time", so that the computer is more faster to handle 3D action.

12, speed up window display speed

We can change the window from the task bar to change the window, and minimize the action of the registry, the steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER /

The Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics sub-key branch, found the MINanImate key value in the window, its type is REG_SZ, by default, the value of this health is 1, indicating that the animation that opens the window, change it to 0, then Prohibit the display of animation, then select the "Logout" command from the Start menu to activate the modifications you just made.

13, remove the "Update" option

For most users, Windows XP's Windows Update function seems to have a lot, we can remove it, the steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies /

Explorer subkey branch, select the "New" command under the Edit menu, create a value of the type REG_DWORD, name to NocomMONGROUPS, double-click the newly built NOCMONGROUPS subkey, enter the key value in the "Edit String" text box "1 ", Then click" OK "button and restart the system.

14, modify the login background pattern for Windows XP

In the face of long-lasting monotonous login patterns, you may have a more trouble, we can change it to your favorite pattern through the registry: Open the registry editor, find hkey_users / .default / Control Panel / Desktop sub-branch, double-click Wallpaper, type the path to you select Good Picture, such as: c: / documents and settings / my documents / my pictures / mypic.bmp, click "OK", then find TileWallpaper, double-click it to enter key value "1", restart the system to see the effect. 15. Modify the background color of the login

If you want to modify the background color of the login, you can follow the steps: Open the Registry Editor, find the hkey_users / .default / control panel / colors bore branch, double-click the background key value name under the branch, appear " Edit String dialog, enter the key value of the color (for example, the black RGB value is 000, the white RGB value is 255 255 255, and the system default value is 58 110 165), click " Determine the button, restart the system.

16, set start information or increase warning information

If you want to display some own personalized information when you start Windows XP, you can do it by following the steps: Open the Registry Editor, find the hkey_local_machine_software / microsoft / windows nt / currentversion / winlogon sub-branch, double click below it LegalNoticeCaption health name, open the "Edit String" window, enter the title of the information dialog in the "Numerical Data" text box, such as "Hello, welcome to use this machine", then double-click LegalNoticetext, then "Edit Character In the string window, enter the warning message you want to display, such as "Please do not modify the settings of this level, thank you!", Click the "OK" button, restart to see the modified effect.

17. Keep the desktop settings unchanged each time you start.

We can protect our desktop settings by modifying the registry, no matter what modifications do, as long as the desktop will restore the original sample after restarting. The steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find the hkey_current_users / software branch, find the NOSAVESETTINGS below it, the type is REG_SZ, change its key value to "0", or Delete the key value item directly, restart the system to take effect.

18, any custom buttons color

Although Windows XP itself has a variety of window display schemes, users want to define the color of a part, such as change the color of the button from black to blue or red, then you need to modify the registry, steps are as follows: Open registration Table editor, find the hkey_current_user / control panel / color subscript branch, double-click Bottontext, change its key value to the value you want color, such as red 255 0 0, click "in the open dialog box. Determine the button, and restart the system to see the effect, the color of the button on this point will turn red, and you can modify the width and height of the button and the highness of the button.

19, modify the right mouse button

We know that you can modify the right mouse mouse by the registry at 98, actually in WinXP. The method is as follows: Here you add "Browse with DOS Windows" as an example on the right mole menu. 1) Open the registry editor, find the hkey_classes_root / directory / shell, then select it, click the right button, create a primary key, name "DOS", then select the new primary key, double-click the default string value, in the pop-up In the dialog box, enter "Browse with the DOS Window", then select the newly created primary key, build a primary key, name "Command", select the "Command" primary key, modify the default value "cmd.exe / k" CD % L ""

2) Check: Press the mouse button on any of the folders, you can see "Browse with the DOS window" in the pop-up menu, select the DOS window to browse here, press the left mouse button, see no, DOS window played out!

20. Modify the system ID number

We can see a string of numbers in the regular tab in the system properties, such as: 55661-005-0809362-22169, etc. This is the ID number. The genuine WinXP each set of ID numbers is different (you should guess my purpose?), Can we modify it? Of course, you can (nonsense! If you don't have it necessary to write this article). Come with me, look at my skills!

1) The ID number is stored in the registry. Mainly in these few key values:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Registration string string ProductID

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / User Information string Product ID / * If not registered with Microsoft, this will not appear here * /

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion string ProductID


The above four places are the key value of the ID in the registry, and when modified, the above modification is modified, and the regular label inside the system properties will be changed, so as to avoid failure, resulting in the ID restore.

Posted on August 01, 2004 12:08 PM

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