1. Install a package
# rpm -ivh
2. Upgrade a package
# rpm -uvh
3. Remove a package
# rpm -e
4. Installation parameters
- Even if the file that is covered with other packages is also forced to install
--Nodeps If the installation of the RPM package rely on other packages, even if other packages are not installed, it is also forced to install.
5. Query if a package is installed
# rpm -q
6. Get information on the installed package
# rpm -qi
7. What files are listed in the package?
# rpm -ql
8. Which RPM package belongs to a file on the server?
#rpm -qf
9. Can be used together with several parameters
# rpm -qil
10. List all installed RPM Package
# rpm -qa
11. What files included in the RPM package file that are not installed into the system?
# rpm -qilp