RedHat9.0 Qmail completely installed the notes (completely)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Under Redhat9.0 Qmail full installation notes (quite complete oh) Author: cloudxx Posted on: 2003-10-23 21:55:20 Redhat9.0 Qmail smtp-auth Vpopmail Mysql IGENUS EZMLM AutoRespond QMailAdmin SQWwebmail Antivir-Mailgate Installing Notes Cloud / 2003.10.23 Mail: Declaration: This document is not my original, even plagiarism (don't tell me Right ^ ~ ^), just some of the finishing of I have made when I have learned Qmail, basically collect some of the problems and solutions to install the time of installing. Individual levels are limited and cannot guarantee that it is fully available. (Basically, there is no problem, it is the lack of testing once, because I have broken my verification after I installed SQWwebmail, I haven't been able to get it, I have time to reinstall the system test, I will re-edit this note after testing. If you have a wrong place, I hope everyone should point out together, thank you first, if your MySQL is your own compilation installation, and specify the installation directory, then copy the mysql library file and include files to / usr / lib and / usr / include files to / usr / lib and / usr / include Under the directory, after the installation, if you can send it, you can't accept it, it is generally caused by a library file that cannot be found .Apache. Use VPopMail and Vchpkw user / group run. Mainly talk about how to install the Mail server, Other apache, php, mysql don't say more, don't understand friends, please check my previous post. # CP / Web / mysql / lib / mysql / * / usr / lib / # CP / Web / MySQL / Include / mysql / * / usr / include / ● Install UCSPI-TCP-0.88 1. Download the appropriate software and patches, due to the version of RedHat9.0's GLIBC, you must make patch to compile. 2. Install UCSPI-TCP-0.88 # TAR ZXVF UCSPI-TCP-0.88.tar.gz #CD UCSPI-TCP-0.88 #Patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.a_record.patch #patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.rrno .patch #patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.nobase.patch #make #make setup check ● Install QMail 1. Download Software and Patch: 2. Creating directory: # mkdir / var / qmail # mkdir / var / qmail / alias 3. Construction group and user: It is also possible to find an install.ids file in the QMAIL source directory. Use SED or other editor to extract commands for your system, save as a new file, Source FileName OK is OK.

# Groupadd Nofiles # groupadd qmail # Useradd alias -g nofiles -d / var / qmail / alias -s / nonexistent # useradd qmails -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmaill -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmailp -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmailq -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent # useradd qmailr -g qmail -d / var / qmail -S / Nonexistent # useradd qmails -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent 4. Patch and finished QMail #tar zxvf qmail-1.03.tar.gz #tar zxvf qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31. TAR.GZ #CP qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31 / base64. * qmail-1.03 // Install SMTP-Auth patch, support SMTP authentication #PATCH -D qmail-1.03

# Make setup check # ./config-fast 5. Add alias users: # Touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root # touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster # touch / Var / qmail / alias / .qmail-mailer-daem # chmod 644 /var/qmail/alias/.qmail* # echo postmaster> / var / qmail / control / bouncefrom // return message # echo> / VAR / QMAIL / Control / Helohost // Host Name (Solve Sina Refused Mail Problem) # echo 10485760> / VAR / QMAIL / Control / DataBytes // The maximum capacity of the message (0 = unlimited) ?? # echo 40> / VAR / QMAIL / Control / ConcURRENCYLOCAL // Locally, the number of emails is delivered at the same time # echo 40> / var / qmail / control / concurrencyremote, and the number of passed to the remote host Note: / var / qmail / control / locals must have The default domain name, otherwise the delivery failed message will not know.

6. If there is Postfix and Sendmail, deactivate the current Mail service # / etc / rc.d / init.d / sendmail stop #cp / var / qmail / bin / sendmail /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail #RM -F / etc / alternatives / mta #LN -S /USR/SBIN/Qmail.sendmail / etc / alternative / mta # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / lib / sendmail # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail #chmod 777 / usr / sbin / sendmail // This special attention to check / usr / sbin / sendmail properties. Otherwise, it will be unsuccessful after the installation of IGENUS. ● Install VPOPMail 1. Download VPopmail's Stable Edition 2. Create a directory: #mkdir / home / vpopmail #MKDIR / HOME / VPOPMAIL / ETC 3. Add users and groups: #groupadd vchkpw #useradd -g vchkpw vpopmail 4. Add mysql vpopmail user for operating vpopmail database #mysql -u root -pwangxu // enter the mysql command-line mysql> create database vpopmail;. mysql> grant all on vpopmail * to vpopmail @ localhost identified by "password"; 5. compile and install vpopmail #tar zxvf vpopmail-5.2.1.tar.gz #cd vpopmail-5.2.1 #vi vmysql.h #define MYSQL_UPDATE_SERVER "localhost" (mysql server name) #define MYSQL_UPDATE_USER "vpopmail" (username) #define MYSQL_UPDATE_PASSWD "wangxu "(Changed to your password you set) #d efine mysql_read_server "localhost" #define mysql_read_user "vpopmail" #define mysql_read_passwd "wangxu" (password you set) 6. Create a TCP.SMTP file (or use /etc/tcp.smtp ) # Vi /Home/vpopMail/tc/tcp.smtp allowed ,ylayclient= "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Compile: # ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail // Specify the installation path --Nable-mysql = y // Whether to apply the mysql database - IncDir = / usr / incrude / mysql // mysql database The directory where the include file --enable-libdir =

