C language Frequent error message (transfer)

zhaozj2021-02-16  118

C language Frequent error message (transfer)


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Ambiguous operators need parentheses ambiguous calculation need parentheses Ambiguous symbol '' xxx '' ambiguous symbol Argument list syntax error syntax error parameter table Array Array bounds missing missing delimiter Array size toolarge array size is too large Bad character in paramenters In the parameter, there is an inappropriate character, Bad file name format in incrude Directive, contains the inventory of the box. BAD IFDEF DIRECTIVE SYNATAX Compile Prerequisite IFDEF Have the wrong Bad undef Directive Syntax Compile Prerequisites undef Bit Field TOO LARGE Bit field field Too long call of non-function call Undefined Functions Call to Function With no prototype Call function No function CANNOT MODIFY A Const Object Does not allowing a constant object Case Outside of switch leaks Case statement Case Syntax Error case syntax error Code Has No Effect Code Not Mobilization Not Mobs ComPound Statement Missing {Split Out "{" Conflicting Type Modifiers Unclear Type Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Expression Required Requirements Constant Out of Range in Comparison Conversion May LoseiFicant Digits Conversion Digital Conversion Of Near Pointer Not ALOWED Do not allow conversion Near pointer could not find file '' 'XXX' 'Find XXX file declaration missing; Description Lack; "Declaration Syntax Error Description Syntax error Default Outside of Switch Default appears outside of the Switch statement DE fine directive needs an identifier defined needs an identifier Division by zero for zero while partially enumerated type Enum syntax error syntax error Enumeration constant syntax error Syntax Error Error enumeration constant divisor Do statement must have while Do-while statement missing Directive: XXX error compiled prerequisition error Error Writing Output File write output file Error EXPRESSION SYNTAX ERROR Expression Syntax Extra Parameter In Call Call Delivery File Name Too Long File Name Tap Function Call Missing) Function call Miss Right Brand FUCTION Definition OUT OF PLACE Function Defining Location Error FUCTION SHOULD RETURN A VALUE Function Required Back to a Value Goto Statement Missing Label Goto Statement No Number Hexadecimal or Octal Constant TOO LARGE 16 Enter or 8 Billing constants too large Illegal Character '' '' '

Illegal initialization illegal initialization ILLEGAL Octal Digit illegal 8 Enter iLlegal Pointer Subtraction illegal pointers Substrate ILLEGAL STRUCTURE OPERATION OPEREE ILLEGAL USE OF FLOATING POINT illegal floating point operation Illegal use of pointer pointer Use illegal improper use of a typedefsymbol typedefsymbol inappropriate use in-line assembly not allowed not allowed to use inter line assembly incompatible storage class storage class incompatible type conversion incompatible incompatible incorrect number format type conversion error data format incorrect use of default default invalid invalid indirection improper use indirection pointer addition invalid invalid pointer addition arithmetic expression Irreducible expression tree need not be executed Lvalue required logic zero or non-zero macro argument syntax error syntax error macro macro expansion too long macro Extended Mismatch Number Of Parameters in definition In definition Mismatch Misplaced Break Should not appear BREAK Statement Misplaced Continue This should not appear Continue Statement Misplaced Decimal Point Should not appear Misplaced Elif Directive should not be compiled Prerequisites Elif Misplaced Else This should not appear in Else Misplaced Else Directive This should not appear. Else Misplaced endif Directive This should not appear to compile pre-processed Endif Must Be addressable must be the Must Take Address of Memory location that can be addressed. Have to save Address NO DECLATION for FUNCTION '' '' XXX 'No Function XXX NOTNSLED MUSLOR NO TYPE INFORMATION No Type Information Non-Portable Pointer Assignment Non-Portable Pointer Comparison is unmovable Pointer (address constant) Compare Non-Portable Pointer Conversion unmovable pointer (address constant) Conversion Not a valid expression format Type illegal expressive expression format Not an allowed Type Not Allowed Type NUMERIC Constant Too Large Numerous Too big OUT Of Memory Memory is not enough to use parameter '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' Using XXX (Warning) Possibly increct assignment assignment may not correct redeclaration of '' 'XXX' 'repeatedly defined xxx redinition of' '' XXX '

'Is Not Identical XXX Double Definitions Register ALLOCATION FAILURE Register Addresses Repected Repeat Count Needs An Lvalue Repeat Count Required Denuing Requires Logic Size Of Structure or Array NOT KNOWN Structure or Number Give Size Not Determine Statement Missing; Lack after the statement; structure or union syntax error structure or union syntax errors structure size too large structural size too large Sub scripting missing] the scripting missing superfluous & with function or array function or array redundant "&" Suspicious pointer conversion Suspicious pointer Converted Symbol Limit Exceeded Symbol Overrun TOO FEW Parameters In Call function call When you call the measured parameter not TOO MANY DEFAULT CASES DEFAULT Too many (one of the switch statement) Too Many Error or Warning Messages error or warning information Too many Too Many Type in Declaration Description That too many Too Much Auto Memory In Function Function Local Storage Too many Too Much Global Data Defined in File files TWO Consecutive dots Two Continuous Status Type Mismatch in Parameter XXX Parameter XXX Type Does Type Mismatch In Redeclaration of '' XXX '' XXX Renal Types Does Unable To Create Output File '' XXX 'Unable to Build Output File XXX Unable To Open Include File' 'XXX' Unable Open the included file xxx unable to open input file '' 'XXX' 'Unable to turn on the input file xxx undefined label' 'xxx' 'Unexpected Number XXX undefined Structure '' xxx '' Unexpected Structure XXX Undefined Symbol '' 'XXX' 'No Defined Symbol XXX Unexpected End Of File In Comment Started on Line XXX Starting from XXX Row None End File You cannot end Unexpected end in conditional Started ON LINE XXX Condition statement starting from XXX has not ended the file Unknown Assemble Instruction Unknown assembly structure Unknown Option Unknown operation Unknown Preprocessor Directive: '' XXX 'Understanding Prerequisites Commands XXX Unreachable Code No Like Code Unterminated string or character constant string Miss quotation marks User Break users forcibly interrupt the program Void functions May Not Return a value Void type function should not have a return value WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS Call function parameter error '' xxx 'NOT AN Argument XXX is not a parameter '' XXX ''


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