Incomplete guidance of C ++ resources [Next]

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Written / Zeng Yi Tao Wen finally updated: June 12, 2004

Disclaimer: This article was first in the "9CBS development masters" in May 2004, copyright belongs to the magazine and "programmer" magazine. The magazine is limited to the contents of the section, and this version is a relatively complete version. This article is an introductory article, which will continue to update the C language with the author. In C , the position of the library is very high. Mr. Bjarne Stroustrup, the father of C , has repeatedly expressed the design library to expand the function of designing more grammar. In reality, C library doors are also extremely widely solved, and the library has a lightweight to heavyweight. Many thinking of people who are open to the eyes, or they are angry. Since the number of libraries is very large, they are limited to the level of the author, many of which don't know. So some libraries mentioned in the article are more famous large libraries. The basic facilities of the C program are available in the standard library standard library. Although the C standard library has been tossing with C standards until the standard introduction is formally fixed, it is very gratifying in the realization of the standard library, and has been proved to have an industrial level strength. Good job. 1, Dinkumware C Library reference site: p.j. High quality standard library written by Plauger. P. J. Dr. Plauger is the winner of the DR. Dobb's program design outstanding award. The library prepared was used by Microsoft, and the recent Borland also obtained its OEM's license, using Dinkumware libraries in its C / C products. 2, Roguewave Standard C Library reference site: This library has been used in the early versions of Borland C Builder, and later replaced by other libraries. The author is not recommended. 3, SGI STL reference site: SGI C standard template library. 4, Stlport reference site: The cross-platform portable version of the SGI STL library. The quasi-standard library - Boost Boost library is a C library that has passed thousands of hammers, portable, providing source code, as a standard library, is one of the engines of the C standardization process. Boost libraries are launched by members of the C Standards Committee Working Group, which has greatly affected in the C community, and its members have nearly 2,000. The Boost library has brought us the latest, coolest, most practical technology, which is a "quasi" standard library. There are more famous libraries in Boost:

Regex Regular Expression Library Spirit Ll Parser Framework, direct expression of EBNF Graph diaphographics and algorithms with C code Lambda Define Short anonymous function objects in the call, very practical Functional Function Concept Check Checking the Concept MPL in generic programming Template Implementation Metal C Multi-thread Python Map C Class and Functions to Python Pool Memory Pool Management Smart_ptr 5 smart pointers, learning smart pointers must be read, a good reference is from CUJ articles : Smart Pointers in boost, oh, this article can be found, Cuj is available online. The Chinese version of the pen is translated in the "DR. Dobb's Journal Software R & D Journal". BOOST is generally a high value of high quality and high quality. And due to its emphasis on cross-platform, the standard C emphasizes the preparation of the platform-independent, modern C developers must. But there are many things in Boost to experimental nature, and practical use in actual development needs to be cautious. And many Boost's library functions are expanded to language functions, and their constructive use of the unacceptable technique, do not rash the time to study. Boost is another side, such as a library such as Graph is a boutique code with good industrial strength, very structural, very worthy of study, and can be safe in the product code. Reference site: (Domestic mirror: GUI in numerous C libraries, GUI part of the library It is more prosperous and is more compelling. In actual development, the Choice of the GUI library is also a very important thing. Let's review the optional GUI libraries, their own characteristics and support for related tools. 1, MFC's famous Microsoft Foundation Class. People who learn VC should know this library. Although the MFC is not very beautiful from the technical point of view, it is built on the Windows API, which enables programmers to work more easily, high programming efficiency, reduces the code that must be written when establishing a Windows program, at the same time All general C programming advantages, such as inheritance and packaging. The program written by the MFC is portable on each version of the Windows operating system, for example, code written under Windows 3.1 can be easily ported to Windows NT or Windows 95. But in recent development and official support. 2, Qt Reference Website: qt is a multi-platform C graphical user interface application framework for Trolltech. It provides the application developer to establish the functionality required to establish an art graphical user interface. QT is a full-faced object that is easy to expand and allows you to make a true component programming. Earlies earlier in 1996, QT entered the business sector, which has become the basis for thousands of successful applications worldwide. QT is also the foundation of the popular Linux desktop environment KDE, and it also supports Windows, Macintosh, UNIX / X11 and other platforms. 3, wxwindows Reference Website: Cross the platform GUI library.

