Download the BLOB binary in the Oracle database, instance!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Download files in the TestFileUpload table under the Oracle database to the system temporary directory.

Void DownloadFile () {OracleConnection Objocon = New OracleConnection ("User ID = System; Data Source = TSEMS; Password = System");

OracleCommand Objocmd = new oracleCommand ();

Objocmd.connection = Objocon;

Objocmd.commandtext = "SELECT * from hr.testfileupload where pkid = '2006'";

FileStream Objfs;

BinaryWriter Objbw;

Int buffersize = 260;

Byte [] Outbyte = new byte [buffersize];

Long RetVal;

Long StartIndex = 0;

String filename = ""; ();

OracleDataReader Objdr = objocmd.executeReader (Commandbehavior.SequentialAracse); Objdr.Read ();

FileName = Objdr ["filename"]. TOSTRING ();

Objfs = new filestream (path.getTemppath () FileName, FileMode.Openorcreate, FileAccess.write;

Objbw = new binarywriter (OBJFS);

StartIndex = 0;

Retval = Objdr.getbytes (8, StartIndex, Outbyte, 0, Buffers);

While (retval == buffersize) {objbw.write (OUTBYTE);

Objbw.flush ();

StartIndex = Buffersize;

Retval = Objdr.getbytes (8, StartIndex, Outbyte, 0, Buffersize);

Objbw.write (Outbyte, 0, (int) retval -1);

Objbw.flush ();

Objbw.close ();

Objfs.close ();

Bjdr.close ();

Objocon.close ();


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