Common Lisp for Emacs

zhaozj2021-02-16  95

Find a GNU Common Lisp, which can be integrated into Emacs. Now you can learn from Lisp and Emacs: EM22:. Http://

I have changed some of these settings to comply with my own environment, gcl1.bat: The following is the program code:

@echo off set C_INCLUDE_PATH = F: gnuGCLisplibgcl-2.6.1h path F: gnuGCLispmingwin;% PATH% F: gnuGCLisplibgcl-2.6.1unixportsaved_gcl.exe -dir F: gnuGCLisplibgcl-2.6.1unixport -libdir F: gnuGCLisplibgcl-2.6.1 -eval "(SetQ Si :: * allow-gzipped-file * t)"% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9


The following is program code: Loadf.lsp code to load files on window WINDOWS GSN 17 Sep 2003

Edit The Directory Path Below for your Directory; Put this file Directly Into C:; WHEN You First Start GCL, Enter: (Load "C: /Loadf.lsp"); THEN You Can Use Loadf to Load Files: (LoadF " mydir / myfile.lsp ")

(Defun Loadf (fileString) (contatenate 'string "f: / gnu / emacs / home /"; edit this! filestring))))

.emacs: The following is the program code:

;; SET GNU Common Lisp (Set-Variable 'Inferior-Lisp-Program "f: /Gnu/gClisp/bin/gcl1.bat") (AutoN-Lisp "Fi-Site-init" "" "" "" "

Then you can use (LOAD "f :/gnu/gclisp/loadf.lsp") to specify a work path, so it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, just enter trouble; but if you want to use, you need to pay attention to it "/ "To separate the path.


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