/ usr / lib / mysql // mysql database lib file location directory --enable-default-domain = // Define virtual domain name --Nable-passwd = n // Whether to use system password verification mode --enable-defaultquota = 10485760 // Define the default mailbox size, 10485760 is 10MB, 20971520 is 20MB, 52428800 is 50MB --Nable-tcprules-prog = / usr / local / bin / tcprules // Specify TCPRULES directory --Nable-Tcpserver-file = /HOME/vpopMail/tc/tcp.smtp // Specify TCPRules application rule file --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail // vpopmail user --enable-vpopGroup = vchkpw // vpopmail group --enable-ip-alias-domains = n // Allows to find virtual domain names through reverse IP address in the virtual domain --Nable-SQWwebmail-Pass = Y // SQWebmail Password Verification Support --Nable-Hardquota = 10000000 // Limiting disk limit is 10m, you need to use This configuration parameter, if the disk limit exceeds, will refuse to accept the user's new email, and return a rejection information message, where information can be customized # make # make install-strip 8. Create a virtual domain # cd / home / vpopmail / bin # ./vadddomain Domain Name (Password) (Automatically generate vpopmail form in MySQL Database VPopmail, the generated password is the password of the Postmaster @ domain account, after login to QMAILADMIN is using Postmaster login) # ./vadduser username password (will automatically Add user data to Table Vpopmail The user is added to the default domain. If you want to add to another virtual domain, the username is domain name, such as If you are unsuccessful, you must first remove the created domain,. / VDELDOMAIN Domain Name Do not use manual operation MySQL to delete domains and user accounts, Otherwise, the disorders of the system accounts) ● SMTP-AUTH setting 1. Modify the properties of vchkpw #chmod 4755 vchkpw #Chown root.root vchkpw If you use the verified SMTP, the SMTP process is to call the password verification program, you must use SetUID And setgid. Improve the permissions of VCHKPW to complete the setgid operation. 2. Download installation CMD5Checkpw #TAR ZXVF cmd5checkpw-0.22.tar.gz #cd cmd5checkpw-0.22 #make #mkdir / usr / man #make install notes, because using VPOPMAIL, Checkpassword does not need to be installed.

● Generate qmail start scripts #CP / var / qmail / boot / home / var / qmail / rc # vi / var / qmail / rc // to modify the RC file to determine the way of delivery: #! / Bin / sh # Using splogger to send the log through syslog. # Using dot-forward to support sendmail-style ~ / .forward files. # Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~ / mailbox by default. ENV - PATH = "/ VAR / Qmail / bin: $ path "qmail-start ./mails/ SPLogger qmail & #vi / var / qmail / smtp // Edit SMTP service startup script #! / bin / sh # -c 100 refers to the number of parallel connections is 100 Qmailduid = qmails / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r -c 100 -L 0 -T 1 -V -P -X /HOME/vpopMail/tc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u $ qmailduid - G $ Nofilesgid 0 SMTP / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / qmail-smtpd / Home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / bin / true / bin / cmd5checkpw / bin / true 2> & 1 | / var / qmail / bin / splogger smtpd 3 & #vi / var / qmail / pop3 // Edit POP3 service boot script #! / bin / sh / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -l -u -c 100 -h - R 0 pop3 / var / qmail / bin / qmail-popup / Home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / var / qmail / bin / qmail-pop3d maildir & / / Here to note that the commands in these three files are in one line, it is best to copy directly, absolutely available, my own start script COPY. #CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / RC #CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SMTP #CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / POP3 Run qmail and test # / var / qmail / rc # / var / qmail / smtp # / var / qmail / POP3 #PS AUX | GREP "qmail" / / View if the QMAIL service process is fully launched If Qmail is started normally, use Outlook to test QMail's SMTP and POP3 normal, note that due to VPopmail supports virtual domain name, in Outlook When you set an email account, you should add a domain name, such as SMTP is certified, and it is also necessary in Outlook. It is recommended to install the QMAIL after the QMAIL will be installed. If Qmail occurs, you can view the vpopmail database under MySQL, MySQLD and Mailog logging under / var / log, so it is easy to find out the problem.

