Roller's Demo released

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

Try Roller, It's Easy!

To make it easier for folks to try Roller, I have created a standalone Roller demo by bundling Roller with JSPWiki, Tomcat, and the tiny pure-Java HSQLDB database. Everything is preconfigured and ready to run. All you need to do to try Roller Is the following:

1. Download from sourceforge (AN 18MB Download)

2. Unzip The File Into A Directory on Your Hard-Drive (Directory Name Should Have No Spaces)

3. Ensure That The Java_Home Environment Variable IS set to point to your jdk

4. Ensure That Catalina_Home Is Not Set in your environment

5. To Start Roller, Either:

- On Windows: Open The Roller Bin Directory and Double-Click on Startup.bat

- on unix: cd to the roller bin directory, chmod x on all files, run ./

6. Point Your Browser At http: // localhost: 8080

7. Login As Testuser1 / Testuser1, Admin / Admin, or Register As a New User

8. Get rollin '


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