Because of its level hierarchical imaging, there is a paper introducing code transplants from MFC to WXWindows to achieve cross-platform functions. Through years of development is also a growing GUI library, supporting the same not weaker than two libraries. And it is completely open source. The new C Builder X GUI designer is based on this library. 4, FOX open source GUI library. From the experience of their personally developed an ideal GUI library, the author should look forward to the feeling, and start the development of this library. Interested can try it. Reference website:, WTL Based on ATL's library. Because of the use of a large amount of ATL's lightweight technique, template and other technologies, in terms of code size, and speed optimization. The main use group is a developer of visualization controls for developing COM lightweight. 6, GTK Reference Website: is a big name Ding Ding GUI library. In the world of Linux, there is a killer application like gnome. GTK is the C package version of this library. Network Communication ACE Reference Website: Schmidt/Ace.html C library representative, overweight network communication development framework. The ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATION Environment is an object-oriented framework that is free to use, open source, in which many core modes for concurrent communication software are implemented. ACE provides a set of rich Wrapper Facade and framework components that complete universal communication software tasks across a variety of platforms, including: event multiplexing and event processor assignment, signal processing, service Initialization, inter-process communication, shared memory management, message routing, distributed service dynamics (heavy) configuration, concurrent execution, synchronization, and so on. StreamModule Reference Website: Designed to simplify libraries to write distributed programs. Trying to make the program to process asynchronous behavior more easily, not the essence of asynchronous enclosures with synchronous housings. SimpleSocket Reference Website: This class library allows the written socket-based client / server program easier. A Street Socket API for C Reference Website: DGame/sockets/socketsc /sockets.html is another wrapper to the Socket. XML XERCES Reference Website: Xerces-C is a very robust XML parser that provides verification, and SAX and DOM APIs. XML verification has good support in document type definition (DTD), and in December 2001, the basic complete open standards supporting W3C XML Schema are added. XMLBOOSTER Reference Website: This library has greatly improved the speed of XML parsing by generating a special Parser, and can produce the corresponding GUI program to modify this PARSER. Another possible solution is provided outside the DOM and SAX mainstream XML parsing methods.

PULL PARSER Reference Website: This library uses the PARSER of the PULL method. There is a Pull Parser under each SAX's Parser, which uses this layer to expose this layer directly to everyone. It is worth trying to try it with your speed. Xalan Reference Website: Xalan is an XSLT processor for converting an XML document to HTML, plain text, or other XML type document. CMarkup Reference Website: This is an XML parser using EDOM. It is very flexible on many ideas. It is worth seeing to seek a little inspiration outside the DOM and SAX. LIBXML libXML is a C package version of the famous libXML XML parser BLITZ reference website: Blitz is a high efficiency calculation The function library, its design purpose is to create a set of both C as convenient, while faster than the Fortran speed. Typically, the numeric program written by C is more than 20% slower than Fortran, so Blitz is to change this shortcoming. The method is to use C Template technology, program execution can even be faster than Fortran. BLITZ is still in development. For common linear algebraic methods such as common SVD, FFTS, QMRES, but users can easily build the functions provided by BLITZ . Pooma Reference Website: Pooma is a free high-performance C library for handling parallel scientific calculations. Pooma's object-oriented design is convenient for fast program development, optimizing parallel machines to achieve the highest efficiency, facilitates use in industrial and research environments. MTL Reference Website: Matrix Template Library (MTL) is a high-performance generic component library that provides a large number of linear algebraic features of various format matrices. In some applications, the compiler of the INTEL is used in some applications, as can be seen from the generated assembly code, it can be seen from the handwriting with almost no difference. CGAL Reference Website: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library is to provide users with most important solutions and methods in calculating geometries to users in C libraries. Game Development Audio / Video 3D C Programming Library Reference Website: AV3D is a cross-platform, high-performance C library. The main characteristics are to provide 3D graphics, sound support (SB, and S3M), control interface (keyboard, mouse, and remote sensing), XMS.