It should be noted that if you use X's Kmail client test, SMTP's verification should select Login, POP verification Select Plain text (APOP is wrong, although sometimes Mail client automatically detects the strip to APOP ), If there are several verification methods to choose to choose.

If you can send it, you can't get it. At this time, you will find the answer. / usr / lib is because this problem is often card I (because I have a compilation installer, the location of the program is specified) ● Install and run IGENUS 1. Http:// Download the latest Installation package #tar zxvf iGenus_2_20030516_snap.tgz -c / www / htdoCS / 2. Construction Temp folder CD / WWW / HTDOCS / IGENUS MKDIR TEMP chmod -r 0755 Temp chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw Temp 3. Modify httpd.conf # vi /web/httpd/conf/httpd.conf group apache user apache modified to: Group vchkpw user vpopmail adddefaultcharset ISO-8859-1 Modified to AddDefaultCharset GB2312 // Make the default page for Chinese, 2.x Apache needs to modify # / etc /rc.d/init.d/httpd restart // Restart Apache to make changes to the modification 4. Modify config_inc.php file # CD / WWW / HTDOCS / IGENUS / CONFIG # vi config_inc.php $ cfg_basepath = "/ www / htdocs / html / igenus "; $ CFG_MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'; $ CFG_MYSQL_USER = 'vpopmail'; $ CFG_MYSQL_PASS = '12345678'; // change your password $ CFG_MYSQL_DB = 'vpopmail';. $ CFG_TEMP = $ CFG_BASEPATh" / temp " ; 5. Reproduction MySQL Database Table # Mysql -u Root -P MySQL> Use vpopmail; MySQL> ALTER TABLE V popmail drop primary key; mysql> alter table vpopmail add column pw_id int (5) NOT NULL primary key auto_increment; mysql> create table address (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0 ', Name Varchar (64) NOT NULL Default', Email Varchar (128) Not Null Default ', Unique Key ID (ID), Key PW_ID (PW_ID)) TYPE = Myisam; MySql> Create Table Stow (ID INT 11) Unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) Not null default '0', name varchar (64) not null default '

, Http varchar (128) Not null default ', memo varchar (255) Not null default', primary key (id)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; // Favorite table mysql> quit; ● Edit QMail Start the script #vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail // Edit Auto Run Script #! / Bin / sh # chkconfig: 2345 90 90 # Description: Qmail (include SMTP AND POP3) Auto Start / Stop Scripts. . /Etc/rc.d/init.d/functions case "$ 1" in start) echo -n "start qmail:" / var / qmail / rc & echo "." Echo -n "start smtp service:" / var / qmail / smtp echo "." echo -n "start pop3 service:" / var / qmail / pop3 echo "." ;; STOP) Echo "Stop QMAIL:" KillProc Qmail-send KillProc QMail-Clean KillProc QMail-Rspawn KillProc Qmail-lspawn killproc splogger killproc tcpserver ;; *) EXIT 1 ;; esac exit 0 #Chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail #chkconfig --Add qmail ok, line, now you start the system It will run automatically. ● IGENUS has an error solution in the installation and use. 1. The error that appears when logging in. Edit /usR/LOAL/LIB/PHP.INI, modified: register_global = on 2. A 528 error occurs when sending an email, in fact, this is caused by PHP can't find / usr / sbin / sendmail file during the compilation process, qmail use / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / Sendmail send. Solve the following: a. Add a link # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail b. Stop Apache Run c. Re-build php ● Install ezmlm and ezmlm-idx to make QMAIL support mailing list function 1. Note: In order to enable Mailist's MySQL support, you must first: establish mysql management users: (EX: User: ezmlm, pass: ezmlm) # mysql -u root -pwangxu> Use mysql;> Create Database Ezmlm;> Grant All ON Ezmlm. * to ezmlm @ localhost iDentified by "ezmlmpassword";> flush privileges;> exit; # mysqladmin -u root -pwangxu create ezmlm 2.ezmlm-idx contains a correction and supplement to ezmlm, they are a whole.

