Ser SIP Server Quick installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  75

Ser SIP Server Quick installation

Published in: Thursday, July 15, 2004 6:58 PM

SER Quick Installation 1. Redhat and RPM Suite Installer: Download Point: / Enter the corresponding version directory in accordance with the redhat version used The current version of the current support has three versions of redhat7.3, redhat8.0, redhat9.

Redhat 7.3 Download and Installation: Installation: RPMM -IVH SER-0.8. 12-0.I386.RPM Redhat 8.0 Download and Installation: Installation: RPMM -IVH SER-0.8.12-0.I386.RPM Redhat 9.0 Download and Installation: 0.i386.rpm installation: rpm -ivh ser-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm 2. Debian Using DEB Suite Installer: Download: Packages / debian / stable / ser_0.8.12_i386.deb installation: DPKG -I Ser_0.8.12_i386.deb 3. Gentoo: Installation: Emerge Ser 4. TAR.GZ installer: Download: ftp: //ftp.berlios. DE / PUB / SER / 0.8.12 / bin / ser-0.8.12_linux_i386.tar.gz installation: CD / TAR ZXVF SER-0.8.12_linux_i386.tar.gz (this will install the software to / usr / local / directory, Setting files will be placed /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg) 5. Solaris: FTP: // SER-0.8.12-Solaris-SPARC64-local.gz installation: Gunzip Ser-0.8.12-Solaris-sparc64-local.gz pkgadd -d ser-0.8.12-Solaris-sparc64-local.gz 6. NetBSD: Download : Ftp:// /Packages/netbsd/1.6/sparc64/ser-0.8.12.tgz installation: PKG_ADD SER-0.8.12.tgz 7. OpenBSD: FTP: // Packages / OpenBSD / 3.2 / I386 / SER-0.8.12.tgz installation: PKG_ADD SER-0.8.12.tgz 8. Fedora Core 1: Download: /Packages/fedora/1/ser-0.8.12-0.I386.RPM installation: rpm -ivh ser-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm Starting Server 1. Redhat Using RPM Suite Installer: / etc / rc .d / init.d / ser start debian: After installing the software, the program will start automatically.

(Some situations can be manually executed automatically if the /etc/init.d/ser start directive can be manually executed) Use tar.gz file installer: tar.gz file does not contain the Script file of Init.D, execute / usr / Local / Sbin / Server can start program. Checking the status of the serveor to use the SERCTL's tool program to display the status of the server. First add the SIP_DOMAIN parameter in the environment variable, execute in the B shell: Export Sip_domain = "Your.domain" where "Your.domain" is filled in correct The ser host name. To automatically join this environment variable each time you boast, please modify the / etc / profile file, describe this line to the end. PS: If your MySQL host name is not localhost, modify the variable SQL_HOST in the SRCTL file. Execute / USR / SBIN / SERCTL MONI (RPM and DEB Installation) or / usr / local / sbin / serverl Moni (tar.gz installation) After completing the above work, the Server has been properly launched, and the instruction PS can be used. A See if the correlation has been implemented correctly in the memory, you can understand the status of the servo. Ser Sip Server Advanced Setting 1 - MySQL

Published in: Friday July 16, 2004 6:05 PM

Software Home: current version: 0.8.12 (04.13.2004) Article Date: 07.16.2004 author of the article: bell SER and MYSQL When completed SER SIP server after installation fast we can get to a use of SER Server, indicating that this server is simple and Yangchun, especially it does not do the user's identity authentication and will lose the user's location information after the servo is re-off. To enhance the strong toughness of the server and keep the user's certification data and record the user's position after rebooting, the SER can set to support the MySQL database. Before performing the following settings, you must first confirm that your machine has been installed correctly Mysql repository. Download & Installation 1. Redhat: redhat 7.3: Download: installation : Rpm -ivh ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm redhat 8.0: Download: 0.8.12-0.I386.RPM installation: rpm -ivh ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm redhat 9: Download: Packages / redhat / 9 / ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm installation: rpm -ivh ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm 2. Debian: Download: ftp://ftp.berlios .de / pub / ser / 0.8.12 / packages / debian / stable / ser-mysql-module_0.8.12_i386.deb installation: DPKG -I Ser-mysql-module_0.8.12_i386.deb 3. Fedora Core 1: FTP: // rpm -ivh ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386. RPM 4. TAR.GZ: Ser-MySQL support has been placed in tar.gz files, and the execution path is / usr / local / sbin / established database table After the above-mentioned kits are properly installed, I can take advantage of command To perform related or delete databases. If it is a new installed ser: /usr/sbin/ createl (rpm / deb installed) or /usr/local/sbin/ create (tar.gz installation) or above instructions will create a new SER database Related forms.

