REDHAT ADVANCE Server 3 Install Oracle 9.2.0 and upgrade to

zhaozj2021-02-16  114

REDHAT ADVANCE Server 3 installed Oracle 9.2.0 and upgraded to Today, I spent a day. I took Oracle. I found a lot of information online. I found that ten people have ten installation methods to refer to it. Type, then install it over again, it is to integrate everyone's wisdom, complete the installation of Oeacle, send yourself the document you summarized here, I hope to help everyone, absolutely original, the installation method of the following is possible Suitable for redhat9, interested friends can try it first, prepare for installation, package and patch packages: 1. Use rpm -qa│GREP Compat to view the following packages: compat-libstdc - 7.3 -2.96.122 Compat-GCC-C - 7.3-2.96.122 Compat-libstDC - Devel-7.3-2.96.122 Compat-DB-4.0.14-5 COMPAT-GCC-7.3-2.96.122 NSS_DB-COMPAT-2.2- 20.i386.rpm 2. rpm -qa │ grep OpenMotif Attracts OpenMotiF21-2.1.30-8 3. RPM -QA │ GREP STARCH View: setarch-1.3-1 The above file If not, in the RHEL3 CD3 and There is a related RPM package on the CD4, use: # rpm -i compat ... i386.rpm command to install the corresponding package. 4. Download the upgrade patch package from the Internet to upgrade Oracle9.2.0 to P3006854_9204_linux .zip all patches as follows:. upgrade patch fight before running runInstaller upgrade to play after fight 3119415 patch. The patch you need. Second, the user and user group needed during the installation process we use two users at the same time, one of which is the root user, and the other is your newly established Oracle user.

1. Open a terminal, log in to the root user or: Su - 2, # groupadd oinstall # groupadd dba # useradd -g oinstall -g dba oracle # passwd Oracle third, installation preparation steps. 1, Prepare file directory: # mkdir -p /opt/ora9/Product/9.2 # mkdir / var / opt / oracle # chown oracle.dba / var / opt / oracle # chown -r oracle.dba / opt / ora9 2, set core parameters, adjustment signal lights and sharing Memory: # echo 250 32000 100 128> / Proc / Sys / Kernel / Sem # echo 536870912> / Proc / Sys / Kernel / Shmmax # echo 4096> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmni # echo 2097152> / proc / sys / Kernel / shmall # echo 65536> / proc / sys / fs / file-max # echo 1024 65000> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_local_port_ranges, of course, to automatically help you set these parameters for a boot system, or change /etc/sysctl.conf this file, add the following statement: kernel.shmmax = 536870912 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel.Sem = 250 32000 100 128 fs.file-max = 65536 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 3, set Oracle to file requirements: Editor file: /etc/security/limits.conf Add to the following statement: Oracle Soft Nofile 65536 Oracle Hard NPROC 16384 Oracle Hard Nproc 16384 4. Set the system environment: First set the root user's terminal. Export Oracle_Base = / OPT / ORA9 Export Oracle_Home = / OPT / ORA9 / Product / 9.2 (Oracle is installed in these locations) This step is used when you use it, pay attention to this terminal should not turn off it.

5. Set up an Oracle user's environment, open a terminal, Su - Oracle Note Be sure to open an open .bash.profile file, join the following: #oracle 9i export oracle_base = / opt / ora9 export oracle_home = / OPT / ora9 / product / 9.2 export PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / bin: $ ORACLE_HOME / Apache / Apache / bin: $ PATH export ORACLE_OWNER = oracle export ORACLE_SID = ora9i export ORACLE_TERM = vt100 export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = 2.4.1 export THREADS_FLAG = native export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / opt / ora9 / product / 9.2 / lib: $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH = / opt / ora9 / product / 9.2 / bin: $ PATH # # change this NLS settings to suit your country: # example: # german_germany.we8iso8859p15, american_america.we8iso8859p2 Etc. # export lang = en_us exits after saving. Then. Exit the login and enter again, this time Oracle's environment has taken effect. 6, unzip file, patch before install, switch to the root user's console: Fourth, start formal installation 1, cd / home mkdir ora9i CD ORA9i These directory you can define it yourself, to store installation files. Then copy the three Oracle920 downloaded from the Internet: 2. Solution GZ file Gunzip Gunzip LNX_920_Disk1.cpio.gz Gunzip LNX_920_Disk2.cpio.gz gunzip lnx_920_disk3.cpio.gz 3. Release CPIO file CPIO -IDMV

# Unzip Archive: creating: 3006854 / inflating: 3006854 / inflating: 3006854 / README.txt # cd 3006854 # sh 3, Oracle's complete installation: to open a new control terminal (with Root user open) #xhost This command is used to ensure that the Oracle user calls X11, otherwise I have not mentioned all the documents I have seen, and the result is harmful to this place for two hours to get together. #SU - Oracle Switched to Oracle User: Oracle Oracle: / Home / Ora9i / Disk1 / RunInstaller Note What's the following: First, install Oracle9i in Redhat Advance Server 3 Do not use GCC to downgrade, some documents It is necessary to drop GCC to 2.96. In fact, it is not necessary, in some documents, ask the LD_ASSUME_kernel set to 2.4.19 in some documents, do not set this, otherwise it will be in RLINK There will be a large number of reports. Third, install Oracle does not need to install JDK, Oracle's own use of fourth, during the installation process, the system will remind you to perform two SH files as root, and then the root login terminal is followed by prompt operation. It is possible to have two errors in the fifth, reelink: IGNORET.MK and INS_CTX.MK. Point Ignore ignore. Sixth. Note Do not create a database during installation, if you create it, there is no relationship to upgrade it before upgrade Delete it (not installed again, is it a bit trouble? Simply don't create a database), I have to die, I am depressed !!!!!!!! Be sure to pay attention !!!! Fifth, start Upgrade ORACLE9.2.0 1. After the installation is over, HTTPD will run automatically. Before upgrading, you need to stop it. $ Cd $ oracle_home / apache / apache / bin $ ./apachectl stop ./apachectl stop: httpd stopped Listener stop. $ LSNRCTL Stop Lsnrctl for Linux: Version - Production On 07-NOV-2003 16:25:41 Copyright (C) 1991, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Connecting To (Address = (protocol = TCP ) (Port = 1521)) The command completed success: If you keep it, Oracle will prompt to overwrite the file. You can stop the service again at this time, you can go. 2. Start patch upgrade. Note when using the patch root user, switch to the root user console: unpack: $ unzip Archive: inflating: 9204_lnx32_release.cpio inflating: README.html inflating: patchnote.css $ cat 9204_lnx32_release.cpio │ cpio - I --Make-Directories After doing this, switch to the Oracle User Console, run the / home / ora9i / disk1 / runinstaller upgrade, pay attention to the bottom installation option,


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