) &&! cdisabled)}} Function Doclick () {EL = getReal (Window.Event.Srcelement, "ClassName", "CoolButton"); var cdisabled = el.cdisabled; cdisabled = (cdisabled! = null ); IF ((el.classname == "coolbutton") &&! cdisabled) {MakePressed (EL)}} Function Doup () {EL = GetReal (Window.Event.Srcelement, "ClassName", "Coolbutton"; var Cdisabled = el.cdisabled; cdisabled = (cdisabled! = null); if ((el.classname == "coolbutton") &&! cdisabled) {Makeraised (EL);}} Function GetReal (EL, TYPE, VALUE) {TEMP = EL; while (temp! = null) && (Temp.tagname! = "body")) {if ("temp." type) == value) {EL = Temp; return el;} temp = Temp.parentelement;} Return EL;} Function Disable (EL) {if (Document.ReadyState! = "Complete") {WINDOW.SETTIMEOUT ("Disable (" El.ID ")", 100); return;} VAR cdisabled = el.cdisabled; cdisabled = (cdisabled! = null); if (! cdisabled) {el.cdisabled = true; if (document.getlementsBytagname) {el.innerhtml = " " " el.innerhtml " " " "; ELS E {// ie4 el.innerhtml = '' '' el.innerhtml '' '';} f (el.onclick! = null) {el.cdisabled_onclick = El.onclick; el.onclick = null; }}} function enable (EL) {var cdisabled = el.cdisabled; cdisabled = (cdisabled! = null); if (cdisabled) {el.cdisabled = null; el.innerHtml = el.Children [0] .children [0 ] .innerhtml; if (el.cdisabled_onclick! = null) {EL.ONCLICK =
el.cDisabled_onclick; el.cDisabled_onclick = null;}}} function makeFlat (el) {with (el.style) {background = ""; border = "1px solid buttonface"; padding = "1px";}} function makeRaised ( el) {with (el.style) {borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight"; borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow"; borderTop = "1px solid buttonhighlight"; borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow"; padding = "1px";}} function makePressed (el) {with (el.style) {borderLeft = "1px solid buttonshadow"; borderRight = "1px solid buttonhighlight"; borderTop = "1px solid buttonshadow"; borderBottom = "1px solid buttonhighlight"; paddingTop = "2px" Paddingleft = "2px"; paddingBottom = "0px"; paddingright = "0px";}}} Document.write (""); script>
Details switch
Login Name: Huang Jianqiang
Login time: 12/09 06:12
Administration: the highest execution
Module Name: Download Module
Basic operation switch
Login Name: Huang Jianqiang
Login time: 12/09 06:12
Administration: the highest execution
Module Name: Download Module
Module operation switch
Login Name: Huang Jianqiang
Login time: 12/09 06:12
Administration: the highest execution
Module Name: Download Module