If you want to upgrade the old version of the SER, please do: /usr/sbin/ reinstall or /usr/local/sbin/ reinstall (tar.gz installation) SER_MYSQL.SH Other Related Syntax: SER_MYSQL.SH CREATE New Create Database SER_MYSQL.SH DROP Fully Delete Reinit completely delete and re-establish the Ser Database Table Backup Database Current Database and output to stdout RESTORE Recycling repository SER_MYSQL.SH COPY from the specified archive, generate a new database SER_MYSQL.SH Reinstall update and generate a new database to confirm whether the database is ser link library correctly generated, the server can sign mysql: mysql> connect ser; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Connection id: 278 Current database : SER then list the database form: mysql> show tables; -------------------- | TABLES_IN_SER | ------- ---------------- | ACC | | Active_SESS | | ALIAS | | Config | | Domain | | Event | | GRP | | Location | | MISSED_CALLS | | PENDING | | Phonebook | | preferences | | | | | Server_monitoring | | | SILO | | Subscriber | | URI | | Version | ----------------- ------ 19 ROWS IN Set (0.00 sec) See the above form indicates that the database has been established correctly. Modifying the Ser Related Configuration Setting Now We already have a Mysql database, we need to modify the configuration settings of the Server to use the MySQL database, the setting placed in /etc/ser/ser.cfg Redhat and rpm installation), or /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg (Tar.GZ installation) To start the new MySQL database function, you must load the correct module. This function can be reached by reforring (with the ##) below: loadModule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/" Next we want to set the data to write the information The library is replaced to replace the quick data stored on the memory. Quickly annotate (add ## in the top): Modparam ("usrloc", "db_mode", 0) then reflect (Take the ##) below: Modparam ("usrloc", "DB_MODE", 2) Description of DB_MODES: * Mode 0 (mode 0) Close the write database. Contact information, etc. will be lost after the system is restarted. * MODE 1 (Mode 1) immediately writes all changes to the database, contact information, etc. will immediately write the database. The response speed when the client is connected to slow.

* MODE 2 (Mode 2) Periodically writes contact information or the like from the branch stream to the database. To start the identity authentication function, you need to remove the following two lines: loadingModule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/" LoadModule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/AUTH_DB.SO" We can choose to be stored The password in the database is stored in an unencrypted mode. This makes the password reply and the initial settings and test work easier. To launch this feature, please refer to the following two lines: Modparam ("Auth_DB", "Calculate_ha1", YES) Modparam ("Auth_db", "Password_Column", "password") These two lines work together. The first line tells 卅 r to generate the user name, password, and the Hash of Relam. The second line tells the SER that the field in the database is where the uncoated password is placed. Finally, we need to update the road to identify our Realm. Change (URI == "Myself") is (URI = ~ "") Refers to the following quarters and use instead if (! Www_authorize, "subscriber")) {www_challenge ("", "0"); Break;}; note! in the above examples is only used as Van Li, which must be filled in the correct host name when using it. Download Support Mysql Ser.cfg Setting Route RPM Installer: Related Information / CFG/Ser.cfg.mysql.rpm_install (0.8.12) TAR Installer: HTTP : // Related Information /cfg/ser.cfg.mysql.tar_install (0.8.12_0.8.14) After downloading, remember to modify the file name to ser.cfg and copy or move to / In the USR / local / etc / ser directory, and the host URL is modified to the appropriate host name. Restart the SER Server Execution /etc/rc.d/init.d/ser restart or /etc/init.d/ser restart (RPM / DEB Suite Installer) or / USR / local / sbin / serctl restart (TAR. GZ installer now we already have Ser Sip Proxy Server that supports the Mysql database. SER SIP Server Advanced Setting 2 - SerctL

Published in: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:21 PM

Software Home: current version: 0.8.12 (04.13.2004) Article Date: 07.20.2004 Author article: Law bell serctl use your realm adding new manager and now we have one available The library and the Ser also uses it correctly, and now you can join some users and minimize one of the users with managers. This is important if you want to use web management tools such as SERWEB. Simple number can be reached through the SERCTL of this instruction manuscript: / usr / sbin tar.gz installation: / usr / land / sbin Add a user can use the following instructions: SERCTL Add Bell Password Bell @ The system will prompt "Type MySQL Password", and the preset password is HESLO to make Bell a system administrator, we have to log in Mysql and change the database. mysql> connect ser; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Connection id: 82 Current database: ser mysql> update subscriber set perms = admin where USER_ID =?? ? Joeuser ?; [b] Note: This instruction is invalid when testing in version 0.8.12! The countdown third column shows that Bell has been set to system managers. Ser 0.8.14 Already release!

