Installation of VOCAL (VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

Software Name: Vocal (VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library) Software Version: 1.5.0 Software Page: Software Download: To install Vocal 1.5 .0 Previous precautions To know that there must be a X Window system, the GCC compiler is required to pay attention to the X WINDOW system and GCC compiler when installing RedHat 7.3 / 8.0 / 9.0. Host name and IP address must be set, Can't be Please check the / etc / hosts set file. If there is only this column, please join the native IP and host name, example: localhost.localdomain localhost XXX Your_HostName XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Please fill in the IP address used by the host, please_hostname, please fill the host name to use this host. Vocal Server must have Java Environment Java to download: http: //192.168. 0.251 / guest / files / j2re-1_4_2_03-Linux-i586-rpm.bin After downloading, CHMOD X J2RE-1_4_2_03-Linux-i586-rpm.bin makes J2RE-1_4_2_03-Linux-i586-rpm.bin has Perform the attribute, then execute: J2RE-1_4_2_03-Linux-i586-rpm.bin will then solve the RPM file of J2RE-1_2_03-Linux-I586-RPM after completion of the following programs installation RPM-IVH J2RE-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm After the equation is executed, the Java environment will be established. PS: If you need to save the system's hard drive space, J2RE-1_4_03-Linux-I586-RPM.bin and J2RE-1_4_2_03-Linux-I586-RPM can be saved. Delete after installation. [/ B] Web Server [/ b] If you want to use Web Browser to make system control, you must have a web server function on Vocal System, so When installing RedHat Linux, remember to select the web server and set the web server as start.

Vocal software installation

Software Name: Vocal (VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library) Software Version: 1.5.0 Software Page: Software Download: Institutional steps: Source Code tar bell: Applicable OS: Redhat 7.3 First download Vocal 1.5.0 original code software then decompress TAR ZXVF VOCAL-1.5.0.Tar.gz Enter Vocal Subdate CD Vocal ./configure make make install If the compilation process is correct, the result will see Congratulation: You Have SuccessFully Installed Vocal!

To this, the installation is installed by Source Code Tarball. RPM Installation: Download the appropriate RPM file first, according to the operating system: Applicable OS: RedHat 7.3 download the following RPM file .0 / rh73 / vocalbin-1.5.0-20.i386.rpm http : // Sipset-1.5.0-20.i386.rpm Install RPM Archive: RPM-IVH Vocalbin -1.5.0-20.i386.5.0-20.0-20.i386.rpm rpm -ivh ataauto-1.5.0-20.i386.rpm rpm -ivh sipset-1.5.0-20 .i386.rpm rpm -ivh b2bua-1.5.0-20.i386.rpm After completing all RPM files, the Redhat 7.3 software is completed after all RPM files. Applicable OS: RedHat 8.0 download the following RPM file http: //ftp.wl0 .org / vocal / rh8 / ataauto-1.5.0-20.rh8.i386.rpm http: / / RPM 1.5.0-20.rH8.I386.RPM Install RPM file: rpm -ivh vocalbin-1.5.0-20.RH8.I386.0-20.0-20.RH8.I386.0-20.RH8.I386.RPM RPM -IVH Ataauto-1.5.0-20.rH8.I386.RPM rpm -ivh Sipset-1.5.0-20.RH8.I386.0-20.RH B2BUA-1.5.0-20.RH8.I386.RPM illustrated After all the RPM files are completed, the RedHat 8.0 software is completed. Applicable OS: Redhat 9.0 first download the following RPM file http : // I386.rpm 0-21.rH9.I386.rpm Install RPM Archive:

RPM-IVH VOCALBIN-1.5.0-21.RH9.I386.RPM rpm -ivh vocalbin-Tools-1.5.0-21.RH9.I386.RPM rpm -ivh ataauto-1.5.0-21.rH9.i386.rpm RPM-IVH SIPSET-1.5.0-21.RH9.I386.0-21.RH B2BUA-1.5.0-21.RH9.I386.0-21.RH9.I386.RPM Completed Redhat 9.0 Software installation after all RPM files were completed, three] Vocal system setting

