C # original code dynamic compilation function implementation method 2 ~

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  75

Original: http://ms.mblogger.cn/minBear/posts/2530.aspx

C # original code dynamic compilation function implementation method 2 ~

Using microsoft.csharp; using system.codedom.compiler;

CsharpcodeProvider _scp = new csharpcodeProvider (); CompilerParameters_cp = new compilerparameters ();

_Cp.generateexecutable = false; _cp.mainclass = "codecompile.runexpression";

_Cp.outputassembly = "runexpression.dll";

_Cp.includedebuginformation = true;

_Cp.referencedassemblies.add ("system.dll");

_Cp.generateinMemory = false;


_CP.TREATWARNINGSSERRORS = false; _CP.CompilerOptions = "/ Optimize"; _cp.tempfiles = new tempfilecollection ("..", true);

_SCP.CREATECOMPILER (). CompileAsessemblyFromSource (_CP, this.txtcodecontent.text);

// Note: this.txtCodecontent.text is the original code content, my test original code is as follows:

Using system; using system.io;

Namespace CodeCompile {///

A summary description of /// runexpression. ///

Public class runexpression {public runexpression () {// // Todo: Add constructor logic //}

Public void Run () {INT i = 0; INT J = 1;

INT m = i j;

System.io.StreamWriter_fs = new system.io.streamwriter (@ "E: /1.txt", true); _fs.write (system.datetime.now.tostring ("YYYY-MM-DD MM: SS") _Fs.close ();}}}


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