Table: Mandarin August 05, 2004 3:07 PM

Software Home: current version: 0.8.14 (07.27.2004) Article Date: 08.05.2004 author of the article: bell Description: SER has launched a new version 0.8.14, according to the statement on the website README, this version There is no new function, purely 0.8.12 bug fixed version. However, this version did not pack the software into a variety of Distribution's suite in Packages, which only offers a kit available for Debian and Solaris. So people trying to use this version not to pack from Source Code, otherwise it is to be installed with .tar.gz file installation, tar.gz file installation mode is 0.8.12. SER.CFG Support Mysql Database Setting Download: Related Information / CFG/Ser.cfg.mysql.tar_install (0.8.12_0.8.14) Note: Download After that, remember the modified file name and then copy or move it to the / usr / local / etc / ser directory, and modify the host NELL.IDV.TW to the appropriate host name.


Published in: Friday June 11, 2004 9:30 AM

Software Home: current version: 0.8.12 (04.13.2004) Article Date: 04.13.2004 author of the article: bell RedHat software installation and use of RPM packages installed by: rpm -ivh ser-0.8.12- 0.i386.rpm Debian Using the DEB Suite Installer: DPKG -I Ser_0.8.12_i386.deb Using Tar.GZ installer: CD / TAR ZXVF SER-0.8.12_linux_i386.tar.gz (this will install the software to / usr / Local / directory, and set files will be placed in /usr/local/etc/ser/ser.cfg) Start Server RedHat Using RPM Suite Installer: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ser Start Debian: After installing the software, the program will start automatically. (Some conditions can be executed automatically if there is no automatic startup, the /etc/init.d/ser start directive is enabled) tar.gz: tar.gz file does not contain the Script file of init.d, execute / usr / local / sbin / SER can start the program. Checking the status of the serveor to use the SERCTL's tool program to display the status of the server. First add the SIP_DOMAIN parameter in the environment variable, execute in the B shell: Export Sip_domain = "Your.domain" where "Your.domain" is filled in correct The ser host name. To automatically join this environment variable each time you boast, please modify the / etc / profile file, describe this line to the end. PS: If your MySQL host name is not localhost, modify the variable SQL_HOST in the SRCTL file. Execute / USR / SBIN / SERCTL MONI (RPM and DEB installation) or / usr / local / sbin / serctl moni (tar.gz installation) to see the status of the server. Login Server uses Microsoft's Windows Messenger: Tools -> Options -> Account -> SIP Communication Service Login Name Enter: User Name @ Server Address (Example: Bell@ Then select the Improvement -> Group Status Set Servo Name or IP Address: Enter the Server Address (Example: Connection: Select UDP Advanced Setting Completed SER Server After the above settings are very simple, the function is very small, for example It does not do user authentication, and will lose the database of the user's location every time you reboot. To improve these issues such as user authentication, restart can still remember the user's address information, etc., SER can set the use of the MySQL database to manage these materials.

Before you perform this program, you must first determine that the mysql server has running on your computer, your MySQL server must be set to accept a large number of connection requirements, add acceptable connection requirements, please Modify /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld (or /etc/init.d/mysqld) This script file, find the following variable modification: set-variable = max_connection = 500 installation support mysql kit Redhat: rpm -ivh Ser-mysql-0.8.12-0.i386.rpm debian: DPKG -I Ser-mysql_module_0.8.12_i386.deb tar.gz: SER-mysql support to put in tar.gz file, path to / usr / local / SBIN / Establishment MySQL Database Table If you want to upgrade the old SER program, please perform /usr/sbin/ reinstall (RPM / DEB installation) or /usr/local/sbin/ reinstall (TAR. GZ installation) If it is a new installed ser: /ussr/sbin/ Createl (RPM / DEB installation) or /usr/local/sbin/ create (tar.gz installation) The above instruction will create a new SER Database related form. SER_MYSQL.SH Other related syntax: SER_MYSQL.SH DROP Delete SER Database SER_MYSQL.SH Reinit Delete and Re-establish the Ser Database SER_MYSQL.SH Backup Backup Database SER_MYSQL.SH RESTORE Recycle SER_MYSQL.SH COPY Replication of Reinstall Reinstall Create Sets Create Sets Create Sets SER_MYSQL Modify /etc/ser/ser.cfg (RPM/Deb Installation) or /us R / OCAL/etc/ser.cfg Dragonfly (ie, ##) loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/" loadingmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/AUTH.SO" loadModule "/ usr / LIB / SER / MODULES / AUTH_DB.SO "Modparam (" Usrloc "," DB_MODE ", 2) MODPARAM (" Auth "," Calculate_ha1 ", Yes) Modparam (" Auth_db "," Password_Column "," Password ") IF ( Www_authorize ("", "") {www_challenge ("", "0"); Break;}; PS: above Please fill in the correct SER host name.


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