KLAYGE Reference Website: / Domestic Game Development Master's game engine developed with C . KLayGE is an open source, cross-platform game engine, and uses Python as a scripting language. Klayge is issued under the LGPL protocol. Thanks to Mr. Gong Minmin to contribute to the Chinese game development cause. OGRE Reference Website: OGRE (object-oriented graphics rendering engine) is developed with C , using flexible object-oriented 3D engines. Its purpose is to let developers can develop applications or games based on 3D hardware devices more easily and directly. The class library in the engine has abstracted all the use details of the lower system library (such as Direct3D and OpenGL) and provides interfaces and other classes based on real world objects. Thread C Threads Reference Website: http: // The goal of this library is to provide programmers to provide easy-to-use classes, which are inherited to provide a large number of threads in the Linux environment. . Zthreads Reference Website: http://zthread.sourceForge.Net/ A advanced object-oriented, cross-platform C thread and sync library. Serialized S11N Reference Website: http: // A STL-based C library for serializing the POD, STL container, and user-defined types. Simple XML Persistence Library Reference Website: This is a lightweight C library that transfers object sequence to XML. String C Str Library Reference Website: Operating strings and characters of characters, support Windows and multiple platforms supporting GCC. Provide highly optimized code and support multi-threaded environment and Unicode, as well as regular expressions. Common text Transformation Library Reference Website: This is a library that resolves and modifies the STL string. The CTTL Substring class can be used to compare, insert, replace, and analyze the syntax of EBNF. Greta Reference Website: This is a library that is developed by the Microsoft Research Institute's researchers. There is a very good manifestation in the case of small matches. Comprehensive P :: Classes Reference Website: A highly portable C application framework. The current attention type and thread secure Signal / Slot mechanism, I / O system includes a plug-in-based network protocol transparent I / O architecture, a plug-in application message log frame, access the SQL database class, and more. ACDK - ArtefakTur Component Development Kit Reference Website: http: // This is a platform-independent C component framework, similar to the frame (reflection mechanism, thread, unicode, waste collection, i) similar to the frame (reflection mechanism, thread, unicode, waste collection, i) / O, network, utility, XML, etc.), and integration of Java, Perl, Python, TCL, LISP, COM, and CORBA.

DLIB C Library Reference Website: A integrated class of a variety of classes. Big integer, Socket, thread, GUI, container, and browse directory API, etc. Chilkat C Libraries Reference Website: This is a library that provides ZIP, E-mail, encoding, S / MIME, XML, etc. C Portable Types Library (PTYPES) ​​Reference Website: This is a relatively simple alternative to STL, as well as portable multi-threaded and network libraries. LFC Reference Website: Oh, this is another C library other library to provide all C libraries for other libraries for the Loki reference website: Oh, you may complain that I should complain. To introduce it to Boost, a library of experimental nature. The author has played the function of the C template in LOKI. And try to provide something similar to the idea of ​​similar design patterns through the library. It also provides a more practical function such as a smart pointer. ATL ATL (Active Template Library) is a set of small, efficient, flexible classes that provide basic facilities for creating interoperable COM components. The FC : The Functional C Library This library provides features in some functional languages. A representative of the library is expanded. If you want to find another point outside OOP, you can go to see the world of functional programming. Master Peter Norvig is one of the 6-class programming languages ​​that should at least learn in the "Teach YourSelf Programming In Ten Years" article. Fact! Reference website: Database CRYPTO to implement functional language features provides processing password, message verification, single-way HASH, aucture encryption The function of the system and other functions. There are also many very exciting or extremely practical C libraries, limited to our level, and articles of the article cannot be included. In the introduction of these already recent libraries, it is inevitably to be biased because it is not every we have used. Former books, Mr. Xiong Festival wrote a review relative to the Java programming language, C 's good books, such as cattle. Mr. Glory wrote in "Programmer" magazine "C programming five books" will also have a comprehensive introduction of almost all classic books in the field, any comment on the book, it seems to be a lot. Personally see, unless you intend to use C as the only interest or survival, the general reader does not have enough time and need to read more than 20 books.

More reference value is another article of Mr. Glory: "At least the nine C books you should read", you can browse from the following address: The readers of this book on the road to C beginners are our most willing to recommend it to everyone: "C primer" Oh, maybe you will complain why we don't introduce TCPL first, but getting started on the road of learning This book is more comprehensive, more detailed, and we call it "C Super Collection" is not too much. It is equipped with a good exercise solution "C Primer Answer Book" can assist your learning path. "Essential C " If "C Primer" is a super collection of C fields, then this book is well-deserved as a big way to master C . As the book ".NET Great View" allows the reader to cover .NET, this book tells the most core all themes in C . Although the book is not thick, the content is refined, the subject matter of "C Primer" readers after the meal. "The C Programming Language" Bjarne brings you the C tutorial, really tells you how the only book called true C . Although the books such as "a programming language" will give you a content, it is not suitable for beginners, but the book is really less suitable for beginners. If you think it is a very experienced C programmer, then at least repeatedly chews a number of content emphasized by Mr. Bjarne. "Effective C ", "More Effective C " Yes, just as some C enthusiasts often read or read the above two works to distinguish whether you are C masters. We also strongly recommend these two books. In various books in various introductions C expert experience, these two are the closest language nature, and they can have a book that will be replaced by the bones. You need to be born every day. Technical books are benevolent, too many comments have no significant meaning, and readers prefer to choose the book for yourself as the best.