#CD / home / Software # tar -zxvf ezmlm-0.53.tar.gz # tar -zxvf ezmlm-idx-0.40.tar.gz # mv -rf ezmlm-idx-0.40 / * ezmlm-0.53 / / 将 e 将 e e Idx-0.40 files cover to ezmlm-0.53 # cd ezmlm-0.53 # patch @ <#>", mainly to modify the mail client After receiving the letter, the recipient address displays the format error.

The message list received information garbled: Create a Charset file in /Home/vpopmail/domains/ Create a Charset #Chown VPopmail: vchkpw charset #chmod Go-r Charset #vi charset Add a line GB2312, you send a message to you received, you will be able to display Chinese correctly! 3. Before you build a MySQL-based mail, you must guarantee that there is a corresponding table in the Ezmlm library (in fact I found no table, EZMLM will be automatically established, just prompting errors): EX: You want to build a mysql Mailist: test # / var / qmlm-mktab -d testList | mysql -uezmlm -pezmlm -f ezmlm This series of related forms is established for TestList in the ezmlm library: ----- ------------------- | Tables | ------------------------ | testlist | | testlist_allow | | testlist_allow_slog | | testlist_cookie | | testlist_deny | | testlist_deny_slog | | testlist_digest | | testlist_digest_cookie | | testlist_digest_mlog | | testlist_digest_slog | | testlist_mlog | | testlist_mod | | testlist_mod_slog | | testlist_slog | -------- ---------------- You can use the command to see! (You don't need this trouble, you can use qmailadmin management mailing list after installing qmailadmin) # mysqlshow -uezmlm -pezmlm ezmlm ● Install Autorespond (Automatic Repuxing Robot) # TAR ZXVF AutoRespond-2.0.2.tar.gz # cd Autorespond -2.0.2 Modify Makefile files will be used in the install_dir = modified to / var / qmail / bin # make # make install # cp Autorespond / usr / local / bin ● Install qmailadmin first confirm before installation: Do you have installed vpopmail, And use vchkpw. Ezmlm is installed. Do you have installed AutoRespond. Confirm that the above work has been completed, you can start installing qmailadmin. # Cd / home / software # tar zxvf qmailadmin-1.0.6.tar.gz # cp en-us qmailadmin-1.0.6 / html / en-US-1.0.6 / HTML / EN-US (note : The above two steps is for Chinese qmailadmin.

EN-US qmail installation package from Iceblood # cd qmailadmin-1.0.6 # cd qmailadmin-1.0.6 #. / configure --enable-cgibindir = / www / cgi-bin --enable-htmldir = / www / HTDOCS / IGENUS --ENABLE-EZMLMDIR = / var / qmail / bin / ezmlm (Make sure your ezmlm program file in this directory) # Make # make install-strip # mkdir -p / www / htdocs / images / qmailadmin # mv Images / image / qmailadmin / // Copy images under Images / www / htdocs / images / qmailadmin -cn.tar.gz #cd sqwebmail-3.5.0 #. / configure --with-db = dB (if you don't have a gdbm library, please add this, the default system If you find the GDBM library, use the GDBM library --Enable-webpass = yes --without-authpam --without-authpwd --without-authldow --without-authldap --without-authuserdb --without-authpwd --with-authvchkpw --with-authdaemon // Activate web page Modify password function module --Nable-cgibindir = / www / cgi-bin / sqwebmail --enable-imagedir = / www / htdocs / sqwebmail --disable-utf7-folder-encoding // remove IMAP folder coded support --with- Cachedir = / tmp / sqwebmail // Cache directory --with-cacheowner = bin // Cache directory owner (default: bin) --enable-mimetypes = / www / htdocs / --enalbe-mimecharset = GB2312 --enable- unicode = gb2312 #make configure-check #make #make install-strip #make install-configure # / usr / local / share / sqwebmail / libexec / authlib / authdaemond start Note that this process must be started after the authentication, I found installation After SQWwebmail, this process does not start then my email system can not log in, always say that the password verification is wrong, qmailadmin can log in. Su -c "/usr/local/share/sqwebmail/" bin now, restart your host system, you can set up your Outlook or Foxmail. Accept the email. You can also access your Mail system via Webmail.