Software Name: Vocal (VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library) Software Version: 1.5.0 Software Web: Software Download: / When Vocal Software Installation After you have finished setting up Vocal, you can do it. Vocal itself is elastic, you can execute a variety of services on different hosts, or on the same host, that is, SCALING capabilities. The test system can perform all services on the same host, perform the following: / usr / local / vocal / bin / allinoneconfigure / allinoneconfigure will appear: Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning the FOLLOWING .. will destroy any VOCAL configuration that you currently have on your system If you would like to exit, press Control-C now WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Please press Enter to continue, or q to quit []: press ENTER button Continued I am Using Files from / USR / local / Vocal / bin / allinoneconfigure. is this ok? [y]: Please press Y to continue Welcome to the Vocal All-in-One Configuration System. This Program is intended to configure a Small Example System Which Has All of The Servers Running On One Box, Known as an "All-in-One"

system. This all-in-one system is NOT intended as a production system, but as a simple example to get users started using VOCAL. This configuration WILL destroy any currently configured system on this machine. If this is not acceptable, please quit by Pressing control-c now. Host IP address []: Please enter the IP address of the host Remote Contact Hostname or Address (this sales not be loopback or [ XXX]]: Please enter the IP address of the host or host name, but if you enter the IP address []: Press ENTER Multicast HeartBeat Port (0 to deAction) Heartbeat [0]: Press ENTER to press ENTER to press Enter User to Run As [Nobody]: Press ENTER to html Directory to Install .jar and .html Files Into [/ usr / Local / Vocal / HTML]: Press ENTER CGI-BIN DIRECTORY TO Install Web-Based Provisioning CGI Files Into [/ usr / local / Vocal / CGI-BIN]: Press ENTER to pROVISIONY YOUR SYSTEM Requires the Ability To View the contents of / usr / local / vocal / html from the web. there. there. there.... review both options before answering the next prompt Option 1:. Step 1: Answer y to the next prompt This will let this script attempt to add the following to your Apache httpd.conf file:. Alias ​​/ vocal "/ usr / local / vocal / html ALOWOVERRIDE NONE OPTIONS EXECCGI ORDER ALOW, DENY Allow from All

Adding this script creates an alias from the following URL: http: // vserver2 / vocal / which points to / usr / local / vocal / html Step 2:. After this script has completed running, restart your copy of Apache (httpd) for the change to take effect Option 2:. Answer n to the next prompt Then, manually copy the directory / usr / local / vocal / html to HTML directory for your web server You should not need to restart your copy of Apache after the.. Script Has Completed Running. ******** Add * HTML * Directory Alias ​​******** Would You Like this Script to Attempt Option 1, Step 1 (Y), or Would You like to Perform Option 2 Manually (if Y, You Must Restart Apache After this Script Has Completed Running.) [Y]: Please press Y Continue Directory Where Apache's Httpd.conf Is Located [/ etc / httpd / conf]: Press ENTER directly I can do Would you like to enable the Web-based configuration of vocal? There two options before answers the next prompt. ************************ ******************************************************** * Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning ****************************************************** ********************************** Both of these Options Change your Web Server to Run Additional Code. Please make one you take a look at the code and are comfortable running it on your web server Option 1:. Step 1:. Answer y to the next prompt This will let this script attempt to add the following to your Apache httpd.conf file: ScriptAlias ​​/ vocalconf / "/ usr / local / vocal / cgi-bin ALOWOVERRIDE NONE OPTIONS EXECCGI ORDER ALLOW, DENY Allow from All

Adding this script creates an alias from the following URL: http: // vserver2 / vocalconf / which points to / usr / local / vocal / cgi-bin Step 2:. After this script has completed running, restart your copy of Apache (httpd ) for the change to take effect Option 2:. Answer n to the next prompt Then, manually copy the directory / usr / local / vocal / html to HTML directory for your web server You should not need to restart your copy of Apache.. After the script has completed running. ----------- Add - cgi-bin - alias ------------ Would You Like this Script to Attempt Option 1, Step 1 (Y ), or Would you like to perform Option 2 Manually (n)?