The resource website is as we can understand the development of computer history. The website of C related figures can also give us the most valuable reference and reference, the following people we think that there is not introduced, only because of the following The characters are well known in the C field, we only carry out relevant resources for readers to learn, they work in Bell Lab, some work in well-known compiler manufacturers, some are constantly promoting the standardization of language, and some Write a number of thousands of antiques for the reader ... bjarne stroustrup Stanley B. lippman (Chinese version http: / / Scott Meyers David Musser Bruce Eckel http: // www. nicolai M. Josuttis Herb Sutter Andrei Alexandrescu Houjie http: // www. Mr. Mengyan is busy, obsessed with technology, no personal homepage, and the work of Mr., can be accessed through the 9CBS column and Hou's homepage. Mr. Glory Pan Aimin In addition to the homepage of the master, the following comprehensive class C learning reference site is We are very willing to recommend them to you: CodeProject codeguru Dr. Dobb's journal C / C USERS Journal Http: // AllaboutProgram Other information ISO IEC JTC1 / SC22 / WG21 - C : Standard C authority reference http: // C FAQ Lite - Frequently Asked Questions: Most Comprehensive C FAQ C / C News Group: You may wish Try to ask questions and answer questions here, a lot of good Q & A resources ....... Alt.comp.Lang.Learn.c-c is simple, if you are a rookie like me. Comp.lang.c . Moderated Well, this obvious level is high. Comp.std.c If you need to discuss standard C related topics

It is also a summary status when it has to be written, and it is a summary of the status quo and look forward to the future. Although C starts from a rebatula to C, all the way is hard to come, but in any way, the status of the industrial basis has been obtained. A large number of related resources listed in the article is the best proof, while the industry's large number of product codes written in C and a large number of C professional engineers are the most direct proof. At the same time, we can see that there is a C program in various colleges and universities, and the learning discussion of C has never stopped on the Internet. However, under the besieging of the two major business development platforms of Java and .Net, it is increasingly "no". C in the development of the company's software development, there are many ways to develop convenience than Java and C #, one of the problems is complicated in the C language itself, the learning curve is steep, and another problem is C standardization time too long. Lost a lot of growth, spending a lot of effort to fight between vendors, and C standard library is still lacking too much about too much content, each third party library and framework It is not possible to compare with the framework provided by consistency and integrity. Is C really want to withdraw from the historical stage? From C 's current activity, and the application status is completely affirm that C is still the foundation of the software industry, and it will not withdraw from the historical stage. From Boost, Loki, we can also see that C is very active, which is very radical for new technologies, and C is still widely received. From the application of ACE in high performance communication, the library of MTL is in the field of numerical calculations, we can see an irreplaceable role of C in high-performance applications, and memory restrictions such as embedded systems Platform, such as Symbian OS, C has played and will play a greater role. It is foreseeable that the subsequent software is from the application of the upper layer, and its undercurrent core is written by system-level software such as C / C , such as Java Virtual Machine, .NET FRAMWORK. Because there is only such system-level software to exert the function of the machine. It is necessary to see two trends, a trend is C more complex, more academic, through template, etc. The more and more delicate libraries become a modern C hotspot, although in the use library to achieve new The programming paradigm, and even the design model, etc., it has also been aware of some tools that can be easily developed, but more is to make C more powerful, more complicated, and more difficult, it seems to be more college I have to say that it is developing marginalized roads. Another trend is that C has gradually exited in mainstream enterprise application development. The enterprise software development such as ERP will not consider C , unless you need to consider integration of legacy code. C is resolved to the system level language, which has become the foundation of the software industry is the general trend. However, reflecting, is it really defried? Since STL appeared, countless people started to support C , they used "I saw late night disappeared, the target software project appeared. I saw the maintenance code." Yes, STL is doing maintainability Such excellent.

But what? STL is a road to modern software engineering, and this site is not alone in C in the field application software development field, and many programming languages ​​do very well, and crazy supporters will not hesitate to say we. C should be supported because it is the best language in the world. And frankly, your waist is really hard? Maybe just escape some facts. C is excellent, this is undeniable that STL's emergence makes C once joined the most brilliant moment, but now it seems ... I am once said that people who really approve the STL application very conservatively There is no more than 200 people in China, and may not join STL to make C to develop better to it, and now, C should also look back to the holy place that really belongs to him ... Reference information This article Refer to the following resources: 1. "Programmer" in February 2004, March, "C programming four books" glory 2, Shuimu Tsinghua BBS C Essence Zone 3, 4, Http:// 5, 6, C / C Developer: Enrich your XML toolbox XML / X-CTLBX / INDEX.SHTML


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