http: // localhost / cgi-bin / sqwebmail / sqwebmail Accept your email information via webmail, SQWWebmail I just put it on test, look at the effect, but it supports Chinese support, no better Chinese version, so I think it is better to use IGENUS. Http: // localhost / cgi-bin / qmailadmin manages and adds users to add users in /Home/vpopmail/domains/ (this file itself is not written in MaxPopaccounts 100) Thus with the maximum number of account default_quota 10485760 qmailadmin added is 100, each mailbox quota is 10485760,10M .. variables: numeric maxaliases, maxforwards, maxautoresponder, maxmailinglists variables:. bool type disable_pop, disable_imap, disable_dialup, disable_password_changing, disable_webmail, DISABLE_EXTERNAL_RELAY The above variables work as long as there is a role in the file, no value. ● Free anti-virus gateway under qmail, Antivir-mailgate is easy to install now, the virus is crazy, the network management, the network has a mess, the trouble is big, virus A diffusion is more troublesome. The following introduces a viral email gateway suitable for UNIX / Linux. 1. Let's go to the company's URL to register, get a one-year term HTM 2. Start installation # TAR ZXF avlxmgt.tgz # cd antivir-mailgate- # ./ Here you will ask some of your installation paths such as this type of problem, very easy, go back all the way! By default Under, antivir-mailgate is passed by listening to the 25-port, and the anti-virus processing is passed to QMail after the Unix pipe call. Therefore, the following link is first required, because the QMail is already done. So it can be omitted here. . Ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / lib / sendmail ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail modifies the permissions and owner of the work directory, pay attention to 0700 Permission mode, otherwise you can't start, will be reported # chown uucp.uucp / var / spo Ol / avmailgate -r # chmod 0700 / var / spool / availgate -r Edit configuration file, the following is a few useful configuration options, there are not many other words, there are instructions in the configuration file, very easy, if You want to test it, see the output after virus, you can modify the option inside, add additional head to Mail. In addition, the installation script will establish a corresponding startup connection in the RC.D directory, make sure your QMAIL startup script starts after the virus gateway.

In the install.qmail file, three working modes are mentioned. The default is to pass the 15-port after receiving the email, after receiving the email, after the anti-virus is passed directly to the QMAIL process, there is a mode to let qmail listener 825 ports, The virus gateway is directly forwarded to the process of 825 ports, which may not have the efficiency of the default working mode in this mode. There is an illusion in these two modes, which is the viral gateway process on the 25-port. There is also a method, the install.qmail file is also a way to use two QMAIL processes and a virus gateway to work together, one to listen to 25 ports in front desk, this can be verified, this reception process receives the mail after forwarding to the viral gateway process After the virus gateway, after the anti-virus process is forwarded to the QMAIL process in the background, this process is in the local delivery process, the comparison described in the file, I don't have much, interested friends can do it. # Vi /etc/avmailgate.conf user uucp (Working with UUCP users and UUCP groups, please ensure that these two accounts have these two accounts) Group uucp spooldir / var / spool / avmailgate ForwardTo / USR / LIB / sendmail -oem -oi (default working mode) # vi /etc/avmailgate.acl # This file control allows you to receive mail, generally do not need to modify the # / usr / sbin / rcavgate start (launching the Mail Anti-Virus Gateway) check start Output # cat / var / log / maillog # VI / ETC / CRONTAB # Daily 0:25 automatic update virus library 25 0 * * * / usr / lib / antivir / antivir -update -q [post reply] [View Forum Original post] [Add to Favorites] [Close] Noress Reply to: 2003-10-23 22:12:25 is very good, support! I do, the landlord can send me a Sqwebmail package, I Can't open the abroad site (not using the agent).

Noress Reply to: 2003-10-23 22:13:01 My Email: Thank you!

Cloudxx replied to: 2003-10-23 23: 26: he did a Chinese, and Wmail is also, but vsqwebmail's original version supports Chinese support, or use IGENUS.

Wjger Reply to: 2003-10-24 12:05:15 When I installed the # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail, it prompts "the file already exists" for future installation and Opening, do you want to close?

Snowseya Reply to :20, I have not compiled successfully in RH8, there is no problem with IGENUS. It is not wrong to explain the front of the Dongdong, that is, SQWwebmail can't do it, please give a point two.

Peng Reply to: 2003-10-24 13:58:34 [quote: 055715190f = "wjger"] I am on installation to # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail, it prompts " The file already exists "the installation and operation of the future, what should I close? [/ Quote: 055715190F] There should be no relationship, the default system / usr / sbin / sendmail is the system call Sendmail. This step is to replace the sendmail command called in the system in the Sendmail module in QMail. Whether he has this document, as long as you succeed in it. PENG Reply to: 2003-10-24 14:00:56 [quote: 7d95993eee = "snowseya"] I have not compiled successfully in RH8. I don't have a problem. It means that the front of the Dongdong is correct, that is Sqwebmail can't do it, please give you a 2nd. [/ quote: 7d95993eee] I don't know what is wrong. Sqwebmail has a very annoying bug, which is that his version and VPopmail are compatible, and there is an error in certification. You have to try it with several SQWWwebmail and vpopmail.