(If Y, You Must RESTART APACHE AFTER This Script Has Completed.) [Y]: Press ENTER to THE APACHE Web Server Runs CGI Scripts as this user [Apache]: Press Enter to be used by enter you like me to automaticly Generate a password (enter y to choose a password, or n to choose your ow) [n]: Here is the setting system password, as a password credential for entering the system in the future. There are two methods generated by the password, one is randomly generated by the system Number of chaos, one is specified for the user. If you want to be automatically generated by the system, you should choose n. One way to customize it, it is recommended to specify your usual password by the user. I chose n [/ n] chooses n, ENTER password: retype password: [b] Enter the password content you want to set twice to ensure that the password correctly select Y, a group of messages generated on the screen, Please write this password with a paper pen. Path to openssl program, or none to not configure ssl support [/ usr / bin / openssl]: Press ENTER directly ************** *************** Configuration: Host IP Address: Remote Contact Address: Multicast Heartbeat IP Address: Multicast Heartbeat Port: 0 Log Level: LOG_NOTICE User to Run as: Nobody HTML Directory: / usr / local / Vocal / HTML CGI Directory: / usr / local / vocal / cgi-bin apache will run as: apache openssl: / usr / bin / openssl add alias to: / etc / httpd /conf/httpd.conf Add CGI to: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ********************************************************* CONTINUE []: When the above When the text indicates that the setting has been completed, please check all the above settings, if you correctly, press Y and press Enter, if you do not correct, press Enter to give up the setting. If you do not have a problem, press Y and press Enter to continue. *** *********************************************************** **************** Beginning The Vocal Configuration Process. This May Take A Few Seconds. Generating RSA Private Key, 512 Bit Long Modulus ... .........

E IS 65537 (0x10001) Using Configuration from /TMP/MKReq.txt.14716 Using Configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf done. ****************** **************************************************************** Your Vocal System Is Just About ready to run Please be aware of the following information:. * to configure your system, go to http: // vserver2 / vocal / And select one of the links there Here is your information to log into the Web Based Provisioning system:. User Name: Vocal Password: * if You Lose this information, you can reset the password using allinoneconfigure -r When you see the above text, the setting of the software is completed. When the setting is complete, you can use Web Browser (IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera ...) to open the management page, but you must restart the web server to load a new set value, execute: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart Restart After web server, you can see the login screen by entering the http: // / Vocal /, with Vocal to log in to the name and the password you entered or by the system. The number generated can be logged in. When the AllinoneConfigure program is completed, it is best to check if the Vocal program has been executed, and can be queried by the following command: / usr / local / vocal / bin / vocalctl status If you see FS 5080 14857 FS 5085 14858 FS 5090 14859 FS 509 5 14860 FS 5105 14862 FSVM 5110 14889 MS 5060 14864 MS 5065 14865 PS 14890 RS 5070 14867 VMServer 14868 The VOCAL program has been executed correctly. PS: To re-change the system password can be performed: / usr / local / vocal / bin / allinoneconfigure / allinoneconfigure -r can react the password. [4] Vocal system execution and test

Software Name: Vocal (VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library) Software Version: 1.5.0 Software Web: Software Download: System Test When System After completing the allinoneconfigure setting, you can automate the program. You can verify that the system is correct, and the VerifySip test will automatically generate two items TEST1000 and TEST1001. Two accounts TEST1000 and TEST1001 via the -A parameter. TEST1000 creates a SIP call to TEST1001. These two test accounts will be removed together when the test is completed. Please perform the / usr / local / vocal / bin / verifysip -a system ENTER VOCAL Administrator Password: Please enter You just set or generated by the system. Verifysip version 1.070202 USE -H TO See More Options Running Test Against Vocal System At vserver2 ... Vocal Basic Call test passed If you see Vocal Basic Call test passeed, the system settings And execution is correct. If there is any error, please reconnect the system settings. System execution and stop although the Vocal will be automatically started after the AllinoneConfigure settings, the system is rebooted or turned off, the VOCAL program will Stop execution. To manually start the Vocal system, execute: / usr / local / vocal / bin / vocalctl Start sample When the system is turned on automatically, Vocal can be added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local related instructions and parameters Vocalctl Stop Vocalctl ShutDown The above two parameters can close the Vocal program. Vocalctl Reload When modified by Vocal setting file, you can reload the syntax and use of the remaining parameters of the setting file, can perform VocalctL? Know the Vocal Software

Published in: Friday June 11, 2004 9:28 AM


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