Objects in ASP.NET
First, named space
Just a code of an image, it can be roughly expressing the situation of it.
The most common namespaces most common when using ASP.NET to create a web program:
System.Web; System.Web.ui; System.IO; System.collections; System.Diagnostics; System.Date; System.drawing; System.xml
Use of Response.Redirect:
Void Page_Load (Object Source, Eventargs E) {
IF (! (@postback) {Button1.Text = "OK"; DropDownList1.Items.Add ("http://www.sohu.com"); DropDownList1.Items.add ("http://www.sina .. "); DropDownList1.items.add (" http://www.163.com ");}} public void Click (Object O, EventArgs E) {response.redirect (DropDownList1.SelectedItem.text);} script>