Cloudxx Reply to: 2003-10-24 14:33:53 I just, I can only send and receive mail from SQWwebmail after installing sqwebmail. Everything else can't be re-install, still can't work, as if it is Sqwebmail is also strike, the head is big, these two days are busy with the military, lazy test

Digital Bear Reply to: 2003-10-24 14:37:41 Good, top. If you put the detailed method of spam, you will be better.

Peng Reply to: 2003-10-24 14:44:59 Prevent spam, you can use a lot of software to complete, common and SQWwebmail qmail combination is maildrop (as if you don't look at Mail for a long time). Method seems to have written before gadfly, I have sent it for him. Look at the essence. I have time I am looking at it. .

Millennium Dragon Reply to: 2003-10-24 19:02:00 Ask: #CP / VAR / Qmail / Bin / Sendmail /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail #RM -F / ETC / Alternatives / MTA #LN - S /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail / etc / alternatives / mta cp / var / qmail / bin / sendmail /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail cp: stat '/ var / qmail / bin / sendmail' failed: there is no file Or directory ln -s /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail / etc / alternative / mta ln: is being created to '/usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail' symbolic link '/ etc / alternative / mta': no ​​file Or directory in / var / qmail / bin / there is no SENDMAIL below this paragraph?

Millennium Dragon Give Reply to: 2003-10-24 19:06:07 Help! ! ! What is the reason for this error when I am in this step? I am using redhat9 httpd2.0.47 php4.33rc1 ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y --Nable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql --enable-default-domain = --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = n --enable-tcprules-prog = / usr / local / bin / tcprules --enable -tcpserver-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --enable-vpopGroup = vchkpw --enable-ip-alias-domains = n create cache ./config.cache checking for a BSD Compatible Install ... / usr / bin / install --c checking WHETER BUILD ENVIRONMENT IS SANE ... YES CHECKING WHETER MAKE STS $ {make} ... Yes Checking for Working Aclocal ... Found Checking for Working AutoConf .. . found checking for working automake ... found checking for working autoheader ... found checking for working makeinfo ... found checking host system type ... i686-unknown-linux checking for gcc ... gcc checking whether the C compiler (GCC) Works ... Yes Checking WHETHER THE C Compiler (GCC) IS A Cross-Compiler ... No Checking WHETHER WE A Re useing gnu c ... yes checking WHETHER GCC Accepts -g ... Yes Checking for ranlib ... ranlib checking for Posixized isc ... no checking how to run the c preprocessor ... gcc -e checking for AIX. .. No configuration: error: unable to find your qmail-newu file, specify --enable-qmail-newu.cloudxx Reply to: 2003-10-24 20: 39: 07Configure: error: unable to find your qmail-newu file , Specify --enable-qmail-newu can't find the qmail-newu file I didn't touch this, your front qmail installation directory is right ?/configure --help | grep qmail find -Qmail-newu Option Look at the specified load directory

Millennium Dragon Reply to: 2003-10-24 21:52:44 I will not affect the email here # patch -d qmail-1.03

Cloudxx Reply to: 2003-10-24 23:04:52 Have your QMAIL-SMTP-0.31 / Base64. * File Copy to the qmail-1.03 directory?

Millennium Dragon Reply to: 2003-10-25 09:42:13 [Quote: D74235207A = "Cloudx"] Your qmail-smtp-0.31 / base64. * File Copy to qmail-1.03 directory? [/ quote: D74235207A] Copy it. This step is definitely.

Cloudxx Reply to: 2003-10-25 10:54:00 Patching is very simple, there will be no problem, are you under Linux platform? I have heard that if it is a commercial UNIX system, you need to download a GNU's Patch.

Millennium Dragon Reply to: 2003-10-25 11:01:26 [Quote: 399ccc1d72 = "Cloudxx"] Patching is very simple, there will be no problem, are you under Linux platform? I heard that if it is a commercial UNIX system, I need to download a GNU's Patch [/ quote: 399ccc1d72] I use RedHat 9 installed, and I have installed under RedHat7.3. How only the / var / qmal / this directory I installed QMAIL? Is the following / bin / sendmail come from there?

Wjger Reply to: 2003-10-27 17:18:43 I have compiled pass when installing vpopmail, here is here #CD / Home / vpopmail / etc #tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp < TCP.SMTP plus back to #CD vpopmail-5.2.1 This directory can you compile? There are a compile-time error occurs vauth.c I: In function 'vset_lastauth': vauth.c: 939: warning: implicit declaration of function 'vset_lastauth_time' vauth.c: In function 'vset_lastauth_time'; vauth.c: 971: warning: Control Reaches End of Non-Void Function Make [2]: *** [VAUTH.O] Error 1 Make [2]: Leaving Directory '/usR /LOCAL/SRC/vpopmail-5.2.1' make [1]: * ** [all-recursive] error 1 make [1]: leaving directory '/usr/local/src/vpopmail-5.2.1' make: *** [all-recursive-am] error 2Wjger Reply to: 2003-11 -04 16: 22: 28UP

Lightwiter Reply to: 2003-11-04 19:20:20 It is recommended to play Gadfly's patches.

Wjger Reply to: 2003-11-06 17:04:26 Ask Cloudxx Boss I can send a letter but I can't accept, my log is as follows: does not sharing open, how to change the property Nov 6 16:45 : 40 localhost qmail: 1068108340.254144 delivery 13: deferral: /home/vpopmail/bin/ Nov 6 16:45:40 localhost qmail: 1068108340.254178 status: local 0/40 remote 0/40

Zhaozy67 Reply to: 2003-11-08 10:55:31 Boss: There are some patches can't find it, do you have download? Such as: ucspi-tcp-0.88.a_record.patch, / ucspi-tcp-0.88.nobase.patch, qmail-maildir . Patch, etc.

Artxing Reply to: 2003-11-08 11: 02: 29 here. I have been packaged.

aftersf back in: 2003-11-19 15: 35:. 45mast you see it why [root @ mail vpopmail-5.2.1] # ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y - Enable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / lib / mysql --enable-default-domain = --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = 10485760 --enable-tcprules-prop = / usr / local / bin / tcprules --enable-tcpserver-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --enable-vpopGroup = vchkpw - -ENABLE-IP-alias-domains = n --enable-sqwebmail-pass = Y --enable-hardquota = 10000000 Creating Cache ./config.cache checking for a bsd compatible install ... / usr / bin / install -c checking whether build environment is sane ... yes checking whether make sets $ {MAKE} ... yes checking for working aclocal ... found checking for working autoconf ... found checking for working automake ... found checking for working autoheader ... Found Checking for Working Makefo ... Found Checking Host System Type ... i686-unknown-linux checking for gcc ... GCC Checking W Hether The C Compiler (GCC) Works ... Yes Checking WHETHER THE C Compiler (GCC) IS A Cross-Compiler ... No Checking WHETHER WEE ARE USING GNU C ... YES Checking WHETHER GCC Accepts -g ... YES Checking for ranlib ... ranlib checking for posixized isc ... no checking how to run the c preprocessor ... gcc -e checking for aix ... no yes checking for floor in -lm ... Yes Checking for Compress in - LM ... YES CHECKING -lz ... Yes Checking for Crypt in -lcrypt ... Yes Checking for gethostbyaddr in -lnsl ... Yes checking for getSockName in -lsocket ... no configure: error: use --enable-defaultquota instead of - Enable-Hardquota

Zengting Reply to: 2003-12-18 09:05:14 How did the virus firewall register? Do you don't understand the words? Is it Danish? I don't know what to fill in that PLZ, I always say wrong. Please give your guides. Frank_zhichen Reply to: 2003-12-18 23:17:05 Ask a question: 1. When ezmlm, run / var / qmail / bin / ezmlm / ezmlm-mktab -d testList | mysql -uezmlm -pezmlm -f ezmlm error However, mysqlshow -u root -pwangxu ezmlm dign is normal, why? 2. When I originally used TSMail, I can set up the email size of each user in QmailAdmin, but now I don't ask how to set the user's mailbox size?

Nibo Reply to: 2003-12-19 09:01:16 There is a command in vpopmail / bin .. I have forgotten .. The name of the command is very intuitive. I will know!

Yuehuiw Reply to: 2004-02-25 10:50:32 Boss's article is really good, very good, but there are some small bugs, oh .... In addition, the anti-virus's mail gateway address can also To the following address to register (是 的 的)

ZENGTING Reply to: 2004-07-26 11: 09: 57EZMLM Make Setup ..../compile case_startb.c ./compile case_startb.c ./makerib case.a case_diffb.o case_lowerb.o case_startb.o / Case_diffs.o case_starts.o ./compile fmt_str.c ./compile fmt_uint.c ./compile fmt_ulong.c ./compile scan_ulong.c ./compile scan_8long.c ./makerib fs.a fmt_str. o FMT_UINT.O FMT_UINT0.O / FMT_ULONG.O scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o ./compile getconf.c ./compile makehash.c ./compile surf.c ./load ezmlm-idx / mime.a slurp.o slurpclose. o Wait.a getln.a strerr.a sig.a Open.a / Lock.a mime.a substio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a str.a fd.a / getopt.a case.a fs. A getconf.o makehash.o Surf.o (cat; / echo ezpath = / '`head -1 conf-bin` /'; / cat> ezmlm-accept ./compile ezmlm-archread.c ./compile date2yleyyyymm.c ./compile dateline.c./makerib yyyymm.a date2yyyyymm.o dateline.o .o .o slurpclose.o slurp.o getln.a Sig.a / Idxthread.o YYYYMM.A STRERR.A SU Bstdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a / error.a str.a fs.a open.a lock.a fd.a getopt.a (cat; / echo ezpath = / '`head -1 confes -bin` / '; / echo qmpath = /' `head -1 conf-qmail` / '; / carat> ezmlm-check ((./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork)> / dev / null / 2> & 1 / && catch fork.h2 || cat fork.h1)> fork.h rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork ./compile ezmlm-gate.c EZMLM-GATE.C: in Function `Main ': ezmlm-gate.c: 84: warning: return Type of `main' is not` int './compile checktag.c `Head -1 conf-sqlcc`/compile ssub.c` head -1 conf-sqlcc `./compile logmsg.c`

Head -1 conf-sqlcc` ./compile subscribe.c `head -1 conf-sqlcc` ./compile opensql.c` Head -1 conf-sqlcc` ./compile putsubs.c `head -1 conf-sqlcc`. / compile tagmsg.c `Head -1 conf-sqlcc` ./compile searchlog.c` Head -1 conf-sqlcc` ./makerib subdb.a checktag.o isssub.o logmsg.o subscribe.o / Opensql.o Putsubs .o tagmsg.o searchlog.o ./compile auto-str.c auto-str.c: in function `main ': auto-str.c: 17: warning: return Type of` main' is not `int '. / loading auto-str.a ./auto-str auto_bin `head -1 conf-bin`> auto_bin.c ./compile auto_bin.c ./compile env.c ./compile envread.c ./makelib env.a env.o envread.o ./compile seek_set.c ./makelib seek.a seek_set.o ./load ezmlm-gate subdb.a getconf.o slurpclose.o slurp.o / getopt.a getln .a auto_bin.o env.a Sig.a fs.a / strerr.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a str.a case.a wait.a / open.a lock.a seek.a` Head -1 conf-sqlld` / usr / bin / ld: cannot find -lr collect 2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [ezmlm-gate] Error 1

ZENGTING Reply to: 2004-07-26 11: 10: 54when ezmlm is Making Setup, Errors Shows as Follow: ..../compile case_startb.c ./MAKELIB CASE.A CASE_DIFFB. o Case_lowerb.o case_startb.o / case_diffs.o case_starts.o ./compile fmt_str.c ./compile fmt_uint.c ./compile fmt_ulong.c ./compile scan_ulong.c ./compile scan_8long.c ./makelib fs.a fmt_str.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o / fmt_ulong.o scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o ./compile getconf.c ./compile makehash.c ./compile surf.c ./load ezmlm-idx / Mime.a slurp.o slurpclose.o wait.a getln.a strerr.a sig.a open.a / lock.a mime.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a str.a fd.a / Getopt.a case.a fs.a getconf.o makehash.o Surf.o (cat; / echo ezpath = / '`head -1 conf-bin` /'; / Cat )> Ezmlm-accept ./compile ezmlm-archive.c ./compile idxthread.c./compile date2yleyyymm.c ./compile dateline.c./makerib YYYYMM.A DATE2YYYYYMM.O dateline.O./load ezmlm-archive getConf .o slurpclose.o slurp.o getln.a sig. A / IDXTHREAD.O YYYYMM.A STRERR.A SUBSTDIO.A Stralloc.a alloc.a / error.a str.a fs.a open.a lock.a fd.a getopt.a (cat / echo ezpath = / '`head -1 conf-bin` /'; / echo qmpath = / '` head -1 conf-qmail` /'; / cat> ezmlm-check. Compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork> / dev / null / 2> & 1 / && catch fork.h2 || cat fork.h1)>


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